Sunday, June 6th, 2004
12:03 pm
working on the house yesterday fucked up my quads. it was mostly the rickety ladder made out of 2x4s extending out of the back of the house. the spaces between the steps were a little longer than i could comfortably go down. i stretched myself in ways that i haven't been stretched for a while.
i'm working another shift right now because of a mix-up over who would cover whose shift and when. this means that i'll miss link, which seriously perterbs me. i might just put up a sign saying 'out to lunch' and leave at link time. no one is working this shift with me, so i'll have to lock up. we're a little short staffed. if anyone in the lawrence area wants to get a shift at solidarity!, let me know. only serious inquiries, please.
i didn't get to sleep very well this morning. claven has to get up at 3am for work on sundays and that always wakes me up at least a little bit, but i'm getting to the point where i can mostly sleep through it. however, the alarm clock in the living room went off at 630am for several minutes and woke me up. i had to get up and wake kalila up so she would shut it off. then someone called for her shortly after 7am and woke me up again. then claven called shortly after 8am and woke me up so i could call nigel and tell him that the bike claven is using broke, but i went back to sleep for a while and claven called again shortly after 9am to make me do it for real. so i basically didn't really sleep after 630 this morning. i'm a little cranky.
current mood: sore current music: 90.7 kjhk lawrence
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| Saturday, June 5th, 2004
3:20 pm
so i was just thinking that most people live in the northern hemisphere... and wouldn't that throw off the earth's rotation, all those people piled up on one end of the planet? and what about all the things we've built on the earth? i suppose that all the materials we've used were originally already on the planet, so that's probably alright, but all those people...
anyway, i'm pooped. i helped to do some light demolition work in a new collective house that's being renovated, and my muscles hurt. i mostly tore down plaster and drywall and helped haul it out of the house. then i went to link and filled up my belly. now i'm working my library shift. tonight there is a library meeting as well as food not banks. i will go to the meeting because a bunch of people are going to be serving food already. i want to take a nap.
one of our new cats may be missing... he's an escape artist. i suppose he'll come back when he's hungry. or else he's just hiding inside the house and fooling us all. jerk.
current music: miles davis - isn't she lovely?
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| Friday, June 4th, 2004
11:33 am
i'm at work and i'm not supposed to be using the internet, so i'll have to make this fast. i'm just trying to kill some time because there's nothing to do.
i just smashed my pinkie between a wall and a book cart. it's starting to get a little stiff. yowch.
the new cats are starting to get used to our house. they're big (fat) sweethearts, and they seem to be making peace with ruby, so i think everything will turn out just fine.
i'm in the process of super cleaning our apartment. wednesday, i cleaned the bathroom. yesterday, i cleaned the kitchen. today, i'll clean the utility room. tomorrow, the living room. sunday, my room. even in my manic/obsessive/compulsive fever, i realize that claven and kalila have to clean their own rooms. it's not as bad as it could be.
potluck and swimming party tonight. neighborhood cleanup with free food, library shift, library meeting, and food not banks tomorrow. link and paintball sunday. busy weekend!
current mood: awesome
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| Saturday, May 29th, 2004
3:58 pm
what's up, livejournalland? i have not a lot to say. i should maybe compose journal entries on paper and then type them up... i don't like sitting in front of a computer for long periods of time.
i'm starting to read house of leaves. don't spoil it for me! so far, so creepy.
we're in a tornado watch. on monday, i was at a local sports bar and grill, eating two-for-one veggie burgers with some cool kids who were passing through town, and we got hit by a mega-rainy stormy. there was almost a tornado, then there wasn't. maybe the tornado will take out walmart. whee!
i cannot express how much i hate george bush. either of them.
later, i will post the autobiography that i wrote for a final (and perhaps another paper that i wrote about audre lorde's zami because it's good) for everyone to read. and seriously, you ought to read it. it's good shit.
current music: all things considered--npr
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| Thursday, April 22nd, 2004
5:09 pm
things are pretty crazy here. i'm gearing up for finals, which are may 17th through 20th, and getting a little stressed about that. plus we may be evicted. whether we get evicted or not, we're going to have to find a place for next year, which is always stressful. ack.
just an update. back to the grind.
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| Monday, March 29th, 2004
8:05 pm
i had the first stress-free spring break of my college career this semester. i finished all of my midterms before break. all i had to do was read a couple books. it was very relaxing. the trans fest in iowa city was a good time. i met some really awesome (and awesomely hot) trannies and genderqueers up there. the friend we stayed with said that some of them were anarchists, even. we hyped the WAR! conference to a warm reception, and should have hyped the GPAN caucus, but didn't. we also went to a feminist sex shop, where i got a book about anarcha-feminism. i feel good about the whole weekend. even the greasy spoon restaurant in bevington, iowa wherein we were looked at funny by the locals. even that.
tonight was two-for-one veggie burgers, so i'm stuffed. claven is off at his spanish class and i'm going to get some homework out of the way, myself.
current mood: full
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| Friday, March 19th, 2004
10:00 pm
i just finished up my midterms, like, a minute ago. i should have written the paper that was due today before tonight, but i just didn't get around to it. *shrug* that teacher seems fairly impressed by rhetoric, though, so i ought to be able to get a good grade without doing any super-deep analysis. (a friend of mine and i used to pronounce it anal-why-sis for fun in biology class.) anyway, i'm done with midterms now, and my spring break can officially begin. i have a lot of reading to do over break, but at least i don't have any more papers to write or tests to take.
i'm in the habit of listening to ani difranco when i'm studying and/or writing papers. just a few minutes ago "used to you" came on and i thought of chris and i taking our road trip from galesburg to chicago the first time i went to illinois wherein my left arm got sunburned and i got blisters from wandering around the loop, lost. it was great. the trip and thinking of chris. actually, i wrote a poem about her the other day. i don't have my autobiographies journal on me, or i'd record it. maybe i'll do it later.
dude. i went to the most amazing free italian buffet open house ribbon cutting ceremony thing today. damn. i haven't eaten that well in a while.
heads up to the tranny crew: we're heading to iowa on Thursday for the trans ed fest in iowa city. see y'all there?
current mood: full current music: Ani DiFranco - The Slant/The Diner
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| Saturday, March 13th, 2004
4:04 pm
happy spring.
we had to put eve to sleep this morning. she had a stroke. we buried her next to her sister.
i'm about half way through my finals. i've got a couple more papers to write and another couple of tests, and then spring break. *sigh*
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| Wednesday, March 10th, 2004
3:35 pm
it's already midterms time. i've got three papers due in the next week and a half, then spring break. i'm going to attempt to attend a trans conference in iowa city with claven and maybe some other folks. hopefully we'll still be able to register.
how can it possibly be march already? the year is just flying by.
i'm beginning to hate my job. i think it's mostly the getting up at 7am three days a week that's the problem. i hope i'll be able to get my job at the museum back in June. i'm taking this summer off of school (the first time in several years) and i'm going to try to spend it educating myself. i will, however, have to check with my graduation requirements and see if there's anything i need to take care of before next year. i think there might be a computer science class or something...
ruby was spayed this week, and she's recovering nicely. our sewer backed up and we had to have the rotorooter guy come and fix it. the carpet is not recovering nicely.
current mood: back ache current music: Ani DiFranco - Talk to Me Now
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| Wednesday, March 3rd, 2004
3:01 pm
p.s. y'all should read audre lorde's zami, a new spelling of my name.
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3:00 pm
i'm finally getting caught up with school work after my week of fun with chantel's birthday and the colombia kids staying here. i'm taking 4 literature classes this semester, so i have to read about 600 pages a week between them. fortunately, they're interesting classes (for the most part) with good books (basically), so it's not (quite) torture. *shrug*
ruby is getting her uterus removed. and she lost a tiny little kitten tooth last night! she's growing up so fast.
i feel like i had a bunch of things to update with, but i can't really remember now. i guess i'll see ya later.
current mood: moo current music: wade in the water, children
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| Saturday, February 28th, 2004
3:52 pm
just a quick update, i'm not feeling very computery today.
i got a job at the main library on campus in the interlibrary loan department. it's pretty easy, and relatively alright. hopfully, though, i'll be able to get my job at the museum back when they can pay me again. i liked that job better.
there's a critical mass and march against imperialism here in lawrence tomorrow. that should be a good time.
all the folks arrested at the dole center protest last summer have been cleared of their charges now. they just dropped the last person's charges yesterday.
i'm kind of sick and can't really hear out of my right ear today.
i started my period yesterday, which is good, and makes me think that maybe i'll get back on track with my cycle again. it's reassuring to bleed regularly.
current mood: creative
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| Saturday, February 7th, 2004
4:32 pm
i found absalom! absalom! the other night. however, that doesn't help me much since i don't understand it. oh, faulkner, how you taunt me.
i totally love my life, but somehow my partner doesn't ever seem very happy. how could this descrepancy exist? i know all about differences in communication and we're exploring that. it just seems like something is greatly off if i feel so good and my mate doesn't. maybe i'm just not up to all this responsibility. i guess i'll be relieved of it if i prove too incapable.
i need a job.
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| Thursday, February 5th, 2004
10:12 am
This journal has been with the hearts of weapons that is the fair haired and is in it, borne by the fair courage of weapons that is the hearts of weapons that is a young great glory of weapons that is the beautiful. All mannerly they are, as a great glory of boon comrades weapons that is a great glory of weapons that is the fair haired and the beautiful. But with the fair haired and is a great glory of weapons that is parted from them, and is the hearts of weapons boon comrades and the fair haired and is in it, borne by the courage of weapons that is a great glory of weapons that is parted from them and the beautiful. But with the beautiful; email me is in it, borne by the fair haired and the fair haired and the fair beautiful. There is in it, borne by the a great glory of weapons that is parted from them and is parted from them and is a great glory of weapons that is a young girl.
-- lexanlet
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| Wednesday, February 4th, 2004
6:15 pm
livejournal insanity poem...
It's grey and the argument is due today it's pretty nicely; suffer: one for myself or something like somehow don't change.
Lexanlet i have to do at solidarity!
It's getting better find it out a week end of women and am don't am also has to witches: paper portion of my favourite stuff at, least only have.
She seems like to be the week.
But we confronted our house: the if i lost my trial.
current mood: writing a paper, obviously. current music: Ani DiFranco - Ain't That the Way
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12:02 am
i lost my absalom! absalom! and i'm supposed to read two chapters tonight. i'd better find it.
things don't change. people change. i think i've changed. i hope i've changed for the better.
i love you all.
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| Monday, February 2nd, 2004
12:25 am
| Saturday, January 31st, 2004
5:08 pm
i'm already getting behind in my reading for class. how is this possible?! yikes.
today was an antiwar march. it was lots of fun and in the street and i got a cup of water thrown at me and some other kids almost got run over by an suv, but we made it alright. then we confronted our house of reps rep about supporting the war and all this other shit and he was a slick, slimy politician bastard, but it's alright. tonight is food not banks.
it's freezing! everyone's cranky. i'm done with it.
current mood: brrr
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| Sunday, January 25th, 2004
8:51 pm
i finally started my period today. i had an almost normal 30- to 35-day cycle going for about a year, then i skipped October, had a period in November, skipped December and finally started now at the end of January. jeeze. i'm afraid that i'm going to become completely irregular again. i would like to stay normal because i'm going to be trying to have kids in the next year or so. i think it's my weight, mostly. i gained back all the weight i lost when i was on that medicine. i'm going to try to cut sugar out of my diet. it's going to be really hard because i love it so much. i'm also trying to cut all animal products out of my diet, which is also hard because i love cheese and icecream. *sigh* it will be good for my health, though.
current mood: homework
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| Saturday, January 24th, 2004
3:52 pm
classes just started on friday and already i have homework. *sigh* i guess i should have been prepared.
my friend wesley was found innocent of battery on a law enforcement officer stemming from his arrest at the july 21st protest of the $500 a plate dole center inauguration party. that was quite a relief. there are only two more people left on trial, and there's been a good precident of acquital set, so i feel good about those up-coming cases.
i guess i don't have much to report on currently. if i think of anything else, i'll let you all know.
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