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User:elynne (148201) Paid User elynne
a simple whale
or common cachalot
Name:But vain excitement!
Website:Tangental Icebergs
Location:Seattle, Washington, United States
Bio:I'm really bad at writing capsule descriptions of anything, much less myself - so instead, I'll link to a post where I listed 100 more-or-less random things about myself, which is probably a good place to start. :) Have I mentioned that I'm also easily amused?

Here's one thing that didn't fit in my interests list: I'm a polypantheisticZenDiscordianagnostic, which I don't get to explain nearly often enough. It means that I may or may not believe in a wide variety of different god-like things, but I'm not sure it matters anyway. It can also be sung to the tune of "Supercalifragilisticgexpialidocious" - y'know, that song from Mary Poppins. In fact, if you're inclined to do so, [info]brithistorian has written a filk enabling you to do exactly that! :D

Despite living in a poly pagan household with multiple romantic entanglements, my life is wonderfully low-drama. I so dearly love my low-drama-content life. This may mean that my journal is occasionally boring. Cope.

Elynne got her Neopet at!
This is Euphrades Chai, my Kougra NeoPet! If you're curious about NeoPets, please consider using this link to sign up, and thank you! :)

And, because I'm a clicky thing obsessive...

give elynne more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

In an emergency situation, every second counts.
I participate in the LJ Abuse Emergency Contact Information First Post program.
Do you?The life you save may be your own.

... that's all. Bye-bye. :)
Memories:86 entries
Interests:150: $10 words, 4 am, 5-minute-refresh, abstract reality, airplanes, alan rickman, alt.polyamory, ambigrams, anthropology, anubis, art, avocadoes, b&d;, bacon, beading, bi-waffly, black adder, books, brainmeats, cats, chai tea, chocolate, climbing trees, closed captioning, coffee ambivalence, cognitive dissonance, communication, conversations, cricket cricket, crisp apples, cutthroat scrabble, death to spammers, dinosaurs, discworld, doctor who, draconids, dragaera, dragons, dreams, egyptian mythology, everything really, felinity, flying, fog, geeks, geeksluttery, google, guerrilla ontology, happy rhodes, heather alexander, history, hoydenism, i ♥ >1, impulsiveness, interesting things, jewelry, kinky stuff, kmfdm, kuan yin, lady moon, laughing, life, life on earth, life on europa, life on mars, life on titan, lightning, lilo & stitch, lucid dreaming, lycanthropy, ma'at, magic, magnetic poetry, making mazes, marbles, mars, messages in bottles, my little pony, mythbusters, mythbusters slash, mythology, neopets, oneiromancy, otters, overcast, paleontology, philosophy, poetry sometimes, polyamory, pyrophilia, questions, quiet, quirkiness, reading, reality hacking, receiving postcards, red dwarf, red wine, redwood trees, reincarnation, ringtail lemurs, robert anton wilson, role-playing games, sarcasm, scarabs, science fiction, science news weekly, seattle, sheep, silliness, smart people, snakes, snape, snow, spirituality, spleenweasels, stalking firestrike, stenography, strange stuff, sushi, swimming, tangential noodles, tarot cards, tattoos, technophilia, terra, the prisoner, the universe, thoth, thunder, tigers, trilobites, tropical fish, true stories, truth, uniqueness, verbing, vision, walking with dinosaurs, water, watership down, weather geeking, weird al, writing, writing smut, xenophilia, xxxenophile, yes, zoidberg, zoos. [Modify yours]
People406:3countylaugh, 7br, 98, __angela__, _pollox, _sithcons, _synthetica_, _tabularasa_, _zephyra_, aekajin2, afullmargin, afurinwales, aggression, ahamster, ailbhe, aiobheil, alexa_robinson, alexanderjasper, anahata_adaro, angilong, animegothgrrl, anisoptera, anukis, apestyle, arisbe, ashley_y, astolpho, atara, atillathehung, augea, auryanne, autographedcat, azurelunatic, baldanders, bandraoi, banesidhe, bansidhe, baphnedia, baratron, baxil, beckyzoole, besspeacetime, betanfrill, beth47, bfly, bheansidhe, blackfyr, blacksbane, blackscion, blackscousin, blacksdragon, blacksgodson, blacksiren, blacksraven, blackswolf, botias, bpende, bradhicks, brian1789, brithistorian, carminerose, cassini_saturn, cerulgalactus, champagne_frost, charlesks, chebutykin, chiefted, classics_cat, confesstome, copperwolf, cow, crasch, crispengray, cristin_renee, cumaeansibyl, curlygrrrl, customsbyminty, daisho, dakiwiboid, damashita, dandelion_diva, datagrok, dave_over, delcan, desu, dewhitton, deyo, diony, djeternaldarkne, dogbreathcanada, dogroses, dominicflandry, dracolemur, dragon_trinket, dragonflycat, drbombay, dreamflow, dubhtaobh, dusan, dustbath, earthdraco, eeyorerin, eggsafety, eggtray, eilonwy, elisem, ellobahn, elsjr, elynne, elynne_smut, emmacrew, emmett_the_sane, emmycantbemeeko, en_ki, envoy, epi_lj, erin_c_1978, eub, ex_rain_by_n748, fabulist, fangtsu, fareme, filkerdave, firecat, firestrike, firni, forestdweller, frankenboob, freso, futabachan, fyrekat, geekchick, geekdiva, gelgisith, geminigirl, genebreshears, gev, gleewood, god_dot_com, gramina, greyhame, griffen, grumpywitch, gwynbones, halyn, hammercock, hangedwoman, hattifattener, her_eminence, hislittlekitty, hissilliness, hitchhiker, hobbitblue, honeydrakus, hopeforyou, hotcoffeems, hunter_green, iatro, ihgreenman, illandaria, indyansel, irana, ivolucien, iwaki, jackalkitten, jadine, jalexius, jathomas, jenett, jennyaxe, jhulten, jidabug, jinian, joaniemaloney, jodawi, joedecker, joegotamuffin, johno, johnthecamera, jonsinger, joyce, julesong, kadyg, kalikanzeros, kalmn, kanisdragon, karmabreeze, kathrynt, kavasa, kevinpease, kightp, kiras, klwalton, kobold, kookyfaerie, krasnayath, kshandra, ktiger, l2g, ladycat228, ladysisyphus, lao_tzu, lavendertook, leiacat, lethargic_man, lilairen, linenoise, lirrin, lisajulie, lissamc, littledevi, lizw, lownote, lysana, m7o7n7k, mactavish, mahto, malanai, mariann, markpasc, marsbird, maryshelley, mathilde, meowse, metaphorge, mharpold8, mhw, micheinnz, mishalak, mithent, mittelschmertz, mlyn, mojo_iv, mokie_sassafras, moominmuppet, moon_kitten, morbidart, motomotoyama, mslorelei, myclaudia, myles_otter, mysticpenguin, nancyblue, nellorat, neonnurse, nex0s, noelfigart, nolly, nyctopterus, oceanstater, oko_sex_journal, okoshun, omnifarious, one_woman_army, oneechan19, oneironaut, onyxangel, opportunitygrrl, pacobird, pameladean, panzerwalt, papersky, patgreene, pelianth, peloquyn, phantom_wolfboy, phenyx, phinnia, playfox, pleonastic, plonq, poeticdragon, polyfrog, polyrhythm, porcinea, postrodent, potlan, premchai21, princessgeek, princesslizabet, protocat, pullthestars, qowf, quelonzia, rain_by_night, raki, ranjtheobscure, raptorcat, ratkrycek, ravenofthemoon, red_frog, redbird, rexlapinii, rhonan, rivka, rmjwell, rocketmelee, rollick, roobug, root_brian, rosefox, rtdn, rubricity, rubylou, runnerwolf, rysmiel, sagespot, sapphirerage, scarlett13, scattersane, schwa242, sclerotic_rings, scooting, seattlejo, secretrapture, serenejournal, shadesong, shaktiqueen, shockwave77598, shoesie, sidhe79, siln, simonelo, sinainn, sinboy, singingnettle, skylarker, snippy, soaring_phoenix, soeursansmerci, solcita, solidbox, somniferum, soreth, sparklewench, sparkliedragon, spice2thesenses, spiritrover, spydielives, srallen, ssthisto, status, stonebender, stonemirror, supergee, superminiho, supersniffles, syd___, sylvan, sylvanfae, system, sythyry, tallin, tangledup, taniyisha, targaff, taxqueen, tchjdaedn, teal7, terriblelynne, the_maenad, the_ogre, theheretic, thette, thorazinequeen, thoughtsdriftby, thrames, threeringedmoon, tiassa, tiff_seattle, treacle_well, trinker, triplemare, triplesicks, tropism, tsjafo, twilightspeaks, uberstompy, uvaspina, vampwillow, violetvixen, visp, wandra, waywind, weaselbeast, who_is_she, wicked_wish, wilson_lizard, winduptoy, wolfieboy, wordweaverlynn, worldmage, wyrm, x9, xanadumalion, xiphias, xlagartixax, xxshamelessxx, yohannon, yoje, yonmei, zeldajean, zeppo, zon14, zorinth, zyxwvut
Communities69:42answers, baaaaabyanimals, babaa, baycon, bipolypagangeek, buildyourwings, childfreepoly, classyclit, coffeetawk, courtreporting, crafty_toni, crapweasels, dailysoulsearch, diffambitious, divinemisso, dot_cattiness, dot_dot_snark, dot_drama_queen, dot_irony_oops, dot_poly_snark, dot_sex_snark, dot_vjb, dot_warmfluffy, dream_fiction, egoboo, eric_in_elevatr, find_a_book, folksdoingstuff, fotobilder_user, geeksluts, gmail, gmail_invite, happy_rhodes, heatherfans, internet_panic, kitchen_retards, kith_and_kin, lj_maintenance, mlp_customs, my_little_pony, mythbusters, nearly_everyone, neopianrants, news, next_of_kin, note_to_ex, onemoreword, p_a, paidmembers, poetry_muse, poly_news, rad_art, seattle_crafts, seattle_trade, show_your_pussy, slow_poke_poly, soupfaerie, squeekyhollow, statements, suggestions, synaesthesis, templeofthecat, terrandragons, thetardis, tmi_chix, tomorrowlands, tpeugs, uei, virgin_snark
Feeds7:explodingdogrss, neocolours, piranha_gooroos, redmeat_rss, seattlejoblog, sebbofeed, spamusement
Friend of:417: 3countylaugh, 7br, 98, __angela__, _pollox, _synthetica_, _tabularasa_, _zephyra_, additive, aekajin2, afullmargin, afurinwales, aggression, ahamster, ailbhe, aiobheil, alexa_robinson, altfanme, anahata_adaro, angilong, animegothgrrl, anisoptera, anukis, apestyle, arisbe, ashley_y, astolpho, atara, atillathehung, augea, auryanne, autographedcat, azurelunatic, baldanders, bandraoi, bansidhe, baphnedia, baratron, baxil, beckyzoole, besspeacetime, betanfrill, beth47, bfly, bheansidhe, bivirgo76, blackfyr, blacksbane, blackscion, blackscousin, blacksdragon, blacksgodson, blacksiren, blacksraven, blackswolf, botias, bpende, brian1789, brithistorian, carminerose, cassini_saturn, cerulgalactus, champagne_frost, charlesks, chebutykin, chiefted, classics_cat, confesstome, consortium, copperwolf, cow, crasch, crispengray, cristin_renee, csr_emme, cumaeansibyl, curlygrrrl, customsbyminty, daisho, dakiwiboid, damashita, dandelion_diva, datagrok, dave_over, deannajjones, delcan, desu, dewhitton, deyo, diony, djeternaldarkne, dogbreathcanada, dogroses, dolphinmonkey, dominicflandry, doomonyou, dracoemberwing, dracolemur, dragon_trinket, dragonflycat, drbombay, dreamflow, dubhtaobh, dusan, dustbath, earthdraco, eeyorerin, eggsafety, eggtray, eilonwy, elisem, ellobahn, elsjr, elynne, elynne_smut, emmacrew, emmett_the_sane, emmycantbemeeko, en_ki, envoy, epi_lj, erin_c_1978, eris_dot_com, eub, ex_rain_by_n748, fabulist, fangtsu, fareme, filkerdave, firecat, firestrike, firni, forestdweller, frankenboob, freso, futabachan, fyrekat, gainsbourg77, garthagk, geekchick, geekdiva, gelgisith, geminigirl, genebreshears, genericadder, gev, gloriajn, god_dot_com, gramina, griffen, ...
Member of:60: 42answers, baaaaabyanimals, babaa, baycon, bipolypagangeek, buildyourwings, childfreepoly, classyclit, coffeetawk, courtreporting, crafty_toni, crapweasels, diffambitious, dot_cattiness, dot_dot_snark, dot_drama_queen, dot_irony_oops, dot_poly_snark, dot_sex_snark, dot_vjb, dot_warmfluffy, dream_fiction, egoboo, eric_in_elevatr, folksdoingstuff, fotobilder_user, geeksluts, gmail, gmail_invite, happy_rhodes, heatherfans, internet_panic, kitchen_retards, kith_and_kin, mlp_customs, my_little_pony, mythbusters, nearly_everyone, note_to_ex, onemoreword, p_a, paidmembers, poetry_muse, poly_news, polyamory, seattle_crafts, seattle_trade, show_your_pussy, slow_poke_poly, soupfaerie, squeekyhollow, statements, templeofthecat, terrandragons, thetardis, tmi_chix, tomorrowlands, tpeugs, uei, virgin_snark
Account type:Permanent Account

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