Bristol Photos
During the weekend, I took some more photos of Bristol, which I find more and more beautiful with each visit.
View from the spare bedroom in a friend's home. It sound strange saying this now, but I really missed the red/teracotta rooftops of european houses when I lived in Canada.
But wait, there's more! »
I've been away from the computer for a few days and the luxury of surfing and checking out other people's links nearly by-passed me. Nearly. I spotted these links in the last couple of days and want to share them. 'Cos I can.
- From Sheila comes this amazing link. Lena drives on her motor bike through the ghost town of Chernobyl and its surrounding villages. The images are haunting.
- Grand Theft America, or "How Bush Stole The Election". Via A Blog's Life.
- Trueopolis, via The People's Republic of Seabrook.
A14, M6, A34, lost
Well, it looks like we did it! The jobs are ours if we want them. N's job will be slightly more complicated as there isn't a clear-cut Key Stage 2 vacancy (why did they advertise for a KS2 teacher then?), but the head is very, very keen to have him (totally understandable, when I met N I was also totally and overwhelmingly keen on him). I'm extatic about the news, a little overwhelmed by all the packing that's awaiting us and emotionally drained.
Want to know the whole story?
Weeekend was fantastic. Very girly. Bought gorgeous dress for Friday (second day of wedding) and gossiped with N's best friends' wife and girlfriend. Fab.
Was around a cat, though, and while I was fine over there, this morning I am paying for it. Allergy in full effect. S had excellent anti-histamines that she gave me and they worked while I was there quite well. Maybe I should have taken another one this morning. Ah well.
We're off this afternoon, and this morning has been a frenzy of activity. I still need to set cover for tomorrow. So much to do, so little time. Wish us luck!
Below, something I wrote last week, but didn't post. Thanks for all your comments, I promise to comment back when I get a chance to catch my breath. It's just been very, very, very busy. And will probably continue to be like that for the next few days. Frenzy is a word I'm using lots right now.
Lapidarium V Quotes
Some quotes from Lapidarium V by Ryszard Kapuscinski (pl). Translations, bad they may be, as always, mine.
poniedzialek, 1 stycznia, 2001But wait, there's more! »
Ranek pochmurny, lekki mroz, troche sniegu. Pusto — przejechal tramwaj, a w nim jedna pasazerka, przejechaly dwa samochody. Na swiezo odnowionym murku wzdluz Filtrowej mnostwo nowych graffiti. Rzuca sie w oczy nie tyle tresc, co wyglad liter — maja one ksztalty ostre, zaczepne, agresywne. Draznia, probuja nas wyprowadzic z rownowagi, rozwscieczys.
It's N's stag night this weekend. So, we're (1) down to Bristol for the weekend. Blogging will be extremely light, unless it's possible to blog telepathically. It would be way cool if that were possible, though. Have a thought? Oh! Just blogged it!
It's not what you think. I'm not there to babysit him, I'm just there to drive him back, hungover, on Sunday.Spring
Some photos of the signs of spring snapped on the way home last week (when it wasn't raining).
Plum blossoms.
Last night, around 6 pm, N comes home:
They say I'm a great teacher and that they don't want to lose me. They'll be very sad to see me go...
N is at a very good school. He likes his job, they love him there, can we do this? Can I ask him to do this for me? Give it up?
This morning, 7:12 am, we're eating breakfast and watching BBC Breakfast and Dermot Murnaghan is presenting from Warsaw. Tears spring to my eyes. I want to go there. I really, really do. I love it there. I want to go, to live, to speak, to eat, to walk, to breathe, to be Polish and proud of it.
We haven't even had the interviews. Nothing's been decided, no jobs have been offered and already this is a hard decision to make. Probably the hardest I've made so far.
It's like it's real, you know?
I'm still feeling a bit crummy, but went back to work today. Tired.
On my way home, I stopped by a chemists and I also picked up our wedidng rings, which were sent away to be engraved with the date. It's three weeks from today! It's really happening! It's not just some distant date in a few months' time. In three weeks' time I'll be Mrs GreekLastName!
Living in Europe
A new service focusing on life in Europe called Living in Europe. It has comprehensive articles and views from around this great continent, so give it a read. Yours truly is also contributing, although unsure of how worthy her stuff really is. It's new, it's fresh, it's still developing, so give it a go, eh?