If Ever Elven Words of Beauty Did Human Lips Thus Speak... |
[Aug. 4th, 2004|12:58 pm] |
[ | mood |
| | awestruck | ] |
[ | music |
| | Random Bruce Faulconer movements | ] | I'd like to take the opportunity to share with all of you a poem. (The subject line is not part of it.) It was written by a friend of mine named Danielia. (She's Italian, but quite fluent in English.) She dropped it in my lap, randomly, and my jaw just dropped... she has quite a talent.
Above: A Whisper
She speaks
Not above: a Whisper
They lean in
Silence she speaks
From afar
What's first
Comes second
Waits last
Breathes alone.
In that era of a second
Between the moon and the earth
You face your happiness
I think it's yours but who can say
just who stands on the periphery of memory
Eternity seems plausible
Only to rise the souls and play our melody just to keep
everyone else away
We grappled with inevitability
holding onto their burdens of life
because they felt they must
giving up was no option offered
Our dreams
spun of pink gossmar
we are weightless against the world
engulfed by the starry night
by the silence
A stitch that holds a whispered lesson
And wonders that cover us in sleep
It brings reality to the stars
and silently
we speak. |
Code 8 |
[Jul. 26th, 2004|05:17 pm] |
How in the hell am I supposed to concentrate on creation amidst all of this bullshit?
Is there divine intervention attempting to prevent me from applying whatever technical gift I may have? I was focussed; I was on a roll. Distractions arose, and yet I persisted.
...And now this... |
Happy Birthday, Chasa! |
[Jul. 23rd, 2004|09:27 am] |
[ | mood |
| | cheerful | ] | Please join me in wishing a very happy 24th birthday to anetrnlov, today.
*Singing* Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you... (etc., etc.)
Love ya', Babydoll. (For the unknowing, that's just been my nickname for her for years, now.)
-E |
[Jul. 19th, 2004|03:38 pm] |
There's just something kinda funny about watching a penguin bitchslap another penguin...
See it here. |
D&D; Quiz, For Those Into 'Old School' RPGs (My Results) |
[Jul. 14th, 2004|07:28 pm] |
I Am A: Lawful Good Elf Paladin Ranger
Alignment: Lawful Good characters are the epitome of all that is just and good. They believe in order and governments that work for the benefit of all, and generally do not mind doing direct work to further their beliefs.
Race: Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.
Primary Class: Paladins are the Holy Warriors. They have been chosen by a God/dess to be their representative on Earth, and must follow the code of that deity, or risk severe penalties. They tend towards being righteous, but not generally to excess.
Secondary Class: Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Deity: Tyr is the Lawful Good god of justice. He is also known as Tyr Grimjaws, Wounded Tyr, the Maimed God, and Blind Tyr. He appears as a warrior, missing his hand. Followers of Tyr are concerned first and foremost with justice - discovering the truth and punishing the guilty for their crimes. They wear blue and purple robes with a white sash, a white gauntlet on the left hand, and a black gauntlet on the right, to symbolize Tyr's lost hand. Their preferred weapon is the warhammer. Tyr's symbol is a set of scales resting on a warhammer.
Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy ofNeppyMan (e-mail)
[Jul. 6th, 2004|04:20 pm] |
[ | mood |
| | dirty | ] |
[ | music |
| | A Perfect Circle - 3 Libras | ] | God forgive me, but I really do believe that I hate my father. He always manages to come up with some way to prove that he's more selfish, more self-serving, more childish, more ignorant, more disrespectful and/or more impatient than we ever could have thought, before.
I hate him, and yet in the same token, I owe everything to him; for if it were not for him, I would have never strived with everything that I am to be his polar opposite in those things that I despise. I would not be me.
One could say that I would do best to remember that I owe my existence to him; I can only question, sometimes, what I am to thank him for. His blood courses through my veins, carrying with it flawed genetics and questionable instincts. He is one half of the union that brought me crying, kicking and screaming into this world.
I will continue to try to never become him; to never think exactly like him, or employ his motives. I hope that matters are not just simply beyond my comprehension, and that the things he does that seem so wrong are not just being merely misinterpretted. I do my best to be a good man, and God willing, I will always be.
Never let me succumb to myself; never let me become him. |
Intermission: Sickness |
[Jun. 30th, 2004|02:43 am] |
[ | mood |
| | sick | ] | Last night, I woke up to go to work and was feeling groggy. I thought maybe I was just tired, still, and that it was going to go away.
It didn't, and as the work day wore on, I just got worse, and started feeling worse, as well. By the end of the day, I was feeling dizzy and weak, my legs were tingling from pressing myself to keep going, I was feeling sick to my stomach, I had a headache, and I was just generally feeling not-so-good.
When I went to drive home, I had to rest for about 10 minutes in the seat of my car, and when I finally got home, I just fell right onto the couch as soon as I got through the door. I slept for about 5 hours, and then had my temperature taken - it was somewhere between 103 and 104.
Suffice it to say that I feel like poo. |
[Jun. 24th, 2004|05:43 pm] |
Who's been commenting in your journal?
These statistics were generated using the LJ Stats Web Interface by mpnolan. Original idea from scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard. |
[Jun. 23rd, 2004|10:56 am] |
In other news, my computer is demonically possessed. It keeps randomly making a laughing noise. "Ha haaa..." For a moment, I was starting to suspect that maybe it was some odd, exotic virus or something that I hadn't heard of.
I took a minute to look through all the sound files on my computer to see what could be making the noise, and I traced it back to Trillian. (At least, the sound file is in Trillian's folder, under plugins.) I have no idea why Trillian would be doing that. Trillian bases things around events, and there usually doesn't appear to be anything else happening when it plays that sound.
Anyway... yeah, it's possessed. (Did I mention the name of the sound file that it keeps playing is called "devil.wav?") |
[Jun. 23rd, 2004|10:45 am] |
[ | mood |
| | bored | ] |
[ | music |
| | Andy Griggs - You Won't Ever Be Lonely | ] | Not the type of song I'd ordinarily listen to on my own, but...
Life may not always go your way And every once in a while, you might have a bad day But I promise you, now You won't ever be lonely
The sky turns dark, and everything goes wrong Run to me, and I'll leave the light on And I promise you, now You won't ever be lonely
For as long as I live There will always be A place you belong Here, beside me
Heart and soul Baby, you only And I promise you, now You won't ever be lonely
It's still gonna snow It's still gonna rain The wind's gonna blow On a cold winter day And I promise you, now You won't ever be lonely
You're safe from the world Wrapped in my arms I'll never let go Baby, here's where it starts And I promise you, now You won't ever be lonely
Here's a shoulder you can cry on And a love you can rely on
For as long as I live There will always be A place you belong Here, beside me
Heart and soul Baby, you own me And I promise you, now You won't ever be lonely
No, no, no, no, no, no No, you won't ever be lonely |
An Odd Request |
[Jun. 19th, 2004|09:14 am] |
If you've had your journal any amount of time, read back through it. At least skim through to the months past, if you've a lot that you've posted.
There are probably going to be a lot of differences between then and now. Some of which are desirable, others which are not. Some of which we thank God every day for, and others which every day, we can only question why things have to be this way.
Do you remember how things used to be? Have you been the one that initiated a change, and if so, are you truly happy that you did?
At this point, I've gone beyond that which could be generalized, and yes, I'm thinking of specific events as I write this. I won't go into what they are/were.
In such a short time, things can change. You can go from misery to being on top of the world, or from being on cloud nine to hitting an emotional low. The lucky ones among us are the ones who get to live in a consistent state of being, sometimes.
I don't know where I'm going or where I've gone with this - I'm just rambling, now - but if I've made you think about anything specific in your own life, perhaps you've thought about it for a reason.
Don't ever take for granted anything that you hold dear. It can be removed at a moment's notice. |
[Jun. 17th, 2004|01:31 pm] |
Too many questions posing themselves, now without me even thinking about them.
Too many frustrations that won't come undone.
Too much that I wish was different, that I can't seem to change.
Too much that I guess I just don't understand.
I'm trying sooo hard. Why can't that be enough? |
[May. 20th, 2004|02:24 pm] |
So, each day, I re-read the digest of my new manifesto, trying so hard to make it a permanent part of my memory. I've made a background from it, so that it's almost unavoidable.
It seems to be working. I stay in a different frame of mind, and try not to allow myself to revisit the old. Hopefully soon, it will come 100% naturally again.
Things seem to be going well, as a result, I suppose... but I hate the urge I get to go at things running again, like I used to, when I'm being forced to crawl. It's a slow re-entrance, when I don't feel I can afford one.
I wish things were back just like they used to be, when all was fresh and new. A clean slate; a blank page, which now can never be the same.
You can't hide eraser marks and crumple lines, no matter how hard you try. You can just hope they add character, and that you can work around them.
Please, God... |
[May. 16th, 2004|10:35 am] |
I passed most of yesterday, before I finally headed off to bed, spending quality time with my nieces and nephew. (Only the older one of two, Nicholas, was here.) I came home and got out of my work clothes, shaved (not completely - I'm being experimental, as of late) and showered, and then went into the guest bedroom where they had spent the night.
I laid down on the bed with them, where they were watching TV, and just enjoyed their presence. It makes me feel bad to think that often, I probably take them so much for granted. Kaitlyn and Sara are so sweet, sometimes. All love, hugs and kisses. Even Nick can be sweet, though it's tempered by bouts of trying to wrestle with me, hit me, digging his nails under my cuticles, etc. - but I digress. He can be sweet. We're working on the rest, a day at a time. I'm guessing he just does most of it to try to get his uncle's attention, for lack of knowing a better way. Boys will be boys, as I've lived the experience. I've been sleeping away the things that matter the most at the end of the day; Hibernating within an empty shell of myself. I don't know where *I* have been, but I'm glad I've finally awakened from that. That wasn't me.
As I was watching with them, they got bored of what they were watching, and opted to change the channel. I'm not sure what channel it ended up at - I think 17, which is WB on this network - but it was some low-res CG show featuring cherubic characters. A show demonstrating Christian morals, I eventually discovered, on some public broadcast network I'd never heard of, Trinity Baptist Network. (A subsidiary network, temporarily taking over the channel, maybe?) Anyway, the show wasn't 'bad' (Read 'overly good to the point of nauseum').
They actually were getting into forgiveness, grudges, not being able to forget things, and that whole gamut. Someone lending Divine support to my cause from afar, maybe? Maybe. I didn't realize He did dedications, but I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
How many people have asked God for a sign (with various, sometimes questionable results.), to show them the way? How many get it?
Irony: 24 years old, IQ of 185, last I had it tested... and I'm still learning from shows aimed at prepubescents. The most complex of complexities can suffer the lack of the smallest simplicities. Life can never be fully unravelled. |
Personal Reminder: Note To Self |
[May. 14th, 2004|07:30 am] |
[ | mood |
| | optimistic | ] | Eric, you've known this for a while, but it's time you actually start putting it to use: People pay the most attention to the way that you make them feel.
The methods you currently employ are obviously not working, so it's time for a new approach.
If you can make people feel good about themselves consistently, they're going to like being around you. If you only open old wounds, constantly dredge out the past and make them remember the mistakes they've made, they're not going to want to deal with you. You'll only alienate them. How many times must you do this before you recognize the evidence?
Stop crushing dreams, and start planting the seeds for new ones.
Make them feel like they can do anything. Remind them that the world isn't such a bad place, after all, and help them to see beyond their sorrows and their shortcomings, if not forget about them completely. The feeling may just last a moment, but the memory will not be soon forgotten.
At least once a day, you take a look at your life, the way things are going, and it makes you depressed. Dwelling on it and expecting peoples' views to change is not going to work. Stop holding grudges, and let go of the ways that people have hurt you in the past. Everybody makes mistakes. Forgive and forget, Eric.
Forgive and forget.
Heather did what? Who's Aaron? That's in the past, and we don't remember him - it never happened. She owes you what? We don't want to think about that - why are you bringing it up? Why did you give it to her in the first place; because you cared, or because you needed something to rub her nose in? Can you change the past? Why, then, are you asking questions about what happened then? Move beyond that.
Every day, you continue to push her away with your outlook. It's time for a new outlook. Maybe she'll never love you again, the way she once did. At this rate, though, she'll soon be gone from your life forever. In this context, is it truly better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
It ends here.
This is your new personal manifesto. |
[May. 12th, 2004|09:27 am] |
Hmmm... just got done checking my e-mail, and there was a bit of a surprise waiting for me, therein.
Congratulations, Pitch. You may well be on your way to fulfilling your dream. If you stay focussed enough, it could happen. I see how devoted you truly are to the cause.
If you still value my input, I'll be around. Giving it may be the best way to actually get through certain issues in my life, right now... Issues that I so badly need to get over, but can't seem to.
Regardless, I'm here... and maybe my ideas will be useful. |
Quotes In A Profile |
[Apr. 16th, 2004|07:41 pm] |
"No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some kind of mark on it forever."
-- (Anonymous)
"The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration."
-- Pearl S. Buck |
Mildly Humourous Distraction - A TrunkMonkey? |
[Apr. 13th, 2004|03:46 pm] |
So I'm walking through the kitchen and notice a commercial on the living room TV, where some guy is standing outside the car of and intimidating a guy who apparently honked his horn at him. The guy is trying not to notice, but the guy won't go away. He presses a button marked "TrunkMonkey," the trunk of his car quietly opens, and a chimpanzee climbs out with a tire iron, proceeding to pummel the loud mouth. It flashes the logo/information for what appears to be a car dealership, and then goes off.
Unsure about what I was supposed to have gleamed from the commercial, I look it up and find the following: A website High/Low Quality Commercials in Windows Media (.wmv) and QuickTime (.mov) formats
I figured it was kinda cute and just wanted to share. |