Twisted Spinster


Americans targeted in Saudi attack, suspected terrorists killed

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 10:30 pm

I just wanted to rescue this bit of news from Jeff Jarvis’ blog, where it has been abandoned to the ravages of a troll called “Faramin.” Needless to say, due to comment moderation, that won’t happen here. This leaves us free to discuss this latest atrocity. I don’t know how permanent SFgate’s links are, so here is the whole thing:

Solid flesh, empty spirits

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 9:44 pm

Best post ever on the subject of the ultimately strange hatred that the Leftovers (that is my name for the washed-out leftists, dictator-admirers, America-haters, and other freaks that have come out of the woodwork since September 11th) for the very culture that enables them to spew their bile from comfort and safety. Blogspot’s links on this site seem to be broken, so scroll ye down to April 17th’s post entitled “Cupio Dissolvi” and read:

These people have had this precious gift, this civilization, and they have got bored with it. They take all the advantages it offers them for granted, and despise the ideals that have powered it. They wish for annihilation, the next new thing, as if it was a wonderful party. Won’t it be great, dancing on the ruins?

That’s just a sample. Read it all.

(I found this soliloquy from Hamlet appropriate to the subject.)

Monitor shopping, Part 1

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 8:50 pm

I’m too poor to pay admission fees to Epcot just so I can wander around the Japanese gift shops. Fortunately, God created the internet for people like me. Ooh, look – authentic Japanese futons. Drool.

Tatami mats available here. Did I ever mention that I always wanted to live in a traditional Japanese house? I don’t know why – I just did. Still do, it looks like.

Why can’t I download Nyquil over the internet?

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 7:33 pm

Dear God: these cold and flu things. I’m not impressed. CUT IT OUT.

Some nicked from old Saigon

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 7:29 pm

And here’s a word to antiwar poster-scrawler Micah Wright: saying “I had to keep lying because you believed me!” is not an apology. (Via A Small Victory; further via Jim Treacher.)

(Apropos: Sing along with the Thompson Twins)

Update: here’s why Wright “confessed” – he was going to be outed on the verge of a book sale. Oopsie. (Via Weekend Pundit.)

Update no. 2: what Greyhawk said. (By the way, where does all this acclaim for Wright’s “art” come from? As far as I can tell his claim to artistic fame is based on him adulterating the work of other people – namely, the World War I and II posters he Photoshopped. Frankly, I think it’s ironic that “his” art was cribbed from others better than himself, just like his bio.)

Update no. 3: bwah! If I felt better I’d play with Photoshop myself…

The updates just keep coming: more details, including the fact that he edited his “apology.” Also – Seven Stories has cancelled the publication of his new book. Wright can look on the bright side – at least it won’t ever be remaindered.

The only film with “Michael Moore” in the title that I might see

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 1:32 pm

…would be the one these guys are making. (Via Kathy Shaidle, whose Blogspot blog keeps going on and off like a lightbulb in Falujah.)

Soy-crow pie

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 12:13 pm

Note to Rene Gonzales: “I’m sorry you were offendedis not an apology. I’d have a modicum – very small, but it would have been there – of respect for him if he’d stuck to his position, instead of hiding it behind the skirts of PC catchphrases. “Insensitive” hell – what Gonzales wrote was openly adversarial, not to mention obscene. And towards someone he didn’t even know – what was he to Pat Tillman or Pat Tillman to he? And don’t even get me started on the quality of his writing. I mean, if you are going to go ad hominem on a national hero at least be original about it. Comparisons of soldiers to Rambo was a moldy technique when both Tillman and Gonzales were in diapers.

(Via C.G. Hill.)

Late update: here’s a nice fisking of the creep’s blattings. Enjoy. (Via MCJ.)

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