Fariewing's LiveJournal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in Fariewing's LiveJournal:

    Thursday, September 7th, 2000
    1:55 am
    kittens sleeping
    soft purrs
    procrastinating, nothing new
    awake but tired
    to tired to make sentences
    why is it so cold outside?
    i am not ready for winter. it was hardly summer.
    marriage is such a stange thing. my brother just got married this past weekend. i don't think i can do it. i need SPACE to move and grow.
    will the real world be better than college?
    one can only hope.
    i hope.
    kitten are too cute for their own good. I want to eat them.
    i wish i could always have fresh flowers in a vase, but it is just to expensive and my kittens would always be attacking them. not good.
    it is strange to write in a place that people might possibly see. I doubt they will.

    is it boredom or procrastination.


    TV is worthless.
    paid programming helps me sleep at night

    goodnight moon

    sweet dreams
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