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Online Action Headquarters

The Online Action Headquarters contains links to some of the more popular forums on the web, allows you to sign up for daily updates from the Campaign, and gives some hints on how to build an online network of support for John Kerry.

Visit Newslink to Find Local Newspapers
By hitting the most popular news sites in your area (or on the national scene) and sending in letters on articles in reference to John Kerry, we can help focus attention on John Kerry and his issues. Use Newslink ( to find your local newspapers or the link below to see a few of the papers sent in by some of our field staff.
See sample letters and publications

One of the easiest ways to share John's Real Deal using the internet is to send a personal message to your friends letting them know why you support John Kerry. Invite them to the website and build a network of people who you can keep up to date on the campaign.                       
Send Messages

Sites like Friendster ( Tribe ( and Ryze ( are great places to reach out and build your network of supporters for John Kerry. Create your profile, download a picture, post information about your support for Kerry and upcoming events. By providing information, links to the website, issues, and updates more people will learn about John Kerry and get more involved in the campaign.
View a Full List of Networking Groups

Blogs and Forums allow you to make comments about articles and have discussions with other people across the country. Start by visiting the Kerry Blog and Online Forum; then use the list available by clicking below to join some of the largest and most diverse sites on the Internet. People supporting each campaign are talking about the issues and the candidates so be sure to sign up for the daily updates from the campaign when you pledge to take online action!
View a Full List of Blogs and Forums

MeetUps are a great way to find other people in your area who support John Kerry and are taking action on and offline. Use the tools available on the MeetUp page to make your MeetUp as informative and effective as possible. Promote MeetUp online and help grow the grassroots base of Kerry's team by encouraging people to register.  Attend Next Meetup   Organizer Toolkit
Sign Up for MeetUp

Unofficial Kerry Websites are popping up all over the web and one of the best ways to make sure yours is seen is to link to other sites that support John Kerry. Visit to find out more.
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