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Green Party of the United States

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1000 for 1000.

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During 2004, as progressives throughout the Nation gear up for a tough presidential campaign, the Green Party of the United States will continue its grassroots effort to build a viable third party.  The Green Party is the only party with a long-term vision that will not succumb to short-term politics. Beyond the temporary fix of a change in leadership in November 2004, the party has clear solutions to "lesser of two evil" choices and a divided progressive majority. As our two reigning "Leaning Tower of Pisa" political parties shift further to the right, more and more progressives, women, people of color and working poor are left with little, if any, representation in government.

The Green Party offers realistic, attainable solutions to restore our democracy and protect our valuable public resources. Throughout the country, more than 200 elected Greens are implementing policies and legislation that mirror the Green Party platform. These elected Greens better reflect the diversity of which America is comprised and share the values that are important to most Americans. The local, state and national Greens will continue to push for systemic reform of our electoral system. We will fight for Instant Runoff Voting, Proportional Representation and the elimination of corporate financing of elections.

We're growing! Welcome to the fastest growing political party on Earth! Nearly a half a million Greens in America are linked to Greens all over the world - and we are organizing to stop destructive economic policies driven by corporate interests and US military might.

A financial gift to the Green Party is a powerful way to restore democracy to America. If you are feeling that your vote doesn't count, that you are not represented in government and that the problems of the world are insurmountable - then you will be inspired by the work of the Green Party. A contribution of ANY SIZE will bring our shared vision for reform one step closer to reality. Please send your contribution today.

Please consider joining our 1000 For 1000 Campaign, designed to help us raise $1 million. The 1000 For 1000 Campaign unites small, medium and large donors in a single fundraising effort, by allowing donations from as little as $10/month for 100 months, all the way up to a single donation of $1000 or more. Click here to view the various options. Your 1000 For 1000 donation can also be shared with your state Green Party, assuming your party is affiliated with the USGP and state law allows (most do). Just check off the box that indicates this when you make your 1000 For 1000 donation.

We know that some people cannot afford to give even $10 month to the Green Party, or are not ready to do so at this time. And we know that some contributors can give more than $1000, even up to $20,000 (the maximum we allow if you share half with your state party). We ask that all people give based on their ability to donate, as our continued growth depends on this. Please donate the amount you are comfortable giving. Whatever amount you give, it will be greatly appreciated and put to good use.

Whichever amount you choose to donate, you will be giving a great boost to building your party and showing that we can raise the money necessary - without taking a penny from corporations or PACs - to run serious, platform-based campaigns with credible Green Party candidates. With the United States at permanent war and our constitutional rights at risk, there has never been a greater need than now for the Green Party.

To donate to the Green Party with a check, please print and complete this form (pdf).
Mail the completed form with your enclosed check to:

The Green Party
PO Box 57065
Washington, DC 20037

*Please provide your full name, mailing address, occupation and the name of your employer if your contributions will total more than $200 in a calendar year.  Contributions to the Green Party are NOT tax deductible.

For more information about giving green to Greens, contact kara@gp.org or call 866-414-7336.

Federal Law requires political committees to use their best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. Contributions from the following individuals and entities are prohibited: corporations, labor organizations, national banks, government contractors, foreign nationals, or people under 18 years of age. Contributions to the Green Party are not tax deductible.

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