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Friday, November 8th, 2002



Quinta-feira meu vizinho Chiquinho me deu carona até a UnB. Ele trabalha lá, na área de Veterinária, não sei com o que. Um senhor muito simpático, acho ele super gente fina. Considerando que eu estava atrasada e com frio (tava chovendo daquela forma chatinha, sabe? que molha e não molha), aceitei.

- Lá na Ala Norte, né?
(ele já tinha me dado carona uma vez, na época que eu tinha Latim no fim da Ala Norte, mas essa aula de quinta é na ala centro)
- É.
(Caroneiros fazem o possível para não mudar o rumo do motorista; ao contrário a mesma não surgirá em outra oportunidade)
- Vixe, esqueci o CD que eu comprei ontem... Posso ir lá em cima pegar?
- Claro.

(minutos depois)

- Pronto, tá aqui... O pirata que eu comprei ontem...
- Tsc, tsc... Coisa feia...
- Não, eu não costumo comprar cd pirata (já percebeu que ninguém costuma?), mas é porque eu tava na rodoviária... (pula o lenga-lenga)... Aí o moço me deu esse, que ele disse que é de música instrumental.

(Kenny G. Eu vou ouvir Kenny G sete e meia da madrugada! Tudo pela carona, Marina, tudo pela carona)

Ele me tira um do Leonardo do som (Chiquinho é bem breguinha, hein?) e me põe o famigerado Kenny G. O único problema é que isso que tá tocando não é Kenny G - tava mais prá trilha sonora dance anos 80 de filmes estilo Tartaruga Ninja do que Kenny G.

- Nossa, mas eu não gosto desse tipo de música, não.
(a essa hora eu tô me controlando prá não rir)
- Devem ter trocado as capas, não?
- Ah, sabe o que deve ser? É porque a capa tava quebrada e eu pedi pro moço trocar... Deve ter sido isso... Ele se confundiu.

Ingênuo esse Chiquinho...

current mood: giggly
current music: Mamas and the Papas - Dancing in the Street

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Problema resolvido

Agora sim você pode escrever seus posts da maneira "normal" adolescente:

Post Futilizador resolveu os seus problemas de adaptação.

Agradeça a Jesus

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heh Googlism fun-ness

carolina is a model of success
carolina is too polite to hit back with lame jokes
carolina is a nationwide search
carolina is my home video
carolina is a federation of 27
carolina is simply a great state in which to
carolina is important
carolina is confused about
carolina is great fun at the greater foscoe
carolina is our home
carolina is a competitive location from which
carolina is forming a usc disc golf club
carolina is the home o
carolina is the perfect destination for types
carolina is located at the intersection of interstate
carolina is getting
carolina is in a state of drought
carolina is my home
carolina is a database
carolina is rich in both diversity and quantity of water
carolina is preparing
carolina is my hero
carolina is one of only three teams in the country to win its
carolina is a modern pop style band
carolina is blessed with an abundance of natural and man
carolina is committed to reviving maritime
carolina is the
carolina is in the midst of systemic education reform
carolina is part of national trend with census figures
carolina is among
carolina is pretty
carolina is 40th in the nation in the number of companies
carolina is 2
carolina is a new statewide
carolina is a exceptional
carolina is in the
carolina is finer in final
carolina is a
carolina is an apartment rental
carolina is fuming mad; says ism destroying
carolina is a manufacturer of custom
carolina is unique in that some activities
carolina is part of a
carolina is great
carolina is the "
carolina is one state that ranks among the highest of the
carolina is no
carolina is an
carolina is teflon epithet
carolina is on a roll in
carolina is off to its best start
carolina is doing an online survey asking if people if they should change
carolina is easy to get to
carolina is
carolina is my home video an unforgettable tribute to north carolina from two of its most
talented native sons
carolina is a big pit of suck
carolina is a federation of 27 member organizations
carolina is simply a great state in which to live and work and grow
carolina is currently ranked 38th in the nation for adult participation in physical activity
carolina is known for smiling faces
carolina is a good home for responsible manufacturers © 1999
carolina is confused about 9
carolina is model for education reform passed by senate
carolina is great fun at the greater foscoe mining company
carolina is cool
carolina is launched
carolina is home to more than 20 italian companies
carolina is flooding quickly
carolina is forming a usc disc golf club and is in the process of moving towards the matching
basket program from the pdga
carolina is the home of the wright brothers' national monument and visitor center
carolina is located at the intersection of interstate 40 and nc hwy 54
carolina is getting better and also he has now had all of his shots so we can take him to parks
carolina is in a state of drought it's dry in north carolina
carolina is right on plutonium
carolina is right on plutonium by stuart lieberman
carolina is 500 miles long and 150 miles wide
carolina is about 260 miles long and 200 miles wide
carolina is a database maintained by the nc division of forest resources
carolina is rich in both diversity and quantity of water resources
carolina is preparing speaker
carolina is one of only three teams in the country to win its last five bowl games
carolina is in the northern hemisphere
carolina is a motorcyclists' rights organization
carolina is committed to reviving maritime ministry and regaining the leadership role it held
for so many years reaching back to 1820
carolina is the dominican republic
carolina is part of national trend with census figures showing dramatic increase in same
carolina is among the nation's top 25 in the season's final poll
carolina is pretty happy
carolina is 40th in the nation in the number of companies in technology
carolina is cooking
carolina is a new statewide initiative focused on enhancing our ability to live healthier lives by
reshaping policies and creating
carolina is an exceptional waterfront home with mexican style interior
carolina is a exceptional waterfront home located at spanish water bay in curacao
carolina is an e
carolina is truly a city for all seasons and a unique place to call home
carolina is fuming mad; says ism destroying good us
carolina is part of a national movement to restore property rights to all persons who are
members of a planned community
carolina is the coastal plain
carolina is home to a variety of beautifully conditioned golf courses that are always prepared
to challenge players of
carolina is a christian prayer coalition for intercessors in north and south carolina usa
carolina is a private
carolina is one state that ranks among the highest of the states in several categories of stds
carolina is the number one producer of fiber optic cable in the world
carolina is situated in the foothills of the blue ridge mountains
carolina is by couriers who exploit the interstate highway network
carolina is proud to present metropolitan opera star denyce graves in concert at the belk
theater in the north carolina blumenthal
carolina is one of the five original epscor states from 1980
carolina is preparing to launch the lottery
carolina is a chain of barrier islands midway on the atlantic seaboard
carolina is the university of south carolina
carolina is on a roll in the nhl last modified at 8
carolina is top dog
carolina is my home a webquest for 4th grade
carolina is street address city county zip code

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[ evapmisfit ]
quiz bandwagon

look! i made a stupid quiz about my old crew! haha... meh just thought id share so i didnt spend all that time on it for nothing.

Which MRG are you?

current mood: creative

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Today we sign refinance papers. Today we pick up Nathan's Mom from the airport so I had to go get the cashiers check while Nathan picked his Mom up. They aren't back yet, wonder if he got lost? When they get here we will go sign the papers. I bought cat food. I have decided to mix IAMS anti hairball with Meow Mix and see what happens. I want the cats to have the good expensive food but I want to eat too so by mixing them together hopefully we will have the best of both foods. We will see what happens. I gave Debbie, the customer service girl at Fry's an Avon book. She said her old Avon girl quit coming in so I guess that was good timing or something. She said she would call if she saw anything she wants, I go there nearly every Friday so I will just keep bugging her. The ladies at the bank do not seem to be into Avon but I continue to torment them with books.

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[ xforeverx ]
Man oh man, I don't know what I'll do if I can't make it to see Madball, DT, NW, etc. @ that Jersey place next month. It's not for a long while and I'm already thinking about it!!!

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[ childofpunk76 ]
Nicky Show gets sentenced today.


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Vou pro Rio no fim do ano!!

current mood: hyper
current music: Jorge Ben Jor - Que Maravilha

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just checking...

if you read my site, please post a comment to this message. even if you're not a live journal user. i want to see how many people actually read this.

because it's all about me, me, me.

~s~ xx

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my teeth are KILLING me. i think this piercing may have been a bad idea. but it does look rather neat...

and i have an ear infection. invision: ow ow ow. to give you a vague idea.

current mood: sore
current music: never is a promise by fiona apple

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Thursday, November 7th, 2002


on the other side of the galexy

I raked for 2 hours today and my arms are sooo sore! I wanna take a bath in a bit.
I am having a total tori day I dont get the cd until tommorrow but I love it!
Sarah just invited me to her nieces wedding in may! I havent had this before been this inlove or hopeful in a while! only 48 days until I move!
I love you sarah

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We had Fillaberto's for lunch. It is so hard to not eat out on Thursday! Regina also had a cappuccino waiting for me when I got to work! When I got home I gave out the rest of my Avon Campaign 24 books. I refuse to throw away a single book! Nathan is at Mike's so it is just me and the cats this evening. Time to go play Animal Crossing.

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I played her once

* Which Tragic Shakespearean Heroin are You? *

brought to you by Quizilla

current mood: sore
current music: Tori amos- Pancake from sarahs room

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A public post!! *GASP*


You're a LiveJournal Junkie!

Well, maybe you don't live or die for LiveJournal,
but it's what gets you up in the morning.
Guilty of reloading your friends page over and over throughout the day? Thought so.
Quick, get some fresh air - before you become a full fledged addict!
Are *You* Addicted To LiveJournal?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Too bad there's nothing of any real importance in it. Mwahaha! Goin to the mall tomorrow. Should be fun. Uuummmm...yeah, and fartin around the rest of the weekend, prolly. Byeee.

current mood: awake

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[ blindstars ]

i'm going to see the used at the metro in chicago on monday. anyone else going?

current mood: awake
current music: still breathing

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