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[Apr 14] From China, premier orders a halt to a dam project, and on measuring national success with yardsticks you've never heard of. From Peru, on the battles between conservationists and developers. From Australia, on today's young women as the new men. From Spain, hundreds of mink are on the loose--quick, call Peter Singer! A review of Spanish Recognitions: The Roads to the Present. More on naming a new Managing Director of the IMF. From Salon, Sean Wilentz on Condoleezza Rice, terrorism and history. Rarely have Americans been so sharply split over a war, and their choice of candidates, along such starkly partisan lines. Two reviews of Eugene McCarthy: The Rise and Fall of Postwar American Liberalism. Here are some of the ways companies figure out how to get you into their stores and spend a lot of money. And are the kids alright? Don't think twice, it's alright

[Apr 13] From Great Britain, why all this chat about multiculturalism's failures is a dangerous diversion, why CRE's Trevor Phillips is right, on taking heart from the history of the British Isles, and how British do you want to be? From South Korea, on Michels' Iron Law of Oligarchy and the National Assembly elections. From Brazil, government says it has kept forest destruction from accelerating. From Europe, a French MEP translates the first part of the draft Constitution into "txt msg". Howard Dean is for Ralph Nader, but not for president. Louis Freeh on targeting Al-Qaeda, and Jack Welch on what to do if Iraq is not ready for the June 30 sovereignty handover. How insurgents are targeting forces of smaller countries and exposing the weaknesses in the Pentagon's plans (and more). Here's a guide to the latest in Europe's campaign against terrorism. From Ideas, a review of The Empty Cradle: Freedom and Fertility in an Aging World. A review of Adam's Curse: A Future Without Men. For singles, April really is the cruelest month. And time to pay taxes--but who really is paying?

[Apr 12] From North Korea, the standoff over its atomic ambitions was on the brink of nuclear war. From Great Britain, Red Ken Livingstone returns to the Labour Party (and more). From Australia, Rupert Murdoch and his News Corporation will move to the US (and why Fox has higher ratings, when CNN has more viewers). 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey on fighting the wrong war. And on the US a rogue state: A display praising the merits of peacekeeping cites the US with the worst genocide in history; Amnesty International reports the US as one of just four countries responsible for 84 per cent of executions around the world; the US will break a long-held taboo and launch the first weapon into the global commons of outer space; globalization and the US pose a more serious threat to the world than war and terrorism, according to a BBC poll; Bush loyalists pack the Iraq press Office of Strategic Communications; and will the 2004 election be called off? Why three out of four experts predict a terrorist attack by November

[Weekend 2e]  From Pakistan, President Musharraf says Iraq war is draining resources from fight against al-Qaida. From Great Britain, a little-known political party is set to wreak havoc at the next Euro elections, and on the death of multiculturalism.  From Australia, on putting democracy "on the map", and how John Howard and George Bush resemble each other. From India, how leaders confuse fear with respect. How the battles in Iraq bring troubles for Bush and Kerry. On the myths and mysteries of picking a vice-presidential candidate. Former Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney hopes to make a comeback. How voter turnout affects the future of the nation. The US is on the cusp of what sociologists call a Great Awakening. Conservatives and liberals are on the same side in a new war on pornography. Will Hutton on rebutting fundamentalism. And a study finds the highest suicide rate in the world is among young women in South India

[Weekend] From Mozambique, a look back to the independence struggles of 1970's. From France, the wreckage from Saint - Exupéry's 1944 plane crash has been identified. A look at how EU law works and whose interests it serves. Nicholas Kristof on a Spanish lesson. Bob Kerrey says Richard Clarke is wrong about Iraq. Rescuing America: The limits of raw military power are being learned again in Iraq. Columbia's Mahmood Mamdani on terror and foreign policy. Here are 10 things you don't know about terrorism. Jimmy Carter explains how the Christian right isn't Christian at all. A profile of Karen Armstrong, former nun and author of History of God. A review of Re-Enchantment: Tibetan Buddhism Comes to the West. From Salon, Condi Rice's former grad school teacher says she has failed to tell the truth, Arianna Huffington writes about blogs, and what do you do when your son doesn't act like the other boys? And on the classic tuxedo as a great leveler

[Apr 9] From Iraq, Grand Ayatollah Sistani calls for calm. From Indonesia, secularism remains intact. From Belarus, language itself is a political matter. From the Balkans, is Pan Albanianism a myth or a threat to stability? From Great Britain, how much have social attitudes changed; on facing up to the m-word and attempting to re-brand orthodoxies about diversity; on stressing choice in public services; and how do you forge a politics where happiness is the priority? On learning to expect the unexpected: In Iraq, the US did not read the small print on the Arabic social contract. A review of John Dean's Worse Than Watergate. Richard Holbrooke on Rwanda: How did "Never again" become just words? A review of The Anatomy of Fascism. A review of The Devil's Disciples: Hitler's Inner Circle. And more on Spin Sisters

[Apr 8] From Iraq, as resistance rages throughout, Kazakhstan and Norway may withdraw troops in the near future (and more), and what to do with Moqtada Al-Sadr? From Morocco, on the country's slide towards fundamentalism. From Hungary, is the country ready for the Big Bang? From Egypt, what's in a name? From Great Britain, how is it that they have become a nation of talkers? For once, Latin Americans ask the US to butt in. Why the IMF needs a leader from the emerging countries. On why many in the global community favor a multilateral world order. Hans Blix reflects on terrorism, Iraq, and his continued mission. Barbara Crossette on the UN's real blunder in Iraq. On Condi Rice, the 9/11 Commission, and the difference an oath makes. Joseph Nye on American Power and the 2004 campaign, in which Bush may get the Gore treatment. Rupert Murdoch says Bush will win easily in November. Republicans try to woo the young through MTV's "Total Request Live". Life in an online game world proves nasty, brutish, and short. Here are some technology news. And on how JKF was a Minuteman

[Apr 7] From Lithuania, Parliament ousts President Rolandas Paksas over corruption charges. From Brazil, a videotape could put Lula in the clear. From Iraq, why double standards rule when reporting deaths, and on evidence that secularism can thrive. From China, how the death of former reformer Zhao Ziyang could pose a challenge to the Communist leadership. From Pakistan, on trade, dependency and development. From Ghana, on advertising as the right to choose. Why globalization is not the same as Americanization. How a Supreme Court ruling marks a blow to the public's right to know. William Powers on the magnifying media. Why grassroots politics is making a comeback this year. The black community is turned off by Air America. An interview with Dalton Conley, author of The Pecking Order. Purple patches on religion and emotion, and the psychology of religion. And a look at when bloggers attack

[Apr 6] From Iraq, as 34 are killed after Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr calls for a revolt, Senators Dick Lugar and Joe Biden warn of a civil war; here are two analyses of recent events, and from Slate, should newspapers show violent images? From Europe, a look at how to win the minds of the Muslim community, and are there too many arrests with too few charges? From Spain, terrorists warn of inferno. From Great Britain, why the government has made the immigration situation worse, and paradoxically, it is Muslims who seemed to have grasped the real problem. From Uzbekistan, a dangerous tinderbox and a third front in the war on terrorism. Why are there so many spellings of Gadaffi? Why consistency is one of those qualities that act like a virtue without necessarily being one. New York Press on the 50 most loathsome New Yorkers. It's easy for a Republican to get an inferiority complex in Manhattan. What story you choose to believe about antidepressants reveals who you are. Thoughts on Platonism, chess and computers. And on blogs as the new family album

[Apr 5] From Israel, on the victimhood contest (and part 2). From India, on having freedom, but in the wrong domains. From Uganda, on the new breed of distrusting democrats. From Ethiopia, on expansion and national self-defense. From Macedonia, on the prospects of EU integration and membership. An essay on the special relationship between Great Britain and France. Here are some questions for Condi Rice to answer to the 9/11 panel, and on why memories are unreliable. Can there be too much mind and body control? Here's the first chapter of Henry Louis Gates' America Behind the Color Line (and part 2). More with David Cay Johnston, author of Perfectly Legal. More on the liberal Air America. Is The West Wing's Jed Bartlett the perfect president? Pelé, Maradona, Baggio: The marketing of Freddy Adu begins. And perhaps A-Rod should someday run for NYC Mayor

The Political Theory Daily Review is a portal weblog on political theory and philosophy, and is updated every weekday. Our aim is to provide a central space on the Web where our visitors can save time in staying on top of the news.  We link to articles and essays that can be read free of charge and that are relevant to the field of political theory, broadly conceived to cover a wide range of subjects, perspectives, and methodologies.

There are also several supporting pages that serve as guides for resources found online. And the older posts on this page can be found in the archives.

Feel free to send us information on relevant links, or to submit papers or reviews of recently - published books and journal articles. We also invite authors and publishers to send us copies of books and manuscripts so that we can post reviews at the time the work reaches the general public.
fafe pérez
about the editor
Alfredo Perez is a PhD student in political science at the New School for Social Research (New York, NY)

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mail at politicaltheory.info

[Weekend] From Spain, three bombing suspects blow themselves up, a look at when democracies fight terrorism with terrorism, and did Al Qaeda really write a 'blueprint' for the attacks on Madrid? From Germany, Al Qaeda plans new targets, and Jews and Americans top the list. From Brazil, declassified documents show US was prepared to help the 1964 military coup. From Russia, while skinheads thrive as nationalist tide rises, why is Putin so popular? A former translator says she saw papers that show US knew al-Qaeda would attack cities with airplanes. J'Accuse!: Honorary Frenchman John Kerry (and brother Cameron) creates uneasiness for the Church. How the presidential election is turning novices into political advocates. It's comforting to remind ourselves that we can always move to another country. On the lost art form of boredom, and on pondering what we mean by time. It turns out there will always be men around. You can now get your very own cloned cat. And somebody save bitchen science!

[Apr 2] From Bosnia, NATO troops fail to capture Radovan Karadzic in raid. From Sri Lanka, why upcoming elections are critical. From Nigeria, on democracy and the state of the nation. From Canada, on Spinoza, Don Cherry and hockey. From Great Britain, are Muslim citizens aliens in their own country? Brutal killing of Americans in Iraq tests US optimism and raises questions over security firms (and more). On fostering civic education among the ruins of Iraq, and who counts the civilian casualties anyway? Why Spaniards voted for complicated reasons, not appeasement. Why the UN Commission on Human Rights has become intolerable. Civil society groups propose the UN as an alternative body to the WTO to regulate global trade. Nader now says his campaign can help Kerry, whom people trust to look out for their financial future over Bush. Alan Krueger on how people learn about the economy and economic policy, and how much they know. More on Tim Robbins' Embedded. Susan Greenfield on why the future is bright, if you're a female. Is it better to be gay in the Philippines than in the US? And on how love is as eternal as spring, whether we like it or not

[Apr 1] From Iraq, Mogadishu revisited? From Bolivia, a man blows himself up in Parliament over his pension. From Portugal, three in four residents want their troops out of Iraq. From Sierra Leone, on applying the theories of John Locke to the national situation. From Uganda, why the peasantry is crucial for the country's transformation. More on the terrorist attacks in Uzbekistan. Is the new Iraqi constitution more liberal than the American constitution?  A look at the growth of the global middle class. Seven American companies announce that they will apply for a license to build a new nuclear power plant. A report From the Wilderness, on eating fossil fuels. A review of Why Do Men Barbecue? Recipes for Cultural Psychology. Google will unveil a new email service today. And the story behind the Christian fish symbol

[Apr 14] From International Socialism Journal, a review of Terry Eagleton's After Theory, a review of Nigel Harris' The Return of Cosmopolitan Capital: Globalisation, the State and War, and a review of Geoff Eley's Forging Democracy: The History of the Left in Europe, 1850-2000. From City Journal, on privacy and the War on Terror, how daytime TV is now getting judgmental, and who killed childhood? A new issue of NBER Digest is out. A review of Blockbusters and Trade Wars: Popular Culture in a Globalized World. More on Justice Rehnquist's Centennial Crisis. On Sam Tanenhaus, the new Times Book Review editor, as a smart conservative. Is conservatism a self-negating belief system? A review of Greenback, and a review of The Myth of Decline. A review of Gay Marriage: Why It Is Good for Gays, Good for Straights, and Good for America. And can Log Cabin Republicans come to terms with their own party?


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[Apr 13] From the US State Department's Issues of Democracy, a special issue on Constitutionalism and Emerging Democracies. A new issue of The New York Review of Books is out, including a review of books on Islam and its demons, a review of books on Hezbollah, Timothy Ferris on books on space, and Thomas Powers on "The Failure". From the London Review of Books, who removed Aristide? From The New Presence, on the political philosophy of Vaclav Klaus, a president in the looking glass (reg req). As May 1 approaches, a look at how the fall of the Wall swept across the continent. On Harold Laswell and war rhetoric's toll on democracy. A look at the issues in the upcoming elections... of 2016. It's a tough job to create jobs, but that doesn't stop Bush and Kerry from saying they can. Why Democrat Zell Miller is a Republican hack. More on the evangelical self-help book The Purpose-Driven Life. A review of Edmund Burke: Volume I, 1730-1784, and a review of How Much is Enough? Hungering for God in an Affluent Culture. And do you believe in miracles?

[Apr 12] From Parameters, on the origins of the new terrorism, the co-optation of humanitarian aid in conflicts, and can reading Clausewitz save us from future mistakes? James Traub on making sense of humanitarian missions. A review of Freedom on Fire: Human Rights Wars and America’s Response. More on Hans Blix's Disarming Iraq, and more on Richard Clarke's Against All Enemies (and two excerpts). Craig Unger on the Saudis who slipped away, and what the 9/11 Commission should ask about it (and a review of his House of Bush, House of Saud). And what about Iran? Kevin Phillips on why Bush might be running against the sweep of history, because fundamentally, he works on faith, though realpolitik is no longer a dirty word. A review of The Bushes: Portrait of a Dynasty. On Alexis de Tocqueville as the neocons' favorite Frenchman. Forget Europe: Why doesn't the US look to other (and resourceful) allies? And purple patches on terrorism, technology and militarism, and the illusion of victory

[Weekend 2e] From the new Canadian weekly Seven Oaks, a manifesto, on the paradoxical position of gay liberation, on Noam Chomsky as superstar and the importance of Howard Zinn, how Adbusters is taking on the might of Nike, and are you ready for the official 90s revival? Democrats could take a lesson from history: When they lean right, they lose. On the virtue of mediocrity: Reading Tocqueville in an election year. From Open Democracy, on Israel: Beyond “relative humanity” to a secular democratic state. Former NATO Secretary General Lord George Robertson on true social justice in a disorderly world. From Socialist Review, Alex Callinicos on the defeat of Aznar, a look at the history of terrorism, and who are al-Qaida? A look at the work of the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence. And unflinching, brutal and harrowing, the bible stands accused (and a defense)

[Weekend]  From the World Socialist Web Site, two series: (a) The diplomacy of imperialism: Iraq and US foreign policy (and part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, and part 9); and (b) Nationality, ethnicity and culture: Guardian hosts the racist ideas of David Goodhart (and part 2 and part 3). The Guardian audits itself on going beyond the bounds of journalism. From The National Interest, on the denationalization of the American Elite. An excerpt form Citizens of the Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity. More on Who Runs this Place? Anarchists seem to be having trouble getting organized--The Economist gives them a hand. More on Occidentalism. How the Bush administration has set up a Bermuda Triangle of injustice around the world. James Bennet on parallels of wars past. From Tom Paine, on corporate executives as free riders, and why Bush tax cuts are really tax shifts. And Ruy Teixeira on the latest category: "Newer" Democrats

[Apr 9]  An interview with Jacques Derrida on imperialism. From The Economist, on Christian-Jewish relations, marking the centenary of the entente cordiale, on measuring global poverty, and more on science and the Bush administration. Why the altered human is already here. On malaria, ebola, and Gen. Butt Naked: A review of A Continent for the Taking. Former Mexican foreign minister Jorge Castañeda responds to Samuel Huntington. A review of Opening Mexico: The Making of a Democracy. The “war on terror” has spawned a battle against corruption in Latin America. More on Hayek's Challenge.  A review of Ayn Rand's Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal. A study reports most companies report no taxes (while you can get addicted to business corruption stories). And Michael Kinsley wants you to steal this column!

[Apr 8] From Right to Left: A new issue of Policy Review is out, including articles on Israel and the question of the national state, on neoconservatives and the American mainstream, and on unipolar versus unilateral. From World, should religious people think, act, and vote differently because of their faith? William Rusher on the Republican Left. Jonah Goldberg responds to Alan Wolfe's article on Carl Schmitt. David Brooks does "comic sociology" once again. Forget Red and Blue states: The US is separated by Red and Blue counties. From Political Play, on the real middle of America, at the center voters are deeply divided, and on Kerry the Death Wish Piano Mover. George Soros on how the US is playing into the terrorists hands. From The New Republic, Gordon Wood reviews The Letters of John and Abigail Adams, and can Greg Mankiw survive politics? From Socialist Worker, is socialism against "human nature"? Why American environmentalists no longer play a leading role in the world. An article on dropping out as revolutionary strategy. And on how to win an argument with a conservative

[Apr 7] Why Pakistan is a land of contradictions and poses a danger to the world. Ten years after, the genocide in Rwanda has not jolted scholars from the "Africanly" correct way of thinking, and on remembering Rwanda by taking action in Sudan. From The Globalist, on the new geopolitics of Latin America, rethinking the US from a European perspective, and some views comparing Iraq to Vietnam. From The American Enterprise, Grover Norquist on how alternatives to the welfare state evolve, more on conservative discontent (and part 2), and why IKEA brings out the worst in all of us. From Salon, James Galbraith on the Bush jobs chasm, Antonin Scalia as a self-made martyr, Gary Hart as a new Paul Revere, Mel Gibson as an Arab world messiah, and an interview with George Carlin. And prisons are the most racially segregated and racist places in America today

[Apr 6]
From The Independent Review, a proposal for individual unemployment accounts, a review of The Architecture of Markets: An Economic Sociology of Twenty First Century Capitalist Societies, and is there really a fatherhood crisis? How independent are independent think tanks? From nth position, a review of The American Axis, and more on The President of Good and Evil. Fouad Ajami on history's terrible harvest. Wallerstein on Spain, Europe and Mr. Bush. John Dean reviews Richard Clarke's Against All Enemies.  Ending the scourge of terrorism requires military action, law enforcement and hope for the world's have-nots. David Brooks on setting up two different airlines: Liberal Air and Right Wing Express. A look at Bush's back door political machine. Tania Boghossian swore she would never date a Republican. Ever. Democrats used to thrive on Hollywood endings: Today, liberalism is more like a dark, complicated novel. And he tempts people into amorality with tax cut cash while claiming he is acting as Jesus: Is this not what Lucifer would do?

[Apr 5] From The New Yorker, Sy Hersh on why Bush’s Afghanistan problem won’t go away, and a review of The Creation of the Media: The Political Origins of Mass Communications. From Time, on Japan's economic comeback, on how to win over a nation of partisans, and more on Samuel Huntington. On the problem when Americans get on their high horses about child labor. Why Republicans are utopian thinkers when it comes to geopolitics. More on the Culture Wars. Is George Bush a dangerous, apocalyptic president? American U's Julie Mertus on the bait and switch of human rights and US foreign policy. Where do the Middle East boundaries lie? A review of Larry Lessig's Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity. And on rescuing books and relics from the obscurity of storage rooms and displaying them on the Internet

[Weekend] From Open Democracy, Todd Gitlin on faith-based misunderstanding, an interview on the future of Palestine, and on France, Islam and hijab hysteria. Think Tank interviews Zbigniew Brzezinski (and part 2). Niall Ferguson on the creeping Islamicization of a decadent Christendom in Europe, and more on Ocidentalism and Civilization and its Enemies. More on J-F Revel's Anti-Americanism. Blair calls for a race summit, Britain's burning issue. Here are two excerpts from Anthony Sampson's Who Runs this Place?, and more on Authentic Happiness.  From Writ, a review of Profiles, Probabilities and Stereotypes. How human viciousness actually peaks in toddlers, not in teenagers. From Free Inquiry, on the Grand Old Pledge, on atheism as a civil rights issue, and on the New Enlightenment. On Jefferson, Diderot and the political use of God. An interview with J. Budziszewski, author of What We Can't Not Know: A Guide (and part 2). Of wrath and mercy:
The return of the Warrior Jesus. And a report from the annual Gatherings for Gardner

[Apr 2] From New Statesman, on the new global elite: Do they end up as citizens of nowhere? More on Buruma and Margalit's Occidentalism. Pratap Bhanu Mehta on empires and identities: Whom shall a representative government represent? Amitai Etzioni on a self-restrained approach to nation-building by foreign powers pdf. From Open Democracy, a reply to Roger Scruton on Kant and Iraq. A look at George Bush's credibility, and how he spent his 9/11 political capital--all of it--on Iraq. How political books are playing an unusual role in this year's campaign. How the 9/11 Commission offers a glimpse of Bush's worldview. From the Center for American Progress, on the War Rationale: Version 10.0. Mother Jones profiles Spanish "super-judge" Baltasar Garzon. More on John Lewis Gaddis' Surprise, Security and the American Experience. From The New Criterion, more on Race: The Reality of Human Differences, on "root-causeism” and electability, and reflections on the oldest profession. An interview with Richard Manning, the scourge of agriculture. And from The New Republic, on what the US can learn from its atheists, and why "The O'Franken Factor" will fail

[Apr 1] From Foreign Policy, Gene Sperling on how to be a free trade Democrat, why poor nations should reverse the privatization of their telecom networks, and can a political party be too responsive to its constituents? Alan Wolfe on how Carl Schmitt can help us understand contemporary politics. A new issue of Newtopia is out, on The Culture Wars, with an introduction, and articles on a plan to treat ABB Syndrome, the hybridization of American culture, an uncivil war of words, and on factional politics in the conservative wing. From LRB, David Runciman on Tony Blair and the language of risk, and a look at the silencing of US academics. Why the twenty-first century must be the century of renaissance belonging to the human race. And a message to activists: Something is lost in the fight for gay marriage

[Apr 14] John Dryzek (ANU): Legitimacy and Economy in Deliberative Democracy pdf. Mike Grimshaw (Canterbury): 'Soft Modernism': The World of the Post-Theoretical Designer. A new issue of the Hoover Digest is out, including an article by Morris Fiorina on the Internet, political polling, and the California recall election as a case study. From The New Formulation, a review of books on anti-capitalist movements. A review of Rhythms of Life and more on Soul Made Flesh. Neuroscientists identify the brain region involved in that glorious Eureka! Francis Crick after the double helix: Unraveling the mysteries of the state of being. On building better brains: "It is a Darwinian world in there". A look at the science of Tibetan Buddhism. A review of Simon Gray's The Smoking Diaries (and more). A review of books on utopian communities. And Margo Jefferson used to wish she could live through the words of other writers--but she does now

[Apr 13] A new issue of The Philosophers' Magazine is out, including articles on rational irrationality, John Rawls' considered moral judgments, Bernard Williams' thick and thin ethical concepts, articles by Bernard Crick on creating citizens, and by Susan Haack on coherence, some news about philosophers, and a mediawatch. Scott McLemee reviews books on Sartre and Camus. A review of The Sopranos and Philosophy: I Kill Therefore I Am. Jim Holt on a history of jokes and those who collect them. On a shocking discovery: Are you rational enough to train as a conventional economist? How a home away from home keeps scholars happy. The donations from people affiliated with Harvard rank it seventh among Kerry's largest donors. From Germany, the number of doctorate candidates has shot up in recent years. Why is that? "It's not Derrida, but then again, who ever had the best sex of their life after reading Of Grammatology?" On the perils of temptation when students try to 'do the prof'. And why the US News graduate school rankings suck

[Apr 12] Eileen Barker (LSE): And the wisdom to know the difference? Freedom, control and the sociology of religion. From Skeptical Inquirer, (1) Why has secularization occurred in Western Europe but not in the United States? An examination of the theories and research; (2) Religious beliefs and their consequences: a comparative perspective; (3) Is religious belief a mere leap into irrationality as many skeptics assume?; (4) On science and religion: Religion and science really are profoundly at odds on a variety of dimensions; (5) Darwin against the philosophers; and (6) a review of  Science and Religion: Are They Compatible? Religious book sales show a miraculous rise. Far from being a harmless intellectual pursuit, 'what if' history is pushing a dangerous rightwing agenda. On proposals that will help guide the public through the maze of available archive material. Is there such a thing as owning too many books? Anne Applebaum on the literary divide, high and low. And how short can a story be, and still be considered a story?

[Weekend 2e] Charles Taylor: Democratic exclusion (and its remedies?). Here are papers from an upcoming New School Graduate Student Philosophy Conference on ethics and epistemology. A review essay on the tension between international law and international justice pdf. A review of Right or Wrong: How to Decide for Yourself. A review of Eugene Volokh's Academic Legal Writing. What the world needs now is Dichloro - diphenyl - trichloroethane. A review of Biological Complexity and Integrative Pluralism. A look at Henry Louis Gates' African American National Biography project. A look at the work of Berkeley sociologist Ann Swidler. A look at the work of Egyptian historian of education Ahmed Ezzat Abdel-Karim. From Yale, when promotions depend on research, does teaching suffer? As long as the left continues to worry about diversity, the right won't have to worry about inequality. And how straight A's can hurt a college education

[Weekend] Martha Nussbaum on liberal education and global community. Stanford's Debra Satz and Rob Reich on teaching humanities to the poor. From New Thinking, student essays on The Normative Role of Utopianism in Political Philosophy, on The Global Ethics of Peter Singer, and on Habermas' Lifeworld: Valuation and the Significance of Narration. From Entelechy, an essay on self-deception and taking Freud seriously, and what's the burning academic question of the day? The National Academy of Sciences presents attempts to create "maps of science" from the ever-growing and constantly evolving ocean of digital data. Chris Mooney on why Marburger's defense of the Bush administration's science policies fails (and more). More on The Fabric of the Cosmos, and an excerpt. Today's history books aren't just politically correct--they're boring. And if ants can solve traffic problems, we are a bit damn stupid if we can't work things out

[Apr 9] Ethan Leib (Yale): Towards a Practice of Deliberative Democracy: A Proposal for a Popular Branch. Here's a "drafty" online book, Culture by Commotion: A Trilogy. From Scientific American, a look at how DNA encoding works. In math, computers don't lie--or do they? A review of Beyond Coincidence. On a new science that can be called therapeutic forgetting. Drug addicts want one thing: more drugs--and a new way to approach addiction calls for just that. Scientists behaving badly: Journal editors reveal researchers' wicked ways. From UCSB, porn thesis inflames conservatives. From Michigan, as lecturers stage a one-day walkout, how are they not like professors? If we are to believe Amj ad Tawfiq, Saddam is practically Henry James. And for increasing numbers of people today, philosophy is the answer

[Apr 8] From Dissent, a review of William Domhoff's Changing the Powers That Be, How the Left Can Stop Losing and Win; Richard Wolin on French intellectuals and the Socialist Party; Forrest Colburn on Latin American intellectuals and the economy; David Bromwich on the disappearing underground; Stephen Newman on God, taxes and "public reason"; Jeff Faux on capital mobility and democracy; and Sean Wilentz on Democracy in America 2003. From The Washington Post, a special series on racial integration: Beyond black and white, on the education of Jim Crow, on the fear of failing, and stand and deliver. Is Bush changing all the environmental rules?: The Union of Concerned Scientists publishes a report, Scientific Integrity in Policymaking: An Investigation into the Bush Administration's Misuse of Science, and the White House science adviser John Marburger responds. R. Glenn Hubbard will become dean of Columbia Business School. Why the US News law school rankings may not be trustworthy. And from Great Britain, why academics may be harming efforts to combat terrorism

[Apr 7] Hudson, Schrodt, and Whitmer: A New Kind of Social Science pdf. From Behavior and Philosophy, Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho and Simone Neno (Pará): Effectiveness as Truth Criterion in Behavior Analysis. From Techné, a special issue on Larry Hickman's Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture, with an introduction. An article on Enrico Fermi as a great innovator. A look at the correlation/cause confusion. Walter Laqueur reviews Isaiah Berlin's The Soviet Mind: Russian Culture Under Communism. A review of The Literary Books of Economics. From Notre Dame, on the split of its economics department into two. From Great Britain, on the drive to recruit more social sciences researchers. And from The Chronicle of Higher Education, why is it always assumed that older professors are stagnant, and young ones au courant, and what makes great teachers great? Could it be all the caffeine intake?

[Apr 6] From the Marxist Reading Group, a new issue of Politics and Culture is out, including an essay on the Nietzschean remainders in Hardt’s and Negri’s Empire, a review of Louis Althusser's The Humanist Controversy and Other Writings, and a review of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s Death of a Discipline. From HyperNietzsche, Glenn Most (Chicago): On the use and abuse of ancient Greece for life. Richard Wolin reviews books on Georges Bataille. A short look at the future of life on earth pdf. A review of Neither Bad Nor Mad: The Competing Discourse of Psychiatry, Law and Politics. More on Status Anxiety. From The Chronicle, new Catholic colleges say existing institutions lead students away from the true faith, and the editor's ouster at The American Scholar arouses controversy. It's been a rough time for university publishers lately. A look at knowledge management and the colonization of knowledge. Occidental College suspends student government. From Yale, an article on transgender issues. And US News publishes its annual report America's Best Graduate Schools

[Apr 5] From Ars Disputandi, from a conference on The Rapprochement of the Anglo-American and Continental Philosophical Traditions, an introduction; Joseph Margolis (Temple): Pragmatism's Advantage and a reply; and Tom Rockmore (Duquesne): Remarks of the structure of twentieth century philosophy and a reply. A critique of postmodern approaches to gender, sex, and sexuality. A review of three books on postmodern anarchism. More on Joel Feinberg. On Cass Sunstein and the Chicago Judges Project, and Robert Pippin on what it means to live a free life. Here are the awards for the most shocking examples of political correctness in higher education. Harvard's Mary Ann Glendon on University Students Today: Portrait of a Generation Searching. The new Ave Maria University emerges in southwest Florida. And from Boise State, why spicing up some of the duller course work may not be such a bad idea

[Weekend] Susan Haack (Miami): truth, truths, "truth", and "truths" in the law. Frank Decker (Bonn): The Populist Challenge to Liberal Democracy. From Aufheben, an essay on Decadence: The Theory of Decline or the Decline of Theory? (and part 2 and part 3), and a response. A review of Quentin Skinner's Visions of Politics: Volume 1, Regarding Method. A look back at Tocqueville's Democracy in America
. More on Soul Made Flesh: The Discovery of the Brain--and How It Changed the World. William Safire on Aristotle, Kant and categories. More on HR 3077, which would create an International Higher Education Advisory Board to review area and language studies. Taking the liberalism out of liberal arts: More on David Horowitz. From Seattle U., philosophy classes replaced by Harry Potter intertextuality. Student turns a serious eye on The Simpsons. How Jim Carrey's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind relates to Stanley Cavell. A review of the new play Hannah and Martin. And don't believe the myth about male academics

[Apr 2] From Constellations, a forum on Iraq, with articles by Andrew Arato on the transition, Nehal Bhuta on international law, and Edward Nell & Willi Semmler on economic consequences pdf. A new issue of The Intercollegiate Review is out, including an article by Roger Scruton on TS Eliot as Conservative Mentor, George Carey on America's Founding and Limited Government, and a review of Philip Hamburger's Separation of Church and State pdf. From the Institute for Public Policy Research, a report on Promoting effective states: A progressive policy response to failed and failing states pdf. An essay on the origins of international terrorism in the Middle East pdf and an essay on the International Criminal Court and terrorism pdf. A review of The Heirs of Plato: A Study of the Old Academy (347-274 BC), and a review of The Idea of Humanity: Anthropology and Anthroponomy in Kant’s Ethics. How attempts to create synthetic life in a laboratory are no longer science fiction. Scientists complete the mapping of the rat genome. A talk with Daniel Dennett on books. Hernando de Soto wins the Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty. And how the Department of Homeland Security is becoming a big man on campus

[Apr 1] A new issue of Plato is out, including articles on the two faces of Platonic knowledge, on scientific knowledge and myth, on the possibility of knowledge, and on the scope of ethical knowledge pdf. From Psychoanalytic Studies, David Levine (Denver): The Capacity for Ethical Conduct. From Current Research in Social Psychology, a look at the Response to September 11: Anxiety, Patriotism, and Prejudice in the Aftermath of Terror, and why Men and Women Prefer Risk Takers as Romantic and Nonromantic Partners. From Free Associations, an essay on The Right to be at Risk, and an article on The Presence of Totalitarian States of Mind in Institutions. And an obituary: Law professor Joel Feinberg, and from the Buffalo Criminal Law Review, a special issue on Feinberg's "The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law (scroll down), with an introduction pdf

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