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NEW JOURNAL!!!!!!!! [07 Mar 2004|04:51pm]
I gots me a new journal.


add me people!

[28 Feb 2004|12:31am]
"im ashamed and embarrased of everyones behavior. i have a new found respect for Hickey."-hana

exactly what i was thinking. Now that I understand that Hickey was told by the Board of Ed to do all that, and that he didn't just come in and try to change everything all at once to his liking I like him now. And especially after what he did today...he doesn't have to meet with us next week. He's listening to us....something we've never had before....

My uncle knows Hickey I guess you can say. My uncle is a videographer thingy type guy. He tapes proms, graduations, dances, yadda yadda. Well last week at my grandmothers I mentioned how our new principal Hickey is making everything so much more strict and how it sucks and cell phones are being taken away if they see them blah blah and he goes "James Hickey? Oh I know him...He's a great guy. I did some taping for his school a few times. He's really nice." I said "What are you crazy?! That man is turning our school into a prison!" But now after today my feelings toward hickey have changed and I think what he has done for our school will turn out for the better.

Especially after discussing this in Balerno's class. Dr. T was a nice guy and well liked by everyone. That's the thing...he wanted to be well liked and so he just 'yessed' everyone and never helped. He let the bad kids get by and the good kids normally suffered the consequences if they only broke the rule once because we weren't his buddy. Dr. Hickey on the other hand is a nice guy, but is facing reality when you have to enforce the rules. He isn't letting kids get by anymore. This is what old bridge needs. We have needed a principal like Dr. Hickey and now we have him.

When I talked to Lassen and Mrs. Kelly before 8th period today he said to me "you guys are the silent majority. there was only about 50 of them out there. you guys need to get your school back. there is more of you then there is of them. do something about it." It makes you stop and think doesn't it? Why do we let those kids who won't make something of their lives, who won't go to college control our school and make us look like fools?

haha I love how after talking all serious with Lassen and Mrs. Kelly I walk out into the hallway with them and I say "Oh and I love how the ones who cause all this are now complaining they don't have lunch." Then Mrs. Kelly goes "that's cause their (and then mumbles) dumbasses!" Then the of course Lassen following it up...."Those kids need to be CASTRATEDDDD!"

Well from what I heard 40 kids have gotten suspended. They deserve it. The two that got arrested should be expelled in my opinion.

Me and Krissy got into a screaming match with two kids today in the gym because they were making rude comments about the entire thing and then to me.

Now this brings us to the news. I knew we were going to be on channel 12 because we saw them pulling up. I saw the video because they have it on the website. What I didn't know was that we were on channel 9 news until jordanna told me. She taped it. I am going to watch it. We look like such a horrible school now and we look like such babies on the news 12 video. We are protesting against no jackets and cell phones in school according to them. Wow guys....we make it sound like it's something horrible, like they don't feed us!!!

I also heard that they plan on doing this every Friday? I was mad enough today at those idiots. I started screaming at them, but Nick was afraid for my life and covered my mouth. ugh. If this happens again I think you should expell them all.

I took up enough space. I'm done.

[09 Feb 2004|12:20am]
Yeah well another weekend went by. I can't wait for this weekend to come. That means my Towson try-outs will be over (they are on Friday). I am so incredibley nervous.

So anyways the weekend...

Friday- went to dance and did my assisting thing. i came home waited for my uncle manny to leave and eventually ate at like 8:30. i called allison at 9 cause i was supposed to go there and hang out with her and miss jordanna but i wasn't feeling right so i went to bed instead. I, Kristin Swing, went to bed at 9:45. haha. I woke up at 1 in a cold sweat though and the feeling like i was about to throw up so I came online for about a half hour and then went back to bed. wow totally not me...

saturday- woke up and assisted the hip-hop and then opening number. me and gina are too funny. we are so wacky together. you gotta love that hip chick. me and kait got our snaps on too. haha. after that i ate lunch and then went home and got ready for michelle's. went to michelle's and we called every freakin' place in wildwood. and 2 and a half hours later. nothing! ugh. well me and krissy went to red lobster and rushed our way through our meal. i scarfed down my crab for her. stupid bitch...haha. got home at 7. picked up jordanna and went to allisons. hung out and eventually went to eugenes. from there we went to fadis who wasn't home! jerk.... then we went to wawa to see if jessika was working....she was working! then we went to eugene's and i gave them my sex tips....PERINEUM! hhhahahahahahha. then dave and vento showed up and we left with our parting gift...you've got mail! haha. dropped off my two bitches and then went home, ate mac and cheese, and went to bed.

sunday- I woke up at 12. watched me some land before time the tv series and lilo and stitch. then i went downstairs and played karaoke revolution on my sisters new ps2. we played for like an hour. it's great. I did homework and cleaned my room too. new shoe rack. how awesomeeee. then i procrastinated in fixing my paper and i am finally doing it now.

tomorrow is school. oh how i hate you so. i can't wait till may. i am really excited for the month of may for some reason. could be cause it's the dance recital, the end of the arts high school, the end of the art history class, the ending of college worries, and the definate end of cold weather. (hopefully...knock on wood!)may will be an easy month. i'm excited for it. and it's not that far if you think about it. wow this year is flying by. soon we will be saying goodbye to highschool and hello to college. oye vey.

alright enough rambling tonight. see ya kiddies

[01 Feb 2004|11:39pm]
I kicked ass with my conscience of man presentation. I wasn't my nervous self at all. Could be that only 13 people were there. But hey i still did really well. Great time with Eug, fadi, and devine. haha. BUKAKE!!!!! It went something like this....

fadi:my country is called faddington and my foreign currency is bukake...
devine:woa hey hey!! what do you think mr. devine is stupid. you don't think i know what bukake is?
fadi:huh? it's like poop...
devine:come here

brings fadi over to his desk and whispers it into his ear as me and eugene almost die laughing and every now and then fadi would go...

what the hell?

fadi as me, him and eug walk to pascales locker...
"devine just explained to me what bukake meant. DEVINE!"

as we walk down the stairs....

fadi-you think ace venture knew what bukake meant when he said it?

wow you gotta love fadi.

Ummm. Haven't been up to much lately. I met this hot guy on hotornot. According to allison he's hot and has a little d****** thing going on. haha. i talked to him once. that was it. kinda like the rest of my conversations with guys i just meet.

I taught dance on friday. Made some money by doing something i love...not to shabby.

I wanna go out and do something different this weekend. if you got any ideas and want to join im me.

[01 Feb 2004|11:25pm]
current clothing:towel ;)
current mood:sad
current taste:nada
current hair:up in a towel
current annoyance:men
current smell:nothing
current thing you ought to be doing:getting dressed/cleaning/getting ready for tomorrow
current jewelry:studs in the cartilage
current book:nada
current refreshment:i want my oj!
current worry:love/prom
current crush:eh not really a crush. i don't even talk to him anymore
current favorite celebrity:none
current longing:love
current music:nada
current wish:none
current lyric in your head:none
current makeup (if you're a girl!):none
current undergarments:none
current regret:jumping to conclusions
current desktop picture:time to say good picture
current plans for tonight/weekend:i wanna do SOMETHING this weekend. making plans now.
current cuss word du jour:fuck
current disappointment:men
current amusement:annoying eugene
current IM/person you're talking to:eugene (who else)
current love:orange juice
current obsession:orange juice
current avoidance:i have my few
current thing or things on your wall:grinch poster and picture collages
current favorite book:cut
current favorite movie:how to lose a guy in 10 days/x-men

currents!@*&!*@&^& brought to you by BZOINK!

[30 Jan 2004|12:43am]
You, my friend are a true individual. You most
likely hate trends and are creative. By seeing
things differently, people either admire you or
think you are a bit strange. I'm guessing you
are a lot like me. Perhaps a Good Charlotte
hater? I hope so. An inspiration to us all,
continue being you! (If you like GC, I'm sorry,
I am just expressing an opinion)

A Deeper Look Inside Yourself (with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

[29 Jan 2004|03:50pm]
I got into rutgers. woop woop go me! I got into the Livingston campus, Cook campus, and Douglass campus. I have to try out for the Mason Gross campus to see if I get in there. So since I got in there that means no matter what happens I am going to college. yay? i think....all i need to do now is apply to rowan and montclair. also to hear back from udel. which is most likely a rejection, but hey maybe the admissions person got lucky the night before they read mine and will be in a good mood.

One more day left of midterms. I got a 78 on my english midterm. 1 question off from a damn B-. Oh well what am i gonna do about it. I barely studied so I guess that's a good grade, and my essays were shit. She keeps saying that she is preparing us for college. I don't want to be prepared. I want to enjoy my senior year and thanks to english and anatomy i'm not. anatomy is a freakin' cp class! yet he treats it like an honors/ap class. my english class, which is honors, is hell of a lot harder than the ap class. and they agree with me. that's not right. I'll be paying my guidance counselor a visit soon. my gpa better not go down because of them. stupid classes.

alright well i should go start my conscience of man presentation since that's tomorrow. you know what else is tomorrow SENIOR DANCE!!! my group is gonna rock. and we are gonna kick some major tushies. (i only said tushies to honor the tush push)well i better get going. later kiddies.

My last competition.... [26 Jan 2004|10:12pm]

MBC Competition 2004...


Lyrical-If Only For One Night-2nd Place
Jazz-Le Jazz Hot-1st Place
Pantomime-They're Coming to Take Me Away-2nd Place


Lyrical-Imagine-2nd Place
Jazz-This Will Be-1st Place
Open-Hot Honey Rag-1st Place


Pointe-Bittersweet Symphony-1st Place
Lyrical-Time to Say Goodbye-1st Place
Pantomime-America-1st Place
Hip-hop-Fire-1st Place
Ballet-William Tell-1st Place
Tap-Bill Bailey-1st Place
Jazz-Beyond the Sea-1st Place
Production-Are You Ready For Some Football-1st Place with a perfect score!

High Point Awards
(The senior category is ages 13 and up. These awards mean you got the highes points out of all people that participated in the senior category in whatever type of dance)


Jazz-This Will Be- Best Jazz
Novelty-Hot Honey Rag-Best Novelty


Pointe-Bittersweet Symphony- Best Pointe
Lyrical-Time to Say Goodbye- Best Lyrical
Pantomime-America-Best Pantomime
Fire-Best Hip-hop
Jazz-Beyond the Sea-Best Jazz

We also received the award for Most Entries

Congrats to...

Dana Debari for the 10-12 Modeling Title (especially competing against 16 girls!)
Kali for Best Pointe and Best Jazz solo.
Kait for Best Pantomime solo.
Evan for Best Tap solo.
Kait and Evan for Junior Best Pantomime duo and Leanne and Erin for Senior Best Pantomime duo.
Alyssa and Brianna for Junior Best Hip-hop and Jazz duos.

Wow so many more I can't think of hehe.


All in all a great weekend minus the waking up at 6am to do makeup. Whatcha gonna do about it! It was fun. I love my Dancation girls. There was so much crying. It's so sad that this is going to end soon. :(

[19 Jan 2004|05:08pm]
Stars on the Rise Competition was this weekend. This is how we did...


Jazz-3rd place (cause i went against a penis! hahahha and the runny nose didn't help out my situation. FLYING SNOT! hahahha. whatever no bigs I'm cool with it)

Pantomime-3rd (penis again!)

Lyrical-1st (no penis here obviously!)

Duos with Kali





William Tell (Ballet)-1st

Beyond the Sea (Jazz)-2nd

Fire (Hip-Hop)-1st

Bittersweet Symphony (Pointe)-1st

America (Pantomime)-1st

Time To Say Goodbye (Lyrical)-1st

Bill Bailey (Tap)-2nd

Are You Ready For Some Football-1st

Miss A won best choreography for a Production number.

Lil Sib won best Junior Soloist for her acro! go Bri!

Now for the great news that started off my weekend....

I was ACCEPTED to Towson University!

Dance tryouts are February 13. ahh so nervous.

Well I have another competition this weekend. We will see how that goes. great weekend!

[10 Jan 2004|12:21am]
[ mood | sick ]

What time are you starting this?: 12:21
Name?: Kristin
Date of birth?: 8/5/86
Sex?: female
Height?: 5'5"
Eye color?: brown
Where were you born?: brooklyn, ny

Do you have a crush on someone?: yeah....well no not really
Do you have a bf/gf?: nooooo
If so, what is their name: ---
How long have you been together?:---
What are you wearing right now?: socks, my dancation jump suit pants, black long sleeved shirt, and my towson sweatshirt
Would you have sex before marriage?: yeah sure
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers? uhh no can't say i have
Do you smoke?: no
Do you drink?: yeah i would if i'm at a party or something, but i can't now because of my medication.
Are you ghetto?: holler back youngin'
Are you a player?: don't playa hate....masturbate. (wow this cough medicine makes me loopy...haha)
What are your favorite colors?: black, neon blue, lime green
What is your favorite animal?: white tiger, koala bear, panda bear
Do you have any birthmarks?: yeah on my knee
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: hell no beetch
Who are your best friends?: kristin, kali, allison, timm, nick, eugene
Have you ever beat someone up?: not really but i remember being in elementary school and when i still lived in whispering pines i did some damage to a few of the boys cause i went on a spree of kicking them in the nuts. :)
Who do you talk to most on the phone?: im never on the phone
Have you ever been slapped?: punched? yes. slapped? no

Do you get online a lot?: everyday
Are you shy or outgoing?: depends the situation
Do you shower?: yes
Do you hate school?: with a passion
Do you have a social life?: no not really
How easily do you trust people?: i don't trust other people at all
Have you ever lied to your bestfriends?: maybe a little fib here and there but nothing that would hurt anyone

Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: yeah i'm sure i do
Would you ever sky dive?: i would say no but there may be a chance i would give in
Do you like to dance?: well now let's think about that one...
Have you ever been out of state?: yesss
Do you like to travel?: yes-tour guide kristin!
Have you ever been expelled from school?: no
Have you ever been suspended from school?: no
Do you want to get out of your hometown?: YES

Are you spoiled?: not really
Are you a brat?: no
Have you ever been dumped?: yes
What's your favorite drink?: iced tea, lemonade, sprite remix, code red mt. dew
Do you like Snapple?: yes pink lemonade
Do you drink a lot of water?: not as much as i do
What toothpaste do you use?: crest cavity stuff
Do you have a cell phone or pager?: yeah i have a cell phone. does anyone still have a working pager?

Do you have a curfew?: not really. if i'm driving i have to be home before 1230. If i'm out with someone else who drives past then, then i just gotta tell the parentals.
Who do you look up to?: my grandma, and my mom, and my dance teacher
Are you a role model?: i was told by one of the girls mothers at dance that her daughter wants to do everything i do. so i take that as a yes.
Have you ever been to Six Flags?: season pass baby!
What name brand do you wear the most?: none
What kind of jewelry do you wear?: thumb ring, xox ring, school ring, clatter ring, my cartilage earrings, my bell button ring
What do you have pierced?: 4 holes in each ear and my navel
What do you want pierced?: at least 2 more holes in each ear and my nose
Do you like taking pictures?: yes
Do you like getting your picture taken?: not really
Do you have a tan?: no cause it's winter
Do you get annoyed easily?: yes
Have you ever started a rumor?: no

Do you have your own phone/phone line?: yes
Do you have your own pool?: yes
Do you have any siblings?: younger sister-kait
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: boxers
Have you ever been played?: yes
Have you ever played anyone?: nope
Do you get along with your parents?: of course cause my mother is a goddess
How do you vent your anger?: growl punch something and then sleep
Have you ever run away?: no

Have you ever been fired from a job?: no cause i never had a job
Do you even have a job?: i babysit twice a month and I work for my dad's company when he needs me
Do you daydream a lot?: yes i do
Do you have a lot of exes?: 2
Do you run your mouth?: all the time
What do you want a tattoo of?: fairies, tinkerbell, and anything else i think is cool

What are your favorite flowers?: daisies, hibiscus
What does your most recent crush look like?: ---
Have you ever been bitched out?: uhhh?
When was the last time you bitched someone out?: if i knew what that meant...
Are you rude?: if i don't like you...then yes i can be very rude
What was the last compliment you received?: YOU'RE RAD!
Do you like getting dirty?: of course...wink wink nudge nudge
Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: innie
Are you flexible?: yeah
What is your heritage?: italian, german, irish
What is your lucky number?: 2
What does your hair look like right now?: it's pulled back into a low pony tail with it parted down the middle
Could you ever be a vegetarian?: yeah

When was your last real heartbreak?: july
If you had to dye your hair it'd be what color?: ooo that's a toughy, either a deep red or blueish black.
Would you ever date someone younger than you?: if i really liked them
Would you ever date someone older than you?: already did
When was the last time you went on a date?: june of 2002

Have you ever had an eating disorder?: no
Do you have one now?: nope
How many rings until you answer the phone?: if i decide to pick it up....about 3
Do you look more like your mother or father?: motherrrrr

Do you cry a lot?: no
Do you ever cry to get your way?: no
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: ughhhhhhhh
Are you the romantic type?: yes
Have you ever been chased by cops?: i'm sure i've had....but when i slept outside for dance tix with the girls and we were running around the parking lot at 2 am and on 516 we ran from the cops but it turns out he thought we were the drunks from the bar.
When was the last time you threw up?: last year
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: brunettes
What do the shoes you last wore look like?: black slip on sandals that velcrow and say dance
Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: yes
What about cleavage?: woo! yes haha

Is your best friend a virgin?: yes
What theme does your room have?: wood? haha
What size shoe do you wear?: 8
What jewelry are you wearing now?: my gold hoop and my diamond cartilage earrings
What is your screen name on AIM?: xcrazzykrisx
ould you pick a wedgie in public?: yeah sure why the eff not
How are you feeling right now?: tired, annoyed, angry, and i can't stop coughing
When was the last time you were at a party?: i don't really count new years....so hmmmm. i don't really remember haha
Have you ever given a lapdance?: mwahahhahaa maybe
What do you sleep in?: whatever i am wearing before i fall asleep
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: yeah and the ones i've heard aren't true. my favorite one "i heard kristin was a slut!" if i am going around doing things with guys i would really like to know where I was when it happened. and if i'm a slut then some of those other girls in our school are like dirty skanky prostitutes compared to me.
Would you marry for money?: no
What do you drive?: 2001 oldsmobile alero
Are you more of a mama or daddy's child?: daddy's girl
When was the last time you cried in school?: freshman year
Do you wear Chucks?: nope
For two million dollars, would you pose for Playboy?: yes
What time are you finishing this?: 1:12


[04 Jan 2004|11:41pm]
I tried to sleep but I couldn't so here's an update...

Friday I found out my mom's side of the family was coming over. So I went for bloodwork and then hit up dance for 3 hours instead of 4. Came home early and showered. Came downstairs to hang out with the fam. I brought my prom magazines with me and my aunts were looking through those. Two good things came outta that...

1) Aunt christine asked when my graduation was. I said june 20th. She said that her inground pool will be in then and her jacuzzi so I can have my graduation party at her house. holler!
2) For my graduation present my aunts are buying me whatever shoes I want with my prom dress. Yay!!!

So yeah I eventually got ready and made my way to Applebee's to meet up with the dance crew. It was funn. They are all too funny. Afterwards I went back to kali's house to sleep there. she lives in sayreville. We ate and chatted and took pictures. we stayed up till 4am. ahh craziness.

Saturday morning had dance at 9. Conversation with pascale....

Pascale- how long did it take you to get home last night?
me- 10 minutes...i went 80 all the way down 9.
Pascale- I know!! you are a maniac when you drive! One minute you are in front of me and the next minute you are gone!

hehehe. There was no body in front of me that's why i got fast. haha.

I was at dance until 430! woo I was tired. I came home and attempted homework but I kept falling asleep. I could not stay awake. So I took a half hour nap and at 730 i went to babysit. The kids fell asleep like 45 minutes after their parents left so I read a little and texted a lot. They came home at around 1230. Made 35 bucks.

Today I had the cleaning of the room war with eugene. i totally won. My room is nice and clean. All I need to do is vaccuum and dust tomorrow. I cleaned out some shirts I didn't want anymore and gave them to my sister. I have no room in my closet for winter clothing anymore. It's ridiculous. And what's even more ridiculous is that half of it isn't mine. It's either my aunts or karlas. hahaha. I am goodwill. I just got 2 more boxes of sweaters from my aunt on friday. Hey no complaints here. I need to also clean out my drawers tomorrow. I have no problem with that. I'll get spring cleaning done early that's all.

Well only 10 days till competition. I am getting so nervous. I have nothing done.
9 days till childrens theatre. I am so nervous about that too. You should all come to my competition on that saturday. It's only an hour away. hehe. It's my last one :( Well if you don't come to that then you best be coming to my recital. It's on mother's day but 3 hours away from your mother isn't going to kill ya. I promise. You go to brunch with her and then come to my thing. Everyone's happy. How many spend the ENTIRE day with their mother anyway?? I have to admit i don't I do what i gotta do and then i act like it's any other day.

I gotta go to bed. My sinus infection came back just because i missed one day of the meds. Stupid sinuses. Later kiddies.

[01 Jan 2004|09:08pm]
Christmas Eve was spent with my dad's side of the family. I didn't feel very well so I slept a lot of the time I was there. When it came time for dinner I could barely eat and there was all that fish!!! I was very mad at myself. Anyway we eventually traded gifts and such. I got 50 dollars, 25 dollar gift certificate to the freehold mall, a visa gift cardy thingy, and a purse. Wooo!!!! I was excited.

Christmas day I woke up at 9. damn family. I eventually went downstairs and me and my sister started opening up gifts. I got gift cards to Journeys, Express, and Delias, boots, winter jacket, dance sweatshirt, britney cd, bracelet, lots of clothes (but I am returning half of them), cat in the hat pajama pants, undies, heavenly perfume, and bath and body works stuff (I have gotten four shower gels every year since like the 6th grade hehehe. what a mom!) And the best gift of the day...... X-men collectors DVD set andddddd A PORTABLE DVD PLAYERRRRR!!! woooo! yea mom! Me and my sister each got our own and she said if we didn't like it she would cry. But I love itttt.

We got my mom a 4 1/2 hour spa treatment at Serenity. She's going to get a facial, massage, manicure, pedicure, lunch, her makeup done, and a free gift. Dad also made her a DVD of me and my sisters competition from two years ago and played "i hope you dance" in the background. As soon as the song started mom started crying. Whadda dorkk. :-P

We got dad all this golf stuff. He was stoked. I have no idea what it was but he seemed to love it. Oh and we also got him 2 fleeces cause he always complains that the rest of us have fleeces and he doesn't. Well now he does so he can't complain.

Okay that was all from my xanga from christmas, but now I am going to write new stuff....

So yeah I was sick that Christmas night. My temperature was jumping all over the place. So I went to bed at like 1130 and my mother woke me up at 230 Friday morning and took me to the doctor. I told the doctor I think I have a sinus infection and she said I was good and that she "definately agreed" so she gave me the usual with an addition of nose spray (i'm an even bigger nerd now!)I have no idea what I did that night. I think I just hung around cause I didn't feel well.

Saturday I went to dance and was there till 415. I came home and eventually got dressed. I was mad I had nothing to do so I took allison and we played car tag last night with eug, dave, matt, wade, vento, kenny, jeff, and alex. Actually eugene begged me to play but I said no, but then I went to allisons to pick her up to crash their little thing. We found them eventually and eug met us at my house and we hopped in his car. First time driving with eug,and it will be my last. hahah just kidding. It was an amusing game. He let me drive! from the passenger seat. haha. I purposely went to go crash into a corner and when I tried to turn the wheel back straight my arm wasn't long enough...but but but eug has some good reflexes so we didn't crash. I came home, went online, ate some food to take my medicine, and went to sleep.

Sunday I spent with Pascale and then later on we went to allison's. Eventually we went to the hockey game. I NEED A HAIRTIE!!!! hahahha. Afterwards we went to eugene's and him and dave stole my car so we stole his clothes. hahahaha. i got my car back but we took his clothes.

Monday I spent the whole day cleaning. Then I eventually took eugene to the mall. I dressed him. Now with the haircut he will look fabulous! Then kali came over at around 9. We watched freaky friday CHAD MICHAEL MURRAY!!! he's so hotttttttt. We ate cinnamon popcorn. then we laid in bed but couldn't sleep. we were up till 4 in the morning just talking about stupid stuff.

Tuesday went to dance but got there early because we got the times mixed up. Bri was cool though and let us do our duos first which was good for me. I did my solos. Then I came home and I have no idea what I did. I didn't go out though. My mom got me Teen prom though. what a nice mommy!

Wednesday I woke up and chatted with people about what was going down. Krissy came and eventually we went to Joe's party. We were there for an hour. I wish we were able to stay longer though. But we didn't. Then I came home and then eventually went to Krissy's where Jordanna and Allison awaited my arrival. Eugene and Dave eventually came. Dobes and Meesh eventually came. Tara and Adam eventually came. Dobes and Meesh left. At midnight me, krissy, and allison ran outside. me and krissy had pots and we banged them nice and loud to wake up the neighbors. We came back in and Adam and Tara left. Then at around 1 we went back to my house but i dropped Jordanna off first. Came back to my house and Mike went to sleep right away. Me, kristin, allison, dave, and eugene stayed up and watched pirates. we all stayed up till somewhere aroung 515. Woke up at around 10 thanks to miss allison!! it's okay. we laid around and acted stupid and then my pops brought bagels. ate and then they all went home.

I stayed in my pajamas all day today. I went back to sleep at around 3 and woke up at 6 something.

Tomorrow i have to go get blood work and then I have practice with kali. Then i have to teach till 630. Then I am going ice skating maybe? Then applebees with the girls from dance.

Wow nice long update. Later on tonight I am going to update about the actual new year. I don't wanna do it now cause my dad's in the room and I know I'm gonna cry and I don't wanna cry in front of him. okay laterrr

[24 Dec 2003|12:21pm]
Christmas Eve and it's 57 degrees outside....that's a little...odd? I feel like I'm in Florida with this kind of weather (warmth and rain) during December. that kinda rhymed. hehehe. ya know weather and december...wow hmm okay...My allergies are KILLING me right now because of the weather bouncing all over the place. It needs to pick a damn temperature and stay at it. None of this 32 degrees to 50 degrees. I'm not liking that. I just finished baking cookies with my sister. Now I need to go get ready for my aunt's house. later kiddies

[23 Dec 2003|02:02am]
haha school tomorrow. I kept forgetting about that. Stayed up talking to eug about 80's porn and midget porn and other random things. also stayed up talking to erik. now that conversation was interesting.

Auto response from surfErPunk119: kristin swing likes hairy puss from the 80's

whadda jerk haha

I can now say this since Kali has revealed the truth cause she's a focker like that... [22 Dec 2003|09:30pm]
I made High School of the Arts for modern dance. woooo!


so did Kali. Even though she's a focker.

[22 Dec 2003|03:52pm]
I haven't done anything in a long time. I've been sitting in either my computer room or my room just kinda hanging out with myself. Exciting ain't it?
I have to finish applying to all my colleges. So far I have only applied to Rutgers and Towson. I gotta hurry my ass up. I am such a procrastinator. I am so looking foward to going away. I need a change...giving me some excitement in my life. I need to meet new people. I need to meet guys. I need a life. I need college!!!
Huli was my secret santa for peer and she got me How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (along with 3 bottle of apple juice, a big bag of jelly belly jelly beans, and a foot care kit). Anyways, I have been watching it lately and I cry everytime. I can't help it...I just do. I want what 'Andy and Ben' have in that story. Like the scene when they are in the bathroom and he is getting the shower ready for her and they start to kiss and the way he holds her face in his hands and the way he looks at her and the way he lightly brushes his lips against hers......sigh... I wish I had that with a guy. Just to be kissed like that would make me melt.....now, if only there was someone to kiss me...
Only half of a day left in school. woo! I really really really need this break. I have a feeling I won't be doing much but hey what else is new. I'll be able to sleep alot.
Yeah I'm tired and I am going to go watch Swimfan. That movie freaks me out cause it's so realistic. ahhh scary effed up people!


[20 Dec 2003|11:55pm]
and that my friends....is number 3.

i give up :(

[19 Dec 2003|01:19am]
what time is it? 1:19!! and i still have to study for Anatomy and conscience of man. and i still have to do the anatomy lab. and i still have to go through my lines for drama.
what time do i have to be in school tomorrow?630ish.
how many hours of sleep am i going to get? 3 if I am lucky
Can I sleep after school? No cause I have dance for 3 hours.
Can I sleep after dance? No cause I have to clean my room otherwise I'm killed and eaten for dinner by the parentals.

this is when i cry. *cries*

[17 Dec 2003|09:14pm]
013. do you bite your nails : no
014. can you roll your tongue : yeah
016. can you raise one eyebrow at a time : well one eyebrow
017. can you blow smoke rings: no
018. can you blow spit bubbles : no
019. can you cross your eyes: no
020. colored hair: brown with blonde highlights and brown lowlights and dyed brown in the back
021. tattoos and where : nada...yet!
022. piercing and where: 3 in the earlobes on each side, 1 in the cartilage on each side, and my bellybutton. more to come...
023. do you make your bed daily : hell no
024. what goes on first bra or underwear: depends
025. which shoe goes on first: errr?
027. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone:yeah
028. how much money is usually in your wallet? : 20
029. what jewelry do you wear: rings, watch, and sometimes a necklace
030. whats sexiest on a guy : nice arms and upper body
031. whats sexiest on a girl : her eyes??

046. how often do you brush your teeth : every morning and one other time during the day
047. how often do you shower/bathe : everyday
048. how long do these showers last : depends on how i'm feeling
049. hair drying method : air dry if i'm not in a hurry, blow dry if i am
050. do you paint your nails : i get them done
051. do you swear : non-stop
052. do you mumble to yourself : yes
053. do you pee in the shower: no
054. whats in your cd player : nada
055. person you talk most on the phone with : nobody
056. do you use an alarm clock : i use it to sleep through..
057. name one thing or person you're obsessed with: the grinch
058. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex : nope
059. ever sunbathed in the nude: no
060. do you snore : nope
061. do you sleepwalk : nope
062 do you talk in your sleep: sometimes
063. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: i sleep with my tv on

072. had sex: nevaaaa
073. were kissed: ughh... long long long long time ago...don't rub it in biatchs
075. cried : yesterday
076. talked on the phone : earlier today
077. read a book : last month
078. punched someone : i punch antonio all the time

079. is music important to you : not really
080. do you sing? : yeah but i'm bad lol
081. what instruments do you play?: used to play the clarinet

083. pop music : yea
084. rock music : yes
085. punk music : yea
086. rap music : eh kinda, not really
087. hip-Hop/RB : yea
088. country : some of it
089. jazz : most def
090. classical: sometimes
091. new age : ehhh
092. what is one band/singer you like that no one has heard of? i'm not sure

A - Act your age: yea most of the time
B - Born on what day of the week: tuesday?
C - Chore you hate : cleaning my room
D - Dad's name? William or Bill..whichever you prefer
E - Essential makeup item? coverup
F - Favorite actor? jim carrey
G - Gold or silver? silver
H - Hometown? brooklyn
I - Instruments you play? nada
J - Job title? dancer for a dj?
K - Kids? nada
L - Living arrangements? me, mom, dad, sis, and dog
M - Mom's name? maria
N - Number of people you've slept with? none
O - Overnight hospital stays? nopee
P - Phobia? heights, disgusting bugs
Q - Quote you like? "the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return"
R - Religious affiliation? ehhhh
S - Siblings? sister-kaitlyn
T - Time you wake up?: schooldays-6:30..non school days-between 12 and 2
U - Unique habit? making my stomach roll
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: ugh all of them
W - Worst habit? not being able to make eye contact
X - ?
Y - Yummy food you make? pizza pockets
Z - Zodiac Sign? leo

[17 Dec 2003|08:22pm]
+name: Kristin Marie Swing
+piercings: 3 in each earlobe, 1 in each cartilage, and my bellybutton. (more to come!)
+tattoos: none...yet...
+height: 5'6"ish
+shoe size: 8
+hair color: brown with blond highlights with lowlights and with the back dyed a darker brown
+length: a little big past my shoulders
+siblings: a sister-Kait

+movie you rented: errr?
+movie you bought: hmmm....
+song you listened to: roc ya body-stagga lee
+song that was stuck in your head: avril lavigne-i'm with you (whyy???)
+cd you bought: i don't buy cds
+cd you listened to: system of a down
+television show you've watched: The Nanny
+person you're thinking of: no comment

Do you:
+you have a crush on someone: yeah
+you think about suicide: no
+you believe in online dating: when i was like 11
+think others find you attractive: yeah...some...okay a few...okay maybe like 2
+you want more piercings: most def...after christmas
+you drink: yes
+you do drugs: noo
+you smoke: no
+you like cleaning: have you seen my room?
+you like roller coasters: yeaaa
+you write in cursive or print: print with an occasional cursive mixed in

For or against:
+long distance relationships: if you were with the person for a long time then yea.
+using someone: against
+suicide: against
+killing people: against
+teenage smoking: against
+premarital sex: if you wanna do it then do it
+driving drunk: against
+gay/lesbian relationship: for
+soap operas: against

+food: chinese, ceasar salad, seafood
+song: depends on my mood. if i'm in a happy mood then put a song i can dance to on.
+book: cut
+thing to do: sleep, eat, see people
+thing to talk about: anything interesting
+sports: dance, ice skating, baseball, basketball
+drinks: diet sprite, ginger ale, code red mountain dew, sprite remix
+clothes: jeans and a hoodie
+band/singer: it doesn't matter
+holiday: christmas
+ever cry over a male: yea
+ever lied to someone: yea
+ever been arrested: no

+of times I have been in love: 2
+of times I have had my heart broken: 5...maybe 6
+of hearts I have broken: 1
+of girls I have kissed: nada
+of boys I have kissed: 5
+of girls I have slept with: nada
+of boys I have slept with: none
+of people I consider my enemy: i have no enemies
+of scars on my body: a lot. i lose count
+of things in my past that I regret: countless amount

More favorites:
+disney movie: the lion king, lilo and stitch, finding nemo, beauty and the beast
+scent: guys:curve, nautica, tommy...girls: bora bora, curve, lucky you
+nickname: swing
+guy name: anything different
+girl name: anything different
+eye color: blue
+flower: hibiscus and roses
+piercing: guys: tounge and eyebrow...girls: nose, ears

Do you think you are:
+pretty: i could be i guess
+funny: at times. when i wanna be and i don't try
+hot: no
+friendly: when i'm not being shy
+amusing: yeah i think people are amused by me
+ugly: at times
+loveable: yea
+pessimistic: yeahh
+optimistic: when it comes to other people and their problems
+caring: yea
+dorky: yess

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