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User:debchan (113921) Paid User debchan
Website:chalk scribblings on the sidewalk
AOL IM:AIM status debitchan (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status debchan99 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:I'm a voracious reader, an intermittent writer (due to reoccurring writer's block) and am terrible about responding to feedback.

Memories:5 entries
People271:3jane, _aerye_, _nepthys_, _par_avion, _swallow, aello_lime, agentgrrrl, agiel, allotheralt, almeda80, alopekis, alvafan, amchau, amyth71, anathema666, andariell, ange01, ann_tara, ansin, astolat, atiejen, aubrem, auroramama, aynatonal, baka_neko, barbana, barkley, basingstoke, bethbethbeth, boniblithe, brighidestone, bythisriver, calligrafiti, carenejeans, carol_snape, castalianspring, cbking, cecily_v, cesario, chaneen, chlaal, chuthulu, cmshaw, codyne, constantreader, copernica3, copracat, cosmic, crimsonclad, daemonluna, dana_kujan, danacias, danielleleigh, darthtall, destina, devon, diagonalist, disbelief11, djinanna, doorrepairgirl, dorothy1901, dreamerindenial, dry_sand, eclectictastes, eiloner, eliade, elizacake, elke_tanzer, ellemem, elynross, endcredits, enjeu, eruthros, esorlehcar, euryleias, experiment627, falzalot, fantasmabob, feochadn, feral_candy, fightingentropy, flambeau, fleegull, gaycrow, geekturnedvamp, gem225, girliejones, gothphyle, gwendolen, gwynnega, hallucinateme, hardcase, harriet_spy, herringbone, honoria, hp_femme, hrd02ca, imaginarytiff, irittdsqrl, j_crew_guy, jackiekjono, janeeyre17, jaymalea, jctl27, jeannie81, jjluver, jksladder, joeyfalconetti, just_eunice, katallison, katie_m, kerqui, kestrelsan, killabeez, kittygoslingp, knossos, kormantic, laceymcbain, lady_of_asheru, ladyagnew, ladyclio16, ladysorka, ladyvyola, lanning, lapillus, lattara, latxcvi, laurashapiro, laurie_odell, laylah_r, leld, lexcorp_hope, linabean, linbot, litalex, littlebad, liviapenn, logovo, luciamad, lunaris_, maahes, maeglinyedi, mamadeb, mecurtin, mere_mere13, meri_oddities, merryish, mimesere, minitrog, miriad, miriam_heddy, mishamcm, missbegotten, mistressace, mollita, moonwhip, nafio, nafs, ncp, nestra, newtypeshadow, ngaio, nightlarke, notsisabet, ntamara, obsessedmuch, oneminutemovies, pandap, pandarus, park_hye_in, pearl_o, permetaform, persuade_me, poisoninjest, popfantastic, prillalar, psychowez, quine, rainmercutio, raisingrrl22, reilael, resonant8, reudaly, rheostat, rivkat, rliz, roguesgallery, rositamia, ruedifference, ruggerdavey, rusty76, saathi1013, sarudy, sathinks, scoradh, secretrebel, selua, seperis, serrico, settiai, sevenall, shadoedseptmbr, shrift, silveryscrape, sinbrat, sineala, sisabet, slashchick, slashybits, sliad89, slodwick, smerdle, snails_pace, snowdrop82, sociofemme, sockkpuppett, somniesperus, soobunny, sorot, sparcck, spike21, sssenza, steeleye2000, stungunbilly, sue_donym, suffire, sweetvalleyslut, tabaqui, taraljc, tearsofphoenix, teh_jules, teneagles, tenebrio, terrible_tues, thamiris, thawrecka, the_13th_muse, thefourthvine, thete1, thisisbone, tieleen, tightropegirl, tir, tivogoddess, tresca, trifles, tstar78, twistedchick, tzikeh, uschickens, vagabondage, vampry, varadia, verdandi, vic_ramsey, viedma, viggorlijah, villeinage, vily, violetisblue, vissy, vonnielake, wildreality, wilona, witchqueen, wubba, wyoluvr, xarienne, yeungmaisu, z_rayne, zappo
Communities3:suckit_andsee, vidding, vividcon
Account type:Paid Account

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