...:... i want to make you feel beautiful ...:...

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June 3rd, 2004

10:38 pm
harry potter tomorrow! i am very very excited.

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06:57 pm
hmm...busy with my buttons. i got a button maker. its fun. i love buttons. im trying to find pictures to make buttons.

only $1 for custom buttons if anyone wants some =)

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May 26th, 2004

07:53 pm
got floor tickets for incubus! yay!

harry potter in 8 days! yay!

these are very exciting times.

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May 9th, 2004

10:46 pm
im getting really excited about tomorrow. very nervous too. it will be wonderful

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May 4th, 2004

07:45 pm
i am so relieved to be done with school. i felt this great relief when school was over today. no school until summer b!! yay!!

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May 3rd, 2004

10:19 pm
sometimes its so hard to get bryan to understand me. but everything is ok.

i can't wait for tomorrow to be over. then no more school for like a month and a half.

off to go to sleep...
Current Mood: [mood icon] tired

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05:17 pm
i hate being upset. i feel so stressed out. i have kinda a lot to do before school tomorrow and fighting with bryan isn't helping. i hate fighting with him, it just doesn't feel right.

and of course, mcc is fucking pissing me off majorly. i dont think that they really think about when they are schedualing classes.

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May 2nd, 2004

04:17 pm
i just got home from work. im tired and i smell like subs (which is never a good smell)

i need to shower and study.

moving in 8 days, im very excited.
Current Mood: [mood icon] sore

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May 1st, 2004

08:40 pm
so i just finished packing almost everything. its almost all done. its a little scary. my room is like weird.

i need to do my homework.

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April 29th, 2004

05:05 pm
its really fucking annoying when you try to talk to someone and they just fucking ingnore you.
i don't know what my brothers problem is, but i know i am tired of him treating me like shit.

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11:39 am
hmmm...im at school. a little bored even though i should be doing homework. but whatever. school work gets annoying. i only have like 2 more things to do this semester and then i am done, except finals of course. mine are all on tuesday, which is good. i want it all to be over with. not that this semester was that hard, im just being a mjor slacker. i need to get my shit together soon. im sure i won't be able to pull this kind of stuff off forever.

after school i have a meeting with someone at usf, incedently her name is heather, but im gonna find out all my transfering stuff and begin get all that stuff together. just one more thing i have to do.

which brings me on to the next thing: only 11 more days! i found out yesterday when i called about getting cable and the internet that someone still lives in my apartment. they better get out of there soon!

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April 28th, 2004

05:55 pm
i just ate dinner iwth my family and they piss me off. sometimes its just so annoying. i can't stand it.

12 more days. every exciting.
Current Mood: [mood icon] full

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04:22 pm
just got home from work. work sucks. i hate subs and i hate subway. but whatever.

need to shower and do homework. and call fpl.

blah. my tummy hurts.

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April 27th, 2004

07:26 pm
hmm...doing homework.
im in a prety good mood, but everyone i talk to is not, in fact, they are all pissed off and in a bad mood. that sucks.

13 more days until we move. its crazy. im very excited.

gots to do homework.
Current Mood: [mood icon] busy

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April 25th, 2004

07:38 pm
i have been home since 4:15 and i haven't gotten anything done. im starting to drive myself crazy.

im cold.i keep losing my focus. i cant concentrate or get anything done. blah.
Current Mood: [mood icon] frustrated

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April 21st, 2004

07:45 pm
i hate homework. i can't wait until the semester is over.

13 more days until the semester is over (3 more days of class, plus the day of the finals)
19 days until we move out.
new semester starts in 21 days.

i really did not realize that there is only 3 more days of class, i really need to get my shit together. fuck me. damn it.

ok. im not freaking out. yet. i just really need to concentrate.

i need to:

- fix a program
- write 2 more programs
- write 5 pages of observations
- make a portfolio for education
- make study notes for stats
- do an online sheet thing for ceramics

and thats all just for school, i have to finish packing, finish buying stuff for the apt, call and get power and stuff ready to be turned on, and figure out about changeing my address on everything.

blah. i guess i really need to focus. no more livejournal...
Current Mood: [mood icon] stressed

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April 19th, 2004

10:07 pm
i hate being a procrastinator. blah. i hate having to do homework too.

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April 17th, 2004

04:15 pm
i think that my computer broke. the screen won't turn on. =( i dont know what to do.

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April 14th, 2004

08:14 pm
hmm...cleaning/packing my room. moving in less than a month. getting a little more excited/nervous.

got lots of stuff to do.

had a really nice birthday. thanks bryan =)
Current Mood: [mood icon] busy

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April 11th, 2004

09:33 pm
my birthday is tomorrow and i dont really care.

im tired of always feeling like shit. i hate feeling like this. i hate feeling like i should cry, but can't. i hate crying when i do cry. i hate always feel like shit. not being motivate. never getting anything done.

i hate this stupid cycle. it goes away, but it always comes back. always

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