Blue Rabbit's LiveJournal
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Below are the 15 most recent journal entries recorded in Blue Rabbit's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, March 21st, 2002
    9:14 pm
    Just thought this quote was interesting:

    "The radio is nothing but a conduit through which pre-fabricated din can flow into our homes. And this din goes far deeper, of course, than the eardrums. It penetrates the mind, filling it with a babble of distractions, blasts of corybantic or sentimental music, continually repeated doses of drama that bring no catharsis, but usually create a craving for daily or even hourly emotional enemas."
    --Aldous Huxley, On Silence, 1946.

    Current Mood: blank
    3:56 am
    Recent dreams (last few days) seem centered on the same cast of characters: Mom, siblings, Obaachan, cousins, Lyle, and Lyle's Mom. There are peripheral characters too, usually evil, that don't leave strong impressions. Landscapes are bare, stark, and harsh. Colors are mostly grayish and brown. A lot of abandoned or crumbling buildings. Grimy people huddled around fires. Voices echo and carry far or are whispers. There's a lot of talking going on and problems that need to be solved. Everything feels shifty. I walk around a lot. I'm tired even in the dreams. I am weary. Most of the time, I am myself, but once in awhile I in habit someone else's consciousness/body.
    3:41 am
    In my morning sleepy state I write poems in my head, which I then forget when I want to remember.
    Fragments remain.
    What a drain.

    Hoppity hop of the soft padded feet.
    Yes, I'm in a weird mood. Getting close to the braindead state.

    Current Mood: weird
    Current Music: none
    Wednesday, March 20th, 2002
    4:50 pm
    Today is wash the blanket cover, sheets, and pillow cases day. I was going to repot some plants while I did the laundry, but I saw some finches and mourning doves that were eyeing the bird food, so I decided to repot after they're done feeding for today. I'm happy that a lot of birds are coming to the feeders now. Too bad I haven't seen a single hummingbird though. I wonder if they've moved on to another place before I put the feeder up for them. I stayed in bed for a long time--like 12hrs?--and wanted to stay there longer. So sleepy and drained. Ate crackers as usual. Lyle and I have been pretty good about eating oatmeal with banana slices and drinking orange juice, tea, of coffee with a vitamin tablet. Oh, we made wontons last night and they actually turned out decently :)

    Current Mood: complacent
    Monday, March 18th, 2002
    9:46 pm
    Dictionaries--I love them :)
    "Dictionaries are like watches, the worst is better than none and even the best is not quite true."
    --Samuel Johnson, 1784

    How can you look up a word in the dictionary if you don't know how to spell it? It is one of the mysteries of all time. If you have the answer, please send it to:

    There was an article in the Wall Street Journal about "The Dictionary Project" -- one woman trying to give dictionaries to every third grader in South Carolina and eventually throughout the country. If you're interested, the website is

    "Words strain, / Crack and sometimes break, under the burden, / Under the tension, slip, slide, perish, / Decay with imprecision, will not stay in place, / Will not stay still."
    --T.S. Eliot, poet (1888-1965)

    Current Mood: geeky
    Friday, March 15th, 2002
    1:10 pm
    Chocolate Mathematics
    It takes less than a minute............
    Work this out as you read.
    Be sure you don't read the bottom until you have worked it out!

    01) First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate. (try for more than once, but less than 10)

    02) Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)

    03) Add 5 (for Sunday)

    04) Multiply it by 50 ( I'll wait while you get the

    05) If you have already had your birthday this year - add 1752... If you have not - add 1751...

    06) Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

    You should have a three (3) digit number.
    The first digit of this was your original number (i.e., how many times you wanted to have chocolate each week)

    The next two numbers are......... YOUR AGE !!!! (Oh YES, it IS
    !!!!!!! )

    Thanks to Patty for sending this to me :) I was hoping I would somehow get "permission" to eat lots of chocolate and not have any negative consequences too--greedy me.
    Thursday, March 14th, 2002
    11:43 pm
    Excerpted from "The Invitation" by Oriah Mountain Dreamer
    It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living.
    I want to know what you ache for
    and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.
    It doesn’t interest me how old you are.
    I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool
    for love
    for your dream
    for the adventure of being alive.

    It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon...
    I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow
    if you have been opened by life’s betrayals
    or have become shrivelled and closed
    from fear of further pain.

    I want to know if you can sit with pain
    mine or your own
    without moving to hide it
    or fade it
    or fix it.

    I want to know if you can be with joy
    mine or your own
    if you can dance with wildness
    and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes
    without cautioning us to
    be careful
    be realistic
    remember the limitations of being human.

    It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me
    is true.
    I want to know if you can
    disappoint another
    to be true to yourself.

    If you can bear the accusation of betrayal
    and not betray your own soul.
    If you can be faithless
    and therefore trustworthy.

    I want to know if you can see Beauty
    even when it is not pretty
    every day.
    And if you can source your own life
    from its presence.

    I want to know if you can live with failure
    yours and mine
    and still stand at the edge of the lake
    and shout to the silver of the full moon,

    It doesn’t interest me
    to know where you live or how much money you have.
    I want to know if you can get up
    after the night of grief and despair
    weary and bruised to the bone
    and do what needs to be done
    to feed the children.

    It doesn’t interest me who you know
    or how you came to be here.
    I want to know if you will stand
    in the centre of the fire
    with me
    and not shrink back.

    It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom
    you have studied.
    I want to know what sustains you
    from the inside
    when all else falls away.

    I want to know if you can be alone
    with yourself
    and if you truly like the company you keep
    in the empty moments.

    © Oriah Mountain Dreamer, from the book The Invitation published by HarperSanFrancisco, 1999

    Current Mood: touched
    11:04 pm
    In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. -Robert Frost, poet (1874-1963)

    Current Mood: tired
    Sunday, March 10th, 2002
    7:46 pm
    "Navaho Blessing Way" meditation for walking
    This excerpt from a Navaho Indian song called "Navaho Blessing Way" is a great meditation for walkers. Read, meditate or chant it and watch your appreciation of your daily walks increase!

    My interior feeling cool, may I walk.
    No longer sore, may I walk.
    Impervious to pain may I walk.
    Happily with abundant dark clouds, may I walk.
    Happily, on a trail of pollen, may I walk.
    Happily, may I walk.
    Being as it used to be long ago, may I walk.
    May it be beautiful before me.
    May it be beautiful behind me.
    May it be beautiful above me
    May it be beautiful all around me.
    In beauty, it is finished.
    Thursday, March 7th, 2002
    11:18 pm
    A rabbit story.
    Among the hundreds of southeastern myths of the Creek tribe of Indians is one entitled "Man and Rabbit." Here is how it goes:

    Rabbit ate some vegetables from a garden, which made the farmer very mad. He started watching the field and soon saw Rabbit follow along the rows, eating peas. The farmer was very angry, and thought, "I will kill him."

    When Rabbit saw the man coming he kneeled down beside a big tree, leaning himself against it. The man came up and said, "I am going to kill you, Rabbit, for you have been eating out of my garden." Rabbit answered, "You can kill me, but if you do, you will die also. This tree holds up the earth. With my body, I brace the tree in place. If the tree falls, they say the earth, the sky, and everything will be wiped out and disappear. If you kill me, the earth and the sky together, and all things, will pass away."

    The man looked up and saw how the branches of the tree appeared to touch the sky. The sky beyond the tree seemed low to him, as if it were indeed about to fall. When he saw that, the man ran away, leaving Rabbit beside the tree.

    Current Mood: determined
    Tuesday, March 5th, 2002
    11:22 am
    "There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts." -Voltaire, philosopher (1694-1778)
    Friday, February 22nd, 2002
    9:54 pm
    Took the personality test on brandofreeman's journal
    I Am A: True Neutral Elf Ranger Druid

    True Neutral characters are very rare. They believe that balance is the most important thing, and will not side with any other force. They will do whatever is necessary to preserve that balance, even if it means switching allegiances suddenly.

    Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently conccern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.

    Primary Class:
    Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.

    Secondary Class:
    Druids are a special variety of Cleric who serves the Earth, and can call upon the power in the earth to accomplish their goals. They tend to be somewhat fanatical about defending natural settings.

    Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy ofNeppyMan (e-mail)

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: none
    Monday, February 18th, 2002
    10:30 am
    Mood: 3.5; energy is low
    From Anu Garg's website (
    I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers. -Kahlil Gibran, mystic, poet and artist (1883-1931)
    10:10 am
    Haven't made any entries for some time.

    "No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous." -Henry Brooks Adams, historian (1838-1918)
    Monday, February 4th, 2002
    11:31 am
    There is no character, howsoever good and fine, but it can be destroyed by
    ridicule, howsoever poor and witless. -Mark Twain, author and humorist
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