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Colleenie Beanie's Journal

Below are the 25 most recent journal entries.

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  2001.03.13  10.12
~*I'm Alive*~

Hello everyboddy.

My first game in the whole world (playing a sport against another team in a uniform with people watching and everything!) is tomarrow!! WE are going to play forest grove! I'm soo scared because I don't know if I will be starting or if we will lose or how much we will suck or anything and I'm really scared because my ankel really hurts and I don't know if I should tell coach again because I really want to play I just limp.

And then there's mark who I'm totally trying to get over except he is evil and i'm nieve so I can't but I try not to tell anyone because I know that they are just sick of the whole thing!! And then I always hear about all of these other girls who he likes and shit and I hate it soo MUCH! But I'm not going to worry about it because I have a softball game tomarrow!!
Oh and one more thing!! WE are going to whip century!! HA HA HAHA!! WEll time for me to go now!!

~Lots of love,
Colleenie beanie #8

Mood: calm
Music: I'm like a bird ~Nelly Furtado MY NEW FAV ARTIST!!

  2001.03.05  08.15

hello everyone,
it's colleenie beanie.
I hope you all miss me because I know how loved I'm!! OH YEAH!!

Just kidding,
anywise my ring finger really hurts because I tryed to ceach a fly ball and it kinda bounced off my hand!! I'm a retard!! GEzzz.

Oh kt guess who just walked into the libaray?? Josh....he's a retard now.

Well got to go!


Mood: awake
Music: ~Crazy KC &Jo; Jo

  2001.03.03  16.11
softball, school, and my HAIR!!!

Hello ya' all! It's been a long time since I wrote in my journal and that is because I have been really busy with my teck. class. I have been learning HTML Code.

I case you didn't know I'm now offically a member of the Junor Varsity 2 softball team!! Kt (fast), and renee and a bunch of other people made it! Our team sucks but we are getting better! I'm going to be right field. The one place I don't really have to worry about the ball. I'm so proud of myself because I'm getting much better at my grounders and also my accuricy when I throw the ball.

School is ok...I hardly ever see mark anymore and when I do he is with tiffiny! Make me barf!! But I really don't care.

Our varsity boys basketball team made it to state playoffs! But we lost to Lake Oswigo witch really sucked and poor james was all upset!! :(

And now I'm upset but now because of my team but because of my hair. I went to get it cut! And cut I did! The lady butchered it!! OH MY GOD!! It is really really short and really really icki!! Oh mann I hope peeps don't make fun of me on monday.
Well I dont really have anything else to say. I better go!


Mood: aggravated
Music: Blue eyes Blue ~Eric Claptan

  2001.02.18  16.08

tomarrow is softball try outs and i'm soo nervous!! I know that I suck most of the time and my mit sucks because it so soo small half the time I barly cheach the ball!! OHHH BOY help me god to make the team!!!!!

Besides that I'm doing pretty good. I feel really dirty today witch is really getting old.


Mood: dirty

  2001.02.08  14.54

hello everyone I'm back in gear....ok that was gay but anywise the school lets me go to this webpage in this class witch tottally kicks butt! Sorry the district monitors the computers and if they see me cusing then they will take my privilages away. But besides that I'm in health and we are doing our carrer guidence with this lady who is really really really annoying....she has this huge mole on her face and I just want to get a knife.
But besides that I finally got some lei's witch tottally kicks a*^ because they fit me like perfect and I also got some really cute dress shoes witch make my feet look good...I guess.
~K~ well i better get going my fingers are getting numb!!


Mood: hungry
Music: Jaded ~ arosmith

  2001.01.30  10.05
oh boyy

My weekend~
Well it was pretty good. I ended up not going to the movie with Mark and Katie because Mark got grounded and I didn't want to tag along so now she is mad at me. Hopefully she will understand! Instead I rode the MAX down to pioneer place with renee witch was fun because we went in to all of the stores and tried everything on. At the Gap there is this pair of pants that are cords and they are on sale for 29.99 but I don't think that I will ever be able to get them! OH well.

Then after that Sat. I just sat around and did nothing. Sun I went to turner creak park with my dad and faced the fact that I suck at tennis and that I'm not good enought to be on the team. After that yesterday I spend home alone with my bro, and sis until my mom came home and then renee came over and brought me some cute close. Witch i'm wearing today.

I come to school and since we had finals last week that means that this is the first day of the second semester. So STUPID frosh acedime put me in these stupid classes where I don't have anyone that I like except brandy and jessie and besides that I'm like a total loser. Ahhh I just want to die! ANd now I have nearly an hour left in this class and nothing to do but surf the web. I can't even check my email!! But life will go on and I will eventually become friends with these people but until then I'm screwed!!


Mood: awake
Music: Doesn't matter ~janet jackson

  2001.01.16  10.47
today is going to be a good day

I don't think I told you all about yesterday so here goes. As you may know i got over being sick this weekend when I broke my feaver sunday night. After that I have been really cool...renee on the other hand hasn't been. She is still sick and leaving school as i'm typing this. poor thing. Besides that we went to go see save the last dance yesterday and ran into whitney, jessie, and hannah witch was pretty cool. We sat with them and after the movie we went home. When I got home I was home alone because my mom was out shoping and so I decided that I would call mark. I did and he chewed his food in my ear for about 5 mins. THen He said. "well maybe the weekend after next on saturday you and I can do something." I was just like ummm ok cool and I got off the phone with him because he was going snow boarding. Then I looked on the calender and realised that the day that he wants to do something is also the day of winter formal. Soo I don't think that he knows that and I'm going to tell him. I doubt that he will be able to take me or anything but we could still do something that day. He he I was soo happy last night you don't even know.

I think that today after school I'm going to go get Katie to play tennis with me, so katie if you are reading this know that I'm going to call you.

well i have to do my refugee project. WRite more later.

~*Colleenie beanie*~

Mood: cheerful
Music: I'm not lisening to anything

  2001.01.11  10.17
Yo I'm in love....well not really just semi-

Ok well maybe I'm not in love. But I'm sure in Lust I want mark soo bad. ahhh. yeah yesterday I wrote renee this note telling her that I was upset because it seemed like Mark liked cassie more than me. AnD she is UGLY!! (kt look in the yearbook, under cassie seeling) she went to our school last year. Anywise she went up to him and he said that these girls keep coming up to him and that he doesn't really like them he is just affraid that they will get mad if he doesn't give them a hug...witch seems to happen ALOT. Anywise after Drama (when she talked to him) we were in the libaray and he keept saring at me and then again in english.. I felt sooo loved. He said that I'm the only girl that he really likes.'s that sweet.?? That is what I wanted to tell you katie. ummm I tryed calling you last night there is something else that I have to tell you about last night (i saw my cousin sara for the first time in a long time)
soo I'm going to call you sometime when I get home.

~*Lots of Love*~
Colleenie beanie

Mood: loved
Music: doesn't matter ~JLo (jennifer lopez)

  2001.01.10  10.31
dear journal,

well what can I say.?? I went to the game last night, I went to the freshman, junior varsity, and varsity games. It was pretty cool. Our freshman team lost to glencoe...junior varsity won and varsity won. It was really cool because I was really hiper and so everytime our team would score I would jump up and start screaming. It was soo cool.

Ummmm nothing else has happened to me that is very interesting. Renee wants me to come to the dance on friday and and katie wants me to come to the girls basketball game on Friday but of course renee doesn't want to go because she hates century and is completly terrifed of going to that school. CRAZY!!!

g2g...colleenie beanie

Mood: loved
Music: Still on your side ~*BBMak

  2001.01.09  06.05
Ra Ra Ra Spartian spirt!!

hello everyone I'm in my social studies class and in such a good mood!! Ahhh I love today. Well it didn't start out like this. I didn't get any sleep and then I had to run to the bus witch sucks ass for me because my bus stop is far away. Besides that what made my day better was the pep assembily that we had where our school prez. got to smash a pie in the faces of all of the other high school's prez. faces!! HA Ha Century SUCKS!!
And I get to stay after school to have our first c101 meeting.

Right now I have to do my refugee project but I really don't want to because it is soo boring. We also have finals next wednesday, thursday, and friday. Witch is going to suck for me because I have to study for math, french, and science. None of those classes I'm good at sooo I'm going to like tottally bring my good grades down.

~*Colleenie beanie*~

Mood: awake
Music: I can tell ~BBMak

  2001.01.09  06.05
Ra Ra Ra Spartian spirt!!

hello everyone I'm in my social studies class and in such a good mood!! Ahhh I love today. Well it didn't start out like this. I didn't get any sleep and then I had to run to the bus witch sucks ass for me because my bus stop is far away. Besides that what made my day better was the pep assembily that we had where our school prez. got to smash a pie in the faces of all of the other high school's prez. faces!! HA Ha Century SUCKS!!
And I get to stay after school to have our first c101 meeting.

Right now I have to do my refugee project but I really don't want to because it is soo boring. We also have finals next wednesday, thursday, and friday. Witch is going to suck for me because I have to study for math, french, and science. None of those classes I'm good at sooo I'm going to like tottally bring my good grades down.

~*Colleenie beanie*~

Mood: awake
Music: #6 on BBMak's cd

  2001.01.08  18.49
sucky sucky sucky today just sucked!!

Why is it that God Allmighty will not just let me have a good day today. I know I said earlier that I was having a bad day. Well that was just the begining. After that I didn't see Mark like all day so I thought that he wasn't there and then when i did finnally see him he was with two girls (WoW how unusal!!) after that cody made the rest of my day a living hell He keept saying that he didn't want to be my friend and that I shouldn't be sad about it but what he didn't know was that I wasn't sad about him I was said that Mark was ignoring me. So then he just keept writing me these dumb notes and shit.

After that I went home and called mark to see if there was anything I could do to "repair the damage" (because I just keept rejecting him and now he just hates me.) anywise my nosy ass brother pickes up the freakin' speaker phone and brodcasts to the whole world my conversation. Including to my mother who then chewed me out on the phone and then after I got off chewed me out for calling a guy. HELLO i'm in high school not ELEMENTRY school! THat pisses me off soooo much you don't even know.

Now I have a headache and I think that I'm going to go to bed early. Or take a nap or something. I don't know.

Well I should go now.



  2001.01.08  10.02
What do you mean "what the hell is my problem"??

Hello everybody. It has been a long time sinse I wrote in this thing. SORRY.

Today is a tipical good day for me, nothing important is happening to me except i'm really hungry right now. There is a rumbily in my tummy. We just took this test thing and we are suppose to get it back saying who we are compatable with. (I hope i get mark) NOT someone ickie!!

Besides that I'm wearing these pants of Renee's and they are bleeding on my vans so i have to clean them tonight.

My weekend:
On friday night Renee called me and asked me to go to the beach with her. My parents said yes, and the next day we spent at Cannon Beach. It was cool but Renee made me go with her to climb on the rocks and I really didn't want to but I did it anywise, i just don't like those rocks...they are sharp and scarry. Then we went home and nothing happened to me the rest of the day.
On Sunday my family and I went to this lady's house for lunch..(she is our hair dresser) she is really nice, and really cool. I got to sip some sweet drinks. After hanging out at her house until 4:00 we went home and I got a hold of Renee and I went over to her house. we watched the BBMak thing on TRL that she taped and screamed everytime a "fan" would touch them. WE ARE THIER TRUE FANS!! After that we did make overs on each other and tried to teach me how to dance with I can not do. Then I went home, and now I'm at school witch sucks because I don't know if Mark is here or not and my tummy hurts and I have to do all of these powerpoint presentations. AHHHHhhh sometimes I just hate school.

~*Colleenie beanie*~

Mood: hungry
Music: Rollin' L.B

  2001.01.04  10.28
today is a good day

Hi there homie peeps...GUESS WHAT??? I'm in teck ed again. I just got here I had an orthodontist appointment witch really sucked ass. And now I'm bored again.

Nothing really happened to me yesterday...I think that it finally set in that Mark really doesn't like me that much witch really hurts...but I know that if I offered that he would recive, the thing is that if I gave him my heart he would break it and so I'm not going to worry about him right now. He isn't as important to me as my friends, family, and grades and sinse he doesn't seem the be a "one woman Man" than I don't think I want to be one of the ugly girls that follows him around all day. If he wants to go out with me some day I think that I might say yes but he doesn't seem that interested in me right now.

Besides that Amanda gave me this purple old navy fleese sweater witch is really soft and stuff.




  2001.01.01  13.00
purpleperson strikes again!!

Today at 4:30 I will be tuning in to abc to watch the best collage football game in the world!! Were the Oregon Beavers KILL the "fighting Irish". BECAUSE THE BEAVERS KICK ASS!!!

Well now that I got that out..Renee called me from her friend's house in Portland and I have to admit her friends are really really cool. I wish that they lived out here. But then I would probibly be getting in to alot of troble. It doesn't really bother me that much that she went to portland because I truly doubt that they got in to any troble. (Have you noticed how i can't spell trouble?) Anywise besides that I think that I'm just going to chill out here at home today sinse there isn't anything to do anywise.

I can't wait until' tomarrow!! I get to go to school and show off my new blue vans witch are my prised possesion.

Oh one more thing..I tottaly recemend the movie Matchmaker with Jeanine Gerofilo (my spelling sux) it is a really cute movie I watched it this morning on the romance channel.

I have nothing else to say so...bye bye.

~*Colleenie beanie*~

Mood: crazy

  2000.12.31  16.51

hEY all!! My new years is tottally going to suck this year but that is ok I think that I can survive one new years not having fun. Hopefully this will be the only one. Besides that I spent the whole day watching TRL's top 40 of 2000 and then some of the disney channel's new years eve thing. Sooo I guess that you can say that the last day of the year 2000 was the most boringest days of my life. But thank god I'm going back to school on Tuesday I don't think that I can take much more of my family...ALL DAY!! IF this is bad immagine what summer break is going to be like for me! I can't wait to go see the new flick "save the last dance" with Julia Stiles it looks really sweet. Renee and I are going to go see it the night before the school dance. Witch I will probibly end up going by my self since Mark can't do anything...but oh well.

WEll I better go before my parents get home. My dad is being a major pain right now.

~*Colleenie Beanie*~

Mood: crappy
Music: Bye bye bye ~*Nsync <--it was # 1 on TRL Today

  2000.12.30  14.46
today is....

BORING!! I can't not wait to get back to school!! THIS HOUSE IS SOOO BORING!!! ONLY 3 DAYS UNTIL SCHOOL STARTS!! AHHHhhhhh yeah so anywise Renee is going to Portland anymore well at least not right now because none of her friends can pick her up. SOo she is going to the beach with her parents I think.

Besides that there is nothing to look foward to except getting back to school and as far away from my brother and sister as posible!!


Mood: bored
Music: champaign high ~Sister hazel

  2000.12.29  20.51

well what is up?? I'm really bored right now...I'm watching Norm on TGIF. If that is what it is still called. I think that I'm going to go grab me-self a creamsical. Ummmm that sounds good. Well I'm going to go now.


Mood: sleepy
Music: the t.v.

  2000.12.29  17.02
hello again

Well homie peeps as you can tell I changed the look of my journal witch now fits my name and my personality. HE HE...I had a not so good day yesterday in fact i wrote about it but I lost the connection as I was updating my journal. THANKS MOM!! Anywise I got in trouble yesterday when I went for a walk with Katie and then lyed to my parents about it. They showed up at brookwood and caught me but I lyed about it again. So I had to make up these rules for myself witch is cool because I'm not grounded from anything.

And now Renee is going to Portland tommarrow and she is going to spend new years eve at a rave witch worrys me because I have this feeling that she is going to get drunk or get sliped some exticy and then she is going to get raped. She just wants to see how far she can push herself witch has got to be one of the dumbest things you can do. But I think that ted is going to be there so hopefully he will stay cool with her and keep her out of trouble. She just wants to prove to her portland friends that she can be a party person just like them.

Everyone makes mistakes but it's the ones that learn from them that benift the most.

*~*Colleenie beanie*~*

Mood: dirty
Music: the bsb song is stuck in my head!!

  2000.12.27  19.23
Long time No see....

I just thought that I better update this thing before people start getting mad at me.

Soo ummm lets see..yesterday I had the best shoping day of my life when I went with my mother and we bought me a pair of dream blue vans!! They are really really cute and my prized possession. Along with the prettyest pink formal outfit witch I hope I will have a chance to wear sometime in the near future. I always buy the prettyist outfits and I never get a chance to wear them.

Besides that I went to see vertical limit with my family and Renee and Amanda witch was fun...but planning it wasn't. I had to change plans two times beause my parents wouldn't let me do what I wanted.

Mark is still in Hawaii and the more that I hear about him the more that I think I might cry. Amanda always talks about him to me, just like little storys about things that they did together and stuff. I wish that him and I could have some storys. *tears*

Well That is about all that is happening in my life. I don't have anything interesting to talk about.

~*Colleenie Beanie*~

Mood: mellow
Music: nottin' right now

  2000.12.24  18.48

as alot of you might know I don't get to join in to the joyest holiday of Christmas. Do to my family's religious beliefs. I do believe in God (as do my family) It just really sucks when I can't have that warm fuzzy feeling when I wake up on December 25th, and I can't call my friends and tell them that I got that shirt that I wanted or that my dad was actually a sweet father when we opened our presents. I miss out on soo much with this stupid religion. But I don't want to dissapoint my family when I grow up. Even though they know that I want to celebrate christmas. Right now I'm lisening to christmas music in my brother's room. Because that is where the computer is. i love christmas and I think that all of you out there reading this should be very greatful for the joy that you get from Christmas and if you don't recive joy from this holiday think of why you should.

Mood: content
Music: something on the radio....not quite sure what is called

  2000.12.24  10.53
the weekend sucks!

Mann my life bites so much sometimes. GUESS WHAT?? My favorate person in the whole world is staying home all next week!! MY DAD!! OH YEAH!! NOOOTTT!! GRRRRRrrr why can't he go to work and let me live the rest of my vacation out in piece. And now my mom wants up to go get our pictures tooken' and I hate doing that because I'm not photo genic at all.

Oh on another subject Mark never called me. Witch really didn't surprise me at all because Amanda says that he never calls people back. You know what is pathedic?? The fact that I can't stop thinking about him. I feel like sad that he is gone and so far away for so long. I just feel deserted. I told myself that this year I wouldn't like a guy unless he liked me he likes me but once again I'm setting myself up for desaster. I ALWAYS DO THIS TO MYSELF!!



Mood: groggy
Music: Whitney H. ~My love is your love

  2000.12.21  15.40

here we go...

ok so first I thought that Mark had left for hawaii this week instead he was home just never when I called him. I found out from Amanda that he went over to her house yesterday and so I called him. I woke him up and so I thought that it would be better if I called him back later. Anyways he is leaving first thing tomarrow so I thought that we could do something today. But he said that he need to pack...and he has a basketball game witch is starting any min. Than he has a church service tonight (his dad started a church and so he is the "preacher's boy") sooo he will not be back untill 12 days from now. He might swing by school on Tuesday (the first day back from school) but he will defenitly be coming to school on Wednesday. This doesn't really bother me that much even though I know that he is going to be with some girl...probibly more than one girl but that is the way that he is.

He is going to call me tonight at 8:30 witch I'm looking foward to because he is soo funny to talk to on the phone.

WELL.....Tjat is about all that happened to me...that was my mini soap opera. THE END

Mood: tired
Music: The theme to oprah

  2000.12.20  14.14

today I went to the mall with Renee and her dad. ANd I'm really scared because I feel like the spark that we had when we were first friends is like gone. And I think that she is getting sick of me or something. I don't know I just get this she doesn't have fun with me or something.


Mood: calm
Music: The t.v.

  2000.12.18  20.21

Sorry I'm just really bored. I'm online because the rest of my family is watching t.v. and I'm just sick of doing that. My dog had puppys a whlie back and we were selling them this weekend and now we only have one left. I feel sooo bad for the little fella. He keeps squeaking in his little box. I wish someone would buy him. If you want to see what he looks like you can go to: they are soo cute!!!


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