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Below is information about the "Dear Diary Icons" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:deardiary_icons (1101912) deardiary_icons
Name:Dear Diary Icons
About:This is a community for the sole purpose of posting icons that are shareable. You'll notice that the artists here will be taking requests for icons and layouts.

We take great pride in our work, and have no trouble helping out, but please understand that we too have lives, and cannot devote ourselves to you. Please be patient, and above all, show respect.

Please don't waste our time by posting negative feedback. We love our icons as much as JC Chasez is flaming, showtunes, gayer than Elton John, gay.

Last but not least, comment! Feedback is always appreciated.

Things to keep in mind at Dear Diary Icons and Layouts:
-**All members of Dear Diary Icons and Layouts have the access to reply to posts started in the community. Currently, only community icon-makers have access to start new posts in the community. This is to prevent unsolicited icon requests, etc. We will continue running the community this way until such a time as it seems wise to change it. When the time comes for you to say something in the journal, there will be a place for you to leave a comment. :) **
-When an artist is taking icon requests, they will make a post asking for them. The same goes for layouts.
-When an artist has time to help answer icon and layout related questions, they will make a post.
-Please always ask questions and make requests in the right posts.

Icon/graphics/layouts artists:

If you are interested in joining the Dear Diary Icons and Layouts team, please email a sample of your work to eri[at]jazzykitty[dot]com, along with a little note and your livejournal username.

To link to Dear Diary Icons and Layouts, you can use this button:
Interests:24: animated icons, backgrounds, celebrity icons, desktop, free icons, free layouts, friends-only banners, graphics, icon community, icon help, icon tutorial, icons, layout community, layout help, layout tutorial, layouts, livejournal icons, miscellaneous icons, personal pictures, photoshop, photoshop tutorial, psp, psp tutorial, wallpaper. [Modify yours]
Members:369: 0ne_voice, __addiicted, __doloreshaze, __infamous, _crushedviolets, _eyeroll, _lullabies, _materialistic_, _neeli, _robson_, _sexandthecity, _star_lit_kiss_, _staytrue, _touched, _whatever, _xmestupkidx_, a2k_, adambanana, addictivedesign, ademazangel0713, afroallie, alcyone777, allofmex40, alturego, ambitions, andrea_brite, ankhbrat, armybitch, arsenic_dreams, ashbdash, babydollxoxo33, ballinislife13, barbie_wannabee, bassringer, billabongurl707, blacknred, blaklily, blinkie_goddess, bliss_angel, blondeqt505, blue_night, blue_qlitterz, bluepalmtree, blueskies14, blxndish, bohemianlullaby, bombasticluv, br0wn_eyed_girl, breakd0wn, brianned, bridgi343, broken_smile, brokenxthoughts, brown___chicano, bruises_fade, brwnxeyedxgirl, buddingstarr, buffygirlfranny, buriedb4death, buzzzzzzzzzz, caitlinjf30, capturedheart, carebear_dani, carino, carmen_5ive, carondoiel, cashed420, cassxrocksxyou, ccbabe1689, chani_sama, chasezangel, chasing_truth, chelle_branch_, chesirecat88, chickwithwings, chillybean, chrisboobfat, cloudy_skiez, cmt2356, cookiecrunch, coreycoreycorey, crystal_tearz, crystalizdtears, crystalness, d0rkiied0rk, daddyzlilbich69, dahling_rosie, dancing_faeries, dapoetess, darkangeldaria, darkfallenangl, death_angel69, destinyjade, destroycole, disasterpieces, ditzyprincess69, dnceforce, dreamer8876, dreamerr, dreamtrance, dreamysecrets, drift3r, dry_eraser, dukeshedevil, ecctv, ellyscastle, em0_sar, emocookie, emptyness_, er0tic, erinbonnie, eternaloblivion, evesfireflie, evildevilwhit, existtoinspire, faerie_girl101, fennytown_chic, flameofdeath, fo0lishheart, foolish__heart, forceofisis, frau_cookie, frenchxfry4603, frosty_lover04, fuck_a_duck, fucking_joey, fuzzyspongehead, gabygirl, gaviidaegrrl, gigglesgirl326, gingski, gir_stalker, gloss_, gofishy, goodsappy, goofy, grassbeetle, guccihatgrl, gurrl_abunda, harmony986, hellosarah, hesgot_thebeat, highasakite, hoolahhoop, hoopsnhugs, hopeful18, hotxpinkxmaui, howiwonder, iamconfused1286, icicledreamer18, iconcandie, iconsdeboheme, imaginaryfields, imagine_peace, indieannajonez, infatuatedwyou, infinite_icons, infinite_time, innocentbtch47, innocentdeceit, irishrage17, itslillers, ivy7, iwant2believe, jacetinluvrrrr, jadedmisery, jason__behr, jawequon, jay88, jdflip55, jeniferlynne, jesssmiles2042, jostallynn, jrtssweety, jt_so_sexy, juicyretard, justinrox, justinssunshine, justjess217, justygirl82, kandykisses221, kaoslappy86, katernater, katiem1982, kattimichele, keena_shnub, kimdmarks, kimmy_rose, kirkygirl1, kissme117, kissmytearsx, kittykat_heigl, kttyracer, la_diabla, lancezbbw81, lanslady, leopardgirly, lesleymoon, lexie_meow, lil_miisz_ruby, lilbassgirl88, lilibel, lipgl0ssity, loserfied, lovablerachrach, lucky_duck_hula, lucy_angel_liu, luxury_icons, lynngabrielle, mandalony, mandiep24, mariposamaricel, marz_bar, megansync, meggiez, melody0563, miakitty69, mimmy, minoritycruz, misjudged, miss_lis, miss_nv, missbehave01, missindependent, misskiwitwist, mommyandwife, motivateme235, mrs_doodykins, msbutterfly, multifaceted7, muruch, musical_angel, musicd0rk, mutt182, mxangel, nawtilishuz69, naxareth, neopersona, nickidmanrox, no_m0re_tears, noonelikesyou, nothing_to_say, obi_wansgirl, obsessed_gabby, oh3av3nlyang3lo, parisxhilton, peachesncream19, peachpawz, perfectsquare, pessimistchick, pillywiggin_fae, pink_lemonade_, pink_lemons, pink_thong, pinkcrush, pinkrose7, pinkythedork, pixie_menagerie, pizdoffprincess, plentyofdreams, poeticremedy, preciousm, princess_me, princesschantel, princessninja, pryncesssabrina, psivampchick, pugappeal, purdy, quistisfan, r0ckurb0dy, randomscreamer, rawr_its_anna, rayneia, rebekca1, redbandana, rinki, rockchic22, rockstarbug, rorylie, runerinrun, sara_sidle_4eva, sashiefaerie, saveyourfork, schizofied, scooby_bubbles, ser3ndipity, sexii_megz, sexxxy_tee, shazamy, shazazm, shiizziie, shortnsassy625, silv, silverdoor83, silverjoirde, slashfreak, slave2thevibe, smoondancr, snarcasm, socratic_irony, soulsearcher91, southernbabie, sparklieshell, spunkigreen, st3ph, stabbed, standbythee, star_dust8, starturtle0977, strrynight2004, supastyler, supaxfly, superd0rk, survived_it_all, susannajane, sussie, swe3taznchick, sweet_0ne, sweetestthing21, sweettest_thing, sweetxsuducti0n, swtkisses85, szep, tainted_ecstasy, taurus_gurl25, taz4lance, teawithashadow, teenylynne, tenderly_faith, thaisa, thatgirlontv, thisbustehalo, tinkrbel, toastysoul, toxica939, truelove829, tryanddie, twilighttodusk, unicorn_, vampibella, vanityruins, veildaffliction, versacii, viciousxheart, vintagevixen420, vomitcock, walk_alone, wildncrazyd, windtornwings, winglesswidow, wooha34, x_hippie_x, xalwaysforeverx, xanderbelle23, xbaybiegurlx, xdevilsx, xjor259xx, xkiss_me_hardx, xnicax, xnosympathyx, xodirtypop, xofighterxo, xoswtdreamsxo, xsw33tkissezx, xx_paperheart, xxblack_ravenxx, xyouarethemusic, yummyangel
Watched by:245: 2tainted2bepure, __addiicted, _angsty, _lullabies, _materialistic_, _robson_, _sexandthecity, _star_lit_kiss_, adambanana, addictivedesign, ademazangel0713, aevia, akte_icons, alcyone777, alturego, armybitch, arsenic_dreams, babyfreak69, ballinislife13, barbiedollslut, billabongurl707, blaklily, blinkie_goddess, bliss_angel, blue_night, bluepalmtree, blueskies14, blxndish, br0wn_eyed_girl, breakd0wn, brianned, broken_smile, brown___chicano, bruises_fade, brwnxeyedxgirl, buffygirlfranny, buzzzzzzzzzz, caitlinjf30, caleco99, captivus_astrum, capturedheart, carebear_dani, carondoiel, cashed420, celestialstar80, chani_sama, chasezangel, chelle_branch_, chenin, chesirecat88, chickwithwings, chrisboobfat, cloudy_skiez, cmt2356, coreycoreycorey, crystal_tearz, d0rkiied0rk, d0wn2y0u, daddyzlilbich69, dancing_faeries, darkangeldaria, darkfallenangl, destinyjade, dglaura, distortedgirl, dnceforce, dreamer8876, dreamysecrets, dry_eraser, ecctv, ellemem, em0_sar, er0tic, eternaloblivion, even_star_girl, evildevilwhit, existtoinspire, fadedillusi0nzx, fo0lishheart, foolish__heart, forceofisis, frenchxfry4603, fuck_a_duck, fucking_joey, funky_girl, fuzzyspongehead, gaviidaegrrl, gir_stalker, gloss_, gofishy, goodsappy, guccihatgrl, harmony986, heathero12, hopeful18, hotxpinkxmaui, howiwonder, humanxerror, iamconfused1286, icicledreamer18, iconcandie, iconsdeboheme, imaginaryfields, indieannajonez, infatuatedwyou, infinite_time, innocentbtch47, innocentdeceit, itslillers, iwant2believe, jadedmisery, janie666328, jason__behr, jawequon, jeniferlynne, jillnbob, joiness, jostallynn, jrtssweety, juliet233, justinrox, justjess217, justygirl82, kandykisses221, kaoslappy86, katernater, kelly__c, kimdmarks, kirkygirl1, kst3r, kttyracer, l3rokentearz, la_diabla, lanslady, lesleymoon, lexie_meow, lilibel, mandalony, mandiep24, mariposamaricel, marz_bar, megansync, meggiez, melody0563, miss_lis, missindependent, misskiwitwist, muruch, musical_angel, naxareth, ...
Member of:1: paidmembers
Account type:Free Account

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