Site FAQ v.0.1
Q. How
long has this site been around?
This site started back in September of 2001. Since it's beginning, it has found
it's way across 3 different webservers, several design changes, and in March
of 2003, the blog was added.
Q. Who
does the graphics
A. That would be I. I designed this site and the graphics.
I primarily use Adobe Photoshop 7. Photos on this site were taken with my Olympus
C4000z Camedia Digital Camera. Any graphics not designed by me, or photos not
taken by me will be credited.
What do you use to make this site?
A. I originally used Microsoft FrontPage 2000 and Adobe
GoLive 6 when designing this site on my PC. In the middle of March of this year
I got a new 17" PowerBook G4.
Q. Why
did you switch to a Mac?
A. After 5 years of crashing on my PC I decided to go back to a Mac.
After the release of Mac OS X a couple years ago I was immediately considering
switching back upon getting a new computer. When the 17" PowerBook G4 was
announced, I knew that was the one. Now I don't crash, and my machine actually
runs fast.
Q. What is The Matt Margolis Show?
A. During my senior year at the University of Hartford, I started my
radio talk show on the campus radio station, WSAM - which I called The Matt
Margolis Show. As of now, I have not gone back to radio, but I may consider
pursuing going back on the air someday. For more information on my former radio
show, click here.
Q. What is "Just Because You Disagree With Him Doesn't Mean You're Right"™
supposed to mean?
A. That was my trademark slogan for The Matt Margolis Show. It basically has
just carried over as the slogan for my website. However, it essentially means
that just because you disagree with me doesn't mean you're right.
Q. When do you find time to update this site
A. That's a great question. I have no idea. I really have no idea.
I am a full-time architectural designer, and I'm still a student during the
Fall and Spring while I go for my Masters Degree. I do my best to keep up with
blogging regularly, and during spare minutes here and there, I update other
parts of this site.
Q. What do you look like?
A. You can see me at the top of your screen. Does that satisfy you?
Q. Can we see more photos?
A. I don't see why anyone would want to. If for whatever reason you are interested
in seeing more photos, you are welcome to
ask. Requests from guys will be ignored.
Q. Are you a member of the VRWC?
A. Do you actually have to ask that question?
Q. Your bio says your in architecture, how did you get into politics?
A. I really started getting into politics in November of 2000. Which roughly
coincides with the Presidential election where Al Gore tried to steal the Presidency
from George W. Bush. The rest is history.
Q. Do you have a list of political issues and how you feel about them?
A. Yes. Please see the "On The Issues" section. I'll admit that that
page has not been updated in a while. So if you have any other issues you'd
like me to put on there, please
send me your suggestions.
Q. Are you ever on AIM?
A. It is very possible that I will be on AOL Instant Messenger when I have the
Q. Okay, so what the heck is your screen name?
A. I've decided to not put that information on my website. Therefore you must
my screen name via e-mail.
Q. Why are you fighting the campus leftists of your former school after
you've graduated?
A. Because no one else currently on my former campus will. When I left the University
of Hartford, the political climate was relatively tame. In the fall of 2002,
when the business of liberating Iraq was heating up, no one was doing anything
to counter the constant intruding presence of the leftists on campus. Knowing
my site received a good number of hits from the University of Hartford, I created
a section of my website devoted to countering the influence of the left wing
that were reported in articles and editorials in the school's student run newspaper
"The Informer" which I wrote editorials for during my junior and senior
years at the University of Hartford. Occasionaly, I submitted an article to
the Informer for publication. I wish I could have done more. If I had still
been on campus during that time, I would have done a great deal more.