Below is information about the "Pirates of the Caribbean Fans" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | arrrrr (862241) |
Name: | Pirates of the Caribbean Fans |
E-mail: | |
About: | A community for fans of Pirates of the Caribbean, the movie starring Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom, as well as for fans of the movie's actors. Drooling, pics, fanfic, links, gossip, anything PotC goes.
Please post large images (or multiple images) and fanfic behind the < lj-cut > tag, as well as spoilers. After the movie's been out for a month, don't worry about spoiler cuts.
Maintained by New! Pirate Wench cherrysher. |
Interests: | 16: elizabeth swann, eyepatches, fanfic, gen, geoffrey rush, het, jack sparrow, johnny depp, jonathan pryce, keira knightley, orlando bloom, pirates, pirates of the caribbean, slash, swords, will turner. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 502: View Members . |
Watched by: | 283: __kali__, _asil_, _babybunny_, _cankerblossom, _frail, _industrial_, _jack_sparrow_, addicted2life07, adi_bean, adidazkydd, adora_d_wyld, agent_gecko, agentpeeperz, agni_chakra, ahedonia, akuanaishinnou, alegriaverakai, ali_luvs_lotr, alleycatstrike, amelia_sparrow, anacoretta, anamariasparrow, angelspit, animegirl1234, anjelliclecat, annaal, apirateslife, ash_night, azn0titanic_, azziria, b_backup, beachbabi980, bedoflies, beejeebers, bell_unheard, berne, bete_noire, billtbond, blackpearl_girl, blissin_kittin, bloodied_aura, blue_hobbit, blurring, bohemianbeauty, bohemiangel, bouncyflea, bound_soul, cabayuki, candymcfierson, caribbeanswann, catslash, cenedrawood, cerulean_dreams, chaymia, cherrysher, chibikazz, chikkiboo, chrystalline, cinnamon_kisses, coffeegirl23, colderr, corialis, crazy_kat_chan, crazyboutjohnny, crazyfangirl, crazyluke, crazysweetness, crzy4orlando, crzy_dreams, curbthatimpulse, czeri, damnhooligan, dancing_panther, dancrchk21, de_ja_voo_doo, deadly_dreamer, defaultlyric, demoiselleangel, deven16, dhlpa, dillusioned728, disc_sophist, dralion_lily, dxmgirl, elven_freckles, emanon1, empyrealflamez, erinbud, eternallydivine, fair_guinevere, fajrdrako, fallenstar25, fangirl_lizzie, fangirljen, faula, firesignwriter, firving, flamedame, fringelement, frizzy_liz, fruitcake_angel, gabsy, gargoyles_rock, gelise, ghostiedollie, gigglegurl828, gileonnen, glindathegood, glittersavvy, grace_omalley, gummiwormsrock, haeroq321, hatti047, hazelfootloose, helloneko, hidden_elfling, hils, hobik, hokuto, holy_shnikes23, ichirofan51, iloverum, imogen_lily, indigojenn, iris_x, iwantcandi2, iwnt2ridemebike, jack4will, jackfan2, jacklover21, jacksparrowsavy, jadedlily, janetmweiss, janoufinn, jellybean84, jessmacphisto, jollyjulie, jonathan_nn, jondy, justajoyfulgirl, jyu, k_b_1313, kalari, katu, kazrenelf, kefira, keilana, keiqo_ish_baka, kellibean00, khohen1, ... |
Member of: | 4: caribbeandreams, jackdav, potc_fic, wenchbeast |
Account type: | Free Account |