2 Much Beauty
The One Blog to Rule them All and also known as The GranDaddy of Slovenian Blogs!

Made the news !

Guess what i made the news , actually and interview in the belgian newspaper metro .

You might note the slightly negative opinion about our southern neighbours !

The Interview - Beware , its in dutch !

lets see if having you weblog address published in a belgian newspaper brings any new visitors ;)

Muddy fun

Speedway Krsko, what more can i say ?





It has Arrived !

God Bless EU , torek popoldan Dusseldolf , Sreda 15:20 Murska Sobota , Peter 10:15 Ljubljana ! kdo bi si mislil da je lahko so easy !!!

Sigma 120-300 f2.8 HSM

120-300 goodness

pa se dve testni , i like this lens nontheless that it zooms the wrong way around

Me Padre !


Bicikli na Dezju

Standing in the Rain , what a glorious feeling , im happy again.

Tour de Slovenie

Tour De Slovenie

Tour De Slovenie

Tour De Slovenie

Fly me to the moon ...

Znova odkril the joys of flight simulator .

guess its time ive changed the wallpaper.

Jojo Wallpaper

hey hey EU

bloody hell , Slovenia in the European Union . Wheres the world going ! watch my comment when croatia joins ! :)

one thing that bothers me ,all people around even the state television were saying : " todays the day when we enter europe !"
EXCUSE ME , but i was always in EUROPE , i was even born there .

i missed the count down because i was watching DS9 , i dont even know if there was one .

ah, today i did the thing which most of the users of D2h in the US do , i photographed my small furry animals (CATS! dont get any funny ideas ! You guys know who you are )

Torej , Evropska Unija . Lovely , koncno ne bo vec drkarije z svercanjem, and EBAY GERMANY , here i come !

End of Story

I feel very European Today (like every other day though)

Happy Birthday Chernobyl

Guess what , danes je obletnica nukefestuma imenovanega chernobyl . lovely

ziher se je danes kaki virus zagnal.

me for myself im chilling after tennis !

in se nekaj !

SHAME ON YOU GREEK CYPRUS !!! there goes your biggest chance for peace !

Even more tennis!

4-1 za amije , dvojice sledijo


and now smthing which has absolutely nothing to do with tennis:


now a couple of photos from the Federation Cup 2004 Slovenia vs USA in Portoroz!

Tina Pisnik

Lisa Raymond

Katarina Srebotnik

Venus Williams

aja pa se to 20.000 sprozitev na aparatu , not bad for 3 months!!!!

And What a Name it is !

Franz Ferdinand

Recomendation of an incredible band ! Franz Ferdinand

go check em out !

Ps : they're Scotish !!! No Kilts Though

Ne da se mi !!

Monday Bloody Monday , aja saj je Torek.

I should be studying ... ampak , ne da se mi vec danes !!


ko smo ze pri stvareh kerih se mi ne da . evo linka do galerije iz celja , (sicer izbor ni moj , but who am i to argue )

Celje vs Flensburg , lustna tekma nardil dost slik , ampak jih nimam ne cajta ne volje da bi jih postal , maybe later .

next : miss sporta 2004 , kaj si je zirija mislila ne vem !! recimo da je zmagovalka bla se kolko tolko ok , ostalo pa ne vem .
ce bom mel kaj cajta bom naredu svoj izbor with pictures sometime this week or next monday maybe.

v cetrtek zvecer grem v porto rose na tenis , me glih zanima kaksno nastanitev nam je firma priskrbela . a working break by the sea side ... hmmm , upam da bo sonce !!!

ah one more thing , looking back , it seems that my blog is the oldest blog in slovenia (being established way back in january 2003 ....) so hereby i give to 2mb the title of the Grandaddy of Slovenian blogs. if any1 knows an older one ! let me know !

Salve !!

as Andrej pointed out , guess it isnt the oldest , but its the oldest still running !!!

War ... What is it good for ? ...

kaka dva tedna nazaj sem se odlocil da zapravim 15.000 Sit , saj ne da jih drugace ne trosim , ampak takrat je bil pac premisljen nakup .

Nakup pa je bil Zgodovinska Knjiga (ni posledica studijske deformacije,prvic zato ker ne studiram zgodovine se dovolj dolgi,in drugic, ker me je ta tema vedno zanimala):

Joe Pirjevec JUGOSLOVANSKE VOJNE 1991-2001

evo opisaj ,kajti meni se ga ne da pisat :

"Knjiga, ki v uvodu prikae zgodovinski razvoj jugoslovanskih narodov, skrbno belei dogajanja ob razpadu Jugoslavije, tako potek notranjepolitiènih dogodkov v Sloveniji, na Hrvaškem, v Bosni, na Kosovu, v Srbiji in Makedoniji kot tudi mednarodne odmeve, ukrepe in posredovanja. Pri tem kritièno pretresa pomen ameriške politike in administracije na Balkanu, razkriva vlogo, ki naj bi jo igrala zveza NATO v evro-atlantskem prostoru, obenem pa spremlja tudi rusko odzivanje. Potek dogodkov povezuje v mreo notranjepolitiènih in mednarodnih razmerij in brezkompromisno razgalja zakulisje dogodkov. Knjiga je tako celovit prikaz jugoslovanskih vojn ob koncu drugega tisoèletja in vpliva, ki so ga imele na mednarodno ivljenje, na odnose med velikimi silami ter na razvoj mednarodnega prava. "

Jugoslovanske Vojne

Vglavnem , zelo dobra knjiga , toplo priporocam !!!

Cankarjeva Zalozba Online Shop

Bang Bang , he struck me down Bang Bang

People Rejoice , Mad Max , one of the best Movie Anti Heroes is once again upon us . HTV 2 I LOVE YOU !!!

Tommorow Mad Max 2 !!! Enjoy

and if you missed Mad Max 1 , it on in one hour 35 mins on HTV 1 .

Bang Bang

Live from the train

okey , lets face it, im a bit bored, even reading about war gets old after 200 pages,although the book is excellent,but about that some other time.

im in the final stage of todays grand voyage: Ljubljana - Portoroz - Ljubljana - Zidani Most - Pragersko - Ormoz - Murska Sobota.

Currently sitting on a lovely old SZ fiat somewhere in between Pragersko and Ptuj.

And how does he manage to post this you ask ? well , be amazed , but the Vodafone mobile data card advertised in the media , actually works.

just passed kidricevo , the only place of a Concenration Camp in Slovenia .

and as sid used to say :" thats all there is to it ! , Goodbye "

Make Some Noise !!!

Just to Point out , for all music lovers , check out the new PNC site at

Prekmurje Noise Conspiracy

Sport is Mord, but sometimes it is mighty cool!

spet teden okoli and here are some pictures

due to popular demand ive also included some of the zmajcice shots :) enjoy ! i know i did !!

Zmajcice Skupinska

Zmajcice part 2

Zmajcice once More


All Stars

Akcija Atrakcija





Super Mavric

Hoce se , Moze se !

eat that konkurenca !

SiOL has got you !


ADSL za 4 SIT is hard to beat .


eventhough im not an ADSL user i welcome this as it will bring even more internet into peoples homes !

Latvia - Slovenia 1:0

no its not a joke , we actually lost !

This was a sad day for Slovenian Football , PRASNIKAR MUST GO !!!




From Brugge with Love

Retirement Required

Where is NATO when you need them ?

Cas je Za spremembe

krpic bi avtomatsko dodal ... Voli SDS !

hehe , ma ni sanse , verjetno .

evo se apel na vas vdane bralce !


hope you like the new skin , a new engine to run it on will follow soon !

nato pa smo prisli v NATO

hmm , moje prvo jutro pod protekcijo Nata , nic se ni spremenilo , meni se se vedno ne da vstat , drek je se vedno drek... vglavnem , same shit other wraping.

ce bi blo pomoje, bi ostali zunaj nata , but who am i to talk !


baje nam je nizozemska ponujala F-16ke "pravzaprav zastonj" . pa sem se spomnil da jih mam par pofotkanih

ena cisto zastonj F-16ka Nizozemksega vojnega letalstva

Cisto Zastonj

Update End

The Glory of Carniola

en super dober weblog cloveka katera zivi v sloveniji , ampak ni slovenec ! toplo priporocam

The Glory of Carniola