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User:_depp (1172807) _depp
Johnny Depp, anyone?
How do we love Johnny? Let us count the ways!
About:The Official Community for Johnny Depp by

Do you love Johnny Depp? Think he's the greatest actor alive? Okay, maybe you don't think he's the greatest, but he's up there. Wanna have millions of his babies? Enjoy watching his films? Think he's incredibly talented and picks very good roles that suit him well? GOOD! Then it's simple, really. JOIN!

Your mod, [info]nanipoo

The Viper Room. Quite an interesting place.

...because Johnny's movies really are love...

made by [info]snowconeness

Memories:1 entry
Interests:72: 1980s, 1990s, 21 jump street, acting, actors, arizona dream, bad boys, bands, bass, bass guitar, before night falls, benny and joon, blow, chocolat, cigarettes, clubs, comedy, cry-baby, crying, dead man,, don juan demarco, donnie brasco, drama, drugs, early 90s, ed wood, edward scissorhands, fear and loathing, france, from hell, good looks, grunge, guitars, horror movies, jack john christopher, johnny depp, johnny depp movies, laughing, lily-rose melody, long hair, los angeles, making out, men, music, musicians, nailed right in, neverland, nick of time, night clubs, nightmare on elm street, paris, pirates, pirates of the caribbean, platoon, private resort, rock music, sexy, sexy men, sleepy hollow, slow burn, smoking, talent, tattoos, the astronaut's wife, the brave, the man who cried, the ninth gate, the viper room, united states of poetry, vanessa paradis, what's eating gilbert grape. [Modify yours]
Members:507: View Members .
Watched by:307: 3risks, 72hourdaze, __addict, __coldplay__, __live, __thediningdead, _ahahahaha, _arcadia, _darkogirl, _fallingstar_, _hexonxonx_, _industrial_, _sweetened_, _xkamikazeex_, ade_sparrow, alicecooper91, almostfamous22, amathegreat, amie_1234, angel_crazy, apirateslife, applesauce_star, argylefetish, bad_little_me, badboyzcrazy, barkinghorizon, bearybipolar, beaverhousen_17, becca_baka_chan, beejeebers, begoodbegreat, bellapirata, benenjoon, bj_1987, black_rainstorm, blackmettalic, blackrosetear, blacktearinrose, blank_stares, bleedbeautiful, bleep_, bloodied_aura, blue_swaan, bobsessive, bombtrack_99, bon_still_lives, bonosbitch, bookergirl, brandstellar, breecheese, brittneynicole, britwannabe129, broken_gidget, bunniezsexed, caliwonderwoman, cee_loves_viggo, cerebral_damage, cerulean_dreams, charmeddiamond, cheeseblood, cherrycheshire, cherryflute07, chickieshiznit, cleargummibear, coffeegirl23, coldheart_bitch, cosmicdrop, cptxgoatmcgruff, cranialcatnap, crash_into_me1, crazychick666, dakotanights, dancrchk21, darcangel1316, dark1whispers, darkslits, dawns1990, demboobies, depp_lover86, deppscostar, deppsnutmeg, derowen, derviches, devils_whore, dita_lee, dkfzuz4, dollypunk, dornthepirate, dumdeedum, dyingember223, elementalmuse, ellayesiam, elvish_sugar, elythemartian, erin_see, essy_savvy, fallenstar25, fan_kuro, fatallyyours___, films, followedrabbits, foreverthedevil, freak4jc87, freyaschild, freyja24, frizzy_liz, g0th1ckat, g_kills_people, gnrguitargirl, goddamnthisshit, gofishy, goofz420, goog, gummi_girl04, hazey_eyes, heartlesinsight, heroin_faerie, hetheret247, hilmarqt190, humor_me_jimmi, i_fail_at_life, i_love_cali, iamjacksrum, ickybod_crane, iheartdisney, imperfect_urnot, indieannajonez, instanteuphoria, its_on, jaclynt, jaded_green, jcdepplover, jdepp_lover, jenn_is_me, johnnyaddiction, johnnydisosexay, johnnypics, johnnys_hands, jungle_addict, justaxblonde, kandyass75, karabearblu, katron, kawaii_island, kay2neo, kayseelotamus, keilana, kimchipineapple, kitkat8849, kitkatklubber, ...
Account type:Free Account

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