April 21, 2004
More on Britain's referendum - Anthony Wells has a series of interesting posts on the issue, while British Spin and our very own Matt T make some good points as well.
April 19, 2004
Folowing Prime Minster Zapatero's surprising announcement to withdraw the Spanish troops from Iraq as quickly as possible, Miguel Moratinos, the new Spanish foreign minister, now declared that the withdrawal would take place within a fortnight (Reuters). The US administration is hoping for an orderly process yet expects other coalition members will also reconsider their engagement in light of the Spanish decision and recent devolpments in Iraq. According to Reuters, Condoleeza Rice stated on ABC television's "This Week" that "[w]e know that there are others who are going to have to assess how they see the risk. ... We have 34 countries with forces on the ground. I think there are going to be some changes." (Reuters)
April 18, 2004
The Observer reports that SNCF may be about to make a move to take control of Eurotunnel. John B covers some of the background to Eurotunnel's current problems at Living in Europe
Ivan Gasparovic has defeated Vladimir Meciar to become Slovakia's next President
April 16, 2004
An interesting (though some of the methodology may be flawed) report on the possible outcome of the European Parliament elections (warning: large pdf file) suggests a likely EPP-ED/ELDR majority in the Parliament after June. Via Anthony Wells, who also has a look at the potential of the minor parties in the UK.
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Dina Mehta on Undressing Brains
Tobias Schwarz on Undressing Brains
James Graham on Referendum or Referenda?
vaara on A Francophone President in the White House?
Sebastian Holsclaw on A Francophone President in the White House?
vaara on A Francophone President in the White House?
Zizka on A Francophone President in the White House?
Bob on Referendum or Referenda?
spitfire on Cyprus Referendum: A Win-Win Strategy?
Bob on An end to balance
Michael Darragh on Undressing Brains
Richard on Referendum or Referenda?
Sebastian Holsclaw on A Francophone President in the White House?
Sebastian Holsclaw on From History to Hope.
Edward on Undressing Brains
Jack on From History to Hope.
Frans Groenendijk on Undressing Brains
Sebastian Holsclaw on Peace in our time
Sebastian Holsclaw on Spain's Withdrawal From Iraq
Sebastian Holsclaw on Anti-Islamism in France
Sebastian Holsclaw on From History to Hope.
Bob on A Francophone President in the White House?
September 13, 2003
Around the Internet
Polls indicate Estonians will vote yes to EU accession tomorrow.
In Sweden, "polls give widely differing indications as to the likely outcome of the referendum."
The Economist has a pretty decent primer on our referendum. (Via Crooked Timber)
International Herald Tribune reported yesterday enlargement seems to be bad news for African farmers::
For France the prospect of support from Poland and Hungary is a welcome development.
For years French politicians have feared that the enlargement of the European Union would mean a dilution of French power and influence in Europe. But on the question of farm policy, enlargement could provide much-needed moral and political support.
It is a different story for groups that support a radical overhaul of the E43 billion, or $48 billion, program, for whom enlargement is a worrying prospect.
"The opportunity for reform was this summer," said Sam Barratt of Oxfam, an aid organization that has been very critical of Europe's farm policies. "And given the obstinacy that the French had then, when the Hungarians and the Poles join it's going to make any reform even harder." The number of farmers in the Union will increase by 50 percent with the admission of 10 new countries into the Union in May.
The indispenable Cosmocrat finds increasingly strong signs that the EU Constitution will be fundamentally re-examined by the Inter-Governmental Conference.
Stefan Geens blogs about The Wall Street Journal's comments on Anna Lindh. He was pleasantly surprised, then quite unpleasantly surprised.
Juan Cole on Al-Qaeda's new geostrategic masterplan
Many thanks for the link. Be it noted that I'm also front.
When I was young, I did a mean handstand, but that would be dangerous now.
Posted by: Gary Farber at September 14, 2003 01:41 AMWow, Gary Farber finds his way to our little blog. That must mean we've hit the big time.
Posted by: David Weman at September 14, 2003 02:09 AMI hate to say this, but y'all posted the wrong url to gary's blog, afaik: it's supposed to be amygdalagf at blogspot, not amygdala...
Posted by: Martin Wisse at September 14, 2003 11:04 AMWell, it seems now that the Nays have it... Pity, I would have loved to add a few Swedish coins to my Euro collection, but then, it's the way they feel. How strange this will seem to accession countries, which have been told the Euro is part of the whole package, so take it or leave it. So Poland will probably get her Euro coins before Sweden even thinks again...