Thursday, March 21st, 2002
11:42 pm - Lol...couple more quotes. --dork--
"And our brave hero roasts the disabled man"
"AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! ..Now that I have that out of my system.."
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11:31 pm - I kill you till you die...what was that off of...
+Someone+ is going to be at the metal show.
Saturday night there's 2 light rock bands playing..."Who's ready to light rock?" ...Not me, that's for sure. I don't dig that stuff.
Dad will be home so he could go and meet Rich. The past few Sunday's Rich has wanted to meet him. I need to sign up to help work the coffeehouse.
...11:33...this is going to be a long night.
I hate doubt. I need to fully kill it. "Fully"?...you can't really "half-way" kill anything. (She's half-way dead!) If you kill it, you kill it. Oh, right...levels of death and all... You are now 1/4 killed, you got some left in ye!
I am going to watch the Brain That Wouldn't Die, the MST version. Ugh, who could sit through that without the bots and Mike.
11:38 now...
current mood: sore current music: LS - Reject (the light rock version, kidding!)
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11:17 pm - Me at my worst...pointless posts all night.
Show tomorrow night! And, there's one heck of a lineup. Doors at 8, admission is only 6 bucks...but...*sniff* I can't go. Downtown has to many serial killers... heehee Ok, anyway, I need to go to a good show...that doesn't cost like 15 dollars. Man, that's not punk rock with me. For a good band (like LS or Underoath (WOOO!!!!x2)), I'd pay that, but for anything else, yeah right. March 22, at the Juke Joint with 4 bands: the Aleatoric, Coheed & Cambria, Victory Record's Bloodled, and Not Waving But Drowning. Doors are @ 8:00, and cover is only $6... ...I already said that. I sit here and post happenings of things I don't go to. Well, I'm pathetic. And, right now, lacking something to do. Crap, it's cold out again. It's like 79 oe day, then 10 the next. I think it was Tuesday we had near record highs, and today, near record lows. Crazy stuff. ..I guess.
current mood: bored current music: ...on our com pu ter ?
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11:09 pm - More MST3K lines!! (sorry folks for my dorkyness, deal with it)
(Some skinny guy running around a farm without a shirt on) Servo says: "Can I borrow a cup of shirt?" ..that was off of Boggy Creek.
"My memory now has cheesecloth over it"
"Are there any other of you, who would like to confuse freedom with treason?!" "No, but I'd like to confuse bok choy with cabbage, sir."
(One of the space mutineers stabs a guy with his cain) "I'm going to inflate him to 35 pounds."
"Did you see that danged (yes, the other word) animal?!" "What animal?" "The danged (insert the d word ...oh please) one!"
"You can't leave now!" "Oh, yeah! Why not?" "I made Quiche!"
Ok...enough lines for tonight...maybe...
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10:49 pm - My mind's going...
Concerning the "One Saved Always Saved" stuff ((c)rap)... I don't believe in it...if that were true, then any person who was saved as a kid, then fell away, and didn't care about God or anything about Him, could get into Heaven. So...if Charles Manson was saved when he was a kid, he's going? See, it just doesn't add up for me... BUT, then I think if someone who was really on fire, totally abandoned Christianity and God..did they ever have salvation to begin with, that would be the only case I could see "OSAS" as being true. Since God knew the guy would stop believing, the one guy never had salvation to lose...ahh, my mind...
And the Rapture...how many people believe that it will happen. Bunches. I don't. During the Tribulation when all the horrible things are happening, who's going to bring the Gospel to the people who don't believe. Cause if all the Christians were taken up, all that would be left on Earth are the non-believers. And they wouldn't die for something they didn't believe in. Unless God opened their eyes.
And since God knows the beginning and the end, does He create people He knows will reject Him, and they end up in Hell? They could be created to help others, though.
Well, I'm done...my head's full of stuff tonight...needed to get some out.
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5:33 pm - Today
It was...ok. A few people who didn't leave me any tips. We got a bus in about 2, so we were busy again. We've been getting these after lunch rushes..not fun, tips usually don't come out good, either. My first table who left a tip left it in some sort of tract thing, even though I am saved it brightened my day a little. SOme older biker guy and his son (I assume) kept calling me raven hair, lol. They were nice guys. Not in my section, though. People on the last shift who has top salad never do their job all the way, they never bring soup from the cooler to the boil table, or replace the one's on boil with the freezer to cooler. ARGH! So I have to wait around for the ice to thaw, then do it. There was barely any cream of brocolli left today, so Katie said I could have the rest, kind of bland..but it was good. I didn't eat at all till then. I have tomorrow off, and Bible study tonight. :) Matthew is starting a Bible study at his place, so next Sunday I need to catch him and get directions. Gasoline is up again. It really just gets me ticked.. Freakin gas company's...I do not really have a lot left over to spend on it! Thank God that I have an economical car, though!!
Rachel told me that this guy is "the one"...and that she hopes she can make him as happy as he's made her. She said she's not rushing into it...even though it looks thata way to me.. Oh well, I've told her what I thought.
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4:55 pm - Days off...
Well, I put in for the 30th of this month to be off work, and then April 12th. On the 12th I'm going to down to Arkansas to see my relatives and visit Granny's grave. It'll be a year since her death then...it does not feel like that long. I can't believe it. I love egg drop soup...just made some..good stuff. ;)
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| Wednesday, March 20th, 2002
10:58 pm - Alice Cooper in HM
3:23 pm - .........food.........
Due to new people being, um..dumb...work is short on people. So they asked me if I could come in tonight for 5 or 6 hours, I can't... Extra money would be nice, but I have a bunch of school...well, plenty of Biology/Chemistry II, and some other crap. I have GOT to stop procrastinating on that stuff and just do it. But, I can't...well, now I am. Blah, I am going to need help on this stuff. All of high school I never needed help, I just went in my room and did it. If I got it wrong, I'd do it till it was right. A perfectionist, but I still don't care about it...that just contradicts eachother, but it's how I am. After I get all that done, though, I'm free of school! And that means I work a ton more hours. In August I'm going to try and get on at this coffeeshop place night hours, and keep what I have for the morning/afternoon. Who knows, though. If places still aren't hiring, then I dunno... Oh well, I'll deal with that when the time comes.
And the same new person that screwed the schedule up with switching and not being able to do the other shift she switched for, she came in today with dyed black hair--AUGH! I HATE it when people do something because I do it. Lol, so far no one's even gone close to wearing black eyeshadow stuff.
Ugh, I'm so sick of being around people...
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9:20 am - MST3K
I'm looking on Ebay at Mystery Science Theater 3000 videos...Oh man, so many I want to see! "The Amazing Invisible Man"...so tell me, does the camera just film a blank space or something? Starring: No one! Ok, yeah, that was lame...lol. I must say...I'm a Mysty. Ooh, Leech Woman...sounds promising! They're not priced too bad either, 6 bucks. The last time I ordered from that guy, it took like 3 weeks to get the video in the mail--it came from Canada.
I can't smell or taste anything...getting sick? I just got over being sick...
Time to go get ready for another day at work...I hope today's better than the last.
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| Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
10:57 pm
5:48 pm
In the letter to Rachel...I have no idea how to say what I want. Here goes nothing...
It's written...and about to be sent. I hope she listens.
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5:21 pm - Augh...
Up until a while ago, this had been the worst day in a LONG time. At work, everything that could go wrong, did. And then some. Got next to nothing for tips, barely enough to pay for a skirt I won on Ebay. My right hand is just full of cuts...I got boiling water and chili in them when I was doing top salad...oh gosh, it was a horrible day at work. It was just..ugh, I don't want to think about it.
Anyway, so, yeah, I came home in a very bad mood. I was so mad. I got changed and went to the Nature Center to walk a few miles. Wow, I'm so glad I did, it changed my day. Someplace just to talk to God. It was a rainy, overcast, cool day today and the place was gorgeous. Pretty wet woods, streams rushing by the trail made up of worn stones halfway buried in the mud. "Ozark waterfalls", it was just great. My favorite kind of weather. And, at the beginning of when I got there, I saw a slew of deer...ok, not that many, but like 10...which is a lot for right now. I had a few pictures left on my camera, so I snapped a couple quick one's...I hope they turn out ok.
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8:27 am - Losing a friend over the truth more than likely
I will not tell Rachel what she wants to hear about this whole wedding thing. Everyone is supporting her and encouraging her in it, then they turn their back's and talk about what a big mistake it is. So, that leaves just me, who is willing to kill our friendship, to tell her that this is not a good thing. I still want to be her friend, but I know how she'll take this. Cuss me out, tell me not to come to the wedding, never see me again, etc. But someone has to tell her this is wrong. She won't listen to me anyway, though. I'm pretty much a nobody, a friend from childhood who comes and visits every so often. I don't know her anymore. She doesn't know me. Marlena and Jason took her up to St. Louis to have a "nice weekend" with her boyfriend. I just don't want to see her guy running off on her after 2 or 3 kids... I've prayed. Now, I just don't know if I should write her and tell her, or drive 200 miles to talk to her, if I did that I'd get my face slapped, too. Oh well.
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| Sunday, March 17th, 2002
10:27 pm
Oh yeah, Daisy came back Thursday night! I counted the days up, correctly this time, and it was 10 days.
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10:26 pm
Stress is coming back...bad...and over nothing. Pray for me, this isn't good.
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7:50 pm - Anti-Marketing
Taken from Symbiont who took it from Hexadecimal who snatched it from Deadman
Hi. First of all, you are fat. You are ugly. Your breath stinks. You are unpopular. Your car sucks. Your house sucks. Your life sucks.
You are not witty. You are not smart. You are ignorant. You are stupid. You will never make it in this world. You are unpopular. You will never amount to anything. You are nothing.
Your diet is poor. You have low self-esteem. You have cellulite. You have ugly toenails. You have blackheads. You have body hair where it just shouldn’t be. Your eyeballs are not white enough. Your teeth are not white enough.
Secondly, you are fat. You should go on a diet. You should eat more hamburgers. Your tits are not big enough. Your tits are too small. Your tits aren’t small enough or big enough. Your dick is too small. Your nose isn’t right. Your ass is too big. You should make yourself sick. You should eat more hamburgers.
Your dress sense sucks. You have no style. You are one of the crowd. You are a follower. You are a freak. You don’t fit in. You are a lah-hoo-ser. You have no charisma. You are not sexy enough. Your favorite band sucks. Your favorite brand sucks. Your clothes suck. Your shoes suck. You are retarded.
You don’t have enough money. You should work harder. You don’t have enough things. You are unhappy. You need more. You are unsatisfied. You are not moving forward. You are not keeping up the pace. You are lagging behind. You are one step behind the rest.
You are doing it all wrong. You need to change. You need to see that change is good. You need to follow us. You need to be individual. You need to fit in. You need to think outside the square. You need to stand out. You need to know the rules. You need to know the secrets. You should be yourself.
Thirdly, you are fat. Your legs wobble too much. Your teeth are crooked. Your face is wrong. You are not thin enough. You are too thin. You need to eat more hamburgers.
You are lactose intolerant. You are iron deficient. Your cholesterol is too high. Your calcium level is too low. Your blood pressure is too high. Your iron level is too low. You need to get liposuction. You need to lose weight. You suffer from premature ejaculation. You are far too dependant on drugs. You need to buy more drugs.
You are bipolar. You have attention deficit hyperactive disorder. You have post-traumatic stress disorder. You suffer from depression. You are manic. You are not happy enough. You suffer from road rage. You suffer split-personality disorders. You suffer marriage problems. You are not right. You need to buy more drugs.
You should stop smoking. You should buy more cigarettes. You should stop smoking. You will get cancer. You will die anyway. You should have fun. You shouldn’t have fun. You should be fashionable. You should keep ahead. You are lagging behind. You should be individual. You shouldn’t care about what you do. You are free. You should go your own way. You should follow us.
You watch too much television. You need to stay tuned. You are fat because you watch too much television. You should watch more television. You should be individual. You are going to be a star one day. You are nothing. You should eat more hamburgers. You should drink more syrup. You are too fat.
You should not be who you are. You have to change.
My name is Marketing.
Now buy my f*****g product.
* * *please feel free to spread the anti-marketing campaign by posting this in your journal. i did not write it, btw* * *
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2:10 pm - What is it You See? --Molly Harris
I wonder what it is you see When you look into my eyes Do you see the Rings of Kerry Or the ragged Cliffs of Moher
Do you see beyond the placid waters Teasing the pointed rocks into play Or is a storm thrashing the Rings With wind warring against waves
Do you see beyond the striking Cliffs Against the sky that leads to forever Or do you see the piercing edges That forewarn you of their peril
Do you see the sign of Claddagh Equating love, friendship, and loyalty Or do you see straight into my soul To my fears and truths that I hide
Do you see the magic held within From Far Darrig to the Lianhan sidhe Do you see the Faerie lights shimmering When my eyes sparkle with laughter
The magic of all impossibilities Is what makes all mysteries viable When you look into my eyes I wonder what it is you see
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2:05 pm - Happy Saint Patrick's!!!
I don't like the idea of everyone being Irish for the day, but whatever..heh. I'm Irish everyday. And actually, people didn't celebrate this day till the Irish came to America, then it caught on over there as well.
The Life of St. Patrick
The Patron Saint of Ireland was born into either a Scottish or English family in the fourth century. He was captured as a teenager by Niall of the Nine Hostages who was to become a King of all Ireland.
He was sold into slavery in Ireland and put to work as a shepherd. He worked in terrible conditions for six years drawing comfort in the Christian faith that so many of his people had abandoned under Roman rule.
Patrick had a dream that encouraged him to flee his captivity and to head South where a ship was to be waiting for him. He traveled over 200 miles from his Northern captivity to Wexford town where, sure enough, a ship was waiting to enable his escape.
Upon arrival in England he was captured by brigands and returned to slavery. He escaped after two months and spent the next seven years traveling Europe seeking his destiny.
During this time he furthered his education and studied Christianity in the Lerin Monastery in France. He returned to England as a priest. Again a dream greatly influenced him when he became convinced that the Irish people were calling out to him to return to the land of his servitude.
He went to the Monastery in Auxerre where it was decided that a mission should be sent to Ireland. Patrick was not selected for this task to his great disappointment. The monk that was selected was called Paladius, but he died before he could reach Ireland and a second mission was decided upon.
Patrick was made a Bishop by Pope Celestine in the year 432 and, together with a small band of followers, he traveled to Ireland to commence the conversion.
Patrick confronted the most powerful man in Ireland, Laoghaire, The High King of Tara, as he knew that if he could gain his support then he would be safe to spread the word throughout Ireland. To get his attention Patrick and his followers lit a huge fire to mark the commencement of Spring. Tradition had it that no fire was to be lit until the King's fire was complete, but Patrick defied this rule and courted the confrontation with the King.
The King rushed into action and traveled with the intention of making war on the holy delegation. Patrick calmed the King and with quiet composure impressed upon him that he had no intention other than that of spreading the word of the Gospel. The King accepted the missionary, much to the dismay of the Druids who feared for their own power and position in the face of this new threat. They commanded that he make snow fall. Patrick declined to do so stating that this was God's work. Immediately it began to snow, only stopping when Patrick blessed himself.
Still trying to convince the King of his religion Patrick grasped at some Shamrock growing on the ground. He explained that there was but one stem on the plant, but three branches of the leaf, representing the Blessed Trinity. The King was impressed with his sincerity and granted him permission to spread the word of his faith, although he did not convert to Christianity himself.
Patrick and his followers were free to spread their faith throughout Ireland and did so to great effect. He drove paganism (symbolised by the snake) from the lands of Eireann.
Patrick was tempted by the Devil whilst on a pilgrimage at Croagh Patrick. For his refusal to be tempted, God rewarded him with a wish. Patrick asked that the Irish be spared the horror of Judgment Day and that he himself be allowed to judge his flock. Thus, the legend that Ireland will disappear under a sea of water seven years before the final judgment, was born.
Patrick died on March 17th in the year 461 at the age of 76. It is not known for sure where his remains were laid although Downpatrick in County Down in the North of Ireland is thought to be his final resting place.
His influence is still felt to this day as Nations the world over commemorate him on March 17th of every year.
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9:14 am - Philmore
Oh yeah, I showed up at Bible study, and there was a show going on...I forgot all about the date, it was the Philmore show. Anyway, so I went to Bible study, then afterwards Rich told me I could go in the back way and not have to pay admission...what a good thing! I wasn't paying 7 bucks... No way. For a band who's one of my favorite's, sure, but not for Philmore...good as they were.
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