Tuesday, the 4th of May, 2004
11:26 pm - borrowed from enoelie
LIBRA Drinking style "I'm jusht a social drinker," slurs Libra, "it's jusht that I'm so damn social?" Libra loves nothing more than to party, mingle and relate to everyone. Whether dipped in favor of Good Libra (with Insta-Friend device set to "on") or heavier on the Evil Libra side (they are little instigators when bored), the Scales can really work a room. Charming as they are, Libras are notoriously lacking in self-control, however, which can get them into all sorts of trouble -- including wearing their wobbly boots waaaay too early in the evening, flirting with their best friend's beau or even blacking out the night's events entirely. Oops! Trademark cocktails Aesthetic Libras like pretty, pouffy drinks like a pink lady or a brandy Alexander. That's the influence of Venus, their ruling planet, which also gives them a horror of crudely named potions like Sex on the Beach. They're fine with "normal" guzzles like apple martinis, but every Libra secretly just wants Champagne, and lots of it.
Here's the link: http://www.gay.com/style/entertaining/package.html?sernum=641
Well, that first part's pretty right on the money. The second part isn't so much. It's more because I just don't like most alcoholic drinks. I can't stand the taste of alcohol in most cases, so I used to only drink those super fruity or ice cream-y drinks. I've acquired a taste for beer, though. So now that's my drink of choice. Yay. But yeah... I'm an uber-friendly trouble-maker when I drink. *adopts Ralph Wiggum voice* "I'm fun!"
~ 2 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Monday, the 3rd of May, 2004
11:24 am
"Just say 'here'... and lets assume that 'here' is short for 'here I am, rock you like a hurricane.'"
current mood: amused
~ 18 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Thursday, the 29th of April, 2004
4:35 pm
Remind me to never check my e-mail before work ever again. Got pissy about someone taking credit for my work and now I'm gonna be late. Well, I set my own hours, so this isn't a big deal, but... *sigh* I gotta high tail it out of here. Or go tomorrow. Hmmm.
I don't get too pissy about people not crediting my work... but I'll be damned if some little idiot is going to post MY finished icons and claim that they're BASES that SHE made. A) learn the difference between a base and a finished icon, beeeyotch. B) Bases are INSANELY easy to create. HOW can someone be so fucking lame that they can't even make BASES themselves?! I mean, what the hell? You save a picture off the internet. Crop the picture to a square. Resize that square to 100x100. Save image. Post somewhere. Seriously, who CAN'T get a handle on that? How braindead do you have to be to be incapable of making your own damn BASES?
And now I even have some new spyware shit on the PC that I didn't notice at first, because I directly loaded the page from Eudora and so the annoying pop-ups that come when you open your browser (and signify that you do, indeed, have ad/spy ware on your PC) didn't come up right away. I was wondering why everything was running so weirdly, though. Damn fucking bastards. I'm not sure, but I probably got it from FanFiction.net, because that's the only place I was yesterday that it could've been. Well, unless it was that Trigun fan page I was on, but I can't remember the last time I got shit like this from an anime fan page :P Damn FanFiction.net. First they remove the smut... and now this. I like AdultFanFiction.net better, anyways. No pop-ups and all the smutty FanFiction you could desire. I mean, come on. Who the hell reads fan fiction for anything other than smut?! *blinks* *looks around* Did I just say that out loud?!
I better get moving. Now I'm even later. Remind me not to post in my journal before work, either. Dammit.
Edit: Nevermind. That ship has sailed. I'll just go tomorrow.
~ 19 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Friday, the 23rd of April, 2004
9:20 pm
All of my friends are out of town tonight or doing the horizontal boogie (aka on a date), so I'm just staying in.
Well, unless Michelle calls. Then I'll go out to the bar with her. I haven't gone to our usual bar in weeks, so I'm guessing the bartender thinks it's because of the weirdness that went on between us. It isn't. I've just been lazy these past few weeks.
~ 1 soul captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Tuesday, the 20th of April, 2004
1:29 am
The Miroku commercial on Adult Swim for the new episodes of InuYasha = ♥ That is one hot animated monk.
I'm going to record it during the 2:30 showing of tonight's episode - which, of course, I'll be watching... because Kouga's in it. I love watching Kouga fight. He's just raw animated sex.
They don't make men that good in the real world. Seriously. Have I ever gotten involved with or even been interested in a "good" man? Nah. Just men who were "better than the alternatives". Lame. I'll just stay single until a "good" one comes along. What a waste of time/energy.
I'm so happy that Trigun's back on Adult Swim, though.
I think I might record some Aqua Teens tonight, too. They have some of the BEST episodes on this week.
~ 12 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Sunday, the 18th of April, 2004
6:20 pm
I have a lot of icon requests to fill... I suppose maybe I should work on those today. I actually haven't made very many icons in the last week or so, because I just haven't really been in the mood. Oh well. I'm not in the mood for much of anything lately. *yawn* Boredom...
~ 8 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Saturday, the 17th of April, 2004
7:56 pm
I'm not going out at all tonight. I know, I know... that makes an entire weekend of not going out - but I'm tired and lazy and I'll be out (sort of) tomorrow probably... and out on Monday.
I just don't feel quite right this weekend. I feel a bit out of sorts. Oh well.
No one's ever online Saturday night. You people suck. If you're around, say hi.
~ 7 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Friday, the 16th of April, 2004
11:04 pm - just spotted in the same inuyasha community...
EDIT: Um.. Rethinking situation based on large number of negative responses.
current mood: horribly amused, really
~ 7 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Wednesday, the 14th of April, 2004
8:56 pm
| Tuesday, the 13th of April, 2004
5:23 pm - hey! be a good samaritan!
Go help a girl I don't know with her homework. Because, hey, we were all there once (or maybe still ARE there), and wouldn't it have been nice if all of LJ pitched in and lent us a hand? It won't hurt. I promise.
I should've gone to work today. Maybe I can get all of LJ to help me out with that... *thinks* Nah, forget that.
Been giving some serious thought to something... *plots fiendishly*
~ bare your soul ~
| Sunday, the 11th of April, 2004
7:47 pm - ...best text message EVAH!...
I just got a text message from an unfamiliar number. The message itself says, "I got a new cellphone. This is my new number."
So I sent one back that said, "Great! But who are you?"
current mood: amused
~ 6 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
7:06 pm
Go and play with the Subservient Chicken RIGHT NOW.
This is addicting. This thing does almost anything you tell it to. So far, I've tried "watch tv", "do a cartwheel", "read a book", "dance", "turn off the lights", "stand on your head", "have a beer", "strip", "blow kisses", "make a sign" and my personal favourite thus far: "strike a pose".
Lemme know if you try anything and it turns out really great. I'll go back and see it, too.
~ 26 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Wednesday, the 7th of April, 2004
6:17 pm
Well. I managed to go to work today. Yay, me! Now I'm home and... well, I'm thinking I might make some icons.
I never figured out the problem with my animation program, but it decided to start working properly again, so I'm just not going to worry about it. It'll probably just decide to randomly piss me off from now on by not working to animate random icons. Oh well. At least it animated a bunch of other ones.
Speaking of which, someone asked me why I don't post my icons in here anymore, so I thought I'd throw this link on here just in case anyone was wondering the same thing. I stopped posting my icons here, because I figured most people don't want/need to see them all. So I started an icon journal. Just click on the cute little button if you want to go and see it. I updated it just the other day with all of the Powerpuff Girl icons I made.
You can add it to your friends list if you want to keep up with what I'm making, 'cos I add to it whenever I finish stuff :)
I have to reply to a bunch of comments today, too. I keep falling behind on those. Oops!
~ bare your soul ~
| Sunday, the 4th of April, 2004
6:02 am - ARGH!!!!!!!!
Words cannot express how much I wish this program was a living, breathing thing right now... So I could wring the life right out of it. The bastard.
~ bare your soul ~
| Saturday, the 3rd of April, 2004
12:51 am
I don't think I'm going to go out at all tomorrow.
I'm just going to stay home and make some angsty/angry icons.
Boys suck - and that's all there is to it. So many of them are whores... and I seem to be a manwhore magnet. Whatta shame.
~ 8 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Friday, the 2nd of April, 2004
4:21 am - phear me...
...for I finally installed those video programs and can now take screencaps and make mini movies like a pro.
The animation's a little bit choppy on this one, but it kind of was in the original video. Oh well.
I made a bunch of awesome PPG mini movies, but I still need to make icons for them to go on. Oops. Guess that part's kinda important, eh?
~ 13 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Monday, the 29th of March, 2004
9:32 pm
Went on a pony buying spree over the weekend... got all the Easter ponies and the Toys 'R' Us exclusives, plus some other goodies. Yay, me.
Job's been totally messed up. The bastards told me the front doors stayed open until 5pm each day, so as long as I got in by then, I'd have all the time I needed to work and let myself out the side door. Well, Friday I got there at about 4:55 and the doors were locked (yeah, I was running late because of traffic and stuff). I figured my watch was wrong, so I just went out and figured I'd go into work today. I got there a little after 4:30 today - and the doors were locked again. Liars. Now I have to go in tomorrow and I have no idea when the front doors actually lock, so I'll have to go earlier in the afternoon. Jerks.
I'm so super cranky today, it isn't even funny.
Missed a call on my cell from an unfamiliar number, so I assumed it was the hottie from this weekend - but Michelle said it wasn't his number. So who the hell WAS it? Dammit, I wish people would leave messages when they call me. I mean, 90% of the time I don't listen to them until weeks after they're left, but at least then I'd know who the hell called me this afternoon.
Michelle wants to hang out in the bar(s) we hung out in on Saturday more often. I don't know. I'm still happy with the old place, for several obvious reasons. Well, they're obvious to me and Michelle. Maybe not the rest of you. Well, some of you. Oh, nevermind.
~ 2 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Friday, the 26th of March, 2004
6:28 am
...and the weird chain of synchronicity keeps right on a-chuggin'...
This time, someone posted about Kevin Smith (the director), then someone else posted a short while later about Kevin Smith (not the director). Viewing my friends filter with the communities taken out... these entries were right next to each other.
You guys (ie ALL of you) can stop being WEIRD any day now.* Thanks.
* Just kidding. I love it. Carry on.
~ 12 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
6:22 am
I shall be going to bed momentarily. Believe it or not... this is actually early for me these days. No, I'm not kidding.
Even though tomorrow is Friday, I'm going to have a quiet night watching videos or something. I'm not going out-out under ANY circumstances. I went out last night (well, Wednesday night) and tonight (well, Thursday night) and I have plans for "wild adventures" on Saturday (and let me just say, if they're anything like the "wild adventures" of late, they surely WILL live up to their name - sheesh!). There's only so much non-stop adventuring/partying/drinking a girl (me!) can take. Well, last night wasn't really much for the partying/drinking, because I only had one and was mostly just hanging out... but it was still an adventure. If mine and Michelle's adventures keep increasing in their awesomeness the way they have been, I think by this time next year, we'll probably be in jail. Or rich. One or the other... or maybe both.
I'm hungry. I think I'll eat before I go to bed.
Man, do I ever have to call my sister tomorrow. I can't wait... *bounces around giddily*
current mood: hungry
~ 5 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Tuesday, the 23rd of March, 2004
10:15 pm
Thanks for the cute card, Ben! :D
I tried to click "Yes" when Friendster asked me if I wanted to be your friend... and it kept saying, "Error. That action is not allowed." So I guess we just can't be friends... *sob* Friendster has spoken!
Well, I don't use that really, anyways... one of my friend's ex-boyfriends signed me up for it and I'm only "connected" to a bunch of people I don't even talk to much anymore or never talked to much in the first place :/ I should probably make a new one that I could actually make use of.
~ 3 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
2:54 pm
I wish the neighbour would decide whether he's throwing a party or doing home repairs... 'cos he's really confusing the hell out of me.
~ 8 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
1:26 pm
I just knew today was gonna be messed up. I just knew it.
So I was tempted to go to sleep last night... and then I didn't. I just plain ol' didn't. So then I thought, "Hey. It's noon. I've almost been up 24 hours. Let's take a nap, self. Okay, self - GREAT idea!" So I go to lay down and my neighbours picked the precise moment that I was just starting to go to sleep as the perfect moment to turn on some loud music and start hammering on their house. I don't know what the fuck they're doing over there, but it's super annoying and now I can't have my nap, dammit.
I'm trying to decide if I want to go to work on zero sleep or go in tomorrow. I'd rather go in on some/enough sleep than none... but tomorrow risks being even MORE fucked up than today.
Oh, crap. I have to admit... My entire life's gone all "fucked up" now. I've got to get it back on track somehow. And somehow, I get the idea that getting it "back on track" doesn't involve pulling all nighters and going to sleep at noon or going to work without any sleep. Seriously, I need to be possessed by aliens for a couple weeks or something. They'll whip this shameful existence into something resembling a productive life. I think. Or they'll just use my body to run around anal probing my friends. Either way - good, clean fun for everybody!
~ 5 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~
| Saturday, the 20th of March, 2004
7:49 pm - Yay!
7:41 pm
Finally!!! One of my InuYasha icons finally worked out the way I wanted it to. I've been playing with sparkles and twinkles and stars... and I had some GREAT bases and some GREAT ideas... that have all done nothing but utterly FAIL miserably. *sigh* All the time I spent working on them... and most of them have turned out so badly, I just scrapped them completely. I kept a twinkly star one, though. It didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped it would - but it turned out okay.
But this one worked perfectly. Hurrah.
Now I just have to think of the text to put on it... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
~ bare your soul ~
1:37 am - synchronicity at work...
So someone on my friends list posts an entry beginning with the words, "One tends to get lovesick when they're in love..."
Less than two hours later, another person (who, as far as I can tell, doesn't know the first person) posts an entry beginning with the words, "One tends to get lovesick when they're in love..."
Now, I've had this happen before with common slang phrases or with people who know each other and are posting about the same things/people. But this is just... weird.
You guys are weird!!! Stop weirding me out!!!!!!!!!!! *hides under bed*
~ 7 souls captured ~ bare your soul ~