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♥ pixy.

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[03 May 2004|04:53pm]
[ mood | bored ]

had to work today.
i have to drive to salem on friday to get my piercing license.
watching cops.
i need to go workout.
my backhurts.
school tommorrow.


[23 Apr 2004|09:46am]
got a new job at claires @ beaverton mall as a keyholder. yep.

i'm bored.

that's it.

1communication| communicate

[05 Apr 2004|03:14pm]
[ mood | stressed ]

sitting around alone. desperately trying to figure out how to get $22 before 9pm tonight so that my bank account doesn't overdraw. att has completely screwed me. anyone wanna help me burn down ATT??

have a potential job prospect.

yep. thats it. i wanna eat some raspberry frozen yogurt. yep.



only one good thing in a sea of bad. [01 Apr 2004|09:18pm]
i think i need to see a doctor, or maybe not. maybe its all in my head. my back always aches, my stomache always hurts, my head hurts, my leg hurts, my arm hurts...my infamous quote "i just don't feel good"...it seems like its always something. its probably just in my head.

life seemed so perfect for a bit there. once again...i feel hopeless. i am giving up on interior design, because i don't have a creative bone in my body.

i quit my job, because they were gonna fire me. the whole job thing really hurt me, i loved everyone there to death, and i just got stabbed in the back. i was working hard, and doing my job. my manager just copped out when i asked her what was up, and said things were out of her control. its all a long and complicated dramatic story. they point is it hurt cause i didn't do anything that merited being fired. they stabbed me right in the back.

i am dead broke. my tax returns should be here soon and that will hold me over for a little longer.

everyone i used to know has faded away. i get a phone call or a message every so often. "lets hang out sometime." "lets have girl time sometime." "lets go for coffee sometime." the key word here is sometime, then i don't hear from them for weeks, or they don't call back. wow, i am a loser.

school is gonna be stressful this term, i can already tell that.

i only have one good thing in my life right now. i love him to death. he keeps me together, cause right now i am ready to fall apart.

oh well. maybe its all in my head. thats what everyone would like to tell me. thats what i'd like to tell myself.


[26 Mar 2004|11:10am]
dude. i am tripping out right now. for like the past week megan has been talking about how we need to find zach. hah. then she found him last night. that is freaking crazy. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. random at java bay. what the heck.
1communication| communicate

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