Worse Than John Kerry?
I had a feeling this story wasn't going to die yet:
Democrats are furious about a statement by Republicans saying that comparing one of their candidates to presidential candidate John Kerry would be worse than comparing someone to the Ku Klux Klan.
The dispute started when The New York Times inadvertently published a photo of Republican Senate candidate Pete Coors above a story about a KKK member who murdered a black sharecropper. The Times published a correction Saturday.
Cinamon Watson, spokeswoman for Coors, said the error was "so outrageous it's kind of funny. It could have been worse. Pete could have been identified as John Kerry."
I do have to say, it was a pretty stupid comment by Ms. Watson. I'm sure it was an on-the-spot remark trying to get a quick jab at Kerry - however, I think that other opportunities would have presented themselves in the future.
Granted, I certainly wouldn't want to be "identified as John Kerry" but given the context of the situation, a comment like that wasn't going to unnoticed. The Democrats certainly took the bait:
Chris Gates, chairman of the Colorado Democratic Party, demanded an apology. He said Democrats are "out there campaigning positively on the issues, and the Republicans can't help but resort to the lowest level of insult and name-calling."
Kerry spokesman Phil Singer said the comment was "the kind of thing people hate about politics."
I also wouldn't want to be identified as Chris Gates, because he is clearly a moron. For one thing, if the Kerry campaign wants to demand an apology let them do it. This wasn't a jab at the Democrat Party, it was just aimed the neanderthal they have as their presidential nominee. - or let Senator Robert Byrd, former KKK member, demand an apology - after all, its his former club that was being bashed right?
Second, where does Gates get the idea that Democrats are "out there campaigning positively on the issues?"
Positive? Issues? Since when have the Democrats had anything to do with either of these two words?
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Another case of Humorless Liberal Syndrome (HLS).
Now THERE is something we need to spend some money researching: where all the Democrats\' senses of humor went.
Comment by Silver Shark — April 25, 2004 @ 10:48 pm
Funny how a smear of an (R) somehow gets spun into a demand for an apology by the (R)\'s...
Comment by DANEgerus — April 26, 2004 @ 12:28 am
an apology for comparing someone to the head of a group who like to go out hunting blacks and hanging them from trees? Children too! What an asshole for wanting an apology. Fuck you guys are ridiculous. Didn\'t you all cry foul when someone rightly compared Bush to Hitler, what with their family ties through business and all? Lmao.
Comment by todd — April 26, 2004 @ 11:20 am
You have to wonder whether some Reich Whinge blahggers, like Instajackass, even realize the extent of their idiocy. On the one hand, they are esctatic over and in complete agreement with the condemnations made by the Hutton inquiry against the BBC for its lack of journalistic integrity regarding the accusations that Prime Minister Blair sexed up the intelligence on Iraq\'s WMDs.
Then on the other hand, they are busy propagating the absurd, idiotic, unsubstantiated accusations that some anti-war opponents, like British Parliament member George Galloway, were paid by Saddam to oppose the war. It\'s incredulous considering that the only basis for this claim comes from an article published in the Iraqi daily newspaper, al Mada.
Of course, Instajackass makes this astounding claim.
Can this be true? Of course not! The problem is that he doesn\'t wait and see but goes on to write no less than five more blahg entries about it with links to other newspapers and Reich Whinge blahggers who have picked up on and are propagating the original unsubstantiated story. Considering the amount of outright fabrications that have come from Reich Whinge journalists digging through old papers of the former Ba\'athist regime, one might think that these people would consider exercising a little journalistic integrity of their own. But no, it sounds good, it attacks their opponents, so why not run with the story that these people are guilty of a crime, even if there isn\'t credible evidence to support it.
Even more astounding is the fact that Instajackass is one of the self congratulatory retards who have been claiming that their shitass blahgs are making a difference in the world. Not likely if this is the sort of libelous direction they are going to pursue. I can only hope that the Hutton inquiry can spare a few minutes to condemn the actions of morally deficient Reich Whinge blahggers like Instajackass.
Comment by Robert McClellan — April 26, 2004 @ 7:33 pm
Another \"cut and paste\" job by a pathetic blogger trying to generate hits.
Nice try Robert, now run along.
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