De Steen der Eigenwijzen

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Why do I always have to buy a whole battery of batteries? I just wanted two AAA's, but now I had to buy four again. I just want to buy them one at the time, or per ounce maybe. But every time too many! Rттттттттh!

(Of course I know why: less packaging costs per battery (but I want them without packaging) and being able to sell more. Still: Rттттттттh!)

Edwinek @ 2004-05-18 12:55:08 - comments

Fell for it

I'd seen the site en once before, long ago when they didn't have merchandizing yet. Very funny correspondences. Now you can understand why these Nigerians think people fall for their scams: They fall for anything themselves as well. This long correspondence with Lady Abacha is a good start. By the time you reach letter 4 it gets quite intimate: The arrows with explosive tips are pretty cool and I can't wait for you to see them. I think we should have archers at our wedding ceremony shooting explosive arrows into the sunset as you carry me piggy back across a flaming bed of coals lined with shards of glass and napalm.

Edwinek @ 2004-05-18 07:04:19 - comments





A cosy corner in the Lunetten amphitheatre

Edwinek @ 2004-05-17 19:13:09 - comments


Hurray! Another test en. And since I'm very fond of London, the result pleases me no end:

Metropolitan Tube Map
You are the 1908 Metropolitan Map! One of the
first full maps of the underground, you are a
pioneer. You are a realist and geographically
accurate, with places of interest. Sit down
and have a cup of tea, love.

Which London Underground Map Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Edwinek @ 2004-05-17 09:00:45 - comments




Missed an opportunity

Grrr! Poland sends it's one of its best bands (Blue Café) to Eurosong and they sing a dull and repetitive song. Shame! They've betrayed themselves.

Edwinek @ 2004-05-15 22:24:05 - comments

Yeah, baby!

Yippee, my lensbaby en is here! It's an interesting way of photography, with this low-tech contraption on a high-tech D100. Because the camera doesn't get it at all. It doesn't see what aperture it's working with (if I want to change aperture, I have to dismantle half the lens to do it), so exposure metering is right out. A question of taking a couple of test shots to determine the right exposure. And to focus you have to compress the harmonica thingy in the middle. So it's back to basic, only digital.

Edwinek @ 2004-05-15 19:41:19 - 2 comments




Do panic!

I quote de: Disney hat eine offizielle Seite für den geplanten Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis-Film gestartet. Disney??? The same Disney that has the deadly sweetening of Pooh and Peter Pan on it's conscience? Have they gone completely potty? Marvin the-slightly-melancholy-but-really-quite-happy-and-certainly-very-cute-and-cuddly android? Furry Vogons? I think I'll keep to the books and the original series.

Edwinek @ 2004-05-13 13:17:36 - 1 comments




Grandpa reads to us

One does take some programs for granted and you just never go beyond the basic functions. Like Acrobat reader en. When examined the menu's on version 6 a bit better today, I discovered that it can now also read documents to you. Menu View / Read out loud. Nice option, especially when you let it read non-English texts.

Edwinek @ 2004-05-12 23:52:34 - comments


Pilots' building, Schelde, newspaper, dog

Edwinek @ 2004-05-12 22:26:39 - comments


Paint really doesn't get any nicer than this.

Edwinek @ 2004-05-12 22:04:36 - 1 comments




Over the clouds


Edwinek @ 2004-05-11 22:54:19 - comments


For those who hadn't noticed yet, I'm back again. After a week of posting nothing, however did that happen? I don't know the answer to that myself, but now I'm on track again, like in the good old days.

Edwinek @ 2004-05-11 13:42:48 - comments

The Price of Arrogance

From Fareed Zakaria's column en in Newsweek: Since 9/11, a handful of officials at the top of the Defense Department and the vice president's office have commandeered American foreign and defense policy. In the name of fighting terror they have systematically weakened the traditional restraints that have made this country respected around the world. Alliances, international institutions, norms and ethical conventions have all been deemed expensive indulgences at a time of crisis.

Edwinek @ 2004-05-11 13:03:58 - comments


I think it only makes sense to seek out and identify structures of authority, hierarchy, and domination in every aspect of life, and to challenge them; unless a justification for them can be given, they are illegitimate, and should be dismantled, to increase the scope of human freedom.

Noam Chomsky
Red and Black Revolution, 1996

Edwinek @ 2004-05-11 09:00:18 - comments

They're doing it again

They're trying again with those damn software patentes. Don't accept it! en

Edwinek @ 2004-05-11 08:29:23 - comments

EU statistics

The BBC (who else?) has an informative site en with statistics about the new EU member states and those who want to become just that. Never thought that Poland would have the highest unemployment rate of all. Even a country as Bulgaria scores (marginally) better. By the way, I would just like to repeat:

Click here to find out why.

Edwinek @ 2004-05-11 08:11:47 - comments

Flap, flap, flap, crash

Always wanted to have wings and fly? You're not the first en. 16th century
Nuremburg, Germany
An old church cantor
Wings flapped by a mechanism including wheels.
"Flew here and there,' but broke his arms and legs when the mechanism failed.

Edwinek @ 2004-05-11 07:02:25 - 2 comments




It can now be watched!

A while ago I enthusiastically wrote x about the film "Życie przed Tobą". It's now available at the RVU for watching. See under "recent toegevoegde video's" (top right), the Dutch title is "Blind leven". Or immediately head for this link (this one for narrow-band users). It's mostly visual, so language is no barrier for anyone here.

Edwinek @ 2004-05-04 20:36:35 - 1 comments





Put your feet here, please

Edwinek @ 2004-05-03 19:04:19 - comments

Oh, all right

I was just getting nicely annoyed about two mounted policemen who unashamedly crossed the street at a red light, when they stopped ten metres down the road because a little girl on the back of a bike wanted to stroke the horse. All right, I'll turn a blind this time.

Edwinek @ 2004-05-03 12:44:32 - comments
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