Sekimori - Live Blog
How I Use Movable Type

From the "this should have been the FIRST question you asked" department, the Trotts (et al.) are asking how we're using MT. I currently have ten weblogs in my MT install and they are:

Soul Illustrations - a now-defunct dream weblog that I keep around for portfolio purposes only.

Sekimori Mobile - the beginnings of a moblog, now abandoned due to lack of time.

HM Does NANOWRIMO - the archive home of the HM minions' abortive attempt to have time to participate in NANOWRIMO.

Sekimori - my main business site blog, where we update when new projects are launched, tech links, etc.

Client Test Blog - the blog where prospective clients can login and play with the software. I do not need to remind the Trotts how much business Sekimori has sent their way over the past three years.

What Was I Thinking? - My brother-in-law's blog. A fine writer who would be languishing at Geoshitties if not for me, er, hounding him to get a real CMS.

Flower Blog - My mother-in-law's blog. Rarely used but it's nice for her to have the outlet.

Aero Rocketry - An update blog for our local rocketry club, used to notify club members of updates, special deals, nifty links, etc.

TFS - Test site for a client of Sekimori who will be purchasing a commercial license for their own install...once they get off their duffs and frigging do it (two months and counting). (Live Blog) - This one heah.

Will I pay $600 for the commercial version (20 authors, 15 blogs)? Despite my extended relationship with Movable Type, my pleasure in working with the software, and delight in discovering new things to do with, I will not. I will pack up, as laborious a process as that will be, and find something else.

UPDATE - Oh yeah, I just remembered the biggest thing I use MT for...FOR EVERY SINGLE WEBLOG CLIENT OF SEKIMORI'S FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS. I'm just sayin'.

Posted 05/18/04 in Bidness
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Oy, Vey Moment of the Day

Ordered a nice little tag pouch from SitStay for puppy man (along with a squeaky rabbit...shutup) and received a free beef stix sample. Closer inspection of the package revealed the "beef stix" to be former steer penises.

Steer. Penises.

Mouth still hanging open, I checked in with their website (out of morbid curiosity, I'm sure), and found a description page full of inadequately endowed steer penis jokes.

Oy vey.

Posted 05/17/04 in Oy Vey Moment of the Day
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U.S. athletes told to cool it at Olympics


Posted 05/16/04 in Idiocy Abounds
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Link O'The Day

Google's weblog links to an explanation of why that hate site showed up when you Googled the word "Jew".

Well, before they were Googlebombed into subservience, that is.

Posted 05/12/04 in Linkage
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Ouch, That's Gotta Hurt!

Oy vey.

Stick to football, son.


"I don't like it so much with the cap, but without the cap, I feel like a good-looking guy."

Well, it's all well and good that it makes you feel good, Johnny, but you look like this guy.


Posted 05/03/04 in Short Cuts
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Psst, Pass it On

The Husband and I just celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary. After eight years of FAR more better than worse, I can now safely say that the secret to a long and happy marriage is this:

Don't be a selfish asshole.

Yep, it's that simple. When "they" say marriage is about compromise, "they" are totally not shitting you. You spend your life up to that point doing what you want, when you want, and how you want. Your opinon matters, others do not, blah freakin' blah. Well, get over it. Undo the lifelong habit of looking out for #1 and give a crap about the feelings and needs of another person for a change.

My gift to you.

Posted 05/03/04 in The Personal Bits
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Because I'm Really Too Busy to Post About Anything Else Just Now

To: Me
From: Me
Re:, specifically:

And I swear to the gods if a single person cries "racism" because the three lovely black ladies were in the bottom three, I will hunt you down and shit in your mouth.

Looks like we have our first volunteer.



Gloria Estefan. I'm puzzled, campers. What exactly makes you an "icon" in the music industry...quality of work or simple tenacity? I've gained wicked finger sprains for the past decade and a half jabbing the SEEK button on the radio whenever GE's latest warble oozes out, I'm sorry, I just don't get the contribution she's made to music history. On to the contestants!

LaToya - Eh, for all her polish and style, she is getting boring. I think half the appeal of this evil, benighted show is seeing who's going to tank and how. Irritating. I'm not so much pulling for her to win now because she's going to get a contract no matter what.

Fantasia - This chick has style, but I do wish she could tone down the gospel sound a bit. Simon is clearly enamored. He's probably been cherishing that Jessica Rabbit comparison for weeks now, accompanied by an industrial sized bottle of Aloe Vera and all the towels the hotel can spare.

Diana - I liked the dress, even if she did more than slightly resemble a poorly stuffed sausage. I think this is Simon's major problem with her, the fact that she's going to need a full-time personal trainer. Eats into the label's profits, dontcha know.

George - He's lost some of his confidence singing all this sappy Lite FM shite. He needs a James Brown week or, hell, even James Taylor week to get his spark back.

John - Red, Red, Red. It was time for him to go, and no one knew it better than him. The look on his face last week when Jennifer was cut and he wasn't... As I remarked to my husband last night when he was cut, the boy is going home to some MAJOR poon.

Jasmine - What, you're still here? Xst, everything about this girl torques me...her face, her whingy voice, her vanilla style. Blech. Anyone Paula Abdul (who, if you will remember, CAN'T FUCKING SING) wholeheartedly approves of needs to get an automatic trapdoor to a hell dimension.

With evil, sabertoothed bunnies.

Posted 04/29/04 in Edutainment
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Book Meme

Gotta do it...


1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.


I must have looked strange, because even though it was eighty-five-degree weather, I was wearing the blue parka with the bloodstain to look even more suspicious for the camera.

~The Pleasure of My Company by Steve Martin

Posted 04/26/04 in MemeLand
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Things to Do Before I Die

Via Steph, Things to Do Before I Die (in no particular order of importance):

1. Visit the moon. And I don't mean fly up on a shuttle or lander like the Apollo missions, I mean fly up to the moon on one of a dozen daily commuter runs, pick up my bags at the Heinlein Lunarport, check into luxury suite at the Lunar Ritz, and have a week-long lunar vacation. Lazing about in 1/6 Earth's gravity, flying in a cavern on delicate metal wings, exploring the surface in a personal runabout, sneaking a quickie on the dark side before leisurely returning to the five star hotel dining room to enjoy Wolfgang Puck Jr's latest culinary creations. It could happen.

2. See these guys succeed beyond their wildest expectations, sparking a revolution in the private space industry, and making #1 happen actually in my lifetime.

3. Expose the world media for the lying irresponsible fuckboats they truly are.

4. Expose world politicians for the lying irresponsible fuckboats they truly are.

5. Dine at Maxim's. But I'd rather wait until France is the 54th state, if you don't mind.

6. Have quite a lot of beverages with her, him, her, him, her, her, and them. Talk about everything under the sun except politics. Maybe have lap dances (no, not from each other).

7. Punch all these fuckers in the nose.

8. Kiss this woman on the mouth.

Aaand, that's all I've got for now. What can I say, it's been a good life so far.

Posted 04/24/04 in MemeLand
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It's Late, I'm Tired, This is What I Got

Well, that was my first Jimmy Buffet concert and, as a casual listener at best, I enjoyed the hell out of it. Believe it or not, it only occurred to me to moblog the thing as we were walking up to the Forum, and I only had a partial charge on my phone, hence the brevity of the collection.

That bright blob in front of the Jumbotron is a blowup shark, 30 feet long and powered by propellors, like a little blimp. It went well with the 40K people holding their hands above their heads and "sharking to the left, sharking to the right" during the encore. The spontaneous conga line was a nice touch, too.

Only minor spliffage in evidence, and we never could figure out who the perp was. That was some skillfully done toking. Alcohol flowed freely, of course, with beers the size of your head for $9 and margaritas the size of those dixie cups you rinse with at the dentist's office for $6.

The music selection was excellent, a good mix of oldies and some quite good unreleased stuff that's coming out on the License to Chill album in July. The 60s-esque version of "Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw" was a treat, I used to have a computer that would play a snip of that when shutting down. "Brown Eyed Girl", "Pencil Thin Mustache" and "Jamaica Mistaka" were all great fun. This show kicked off the License to Chill summer tour, if you have the means, I highly recommend catching a future date.

I only have one regret...that the bleached cow who decided to stand her narrow, skanky ass in front of us, and refused to even acknowledge the fact that we were yelling "MOVE YOU FUCKING IDIOT" didn't get my strawberry zinfandel down the back of her K-Mart Jaclyn Smith collection pants. But then we would have been thrown out and missed Margaritaville, the blowup shark, conga line, etc. etc.

Still. It would've been something to tell the kids about. Y'know, MUCH later.

Posted 04/23/04 in Edutainment
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