10. "Search" function allows you to quickly find and enjoy our oevure of 67,854 Oliver Willis fat-jokes
9. More stable commenting feature means that you won't have to "Say and Pray" when you hit the post-button
8. Advanced Picture-in-Picture fuction allows you to continue scanning Ace of Spades headlines while watching bootleg Brazillian dog-porn
7. "Extended Entry" feature -- which shows just a part of a lengthy article, requiring you to click "continue" to see the rest -- allows us to write overlong, amateurishly self-indulgent pieces that you don't even have to scroll past in order to ignore
6. No longer will you have to remember confusing "www.ace-o-spades.blogspot.com" address; now you'll merely have to write a complex mnemonic song to remember "www.ace.mu.nu" (possible rhymes for "mu.nu": voodoo; Jews Knew (hey, it worked for Amiri Baraka))
5. Fish don't fry in the kitchen; beans don't burn on the grill
4. Clicking on the blog-title banner will bring you back to the homepage from the archives-- now there's an innovation
3. The fact that Wonkette is not on Munuvia means we're still operating in a rich target environment
2. Pixy Misa's major bandwidth means that we won't get our servers blown out when Instapundit finally links us (fingers crossed!)
...and the Number One Cool Thing About Munuvia...
1. There's no commitment required for signing up, and we got a really cool football-phone out of the deal
Kick ASS! You're here! (Yeah, I know, I sounded like a real mullet-head there for a minute, didn't I?)
I'm so excited, all six of my nipples are tingling!
Posted by: Emma at April 28, 2004 09:31 AM"Fish don't fry in the kitchen; beans don't burn on the grill."
Translated: A lot less loose shit will be going on.
Posted by: Michael Ansara at April 28, 2004 07:48 PM