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"When I speak I cross my fingers, will you know you've been decieved,I feel a need to be the demon." [18 Feb 2004|01:31pm]

[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | "Demons" guster ]

hmm, this community seems like somewhere where I want to be. i am a part of BBYO on connectict, the connecticut valley region (CVR) to be exact. i am in a chapter called RAM (which stands for Rabbi albert Martin) yaa, definently the coolest names chapter in BBYO. We get to have cool slogans like "ram it.." yeah..

Hit me up sometime..emmi062 <3em

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Muss [01 Feb 2004|06:55pm]
Hi everyone! I was wondering if any of you have done the Alexander Muss program (High School in Israel)? Let me know if you had a good time, what its like etc.! Thanks.
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yay! [26 Jan 2004|02:19pm]

Hey guys im new to this! i was PNKAZZ before, but that got screwed up so this is my new blurty name

<3, hallie
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Shalom! [22 Jan 2004|10:21pm]
Hey all, I'm Sarah and I'm new here...I'm SO excited that I found this community...YAY for a Jewish community out in the middle of cyberspace!
Well, I'll post more later. There is not much to say yet..
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excited! [11 Jan 2004|08:07pm]

[ mood | excited ]

Hey guys! im new to blurty and jewcrew and this is so awsome that we have a jewish community! :) yay for us jews!! are any of yall in bbyo?

<3 hallie

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I am proud [03 Jan 2004|03:25am]

[ mood | Proud ]
[ music | DMB-#41 ]

To all who love the JewCrew community:
I have watched this community grow from the ground up. If I'm not mistaken I was the 5th member of this community, and I have seen what has happened in the last year or so. I am truly proud of this community for constantly sticking together through thick and thin, through the hard times and the good times. This may sound a little sappy, but I dont see us as a buch of people who randomly talk to each other, I see us as a single unit, held together by this community journal. Nothing can and nothing will topple us over. We have grown in strength and in number. The world will hear us. Though I almost never post anymore, I used to about everyday. And though I almost never post anymore, its not as if I'm not there. I read this more often than you think. I watched as more and more posters became members, and I watched as you held strong when we were thrown down and insulted. I'm back in the game, now. Everyone in this community should feel proud to be part of it, and we should always feel proud to be Jewish. I know I am.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR [01 Jan 2004|12:39am]

happy new year to everyone. haven't posted in a while but i have nothing better to do so yeah.
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My son, the convert [30 Dec 2003|08:03pm]
A Jewish father was troubled by the way his son turned out, and went to see his rabbi
about it. "I brought him up in the faith, gave him a very expensive bar mitzvah, cost me a fortune to educate him. Then he tells me last week he has decided to be a Christian! rabbi, where did I go wrong?"

"Funny you should come to me," said the rabbi. "Like you I, too, brought my boy up in
the faith, put him through University, cost me a fortune, then one day he, too, tells me he has decided to become a Christian."

"What did you do?" asked the troubled father.

"I turned to G-d for the answer" replied the rabbi.

"And what did he say?" pressed the father.

"He said, 'Funny you should come to me..."
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Newbie [29 Dec 2003|07:16pm]

Just an awkward newbie here, who wanted to say hello to everyone. I hope everyone had a great holiday, (hopefully YOUR aunts didn't burn the latkes) and I hope to get to know you all better.

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Barmitsfa [28 Dec 2003|01:04pm]

Hello, my name is Page...I have come to repent, for all the sins, the lord has put upon me...I'm switching religions; to Jewish. To me this is the only way I can be forgiven for all my sins...I celebrated my first Chanukha this year, it was amazing...I have never felt so loved before. I wish you all the best, and to pray and support me in my crossover to Judiasm. I know you all will be off in this world, with all the love and fear in your hearts, you are you, and that is Jesus be in your heart and soul...I know he is mine, for I have opened a new door and closed the others, a door, just for he can see the light, and wash away the darkness...

Take my sins, take my sins, let me be anew, let me start over, for I have love to give as well as to recieve, I'm new young and fresh...let start over....

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Eight CRAAAAAZY Nights [26 Dec 2003|04:18pm]

[ mood | Jewish! ]

Man, it's been seven crazy nights, huh? One left to go. So to the Jew Crew, I wish you a very Happy 8th Night of Hanukkah!

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[19 Dec 2003|11:07pm]

id say happy hanukah, but i dont believe in hanukah anymore
now its all about gifts. what happened to dreidal and latkes and chanukiahs??
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hehe, so true! [20 Dec 2003|01:12am]

[ mood | amused ]

As the plane settled down at Ben-Gurion airport, Israel, the voice of
Captain came on: "Please remain seated with your seatbelt
until this plane will be at a complete standstill and the seat belt
have been turned off."

"To those who are seated, we wish you a Merry Christmas, and
hope that you enjoy your stay, ...and to those of you standing in the aisles, we
wish you a Happy Hanukkah, and welcome home."

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[Happy Chanukah!] [19 Dec 2003|01:59pm]

[ mood | happy ]

Ba-ruch a-ta Adonai, Eh-lo-hei-nu meh-lech ha-o-lam a-sher ki-d'sha-nu b'mitz-vo-tav v'tzi-va-nu l'had-lik ner shel Chanukah.

We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe: You hallow us with Your Mitzvot, and command us to kindle the Chanukah lights.
Read more... )

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music [15 Dec 2003|12:00am]
Can anyone suggest any good jewish/israeli music to me? thanks
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HEY [05 Dec 2003|07:11pm]

[ mood | bored ]

Hey. My name's TJ and I'm from Tucson AZ. I just joined this!

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Question on Israeli texbooks [03 Dec 2003|09:46pm]
I have a question to all the people who went to school in Israel. Do the Israeli text books have any bias against arabs? Do they call them derogatory names? Just wondering because someone told me they did. Thanks.
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Question on Israeli texbooks [03 Dec 2003|09:46pm]
I have a question to all the people who went to school in Israel. Do the Israeli text books have any bias against arabs? Do they call them derogatory names? Just wondering because someone told me they did. Thanks.
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[29 Nov 2003|03:32pm]

[ mood | pleased ]

hey. this is aviva... bbyo is soo amazing! my chapter got 7 awards at midstates!!!! the most out of any chapter!!
-Cutest Fundraiser for Scrapbook
-ORECHET of the Term
-Fundraiser of the Term
-Community Service Event of the Term
-Creativity Event of the Term
-N'SIAH of the Term
yay!! im so proud of ashrey bbg #1969!!!
sorry, i needed to brag about that for a little bit!!!
we just had a elections so now im n'siah (president!) wow!! :):):)

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[28 Nov 2003|05:34pm]

Third time lucky, maybe... I'm trying to post, but it's being annoying. My name is Heather, I'm an Irish Jew, and NFTY-NAR rocks my socks. That's all.
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