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Below is user information for Keiphyn (KAY-fin). If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:grynz (369712) Paid User grynz
The Rabbit Hole
An Eidolon of Disestablishmentarianism and Chaos at work.
Name:Keiphyn (KAY-fin)
Location:East Bay, California, United States
Little smylz runs around, young and full of glow.
She grows older, day to day, yet still that smyle shows.
But life is rough on little smyle,
(it can be cruel and grim).
So smylz changes, subtle now, to just a little gryn.
The WeatherPixie

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."
-- Mark Twain

Memories:51 entries
Interests:140: acupuncture, alice in wonderland, alternative lifestyles, amplectere potestem "et", animaniacs, anime, aromatherapy, art, art & craft fairs, astrology, ayurveda, bay area, bdsm, being silly, bettie page, bipolar, blue angels, blues, boomerang phones, caffeine, car maintenance, cartoons, cats, channeling, chocolate, coaching, colourful hair, comics, community, cooking, corsets, cosmetology, coupling, crochet, crystals, cuddling, dancing, dancing in the rain, diviniation, dragons, dreams, driving, dying hair, elf quest, emo philips, firearms, gargoyles, ghosts, guest breasts, hang gliding, healing, herbal medicine, herbology, history, ho ho's, horseback riding, horses, humor, hunter s. thompson, kiwi, knitting, law, leather, leningrad cowboys, leonard cohen, linguistics, looney tunes, magick, medicine, mehndi, mehndi prayers, motorcycles, movies, muppets, music, music of all sorts, occult, optimism, optimists, paranormal, pasta, people, pet-me fabrics, philosophy, photography, piercing, play-doh, playing, plays, poetry, polyamory, polydactyl cats, psychic, psychology, puns, quigong, quilting, rain dancing, reiki, rennisance fairs, rocky horror, romance, santaria, satire, science, seduction, sewing, sex, singing, skinnydipping, skydiving, sleep, sleeping, snakes, soap, sock monkeys, spirits, sushi, tai chi, tantra, tarot, tattoos, tea, the bubble noise, the princess bride, thunderstorms, toys, travel, trivia, trying new foods, warm summer rains, white jackets, wicca, witchcraft, wolves, wooing, world religions, writing, yoga, your kink is ok. [Modify yours]
People164:7patches, _counterculture, _duncan, abenn, ag_unicorn, aiobheil, akienm, angelbob, angstronaut, animejo, annabellisimo, apollo9, asssssssssp, atziluth, aunticrist, bdot, beijoflor, blackfyr, bowyn, branwynlynn, bratstreet, brian1789, caliblue, calum, captivatinglove, chalice_lisa, chanilye, chiefted, clickety6, cortneyofeden, cryo, cyan_blue, cynan_poly, danaeris, dancing_star, darthsunshine, davetoo, dawnd, deedeebythebay, dejiko, deyo, domesticpanther, dragon_spirit, dryadgrl, eastbaygreg, emmett_the_sane, enchantedwahine, ethangrim, firebain, flameprincess, freyaschild, fuzzydragon, fyrekaaat, gabriel75, gatopreto, girlpurple, grendel, grue23, heavymetalsushi, hinterland, hopeforyou, iceblink, in_silico_siren, ineptidude, internet_addict, jasonhollister, jimweasel, jmkelly, joedecker, johnnypotsmoker, karenbyknit, karenbynight, karkota, karlht, kath8562, katster, kayre, keith_london, kerrylily, kierin, kineticphoenix, kragen, ksarikhani, kwangawoo, labile, livekits, lusty, maatling, mactavish, manzanita, marsbird, mazurek_j, merlinito, mertuil, michealb, mikz, mister_sunshine, mobilise, mshea, my_perception, mysterix, nalsa, nerfduck, nippellecken, oakdragon, owenandrews, p3aches, paisleychick, patgreene, pdi, phantomdancer, philosophertone, phoenixrisen, polydreamz, prince_vincent, princeofwands, punzel, purplerabbit, pusifoot, radven, redhawke, redstreets, redthread, riaria, rightsock, rightsock_equus, rosefox, runeshower, sarahh, screamingeagle, sgnp, sgnpcomix, shebear, shivai, silversurfer, sinboy, slipperman, spicetrader, takhisis, tamouse, tenacious_snail, thats_ms_dragon, the_ogre, tidus, tigfox, timechild, tobyiceblueeyes, tsjafo, tyee, uncledark, urbanbard, vvvexation, weirdodragoncat, who_is_she, winter0, winterbyrd, wire_girl, wissago, xavierism, ygraine, ysabel, zorbathut, zpdiduda, zyzzyva23
Communities15:allegrad, altvampyres, callahanians, dinner_club, disasterhouse, jurisprudentia, lj_maintenance, motorcycles, onespace, polyamory, polydactyl_cats, puns, sunset_and_port, vintage_sex, wordoftheday
Feeds4:calnhobbes, comic_getfuzzy, sinfestfeed, theonionfeed
Account type:Paid Account

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