Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "pirates".
500 matches:
- 12plus1 - 12+1: the ASMS LJ community
- 18thcentury - The Age of Enlightenment
- 1peter_pan - 1peter_pan
- 2nd_star - 2nd_star
- 7_seas - Seven Seas
- 7thsea - 7th Sea - The RPG
- __glampirate - Glam Pirate Designs
- __hesapirate - __hesapirate
- _bachelorettes_ - The Supreme Sextacular Godesses
- _infiction - m. lee
- _jacksparrow_ - Captain Jack Sparrow
- _lass_ - The Low Down Dirty Bunch
- _lostboys - straight on till morning
- _maddox_ - _maddox_
- _ninja_brigade - Vigilant Ninjas!
- _peasinapod_ - jack and elizabeth shipper community
- _popcore - pop art at its finest
- _raindrops - (not) cool
- _revolution_ - The Glorious Glitter Revolution
- _yayness_ - Thats Yayness!!!
- accordions - 41 keys of pure terror
- add_mir - The Rants of Jaimir and Jamimir
- aficons - AFIcons
- afitalk - afitalk
- aggregateskunk - aggregate skunk!
- ahoy_matey - The Pirate/Wench Society
- ahoymehearties - Splice the Mainbrace!!!
- amisoftheseas - Amis of the Seas
- an_tir - SCA Kingdom of An Tir
- andabottleofrum - Pirate Lovers Anonymous
- angrypirate - we like smelly pirate
- anne_bonney - Anne Bonney Pact
- anti_riaa - Boycott the RIAA
- apirateslife4me - A Pirate's Life For Me
- arrr_matey - a log for all ye scurvy pirates!
- arrrgh - Pirates in Chicago
- arrrrr - Pirates of the Caribbean Fans
- arrrrrrgh - YO HO HO
- art_pirates - The Millennial Pirates
- artattack - Art Attack
- artfags - (artfag|s)
- atwoodoriana - The Guild Of Atwood Oriana
- avast_ye_mateys - AVAST YE, MATEYS!
- baseball - The Baseball Fan
- baseball_grafix - baseball_grafix
- baseic - Baseic Icons
- beachbums - Beach Bums
- beds_bishounen - Beds and Bishounen
- bens_pirates - Benjamin's Pirates
- bent_edge - bentedge
- best_cult_ever - your mom
- bikepirates - bike pirates
- biwakokaizoku - biwakokaizoku
- blackbox - Big Pocketed MoFo
- blackened_souls - The darker side of Orlando Bloom based fanfiction
- blackheart_crew - the blackheart crew
- blackxlollipops - Mr. Gosh
- blitzkids - Exquisite muppet aliens & living Jem dolls
- bmovie - B-Movie Club
- bondagelikewut - alameda lovas 4eva
- boner_attaque - Captain Fuck Slaw
- bookoftakeitoff - The Book of TakeItOff
- bote_loderr - Bote Loderr Fans United!
- boulderdennys - Boulder Denny's
- boysweddo - boys we'd do
- breakup_club - blackheart_breakup_club
- brendanshow - Brendan Leonard Show Fans
- bringmepeterpan - Captain Hook
- bubble_gum_pop - bubble_gum_pop
- burningdivinity - Burning Divinity
- bway_cafe - Let's Make it Crazy Again
- cagematch - The Winner
- candypirates - The Pirates of Candy!
- captjack_savvy - captain jack sparrow
- caribbeandreams - Loving the pirates Jack Sparrow and Will Turner
- caribbeanlove - Welcome to the Caribbean, Love
- caribbeanpiracy - Caribbean Piracy
- caribbeanpirate - Pirates of the Caribbean
- centerofhell - Central Coast
- character_rpg - Character RPG Promo
- chojimoji - Choji Moji
- class_of_2005 - Class of 2005!!
- comedysinkhole - comedysinkhole
- common_nonsense - The Butterfly Collection
- con_central - Fantasy/Sci-Fi Convention Central
- coolshit - The Panel to Decide on Shit that is Cool
- costumery - any excuse to buy a new wig
- cougars - Camp Silver Creek
- countrypunk - punk ass mofo's up in herre
- cuffsandcults - Cuffs Cults and Culdesacs
- cunning_visions - ___ stalkers
- cupcake_grrrls - Cupcake Grrrls
- curvyhotfashion - for those with fashion & curvature.
- cusepirates - the pirate ship
- cute_cafe - I'd like a dollie with my tea, sir.
- cynical_bitches - Cynical Bitches
- damngrits - DamnGrits v2.0
- damonjager - Insult Swordfight Club
- dark_freaks - Dark Freaks Mag
- dark_pirates - Capin Ivan
- das_house - Das House
- dave_eggers - Dave Eggers Fans
- deathtokawaii - Death to Kawaii
- defenestratefan - Divine Defenestration Division
- disasterhouse - Disaster House Revelers
- disney_villains - Disney Villains
- diypirateduds - Pirate Fashion!
- do_me_cptnjack - Do Me, Captain Jack Sparrow
- doodlesontherun - You can't catch me, I'm a slick Doodle Girl
- dreadpiratebar - dreadpiratebar
- dtk_sothesex - ...lets deflower the kid?
- earswithfeet - Ears With Feet
- eastsidelj - Eastside LiveJournal Community
- emo_knights_acc - johnnie, dom, and richard's emo adventures!
- emo_pirates - Emo Pirates
- emotion_wreck - Pirates of NYC
- errrreee - (no. seriously, won you or don you...?)
- etherium - Etherium: A "Treasure Planet" RPG
- ew_gothic - EW! Gothic
- eye_em_seen - we're just a group of outkasts
- faeryboys - Faery Boys
- fairefolk - Faire Folk
- fandom_costumes - fandom_costumes
- fantasybaseball - Fantasy Baseball Freaks
- fashonxcore - there is no i in "fashon"
- ffmarines - Fan Fiction Marines!
- fgppp - Freaks, geeks, and pretty pretty princess
- fidgity - Fanfiction
- fightvsflight - who would win in a fight?
- filmstalkers - The Film Stalking Agency
- fisters - Liberating America One Charred Building at a Time
- forevertron - Community of Evermor...
- fram_it_up - the nook
- friendofpirates - Jacks Girl
- fuggerers - The House Of Men With Negotiable Virtues
- funk_you - sup foo!!1
- funnellecore - funnellecore
- geek_luv - geek luv
- geocache - geocaching, use a GPS units to find treasure
- ghettomoshcrew - tear it up
- goddess_steph - The Wonderful World Of Steph
- godrics_hollow - Godric's Hollow
- golfgirls - golfgirls
- goodshipcrisco - The Good Ship Crisco
- goonies - The Goonies
- got_pirates - Got Pirates?
- gothycons - neo-goth
- greatbiggeek - Great Big Geek
- greatwarriors - Community
- greenlightwhoa - greenlightwhoa
- guilfordxcore - loves you.
- gumtree_fashion - gumtree_fashion
- hall_of_badass - Hardcore J. Badass & Friends
- hallway56 - hallway56
- hardcore_points - fucking biggity bomb
- high_adventure - High Adventure!
- hiphiphooray - Hip Hip HooRAY!
- historectemy - Historectemy
- historyisfun - Yesterday Land
- hms_surprise - hms surprise
- hobopirate - Beans N' Booty
- hot_fashion - Do you like my hand bag?
- housewife_core - fabulous drunken housewives
- howareyoufine - For Gay Pirate Cowboy Viking ... Astronauts ...
- hunter_and_adam - Fans of Hunter and Adam
- i_heart_tacoma - we're in love, right?
- i_like_stuff111 - i_like_stuff111
- ihateomaha - Haters of Omaha, Nebraska
- ile_de_torture - Ile De Torture - Tales of Pirates & Buccaneers
- im_a_pirate - im a pirate arrrrr
- independence - Independence
- inmyhead_icons - inmyhead_icons
- insane_asylum - Barnacle Bill's Shack
- internetpirates - Pirates o' tha Internet
- irc_ftpwhores - IRC/FTP whore
- it_cannot_brain - it_cannot_brain
- iwantyourparts - Give me, Mine
- jack__sparrow - Captain Jack Sparrow
- jacksparrow - the captain jack sparrow livejournal community
- jacksparrowfans - Jack Sparrow Fans
- jasonwebley - fans of jw
- jdepplayouts - JDeppLayouts
- jdubinvites - 2 KOOL FO' SKOOL
- jolly_roger - The Pirate
- jolly_rogers - _A Pirates Lifes for Me!
- junto_siempre - Somos juntos por siempre
- k_town_hommies - K-town hommies
- killumbus - killumbus
- landofn0d - Dream Walkers
- landpirates - Land Pirates
- lardpirates - Lard Pirates
- lass_n_cutlass - The Lass and Cutlass
- laugh_and_live - Friends of Fairbanks!
- le_bandits - le_bandits
- legos - Lego Maniacs
- lemurgurlart - Art by Lemurgurl
- lets_be_emo - xlet us be emox
- letusbekris - Let Us Be Kris
- ljcommune - livejournal commune
- mackenzie_crook - Mackenzie Crook Fans Unite!
- maddox_xmission - maddox_xmission
- madnessforfun - Penguins, Pirates, and Panders...
- manhunt - The Manhunt Revolution!
- marryshagcliff - Marry, Shag, Throw off a Cliff
- mermaidslagoon - mermaidslagoon
- midgets_and_ham - they will eat it
- midnight_molly - The Pirates of Dark Water.
- mightymax - The Capbearer Club
- miniegg - The fabulous treehouse harem of lovely mermaids-wi
- misspirateroxu - we the kids that are rocked by jessika pirate
- mixup - mixtapes!
- monkey_island - Monkey Island
- monkeyislanders - i wanna be a pirate
- moretolifethan - we see
- mrorlandobloom - orlando bloom fans
- museofthedamned - Muses for the Damned
- muses_of_fate - Muses Of Fate
- n3rds - It's hip to be square
- n3t_beauty - <3
- naked_in_canada - Naked In Canada
- ne_rennies - New England/Northeast Rennies
- nefas_rules - all hail to absinthe
- neverlandizzle - neverlandizzle
- newpaltzjunkies - We Love New Paltz!!!
- ninjaprose - Ninja/Cowboy/Pirate/Gangster/Zombie Writings
- ninjasvspirates - Ninjas vs. Pirates
- njgoths - New Jersey Goths
- nonugly_scurvy - nonugly_scurvy
- nonuglyastronau - NonUgly Astronauts
- nonuglypirates - The finest booty ye ever laid eyes on
- norwescon - Norwescon
- ob_fans - OB Fans
- oddverse - the Oddverse RPG
- ofp - jemma and sarah
- oh_so_choice - oh_so_choice
- omegapeggalegga - La Yaga
- one_piece_het - One Piece Het
- onelickless - for indie rock fans
- onepieceyaoi - One Piece Yaoi
- onepieceyaoi100 - onepieceyaoi100
- onlyundiesclub - OnlyUndiesClub.Com
- opalnecklace - Opal Necklace
- orlando_watch - Orlando Watch
- orlandoluvsme - Orlando luvers
- other_whitemeat - The Adam Carson Community
- panfan - Peter Pan Art & Fiction
- panniers - liaisons dangereuses
- panslash - the personification of cockiness
- pants_party - a party in your pants!
- paperdollcutout - the strange, caffeine-addicted, mostly left-handed
- partyposse - vince ff and the party posse
- patternempire - Patterns for the Cause
- pennsic_tavern - Pennsic Tavern and Meetingplace
- peterpan100 - peterpan100
- peterpan2003 - Peter Pan
- peterpan_icons - peterpan_icons
- peterpanmovie - Peter Pan the Movie
- ph4000 - Powerhouse 4000
- piebald - i was born, in a small town outside of boston...
- pinball_pirates - punk rock pinball
- pinkponydiaries - Teh Pink Pony Pirates
- pir8jokes - arrRRrRrrrRrrrr
- piratasdesavvy - Los Piratas de Savvy
- pirate_brigade - Hillcrest Farms Pirate Brigade
- pirate_clan - PIRATES!
- pirate_lovers - A place to discuss... pirate things ^_^
- pirate_savvy - Pirate Savvy
- pirate_smut - We Shag Pirates
- piratecaribbean - Pirates of the Caribbean
- pirates500 - Pirates 500 Improv Fiction
- pirates_now - Pirates Anonymous
- pirates_r_us - Bluebeard
- pirates_unite - Pirates Unite
- pirateslash - Yoho, matey!!
- piratesoftennis - Pirates of Tennis
- piratesofthec - Pirates of the Carribean Community
- piratexxcore - prettypirates
- pirettesclub - Ladies O' Fortune
- pittkiddies - Pittsburgh University Students
- poll_fever - Poll Fever
- port_of_tortuga - The Disreputable Port of Tortuga
- portal_o_normal - Portal of Normal
- potato_faces - Motherfucking Black as FUCK
- potc - The Pirates of the Caribbean
- potc_art - PotC Art
- potc_chorus - A Pirates of the Caribbean Lyrical Icon Challenge
- potc_claims - Pirates of the Caribbean Claims
- potc_costumes - Pirates of the Caribbean Costumes! Savvy?
- potc_icons - Pirates of the Caribbean icons
- potc_roundrobin - Pirates' Round Robin Fanfiction
- potcicons - potcicons
- potclove - Pirates of the Caribbean Love
- potcrpg - Pirates of the Caribbean RPG
- power_slut_grlz - Sugar, Spice, and everything Vice
- power_taggerz - tha power taggerz!!1
- prithee - as you like it
- proj_black_dawn - proj_black_dawn
- puddingahoy - for cool uncool people
- punk_cola - Punk Cola
- punk_like_whoa - finding out who's really punk as fuck.
- punxrus - save our scene.
- puzzle_pirates - Yohoho
- r_h - Robot_House
- ragingmachine - Raging Machine
- ragjokes - #ragjokes
- raindogs - a tom waits community - raindog
- randomsillyness - That's not what the sprouts are for hunny...
- ransjustice - Rotten Apple Ninja Strikeforce! (RANS)
- rapeface - rapeface
- rchs_alumni - Riverview Community High School Alumni
- really_bad_eggs - A Pirates of the Caribbean Community For Grownups
- renegadepoets - renegade poets society
- renfaires - Renaissance Faires
- retardxenophobe - DETRIMENTAL VELVET
- riot_nrrrd - nerds fighting back
- riotgrrrlvtnh - Riot Grrrl Vermont and New Hampshire
- roguescorner - Jolly Roger
- roman_polanski - Roman Polanski Fan Community
- ru_piraty - Вольное Братство
- rumrunners - Savvy
- rusty_owns_you - there's a sprocket in my pocket!
- sailingcomm - Sailing
- san_pedro - *san pedro*
- sardonicwit - Sardonic Wit
- sbck - Suicide Bar Commando Korp
- scarf_whores - scarf_whore
- scurvyseadogs - The Pirate Queen's Crew
- seavixens - Sea Vixens
- sense_of_relief - sense of relief.
- sexfiendscomic - Sex Fiend
- sexy_dorks - Sexy Dorks
- shaunwhite - Shaun White Community
- shelleycircle - The Shelley Circle
- shes_a_pirate - Pirate Piggy
- shivermytimber - Shiver My Timber
- shivermytimbers - POTC & Pirates in General
- shnyhppygdtimes - Shiny Happy Good Times
- silvermists - Silver Mists
- sirens_pirates - sirens_pirates
- sizeteninone - Size Ten In One Circus Side Show and Tent Revival
- skiesofarcadia - ARCADiA FANAtiCS
- slashbuckled - Everything Becomes Squee
- slashersunite - Jira
- slashygaysticks - Institution for the Clinically Slashygayed
- sockitxtome - Sock Whores
- spacemancowboy - Spaceman Vs. Cowboy
- spacepirates - Space Pirates
- spandexngarters - Spandex and Garters
- sparrowscrew - Fans of Pirates of the Caribbean
- spiders_shadow - SpiderPirate's Crew
- spork_d - future world dictators!1!! and meelo
- starvinglips - Josie and Beth
- still_chatting - reavers won't get us!
- stirthepot - order's disruptor
- storybookland - the art of children's books, fairy tales, & fables
- streetpirates - streetpirates
- strikea_pose - my fashion is better
- sunmartninjas - The Sunmart Ninja Clan
- suspiciousbox - An inconspicuous piece of cardboard.
- swords_are_cool - swords_are_cool
- tabiasdotcom - Likes Cheese
- tatterdemalions - Frippery and Rags
- tazlure - Tazlure's LJ Community
- teamfidge - Team Fidge
- teamrandom - Team Random
- teenagefannies - teenagefannies
- tg_crew - posiXpirateXcore
- th3_p0553 - th3_p0553
- the_a_court - The A-Court
- the_blue_crayon - The Blue Crayon Brigade
- the_bluths - fans of arrested development
- the_clarks - The Clarks
- the_cool_kids - ___________thecoolkids;
- the_corner - The Artroom Corner
- the_crusaders - Crusaders Against Stupidity
- the_entrysystem - The Entry System
- the_garbery - The Garbery
- the_hot_geeks - the hot geeks
- the_hull_rats - ....the SaDDesT shore....
- the_kent_kids - The Kent Kids
- the_lucky_dane - The Lucky Dane
- the_neverlands - We'll never grow up! Fans of Peter Pan
- the_rum_dance - The Rum Dance
- the_unfuckables - The Unfuckables
- theancampaign - theancampaign
- theawesomeclub - Radically Awesome.
- theblackpearl - The Black Pearl
- theboomshack - B&Gers
- thebootyparlor - FUIMAAAAA DRAGONUUUUUU!
- thehardcore4 - hardcore 4
- thepiratestory - The Pirate Story
- thesaucymare - The Thread Pirate Robbers
- thoughtsrandom - Random Thoughts of the not so critically acclaimed
- tim_powers - The Anubis Gates
- timeforpizza - time for pizza
- toxictotty - Bad Boy Alert
- treasureplanet - Treasure Planet Fans
- truetoyourself - ++y, l33t sp34|<
- truthsetmefree - Truth Set Me Free
- tsunamibomb - The Bomb Squad
- twin_cities_emo - minutes from somewhere else
- twogoodmen - Jack and Bootstrap
- unemo - the dead genre obituary
- uniform_fetish - The Uniform Fetish Community
- unlovelydotnet - Unlovely.Net
- urbanpirates - Arg Matey
- usgirlsonly - the girls.
- vaginas_4_lyf - Vagina Power
- vanityinvain - celebrated and arose for your vanity in vain
- vb_pirates - The Vero Beach Pirate's Club
- veryverygay - UberBitches
- waffle_squee - Waffle Squee
- wayside - The Wanderer
- wcatyclique - The WCATY Clique
- we_love_natalie - one single nacho
- weezer_pirates - =w= pirates unite
- weheartgarrett - Garrett Lovers Worldwide
- weird_vegans - * Weird Vegans *
- weloveannonymos - We Love Annonymos!
- welovetoine - welovetoine
- wenchbeast - Rampaging Wenchbeasts
- what_if_society - Curious Curio
- whedons_firefly - Firefly
- whimsical_words - Whimsical Words of non-Wisdom
- whimtastical - Whimtastical HS RPG
- whodovoodoo - Voodoo Glow Skulls
- wiwo - what's in / what's out
- wyvernaddicts - ....
- x_arcadia_x - the Arcadia of My Youth
- x_plankwalk_x - x_plankwalk_x
- xpxcx - the piratexcore community.
- xsickofitall - Poser Skumm
- xxemogrrrlxx - Skating a pirouette on ice is cool
- xxpiratecorexx - Piratecore
- yaoiplunder - The Invader
- yarrrrr - The Motley and Misfit Crew of Livejournal Pirates
- yktr - Y Kant Tori Read
- yousaycheese - Hail Testaclese!
Interested users
The following users are interested in pirates. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 10000pirates - Oh No
- _____killswitch - VY!@*#%$^$#&$(*&*!@#@~!
- _fallingstar_ - depp__________fetish <3
- _sharkie - kri$$y pwns yew1!
- addiction - Paula
- adelwolf - Jor
- agent57 - blue
- aimee_pleh - Aimee
- aislin - aislin
- ajora - Wind Crystal
- alk3lover - dr. bones
- allie - imagination salvation
- amphigori - amphigori
- aneczka - Ania
- anotherashley - Ash
- antifluff - Amber
- anyarose - anya rose
- apunknamedapril - Rock . N . Roll Outlaw
- aquaenumen - Mer
- arachne - arachne
- areleejensen - Becca Lee
- ashie - Ash Hole
- asturias - Asturias
- atrocity - Marley
- atypical_gnu - Blunderbus
- aubbieincognito - Aubra
- aviatershades - Action Jackson
- avocado - a crumb is a meal for a mouse
- bahia - just ask
- becr8v - becr8v
- behemiel - behemiel
- belgand - Belgand
- bird - Ça Plane Pour Moi
- black_siren - black_siren
- blackbrilliance - Mitchell
- blindturtle - still here (and waiting).
- bloodyqueen - Belle
- bluegirl - Katie
- blurryimages - Brittany
- blustocking - J
- bo0ber - Zach Rester
- boofuls - Dirttree Mungo.
- boozehound - whiteout
- brain_powered - A Drowned Rat Named Julie
- brainsplatty - Nobody
- brandileigh - brandileigh
- bri_cheese - Bri
- broken_tape - this portrait of karma crafted in accident
- bugeyes - beetle
- bunglemeplenty - No Women, No Kids
- c_lawnmower - Daniel
- caitiri - Jess
- calistrisa - Cali
- canadianbob - Jeff
- captaincool - the girl next door
- captainjashook - Jay Fuckin Berry
- carabeara - cara dah-ling
- carley - the bee. like, from nature.
- carrietherage - Carrie, "All the Rage"
- cbread - The Foreigner Belt
- cesare_bats - Trapped in Time. Surrounded by Evil. Low on Gas.
- ch0sen_0ne - Ronnie
- christophine - Christophine
- chuckrm - Chuck
- chupa_skabra - herbert the kind
- clankyrobot - Amandabot
- clementine - crowning of a heart
- clockwork_devil - clockwork_devil
- collegegirl - the interrupting rabbit
- corazon - stacy sixgun
- corriel - Corriel
- countryripple - Wind Sprite
- couragefalls - fuck off
- coweatman - emu violence
- cowprintavenger - Starr
- crazykidben - CrazyKidBen
- crazymoose17 - Special Agent Dana
- creepy_girl - L e i a
- crimson - basil hallward.
- crimsondevil13 - Tpyo man
- crowley - Crowley
- crustaspunk - crustaspunk
- cryingfetus - worthless drunk
- cryozombie - Cryozombie
- curiouslyre - chopstix l0rv3r
- cyhiraeth - k8i hues
- d1g1taldream - Does it even matter?
- daft - Daft
- darkbrew - Cap'n Dark Brew
- darksong - Rocker Eden
- dayslikeknivesx - katie
- deaddoll - ++blasphemous++
- deadlybulb - Deadly Bulb
- demonbaby19 - Shannon
- denonymous - Johnson
- desar - Lucien Desar
- devilgirl - devilgirl
- devilspice - Devil Spice
- deviousli - Julie the insatiable!
- diablo343 - Ryan
- dimastines - Journeying Machine Engineered for Sabotage
- divachelle - divachelle
- divisiblebyzero - i am the one who is kt
- dizzysheryl - Cute without the E...cut from the team
- dorkypunk - kacie-the-pirate
- dramaqueen555 - Avada Kedavra
- dreaminggirl - Xoi
- drinks_we_drank - eddiELECTRIC
- drstevechaos - Dr. Steve Chaos
- duokun - Duo
- dweezul - Sugarbutton
- dylanashes - Nyah Nyah
- dyslexia - dys·lex·i·a
- eatxmyxheart -
- echoesofhaha - Cath
- edensgate - Catjew
- edgexprincess - Miss Stephie Pookins
- electrikphuk - Mr. Selfdestruct
- elimnist - Jo3: The Founding Member of 'Team Better Than You'
- elnaynay - elnaynay
- emaleth - Don't Panic
- emmeangel - .::Helen of Troy's Rival::.
- emogirl - Ali
- ending_you - dot
- enragedfetus - one Jon
- esda - Esther
- esyla - ensign shay
- evilishness - evilishness
- fearthainn - Fearthainn
- fennelflax - Cita
- fenriswolf - FenrisWolf
- fiendling - Fiendling
- figatu - Pengueeno
- firekitty - Kelly
- floreo - show me your scars
- folletaelf - Sally Spiked the Punch
- fract - fract
- fushi - the breakfast meat of champions
- gibbernaut - DCLXVI
- gingernut - vez
- girlguitarist - Dead Wings
- girljinbink - | [.GirljinBink.] |
- girlpirate - Lady of the Carrots
- goddessvt - Jillager Z. Pillager
- goreygirl - Jennacide
- gorpyganu - A train in the distance
- gothiqueer - Dudical McNiggatron™
- greenjeanz - Green Jeanz
- guttergod - Umbilical Death Noogies
- haate - Booth Gargoyle
- hakuin - st
- happyapathy - Katie
- heffalumps - Kelly
- heineken - Paul
- honeyandthemoon - Jen
- hunnygurl - Hunnygurl
- hunnyrox - Pooh
- huzzahuzzah - Willow
- iamsocool - destiny
- iamwells - Wells
- icingdeath - Sandy
- idealforcolors - skyface
- ielixzia - Ixy Morningstar
- iheartyou - ..bruised hips, from doin the bump too much..
- ilikecoffee - christie
- im_pretty_dull - this is me with the words on the tip of my tongue
- imalonerdottie - *Chris*
- imsoboredofyou - I'm So Bored of You
- inextricable - naga
- inner_muppet - inner_muppet
- internalxternal - nerdygirl
- it_gets_hazy - Spoonsies
- its2bad4u - Joe
- izzadoora - izzy
- jackarcana - Jack
- jadedlily - Becka
- jadedstar - .adria.of.wonderment.
- jaynedeaux - Jayne Deaux
- jayzero - Kelly Jay
- jens_a_pirate - oh god i love you
- jessmess - jessmess
- jesusthejew - Jesus
- jfpbookworm - Jeff Pack
- jimmipoi - Jaide
- jiveturkeytaken - they call me mr. tibbs
- jkingfish - Jack-Lined Johnny
- jo71 - Jo
- joonblythe - Joonblythe
- joopy - 田島はる
- josie206 - Jenna
- jossdoll - The Monk
- junkpile - nicole adrienne introvert
- junkpunkjen - Jen
- jynx - Off with her Head!
- k8dakidd - Kait
- kagenotsuki - Kage no Tsuki
- kalliste - kalliste
- kalyandra - Kalyandra
- karsh - Savvy
- katalyst - the naked truth
- katay - Chesterfield Snapdragon McFisticuffs
- kate22 - Kate
- kawaiimiaka - Miaka
- kb_pearl21 - Kristine
- kerkyra - kerkyra
- kevininatutu - geometria
- killen_prophet - Killen Treemont Covenant Prophet
- killerlover - Reeves Xavier
- killingword - Anastasia Beaverhausen
- kiseki - breakfast monster!
- kitsune - Kitsune
- kittu - Kittu Packman
- kneelbeforezod - Andy
- koan - scrawled in sand on the banks of the Lethe
- kphoebe - Karen
- kreugan - spike
- kuroneko - Veronica
- kxfx - crabicorn
- lady_chaos - Amy
- ladybug007 - Irish Rover
- latexflesh - billy
- laurita_real - Laura Fuchs
- ldymusyc - The Musycal One
- lead_guitar_yff - Thomas The Train
- lefthandedgirl - baker street irregular
- leoblood - LeObLoOd
- leslie511 - Rhia, Tara, Lady, KMB
- leslieismore - Leslie is More
- lidox - Tajomaru
- lifeindagutta - lifeindagutta
- lifer - Lifor
- liltigerkitten - Shannon
- liquidinvert - daniel
- lisechen - Lisechen
- lloyd - Lloyd Cameron
- lolalita - lolalita
- lookingglass - Alice
- lookintomyeye89 - °• all is full of love •°
- lorifury - Lori Fury
- losetheday - postlapsaria
- loungeact - life is but a walking shadow
- loveandguns0616 - Red Headed Vixen
- lucdogg421 - the odd man out
- lunali - Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, or Raphael
- luxcherrybomb - my sweater has soup on it.
- machinegirl - The Mad Countess Eliza von Fufuberry
- madonnawayne - King
- madrag - Sarah from Otes
- magnex - Robin
- malloy - hold your tongue.
- marcikay - cali girl relocated
- mariemontclair - dreadful girl
- maxerg - Cheshire Kitten
- maybelater - Untied
- medicatedangel - Carla
- megaman - MegaMan
- mei - mei
- merichan - The Epitome of Youth
- michellemybell - not your angel
- mini_brock - Brock
- missrachael - woodchuck is completely surrounded by water
- mittengrrrl - jes
- miztinsel - Miz Tinsel
- mizurei - Wearing her heart on her sleeve
- mommiemilo - Shana Markham
- monkeypox2000 - MonkeyPox
- moondog - Rebecca
- moonpies42 - Moonpies42
- mouse452 - Orange Crushed
- mrwiz - Mike Sheley
- muchachita - ♥Margot♥
- muffintop - heezy fo sheezy
- muffy - Muffy
- mummra - der Mann mit keine Hosen
- murriel - Me, myself & I
- musie - musie
- myjunglelove - cat
- mystae - Briana
- nalidolly - Annalisa
- nefret - Lusty Neffy, The Scurvy Pervy
- nekobasu - Zach
- neopixie - zanna, do!
- nerfduck - NerfDuck
- nfgirl - becky
- noehmsen - Nick Oehmsen
- nomilk - VeganBitch
- notorious - caroline
- novacat - Mandy Manderson
- novadivine - A Bit of Fluff
- oboe_sama - master g
- ophelia_faith - ophelia_faith
- opium - Opium Poppy Fields
- ostepop - Oda
- outcastspice - the postmodern subject
- paste - pixie
- peko - peko
- pezz - Sara Pezzini
- phantasmrose - Claire Rose
- pinksplash - Danielle
- pirate_puddle - Puddle
- piratedolly26 - The Bitch
- piratequeen - the pirate queen
- piximush - i am hope well fed.
- plaidmonky - Sonja
- platostruth - Joe
- plopplopplop - Megan
- pokeyxx - pokeyxx
- ponderosa - ponderosa
- powerpuffbitch - not sexalicious
- prosaichalo - now all ive got is a barbie doll crotch...
- psychoandy - Andrew
- psycobob - So Damn Metal, My Bones Are Made Of Steel
- punx606 - Jessica Rabbit
- pupitre - paul
- purplicious - Kate
- purupuru - Amy
- q_tip_maxwell - Q-Tip
- quiggles - Bradley
- quinnc - steakalicious
- r00t - ithinkimpunk..kinda..idunno..r00t
- rachelkay - Wild Thing
- radiumx - Bionic Commando
- ragdoll - Pariah Carey
- raleigh488 - raleigh488
- randomness - Butch
- reecie - Just Another Teenage Waste
- regentag - alabaster zoroaster
- renface - Ren
- repent - ♥tarable♥
- revorg_repus - Ives
- ricco - Im sure to let you down
- ricepudding - Kristy
- richlyons - Defender of the Universe
- richmackin - richmackin
- robc - Rob C.
- rockhardkim - sKimmy
- rollroll - ishi
- ruenjack - Rue & Jack
- rush_and_a_push - Paul
- sadisticlullaby - Mason McKinley
- safiiru - Karl
- salamander1979 - The Salamander
- sammiebe - Sammie
- sanctity - Rachel
- sandalwood - Melanie
- sarberry2 - Sarahpi
- sarcasm - sarcasm
- sasha_pervaya - Sasha
- scared_monster - Seph
- scarletseraph - Mia the Pirate Pouncer
- scottobear - Raj KAJ
- semolina - jamie jellybean
- sense_nine_ - You are the reason___x
- septh43 - Let Me See That Money Shot
- seriner - Super Toast
- seris - Slender Gender Bender
- sewermermaid - <3 Danielle <3
- sgnp - Some Guy Named Paul
- sgtred - Sgt. Honeybox
- shadow - shadow
- sheleliqui - Sheleliqui
- shesaid_what - shesaid_what
- shivelycore - Merge For The Kill
- shodan - SHODAN
- silent - my name is distance.
- silentdave - .:silentdave:.
- silhouetted - miss em
- silveroak - SilverOak
- sindel77 - Pervert Extraordinaire
- sisyphus - Dallas Lynn
- skarazy - Emily
- skifreak9001 - El Capitan
- skinnyvogtvnv - Aleksey
- skurviee - SHAKE YOUR TOOSH
- skyshards - You are my sunshine
- slidewithme - sweet catastrophe
- slutkissgrrl - ...Oh, the quiet child awaits...
- slyddur - Slyddur, Rahbet if you're nasty
- snowboardgirl42 - martini love.
- sobriquet - sobriquet
- sorano - Messr. Tom M. Riddle, Jr.
- space_yama - jordan
- spacebunni - Unlucky
- spadix - Aly
- sparkinthenight - Unca Myke
- sparkle666 - this is my united states of whatever
- sparklefade - obsessed with arbitrary signals
- spendocrat - Spendocrat
- spinal007 - spinal007
- spritegoldfish - ★_Lets Dance_★
- squeaky_smore - squeaky_smore
- squee777 - Claire Bear
- starbeam1 - Starbeam
- starfacekid - star face kid
- stariene - good job, penguin!
- starsfadeaway - beyond the fitting medium of desire
- stasotheduck - Staso
- stevo6669 - A Knight In Slightly Tarnished Armor
- strawberri77 - Cereal Killer
- stripedhalo - charmslice
- subterranean - deBORah
- sugarpixie - a5h7319h
- sunny7410 - joss
- sunshine_rays - sunshine_rays
- superjoe - JOW
- swaps24 - Defender of Truth of Justice
- sweet_misery9 - Danielle
- sycoraxthewitch - Sycorax
- syna - refugee from the sea
- syntheticreve - Blue Siren
- tandy - Ashley
- tazmainiandevil - tazmainiandevil
- teanut - tina
- texasgirl02 - Lindsey
- the_ash - Bones of Giants
- the_beast - The Beast
- the_evil_djinn - Nicknam
- the_mime - twenty minus zero
- thecheese - Buy me dinosaur toys please
- thedarksyde - The Darksyde
- thegoodchef - Kendal Poponopovich
- thegumfairy - SmallsThePirate
- thehunter - Hunter
- thelongesthour - The Slackjaw Gaze of True Profanity
- thepiratequeen - Christy....In Boots!
- thequeerass - Concentrated Cory
- thesparkler - lindsay
- thezygo - Sucky McSuckerson
- thjorska - Jonfish
- tiggerm03 - Courtney
- tinuviel42 - Caroline
- topgallant - not quite royal
- tragic_frog - Boy
- tragicrabbit - Pixila
- trifle - Trifle
- triplee - Eriq Sadiq, Scourge of the West Village
- tripmywire - queen of the pea people.
- trocar - Funeralgal
- trueloveweights - daft cunt
- tsunamibomber - xvaleriex
- tumadre - We're all nobody to somebody
- twoski - Joseph Twoski
- uclangel - PK Tech Girl
- une_jeune_fille - Une Jeune Fille
- unit02 - Tampon the Pirate ® ««Blue Team Commando»»
- urbansilence - heart cooks brain
- vanima - Mooliciousness, Queen of Evil Cows
- vex - Jeremy Lahnum
- viciouspixie - viciouspixie
- villainslair - Arch Villainess Gracie
- vital - Lindsey
- vivosomnio - Vivo Somnio
- vjolt - V-JOLT
- vomitgirl - 001011100010111000101110
- vxgizmoxv - [call me insane]
- wageslave - Lucan
- webartin - Loreli
- welovetoast - A Godric's Hollow Player
- whoputonurheart - Spencer
- widderslainte - Not knowing the bounds of my hypocrisy
- wildmina - Giggly Puff
- winterviolet - winterviolet
- wsquared - Whitney
- x_jomo - JOMO
- xjaprufrockx - The Robot "Jimmy"
- xsingle_tearx - ~.:: Rachel ::.~
- yourdead - mary
- zaphie - Zaphie
- zimdawg - Xdirty hippieX
- zok - Andrew
- zulu117 - Laurie