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~Get Cliqued~'s LiveJournal
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Below are the 14 most recent journal entries recorded in ~Get Cliqued~'s LiveJournal:

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Silence
    Thursday, February 27th, 2003
    9:06 am
    me begging here...>
    Hello, I have a serious problem and I need as much help as I can get at this point.
    I run a clique called "lj addict" and I seriously need banners or blinkies for the clique.
    I'v asked a few communities and I've had no luck whatsoever.
    So if one of you or a few of you could please help me you will get credit on the site and we do get a lot of hits so that's always cool.

    Check out the site here.
    So sorry if this will be considered a cross post but I don't know what else to do except ask a few communities.
    Thanx in advance to anyone who will help the clique.
    follow the herd.
    Friday, February 7th, 2003
    12:05 pm
    I am new to this community and have a request
    I have been looking for a community that could be able to make me a banner. I have found you guys and would like to request a banner. I would like the banner to have this picture. You could put any font that you desire. Can it be possible to have the name blink or do something like that? Thanks. I would really apprecite it.
    follow the herd.
    Wednesday, January 8th, 2003
    10:50 pm
    A Friend In Need's A Friend In Deed. My Japenese Is Better
    Heya all,
    i just discovered this rad community. rad? since when did i start saying rad? bah!

    anyway, I have one clique open: ..:Fuking Beautiful:.. and I am also working on several other cliques which I hope to get up and running soon.

    anyway, i shall be off to sleepy times. ooohhh! before i go, i dont have paint shop pro, so would any of you sexy sexy people out there be willing to made a blinkie for me to use as a code? i will give you... umm... i dunno. whatever i have?


    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: "Pure Morning" - Placebo
    follow the herd.
    Thursday, December 19th, 2002
    3:30 am
    Hello I just joined {hi trinity} ..and i run a clique of sorts for Lj addicts and well..all my blinkies got deleted by my image host and stupid me didn't save them to my hard drive.
    I need someone or someones to help me with blinkies or just little buttons that say lj addict on them.
    You can check out the web site here>>>

    Now you can see my horror! I hate these graphics but their all i have left and I'm blinkie stupid.
    If you'd like to help me out I'd give credit. :)
    follow the herd.
    Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
    11:06 am
    New Cliques!!
    Hi all~ I'm new to the community. ^^ Here are two cliques I created that anyone who's interested can join:

    I'd appreciate if these could be posted in the community user info too! Thanks =)

    *10,000 cranes
    (a clique for hope, friendship, love & peace. Truly something to remember and exercise today...)

    i resemble //
    (a clique for those who resemble ficticious characters...)


    Current Mood: hopeful
    1 sheep - follow the herd.
    Saturday, August 17th, 2002
    5:01 pm
    The main point of this post is to say, "Hi, I'm new!", but my friend Tarla would like me to point out that she owns a ton of cliques over at, and she's trying to get other people to take them over. If you'd like to do that, she'd really appreciate it, and I figured this would be a good place to advertise it. ^^

    I own a clique, I Don't Wanna Grow Up, which is getting to be pretty popular. ^_^

    I hope to hear about lots of new cliques here in the future!

    Current Mood: okay
    3 sheep - follow the herd.
    Tuesday, July 9th, 2002
    2:22 pm
    too cute....
    I thought this clique was really sweet!
    follow the herd.
    Sunday, July 7th, 2002
    3:21 pm
    I joined the community a while ago, and uh I have a clique see -> Freakish. Uh, and thats it...

    Current Mood: bored
    2 sheep - follow the herd.
    Wednesday, June 26th, 2002
    5:18 pm
    Clique! (er, fan collective)
    like ours german

    I just created this today (during the night while online, really), and it's for all fans of German World Cup Soccer Team, or just fans of World Cup Soccer in general, and don't care who wins, though more for the German fans! :)

    Just thought I'd do a little promotin'!
    2 sheep - follow the herd.
    Tuesday, June 25th, 2002
    6:23 pm
    new clique....
    Would anyone be interested in helping me make blinkies for a new clique? I would give you credit of course and return the favor ;)
    6 sheep - follow the herd.
    Monday, June 24th, 2002
    4:14 pm
    Hello! Just joined today, and for those of you that don't know me, I'm Silver. Quite new to clique joining, though it soon joined my list of addictions.

    So far I have one Clique of my own:

    Though I do have some ideas floating around!

    Also, I'm loving the sheep theme! Very cute! :)

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: Foo Fighters - Learn to Fly
    2 sheep - follow the herd.
    Sunday, June 23rd, 2002
    11:32 pm
    Awesome idea Trin. I have started a clique and a webring for cliques. Here's the webring



    I © My Clique



    Here's the clique...
    I ©

    Hope you don't mind I posted about the webring.

    2 sheep - follow the herd.
    9:41 pm
    welcome message...
    Welcome to the brand new clique community! I hope that this will be a great place to find and promote our cliques as well as make some new friends!
    My name is Trinity and I have created 2 cliques of my own...
    I have also joined tons of cliques and am sure there are more to come!

    Happy Cliquing!!!!

    Current Mood: ditzy
    Current Music: crystal method
    1 sheep - follow the herd.
    Monday, June 24th, 2002
    12:38 pm
    Hey anyone. I joined up Trin, so where is the candy you promised, hehe lol. But a very sheepy look, but it is cool. I"m with the Grunger Herd, ehe. Anyways I will from this day become a clique collector, so yeah. Hugz. Mia.

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: Manson - Coma White
    2 sheep - follow the herd.