Don't waste your time on me...
Oi, it's been a few days hasn't it? Sorry lovers, been incredibly busy with my procrastination and all that fun stuff. Suppose I should mention that one of my sister-in-laws just had her baby. A beautiful, healthy little girl. Found out yesterday that another sis-in-law is expecting. Babies all over the place. Fantabulous for me though. I'm so baby hungry and this works out just fine since I can't have babies of my own. Auntie Winter... super scary thought when you get right down to it.
So I took some really embarrassing pics that I might share when I am extremely drunk dead back in hell at home.
In other news, I have the sudden urge to start dating again. Not so much as I'm looking for a long term committed relationship, more like I just want someone to be with here and now. Kyle thinks we should start dating but I'm not so sure that is such a good idea. I rather like him as a friend at this point.
I've been so lazy and scay as of late. I really get to get my arse into gear. I wanted to spend this week in an on going Jane Austen fest but one sis took half my books (not that I really have the time or energy to read) and another took all my movies. I suppose it's for the best I really should finish the 9873868634 books I have to read on gay and lesbian rights. I really want to start reading "Tonto and the Lone Ranger Fist Fight in Heaven" but I have to keep putting it off in order to read drab sections for class.
Kyle has been shadowing me at school lately since he has nothing better to do. Seems weird to me that I have more college under my belt (which isn't all that much) than he does. I guess when you grow up as a spoiled, rich kid.
I have a ton more I want to write about but my brain hurts and Kyle is poking me (not like that my pervies!) so I'm gonna call it quits for now. *molestications n snoggles to y'all*
Current Mood: sympathetic
Current Music: Blink-182 inside my head