About me:
Name: Esther
Day of birth: 14 april 1987
Hometown: The Netherlands

-Shania Twain, -music, -playing guitar, flute & piano, -sports, -going on holidays, - discover the world, -the sun, -snow, -talking with friends all over the world, -drawing, -philosyphize, - my friends & family, -animals, -having fun!

- unfairness, -irritating people, -war, -school, -bad weather, -meat, -some teachers, -illness, -smoking

more about me:


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Sunday, May 23, 2004


Had an awesome time in Harderwijk, a place at the Veluwe-lake. We had nice weather, but the nights were really freezing!
We've been to Six Flags ( a rollercoaster-parc) that was an awesome day!!
I've been on the boat of my family, and because of the wind, we went kiting, also a great experience.
The nature is soooo beautiful over there, can't believe our country has it all!

Here's a pic of the lake:

I'm glad that I'm home now, really missed the internet, and all my friends online!!
Tomorrow I've got to go to school again :( bluggh...
I can't wait till it's summer, and I'm going to Switzerland with Leena!


Posted at 04:47 pm by MissJuanita
Comments (4)

Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Been to Rotterdam

Today I've been to Rotterdam with school.

I had a great day with amazing experiences, first all the buildings, so amazing, can't believe that it's really my country....!!! I went to the Erasmus-bridge, a very famous one!
here's a pic of me there, with the bridge on te background!

And I visited Shania's star at the walk of fame. It was so 'strange' to be there...it was like Shania's power was there...I couldn't leave the stone..so amazing...

Here's a pic of that!

Tomorrow I'm going to a campside with my family and relatives, so I won't be on till sunday!
I'll miss you all!

Much love,

Posted at 10:27 pm by MissJuanita
Comments (4)

Monday, May 17, 2004
Hi :)

Well this is my 'first' entry at my blogdrive.com site!

My name is Esther, and I'm 17 years old.
I live in Holland, in a little village at the german border.

Shania TwainI'm still at school, and want to go to the university after this.

I love music! and my favourite artist is Shania Twain!   I like her music a LOT, but not only her music. I also love her personality, her way of being, her....EVERYTHING! She's really an amazing woman.

I've seen her live for 6 times now, and everytime again she surprises me with her great talent and her whole being :)

Her music got me through sooo many good and bad times....it's almost undiscribeable :p

I also LOVE to travel! This summer I'm going to Switzerland together with my loving friend Lianne (leena) . I'm sure we're gonna have a blast! ! We're staying in Montreux, in a youth hostel, for 10 days :)

Soooo this is it for today ;) tomorrow I'm going of to Rotterdam, a big city in Holland. For a schoolproject. I'll tell you more about this tomorrownight, I'm even going to visit the hotel were Shania slept (for the project) and i'm going to take a look at the Walk of Fame stone...

 I'll keep you up-to-date!


Posted at 05:03 pm by MissJuanita
Comments (4)