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Below is information about the "The Premier Rasputina Community" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:inourbloomers (234854) Paid User inourbloomers
Name:The Premier Rasputina Community
Location:Houston, Texas, United States
About:This community is for Rasputina fans...
Any Raspy related material is welcomed in the forum! You know what that means....and if not,check out the interests.

-moderator = Christine - [info]antichristine

-The current layout is the work of the amazing designstress April - [info]shadowedfaerie

-The current icon photo was given to this community by Symon Chow - [info]enero, the photographer who has done many of the press photos for Frustration Plantion.
Icon text added by me.

- Please note -

-Large or excessive amounts of photos need to go behind an LJ Cut. If you don't know what that is, check the LiveJournal FAQ on the help menu.

-Direct any maintence questions,post deletion requests,user pics (contributions are always welcome),etc to the email address given above...

-Check the memories section (the little red heart at the top of the screen) for basic questions, they may be answered already.

Memories:6 entries
Interests:63: abraham lincoln, agnieszka rybska, animals, anna sui, art, bloomers, cabin fever, cabin fever!, carnivals, carpella parvo, cellists, cello, cello rock, cellos, collages, conan o'brien, concerts, corsets, crisco, fairy tales, feces, fountain pens, frustration plantation, gorgeosity, history, hoopskirts, howard hughes, instinct records, jokes, jonathon tebeest, julia kent, k. cowperthwaite, ladies cello society, lisa haney, melora creager, mp3s, mr. e. leon rauis, music, my fever broke, nana, new york, rasputina, recitals, rollerskates, rose kennedy, rural louisiana, shirtwaists, silent films, state fairs, stickers, stripes, thanks for the ether, the ladies cello society, the lost and found, the olde headboard, the olsen twins, transylvania, transylvanian regurgitations, uncle coco, uterine plugs, victorian lifestyle, victoriana, zoë keating. [Modify yours]
Members:586: View Members .
Watched by:404: 10dimensions, 124vuerta, 141, ______keyhole_, ____feminista, ___slackerbitch, __electrique, _feral_, _mute_witness_, _somber, _special_ed_, abaratus, abhorrer, abnormalcy, adamdaedalus, addledgirl, admettre, adrenailine, aeillill, aeristar, aila_chan, aliceflight, aliceliddell, almostbrave, alpha_shell, amethyste, amnesiacinsomni, amybelle1210, amznmmdprncss, anangelscreams, anastasiare, anguishangel, animalslikeme, ankylosaurusy, anniwyn, antichristine, antisocialdolly, aoniedesade, artemia, ash_street_kid, asphyxiophelia, astralboi, atelier_alice, awayslow, ayanazen, baranoouji, batkat, batwinged, becs39, befuddled, belle_en_cuisse, bete_noire, bezsmertni, blackboxboi, blacknailp0lish, blodeuwedd, bloodybrown, blue_monkey, blueheijira, bluelulu, bopbopxo, bottledchi, bowlingshoes, bowlofbud, c0ma_13, caillean, canaryblack, cancrum_otis, candyqcknbsh, cara_mia, caramelplum, cathartic, cathedralheat, cato9tails, cellocore, cellosonata, centaurmoon, cerulescent, cesario, charlotte_anne, chauves_souris, cherryheavy, chinesebombs, circusfaerie, citizen_glock, cl___vge, cleanlikegod, clothdoll, clouddescending, coldermonths, corvar, critterz, cymri, czaria, darkbloodysoul, darlahood, dartini, das_hydra, davidray, deadish, deadlydull, deadlymist, deadpetalss, dedauw, degeneratemite, delirieuse, dellanotte, dimpsy, diseasedisorder, disfigurine, divertida, django24, dmaster, dolliemixture, dollygagger, dollzero, doncecil, dragongrl, dressed2depress, drinkmemercury, drugstorejesus, drunkinmimes, drunkontea, dullenvy, dustincropsboy, elasticgirl, elviret, erzulie85, esk, ethernal, evil_laugher, exitrealworld, eyemakeup, eyesonmywall, fae_de_la_lune, faeriesparks, fairyleaf, fakesunshine, fallen_fizzgig, fallensnowdrop, falsememories, fiercerose, fifthdream, filthyheart, fixinsumluvin, flirtswithdogs, fluffsqueek, fluttered_wings, foxfireash, frenchardnaxela, ...
Member of:1: paidmembers
Account type:Paid Account

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