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Friday, the 4th day in the month of June in the year 2004 of the Common Era
Inscribed: 1:08 pm
An update
Should be in [info]aprotim_thesis, oops. Made a copy there.
posted to the wrong place, but then people commented, so i didn't want to delete it. This post belongs in aprotim_thesis, though )

(4 musings | muse)

Monday, the 31st day in the month of May in the year 2004 of the Common Era
Inscribed: 2:15 pm
So she's married.

And I thought Emilie Sutterlin's wedding was surreal. Well, between holding a full-time desk job and having one of my closest friends (not to mention ex-girlfriend of three years - in both senses) get married, I feel... old. Spent most of the wedding day(s) with Marian, which was nice, and she seems to be doing much better. She was a bridesmaid, and I was a Chuppa Bearer/Holder (I got to hold up a canopy over their heads.)The wedding itself was absolutely beautiful, and went off without a hitch (other than the bride and groom getting hitched) - the bride was requisitely resplendent in her wedding dress, with her hair done elegantly, and the groom was appropriately dashing, handsome, and slightly jittery. The vows and speeches were verging on tear-jerking at times and the couple looked... in love. Utterly and completely. The upshot being that this was one hell of a wedding.

After the ceremony, the reception food was good, and the dancing was fun. I got really tired. And then sleep, eventually.

To summarize: wonderful wedding, and wonderful time. I wish the newlyweds the absolute best.

(2 musings | muse)

Tuesday, the 25th day in the month of May in the year 2004 of the Common Era
Inscribed: 5:36 pm
For those of you not in the know, from Thursday morning until (really) early Tuesday morning, I will be in the greater Boston area. Friday and Saturday are busy, and Thrusday, I'll hopefully be chillin' with Darius, but I'd like to see people, and I have nowhere to stay Sunday and Monday night.

If anybody would be kind enough to hang out with me/host me, I'd be much obliged.

(6 musings | muse)

Thursday, the 20th day in the month of May in the year 2004 of the Common Era
Inscribed: 3:00 pm
The Cure, Violent Femmes, The Offspring, Modest Mouse, New Found Glory, and The Living End are all playing HFStival

Wow - makes me wish I was going.

(3 musings | muse)

Inscribed: 2:58 pm
So this was interesting - we just shuffled things around a bit at work so that we aren't as crowded and Aleks has a desk, instead of a stool. In the process, I ganked a nice big monitor (21"? maybe even more - it feels bigger than mine, but maybe because I'm closer to it). So the moitor and the system are plugged into a UPS (APC 280). Well, when the system boots up, the screen is mostly blue, and continues to be when i log in (login screen and desktop are blue backgrounds). When I open and IM window, Firefox, or mail, the UPS starts beeping. Apparently, the situation is so borderline that the extra energy required to paint a more white screen than baseline puts the enrgy requirements too high. Weird, huh? (I moved my monitor to a surge protector, for now.)

(1 musing | muse)

Sunday, the 16th day in the month of May in the year 2004 of the Common Era
Inscribed: 4:08 pm
Link forwarded to me by [info]nishmael - http://www.takeoneforthecountry.com/

Phenomenal... I don't know what I can say, but that that is the oddest grass roots movement I've seen in a while.

(6 musings | muse)

Inscribed: 2:56 pm
Sprint Sucks
The answer to my guessing game is: SPRINT!

Sprint sucks )

(1 musing | muse)

Inscribed: 3:37 am
Saw Mean Girls today - it's surprising how much I felt the movie applied to my current life despite the fact that I'm a.) male, and b.) "more mature". Oh well - food for thought, I guess.

Oh yeah - and Lindsay Lohan is really, really, attractive - unfortunately, she's less than a year older than my brother, so it seems weird.

(9 musings | muse)

Saturday, the 15th day in the month of May in the year 2004 of the Common Era
Inscribed: 4:05 am
Oh yeah - and we blasted "Danger Zone" with the windows down all the way home from the mall.

(3 musings | muse)

Inscribed: 3:56 am
Best Friday ever
Wow that did a lot to cure me of this week. This week I had to (though I sometimes failed to) drag my ass out of bed, bleary-eyed and go to work when everybody else was just chillin' and illin'. Also, possibly relatedly, possibly due to some other stress that I'm not recognizing people have bothered me this week. Yesterday was far too full of terse-ish emails back and forth between me and 340 people - I think the actualy number for my grad is supposed to be a compromise between their number and mine (just by chance, due to mistakes on both ends - though I suppose ultimately on my end - e.g. when you attend a class/lab, remember to have signed in). Anyway, as I was saying, it was a tough week. There was Milan/Maarten's/IHOP last night, but I was not in the best of moods, so that put a damper, though it's always fun (and rare) to hang out with the compund kids.

En tout cas, today didn't seem to be getting much better - though I felt like I was getting more results, or at least, didn't feel like I was failing to produce at work,the end of work was a stressful blend of traffic (graduation weekend,) trying to figure out what the deal is with my flight voucher/how to deal with the fact I accidentally took two vouchers instead of one and trying to get to Troy with the gang ([info]alatyr, [info]nishmael, [info]bitterpea, [info]anonymizer, [info]lilysc, [info]goldenfool and Erin). Well, it turned out that I did nothing with the voucher, as yet, so one less thing. When we got to the downtown mall, though, it was thriving with humans, which was... nice - I really like that area, though sometimes the preteen-teen kids are obnoxious. However, Troy was sold out except for a late show, and since we aimed to play poker, we decided to give it a miss today and instead went to CVS to get parking validated.

While there, Adam led toy-aisle-ward, and I found these cool water guns, two to a box, with refill tanks and holsters for $6. Initially, I suggested we split a box. However, when he decided to buy his own, I knew where my interests lie, and wouldn't be underarmed for the upcoming fray. So Adam, Matt and I each bought a set, and went off with the intent of warring on the mall (Shaft came along, too, but he didn't have guns - I dunno if he didn't want any, or there were only three sets in the store). The girls, however, all decided to be girls, and left us in favor of coffee. (For the record, girls suck - no sense of humor at all about getting totally soaked - but that's another story.) While on the mall, we ran into Joe ([info]nonelf), who is the most helpful of the previously mentioned 340 people, and our neighbor. After talking with him for a while, we went off in search of water, and proceeded to run around like idiots, squirting each other, and carefully trying not to squirt vendor stalls or unarmed civilians ([info]anonymizer, and later the girls, being notable exceptions). After wonderful frivolity, we all headed back to the Apartment of Justice (including Joe, who ran into the girls at Mudhouse and who joined us for poker, but excluding Matt/Erin, as they left to pack up all her wordly belongings to prepare for Real Life). And we played a nice, 8-person game of poker for a good long time - only one person left before the last three decided to cash out, so it was very sociable). Was lots of fun, Joe seemed to feel right at home, which was cool, and Lily played! And came out ahead! (Oh - and so did I! Makes me happy - I was playing... aggressively, if slightly foolhardily. Some people just call it random.)

Afterwards, when we were ostensibly going to go to sleep, Matt Adam and I played some good Halo action. Also, we're big geeks because in our first to matches to 25, our scores were first all odd multiples of 5, and then squares (9, 16, 25). I don't know if we're geeks because we got the scores or because we noticed.

Tomorrow - the airport (maybe?) and Halo with compund kids (hopefully) after they graduate. (That is, hopefully we'll be Halo-ing - I have no doubt they will graduate.) Now, sweet sweet heart sleeping.

(5 musings | muse)

Friday, the 14th day in the month of May in the year 2004 of the Common Era
Inscribed: 3:40 pm
Hey hey - let's play a guessing game (apropos to nothing) who knows which corporation I hate the absolute most of all?

Comments are screened so as not to ruin the answer.

(6 musings | muse)

Inscribed: 10:45 am
Huhwha? Liberty what?
The ACLU has been required by the Justice Department to remove paragraphs from their website. What information are they not allowed to post? Is it sensitive top-secret material? Was it confidential court proceedings?

Hah. No - it was a paragraph about what infomration the FBI is allowed access to under the Patriot Act (which the ACLU is challenging in court).

Say what? A gag order can now include matters that are (or should be) on public record? Great.


Inscribed: 10:08 am
Say what?
So apparently the RIAA is being misleading if not right-out lying about losses in sales from 2003-2004. They are blaming consumers, saying they are pirating more and buying less, when in fact, there's been a 10% increase in point-of-sale sales. The RIAA is talking about orders shipped, which is a side effect of retailers wanting less unmoved inventory on the shelves. Maybe they should be suing the retailers for not buying as much - after all, it's every American's duty to help the economy by giving extra money to the RIAA.


Thursday, the 13th day in the month of May in the year 2004 of the Common Era
Inscribed: 2:22 pm
Grr - so apparently i got a C+ in CS340. I can't figure out why - using a spreadsheet that uses the numbers they gave me and the weights they say they've used (well, they said their weights were consistent with the beginning of course memo, and mine were too - but learning as I did in the class about the problem with specification and interpretations thereof, I can see how our actual weights might be different). I get a 84% they get a 73%...

(1 musing | muse)

Inscribed: 1:32 pm
"You with your big words, and your, and your small difficult words."
So talking to Matt today, I realized something.

Having listened to people talk about other people putting on airs by trying to use big words, I realized that it's not unlikely that people think that I use big words just to be arrogant and act like a know-it-all. I'm wondering if they do.

So - if you think I use big words to build myself up rather than because they're the best words for the situation, screw you! But seriously, if you do, leave me a note - just trying to get a straw poll here - comment anonymously, if you want.

(2 musings | muse)

Inscribed: 2:40 am
With the knowledge that I've been strangely quiet on the political front - politix redux:

There's more, but I need to sleep like... 2.5 hours ago.

My dad encourages me at many times not to be to outspoken on many political matters - not because he sometimes diagrees with me (though he does), but because I essentially have the wrong skin color to hold my opinions. That is probably the worst thing about the current politics and administration of this country - the institutionalization of the fact that people have to give up liberties in order to be well. As Ben Franklin (Dr. Dell impulse: *ptooie*) said - "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." And in a democracy, rebellion is an act of patriotism, and non-violent revolution should be the norm. Having said that, if any one of you reading this, whether you agree with me or not, do not vote in November for any reason other than a legal one (too young, not a citizen, convicted felon, whatever), well, I'll be severely, severely disappointed in you. I hate to sound like an ad campaign, but our age group needs to vote, and now more than ever, as we inherit the sins of our parents.

Thank you all, goodnight and godspeed. (That's fast, that is.)


Inscribed: 1:19 am
to be left alone. not to be alone. just left alone. - Uncredited source (locked entry, so I feel it would be rude to quote it, but also rude not to attribute it, so this is my explanation.

Sometimes (often) he says things things that just click in my head and make sense.


Inscribed: 12:49 am
Ha! So I'm still on the Shakespeare Troupe mailing list, for reasons... that are basically laziness (I rarely if ever read it anymore). However, I saw the subject line "Taming Tech Heads" and I thought "ha! Good luck with that."

Just thought I'd share.

(2 musings | muse)

Inscribed: 12:43 am
"To see a need and wait to be asked, is to already refuse."

An important thing to internalize. I'll work on that.

(1 musing | muse)

Sunday, the 9th day in the month of May in the year 2004 of the Common Era
Inscribed: 4:01 am
Also - I never realized that Miramax was a Disney subsidiary - I guess I never grew out of lovingDisney movies after all. (Actually, I certainly never grew out of loving the same Disney movies - but Disney cartoons have gone downhill of late, with a few notable exceptions - the Pixar ones.)

(1 musing | muse)


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