The seal is kept in the custody of the Secretary of the Senate. Unauthorized use of this image is prohibited by law.  
The seal is kept in the custody of the Secretary of the Senate. Unauthorized use of this image is prohibited by law. The United States Senate
The seal is kept in the custody of the Secretary of the Senate. Unauthorized use of this image is prohibited by law. The seal is kept in the custody of the Secretary of the Senate. Unauthorized use of this image is prohibited by law.
The seal is kept in the custody of the Secretary of the Senate. Unauthorized use of this image is prohibited by law.

The seal is kept in the custody of the Secretary of the Senate. Unauthorized use of this image is prohibited by law.  
SenatorsCommitteesLegislation & RecordsArt & HistoryVisitors CenterReference
The Senate is the living symbol of our union of states. [Engraved on the Dirksen Senate Office Building in 1957 at the request of the Senate Office Building Commission.]

For information on Capitol tours, dial 202-225-6827.

for Monday, April 26, 2004.

1:00 p.m.:  Convene and begin a period of morning business.

2:00 p.m. : Resume consideration of the motion to proceed to S.150, the Internet Tax Moratorium bill.

2004 Session Schedule

Committees hold hearings as part of their legislative, oversight and investigative duties.  See a list of scheduled hearings.

The recently published United States Senate Catalogue of Fine Art is featured in the Art and History Section.