everyone has a fetish...'s Journal
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Below are the 17 most recent journal entries recorded in everyone has a fetish...'s LiveJournal:

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    Saturday, October 2nd, 2004
    11:24 pm
    Game Room at Fetish Con 2004
    A few of the photos I took of some attending models at Fetish Con 2004 in Tampa (that is, before the power went out...)

    Click here to see... )

    (2 naughty touches | give me pleasure)

    4:37 pm
    Sorry...got some stories backed up...
    Labor Day weekend I had to walk to the grocery store to get milk. It’s one I go to a lot, so I put on faded black jeans, instead of blue jeans. Didn’t want the wet stain to show from across the store. I walked down an aisle and saw four girls, late teens, clearly dressed for Phoenix summer. They were wearing shirts, but very loose, and very low t-shirts. They had as much tit exposed as they could get away with. I can’t let that go, so I started to pee my pants as I walked down their aisle. They didn’t notice.
    I got my milk, and saw they were in line at the register, so I got behind them. They were standing by the bagging end, while one paid for the stuff. I stood facing them in the right spot so they could see, and let the rest of my pee out. Sadly, it wasn’t as much as I hoped. The stain went just below my knees.
    I casually stood there in my peed pants like I didn’t know I wet myself. I noticed one finally saw my pants. I didn’t look at them, I used peripheral vision. The one who saw me put her hand to her mouth and whispered to the girls. They looked and immediately broke into laughter. They couldn’t stop. They were laughing so hard I thought they were gonna pee their pants. I just stood there calmly. Just like someone standing in line at the register.
    They left laughing their heads off, and I got my milk. And I walked home in my peed pants.

    Before I went home from work I filled my bladder with water, and I filled a bottle with water. When I got in my car I took the cap off and pressed it against my pants at the head of my dick. I discovered that if you hold a bottle of water against your pants, your pants soak the water out of the bottle slowly, and you get what looks like an evenly spread out piss stain. 5 minutes from home I lifted the bottle so it all came out at once on my pants over where the tip of my dick was. So it looked and felt as if I lost it and totally pissed my pants while driving.
    I got home, put my stuff in my apartment, then went to get the mail. To girls walked by as I stepped out. The front and seat of my pants, and bottom of my light gray shirt were wet with water. But it didn’t look like water. I could tell one saw so I started wetting as I walked. Once we passed I stopped pissing myself and kept walking to my mailbox. I got my mail and started walking back. On my way I saw a girl with great tits, low shirt. I started pissing my pants as I casually walked with a handful of mail kinda in her direction, but not to look threatening. (It was 12:30 AM). The two girls were her friends and they met up with her. I was SOAKING my pants as I walked in their direction. They were staring right at my pants as I was peeing them. One put her hand over her mouth to try and muffle her giggling as she stared at me. Didn’t work. She had a great giggle. After I passed them I stopped pissing myself. I looked in the mirror when I got to my apartment and saw a nice round wet spot on my butt, and I knew they had to be staring at that as I walked away from them. The front of my pants were sopping.
    I looked at some piss porn sites, finished peeing my pants, then jacked off.

    I have a great phone Dom I’m friends with. Every Saturday night we talk on the phone while I lay in my waterbed. We talk. Ocassionally she’ll say, “piss.” And laying there in faded jeans I start wetting until she says stop. I’m also to pee myself when her cat meows. It’s a rule of my Mistress’. She sez her cat is ordering me to wet myself, too. My mistress calls me “Puppy.” After a while my pants, and my bed are wet. She gets turned on listening to me moan and she starts rubbing herself. Mmmm, she sounds so good when she’s masturbating. She gets louder and eventually she says, “PISS FOR ME, PUPPY!” And while she’s cumming I start shooting piss out of me. When she stops cumming she breathlessly tells me to stop pissing. By his point I am laying in a sopping bed in soaked pants. I tell her this and she starts laughing at me and calling me names. Ooooooo, she’s so good! It totally gets me off when she laughs at me. I cum so fucking hard.
    A couple calls ago when we did this, after we hung up, I kneeled and there was so much piss on the bed that it would puddle up at my knees and hands. Well, that really got to me. I started to roll around in my piss drenched sheets. Rubbing my hair in it, my face, stomach, chest, back. There wasn’t a spot on me that wasn’t wet with piss. I came so hard again.

    I peed my faded blue jeans at work last night. Nothing big. Just a little drop. But I could feel there was still a little more inside my dick. So I let out a little drop. But there was still more in my dick, and not my bladder, so let the drop out. But...well, it repeated for a little bit. I noticed a perfectly round wet spot on the front of my pants. I was wearing a long shirt, so no one saw.
    I spent the last hour of work drinking water. When I got home I was bursting. I looked at some pee sites while wetting myself. One site got me sopping! Piss on video God, it felt so good! My pants were so wet the stain wrapped around my legs. Front, back, sides. I went in the tub and finished wetting. I just relaxed and let the rest out. I couldn’t believe how much there was. My pants were already pretty soaked. Felt so heavy and so good! But the finishing wetting just soaking sopping drenched them. They looked so good! Shiny, wet, got heavier with piss. My pants stuck to my legs I pissed my pants that much. When I was out of pee I opened them up enough to get my dick out and jacked off while wearing my piss soaked pants. Fuckin’ hell I came so hard! My pants couldn’t have gotten wetter f I went swimming in them. It’s rare I get them that wet, it’s sooo good when I do. Wish I had that much piss in me every time when I wet my pants.

    (give me pleasure)

    Thursday, September 23rd, 2004
    6:25 pm
    Women in nylons, you're driving me nuts!

    (2 naughty touches | give me pleasure)

    Friday, September 17th, 2004
    5:28 am

    New Site with males, females, erotica, video, fetish gallery, members only forums and more.
    Very different than what you've already seen.
    Low membership fees and lots of freebies.

    (give me pleasure)

    Thursday, September 16th, 2004
    11:46 am
    Im new. My name is Veruca, 21, and i live in the philadelphia area. I was just wondering if anyone knew any local organizations, classes, anything.. anything at all related to bdsm/ fetish/ anything!! i know there has to be something here.. because in the city of philadelphia.. i find it hard not to.. but i just don't know where to look.. i wish there were some kind of classifieds..
    Please help me!

    (5 naughty touches | give me pleasure)

    Tuesday, September 7th, 2004
    7:52 pm
    I noticed there was no communities for lactation fetish, so I started one today


    Plus, I have a petplay comm to that some might be interested in -


    Please drop by and take a look :D

    ~+ Miss Cherry +~

    (2 naughty touches | give me pleasure)

    Monday, September 6th, 2004
    1:19 am
    New Austin Fetish Movie Company
    hi everyone,

    my girlfriend and i are starting a new fetish movie company in austin, texas. we're looking for people to work with both in front of the camera and behind the scenes. if you'd like to be in a movie or have any fimmaking skills, please get in touch with us at aquariusfwinc@aol.com.



    (give me pleasure)

    Saturday, September 4th, 2004
    12:20 pm
    Two New Game Room Models
    Two New models posing for Moraxian's Game Room

    Click here to see... )

    Please let me know what you think...

    Current Mood: accomplished

    (2 naughty touches | give me pleasure)

    Friday, September 3rd, 2004
    6:43 pm
    what are you wearing RIGHT NOW?

    (give me pleasure)

    10:06 am
    New erotica
    Yes! I have a new book out!

    Here’s the NWS cover and link to it where there's a summary and example and all that...
    Read more... )

    Current Mood: Very chuffed
    Current Music: Some Bauhaus and Children on Stun

    (give me pleasure)

    Thursday, September 2nd, 2004
    11:31 am
    I woke up with a full bladder and needed milk and some other food, so I went to Bashas’. Peed my pants a little while there. I wore faded black jeans. You could see the wet spot if I wanted you to, but I go to this store a lot, and didn’t want to make it obvious.
    I stopped in the magazine aisle, looked through some, peed my pants at the hotter pictures. I could feel it rushing down my legs. My socks got wet. I figure I was wet enough and checked out in my peed pants. Sadly, nobody saw.
    I’m home now, and the water’s been turned off to fix a leak at the apartments, so now I have to sit around in my peed pants waiting for the water to come on. Could be another four hours in my peed pants. Feels and smells soooooooooo good, though!
    Just saw a hottie walk outside and I let another good squirt go.

    (give me pleasure)

    Thursday, August 19th, 2004
    6:15 pm

    model: [info]delilahbrat

    (7 naughty touches | give me pleasure)

    Friday, August 6th, 2004
    10:22 pm
    Athena in the Game Room
    A Game Room photo of Typhoid Mary's Athena Zamora tied up tight, even her elbows...

    Behind the cut - Mature Audiences )

    Current Mood: pleased

    (2 naughty touches | give me pleasure)

    Tuesday, August 3rd, 2004
    3:54 pm
    Atom Eclectics

    Hey there, I'm not sure if this would be deemed appropriate for the community, but I'm sure some of my items might appeal to those more daring ;)

    If it isn't acceptable, feel free to delete this entry.

    (give me pleasure)

    Monday, August 2nd, 2004
    7:08 pm
    I Have Created My First Community...
    ...and I hope it doesn't bother anyone for me to announce it here...

    The journal is called [info]water_brothers. It is a community for men who are into male watersports.

    I hope you men who are my water brothers will join! I hope you will have fun!

    Hugs and Pisses!

    (give me pleasure)

    Saturday, July 31st, 2004
    12:23 am
    Announcing something magical for everybody even horror fans...
    ...Illusions of Grandeur - Personals, a theatrical magic fan and fetishist matchmaking group dedicated to uniting individual enthusiasts of the magical arts together with the partners of their dreams.

    To subscribe, complete your yahoo profile:

    Age (18+)
    Email (Current)

    And then proceed to:

    Upon subscription, add your personals data (Name, age, location, email, etc...) into the appropriate category in the groups database:

    Men seeking women...
    Men seeking men...
    Women seeking men...
    Women seeking women...

    Then write an eloquent post, submit a photo if feeling so bold, sit back and wait for the magic to happen or to be happened upon.

    Simply put, Illusions of Grandeur - Personals is a bare bones group established fill an empty niche in the theatrical magic fan and fetishist community by providing a moderated environment in which individual enthusiasts of the magical arts can seek out and find others of compatible interests.

    If you have any suggestions, questions, or concerns feel free to write the group founder at: jonus_vilianious@yahoo.com

    Thank you for your time:-)

    P.S. Even though the group is open to all genders, sexual preferences, and lifestyle choices, the group is in desperate need of female membership to balance out the exuberant number of enthusiastic males who have already joined.

    Current Mood: determined
    Current Music: Luck Be A Lady - Frank Sinatra

    (give me pleasure)

    Wednesday, July 28th, 2004
    2:58 pm
    I was a bad boy....(one pic)  )

    Current Mood: crushed

    (8 naughty touches | give me pleasure)

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