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[09 Jun 2002|08:26pm]
well went to dysfunctional family picnic last night, definalty the best day of my life! there's nothing else left to antisipate in life anymore, that was by far the ultimate day ever!
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i just thought this was kinda amusing and thought i would share [16 May 2002|06:45pm]
Feds' anti-drug campaign a flop, survey finds

Associated Press

Published May 15, 2002
WASHINGTON -- President Bush's top drug policy adviser says the government's anti-drug ads largely are being ignored by teens, and a survey finds no evidence the multimillion-dollar campaign is discouraging drug use.

The survey, conducted by the private research firm Westat and the University of Pennsylvania, actually charted an increase in drug use among some teen-agers who saw the television ads. But it noted that further analysis was necessary before the ads could be directly tied to the increase.

The White House drug policy office, headed by John P. Walters, said the ad campaign must be refocused.

``These ads aren't having an impact on teen-agers,'' said Tom Riley, a spokesman for the White House drug policy office. ``We've spent millions on these ads and we are not seeing a return on the investment.''
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[28 Apr 2002|02:59am]
[ mood | high ]

i'm at monmouth right now, pretty crunked and alone... hmmm this is sad. i can't wait to go away to school...erg

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[22 Apr 2002|05:02pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | john mayer-no such thing ]

wow, haven't updated in a long time but, anyways... i went to Virginia beach for the weekend, what a beautiful beach, i love the beach so much i wish i could live their forever. I'm so antsy for this summer, not because i have plans or anything.. except summer school, i mostly just miss the random people who left for school. I need to figure out what the hell i'm doing next year! oh well that's another update. man i feel funny... not sick but nervous but i have nothing to feel nervous about, what the hell! later

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[27 Feb 2002|10:53pm]
i made my mommy cry today, and i just made me remember why i never want to go home aftr class, well i guess we all have to go at some point.
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[26 Feb 2002|10:29pm]
why does it seem that everything around me is changing completely and nothing about me is changing?
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my ultimate fear has finally come true... [12 Feb 2002|07:20pm]
[ mood | itchy lips ]

my lips have rejected lip gloss :(
that or i'm allergic to something else, cause my lips (and mind you only my lips) have broken out into hives, not a pretty sight and lip gloss is only makin it worst, this blows, you can take away anything from m and i can deal but take away my lip gloss and there will be hell to pay

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[02 Feb 2002|10:56am]
[ mood | confused ]

damn, i haen't posted in the longest time... but uhhh i can't think of anything to write about... that's about all for now kids

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[29 Dec 2001|03:52pm]
[ mood | confused ]

hmm i'm the only person online,is this the apocalypes?????

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[18 Dec 2001|01:31pm]
kahlua is then drink of angels my friend
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[18 Dec 2001|11:55am]
[ mood | lethargic ]

three more finals left and i'm free, these should prove to be pretty easy (hopefully) an essay, a group project, and my self defense (AH) that's basically an 2 and a half hours of getting my ass kicked by Mr.T/ Mr. Clean. fun fun
ok i think i'm going to go run now, so i can stop being so fat, hopefully i won't trip on anything! haha
(but i probably will)

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[14 Dec 2001|04:20pm]
[ music | movies- alien ant farm ]

christmas make stephy angry grrrrrr

the mommy i babysit for is getting me tenatious d tickets (as she would say)
"SHWING" ; )

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[13 Dec 2001|05:37pm]
[ mood | tired ]

grrrr.. no one will talk me cause they all have these so called "finals" to do! bung holes, i have finals too, and do you see me putting things aside to do then.. noooooooo. i didn't think so.
i carved a knife out of wood today for self defense class, that was fun and i only lost one finger, so i guess that's a good thing.
i'm still pissed my teacher said i have a "learning disability" shes such a jackass!
tonight i'm sleeping over the people i babysit for's house, that'll be kinda weird, but i have to babysit at 6:30 in the morning so i might as well be there.. so that kinda sucks

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[10 Dec 2001|11:07pm]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | no doubt-hey baby ]

yeah people coming home fun fun

lauren-- i know you read this.... your roommate is seriously on crack!

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[08 Dec 2001|10:08pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | silence! ]

i've learned three things today from watching MTV...
1. that the thing that drops down my chimney on dec.25, is owned buy a soft drink company. he is their bitch. not very christianly huh.. or maybe it is.
2. "dickies" aka the guy we harassed at the area one concert is in fact, "Booker" from k-rock, whoops
3. i always cry when i see the last real world of the season :*(

well, i'm babysitting now, and really quite board.. do do do... abh things need to get more interesting around here!
i'm getting excited cause people are going to be coming home from college soon, yeah! i can't wait ;)

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[29 Nov 2001|09:56pm]
i thought this was funny so i thought i would share...
i have this huge bruise on my wrist from this girl that's 5'2 and works at hooters haha
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[29 Nov 2001|04:11pm]

You are 30 - 48% HO!
You're no HO but you're certainly no prude!

Pop Princess Britney Spears tested into this category.

how the hell did i get that??? must have been the bob barker question!!!
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[29 Nov 2001|03:17pm]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | jimmy eat world-the middle ]

hmm how come livejournal never works when you REALLY want it to :(

when anyways this is what i was thinking last night...
i ran into (my) adam last night at school... and it made me think about all the really awesome people i've met this year in school, i didn't think i was really going to meet too many new people, but even though i was a bitch i still met them. it's weird cause i'm the first one to say that you can't really trust people once you get into college, but i guess i proved myself wrong. but it blows cause i keep remembering that come next year they'll all be away :( but i won't think that now.. instead i shall have fun with them!

man what the hell is going on, 3:30 and no one is home? def. won't complain about that

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[27 Nov 2001|12:37pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | jimmy eat world-the middle ]

how come everyone went away to school and they all came back with really cool pants??

i have a freakin huge test in soc. tonight, that blows, but hopefully i won't do too bad on it.

sometimes people hurt you the most when they don't even notice what their doing.
i'm gonna cry

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[24 Nov 2001|03:19pm]
[ mood | awake ]

man i'm such a waste of space, here it is 3 in the afternoon on a saturday and i just woke up...hmmm

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