Ben (Piccokuh the Hamstertush!)'s Journal
20 most recent entries

Date:2005-05-03 22:10

Yes, I exist.

But that's all I'm good for at the moment.

I've applied to a local school to start work on my master's. I have also looked into nearby schools in case I go on for my doctorate. Unfortunately, I've found many of the schools require a reading knowledge on the intermediate level of French or German (some schools will take Russian). So some time between now and 2-3 years from now, I need to learn to read German or French or Russian. So yuck...I know I'll enjoy it a ton! However, I just don't have the time to do it. I may just have to study it on my own and test out of it eventually.

I've been playing with number theory and prime numbers on my own. But I'm not skilled enough in proofs to do much good at this level of work. That and I like to work on "unsolvable" or yet to be solved problems. You know...finding whether there are an infinite number of twin primes or proving Goldbach's conjecture or proving my own conjecture regarding primes and the gaps between them (I've never heard of anyone else making this conjecture)...

I received my special extended edition of LotR trilody DVD collection yesterday. Now to find time to watch....

I really need to post some pics of my house and puppies and so forth. For those of you who care...I have a short mustache and goatee now.

Sorry guys/girls, I know I'm not much to talk to lately. But I've been busy or just blah lately. I know, I know...but things really are good. I may just be having one of my random chemical imbalances lately. I'll be better in a few days :(

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Date:2005-02-03 22:18

So yeah...

Been busy. Dealing with bills. Worrying about family members. Taking care of the stupid dog. I swear, my dog Pascal is pretty screwy in the head. But he did surprise me two nights ago when he ran inside the house with a live crawdad (crayfish for you yankees). Hmm...oh well. I shall have to bathe him soon.

SO yeah....there's some rambling. Life has been busy. My mind has been working on various mathematical ideas. I asked the Comp Sci professor at my college for some help. I realized that all my calculations were going to take too long by hand and I needed to learn to write programs to do everything for me. SO he gave me software and books and so..............I'll start soon. I promise.............

I am nerdier than 93% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

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Date:2004-09-26 23:58

Eh, yeah...I'm moderately non-existent lately. But that's okay. I'm mostly here cause I was reading a friend's journal and decided to post as a result.

There's plenty of things wrong with me. I can think of 8 different specific terms but there are more that aren't as easily summed up in a phrase or two. But then, there's problems with a lot of people nowadays. And yeah...I question why that is. Is it because we are better able to recognize symptoms and make diagnoses? Is it that something has changed in the last generation or two which caused this sudden inundation of diseases? Or is it all in our heads (so to speak), born out of our desire to push aside responsibility for our own actions? Perhaps it is number one, or two, perhaps three...maybe all? Maybe none?

Are we better able to recognize symptoms and diseases? That's a major affirmative. More and more people are educated, especially as doctors are more and more specializing in specific fields with very few general practitioners compared to yester-year. A doctor that was schooled largely on personality/mental disorders will find problems more easily than a doctor that had a broader education. But still...that couldn't be all of it, huh?

Has something changed? Yes, plenty that I couldn't even hope to describe all of. Not to be cliche, but I must bring up television, computers, and video games. Yes, I love all three of these, but I do recognize some problems. Think of the past...families had only so many options for entertainment: time with each other, reading, playing outside, and the radio. How many radio stations were there to choose from? Only a few within range, I'd wager. Then came TV, but there were still only a few stations. The addition of satellite and the growing number of cable channels has added many new options in the last decade or so. Now if you don't like what's on one channel (radio or TV), there's dozens more to choose from. Commercials aren't necessary, you can just find something else to watch in the meantime. And finally if all that is too boring, computers and video games add plenty of variety. You can quickly change gears as your interests suit you. All of life has become rapid-paced. We don't want to wait on anything, that's one reason Wal-mart is so popular right now. It has everything you want in one place. We want it and we want it now. So of course our attention spans have shrunk, and perhaps that is why ADD is so popular...

And who can deny that people want to avoid responsibility? People have always sought ways to get rid of blame, to find someone else to push the guilt upon. In the last few years, people have been blaming their problems on the way they were raised, or their environment, they can use genetics to claim they have a personality/mental disorder and they can't help it.

So maybe everything is a problem. Or maybe we are the problem. Hmm...?

So yeah...that was quite a lot for me, huh? And to think, I originally planned on writing about my recurring/escalating memory lapses and how worried I'm becoming about them...

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Date:2004-06-23 22:48

Never any content in my updates...

But was there ever any?

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Date:2004-06-14 00:57

A reminder: Yes, I am quite boring.

How to make a Piccokuh

1 part competetiveness

3 parts brilliance

1 part empathy
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of wisdom


Personality cocktail

I've been way too busy to do anything, much less think. Or something. Hmph.

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Date:2004-05-29 02:34
Mood:Too Awake

It is 2:34 am and I cannot sleep. I've laid in bed in several positions. I've counted well over 2600. I've prayed (not to be irreverant, but I always seem to fall asleep while praying). I've played on teh computer then tried laying down again. I went to bed at 9:30 pm, dadgumit. I just took a Benadryl, hopefully that will do something.

The problem?

I'm getting up and leaving to drive to New Orleans at 6 am.


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Date:2004-05-17 12:01

Long weekend.....and too much rain to boot.

Well, I had to move the last of my stuff out of my apartment this weekend and get everything into the new house. rained the whole time.

ALso, lemme see....I had a bunch of friends over and tried out my new grill. I have also played tons of Lord of the Ring Monopoly (the best game ever). I still don't know what my job situation is like right now. I've found a couple things I'm applying to and I may (I can't believe it) work at Marble Slab over summer again. Oy oy oy. What else is going on...hrmmm...

Money is just disappearing. Had to get new stuff for the house plus the car is in the shop right now plus I have a chiropractor's appointment today plus the puppy needs his shots today. Sigh...

Well, this is my uneventful life for the time being. Adios.

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Date:2004-04-15 11:16
Mood:I can't describe it.

Well...let's hopse I still have a job at the end of this week.

EDIT: Never mind, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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Date:2004-04-14 14:40
Subject:Oooh, an update...!
Mood:Too awake

Well, voila! Here I am. Yes, yes, I know it's been a let's update!

My kidney stone came and disappeared yet again. So...I guess it'll show up again some day.

I have a little over 2 weeks till I move into MY HOUSE! Yay. I've been splurging lately, though. Bought a new TV and new monitor. I'm going to go pick up a new surround sound system for my TV soon. Also bought some furniture, though I still can't fill my house up yet.

By the laptop had to be repaired a 4th time...and at Best Buy, that means you get it replaced! So I got a brand new laptop to replace my 2+ year old one. It is quite the awesome.

Now...lemme see...
Life is blah. I just don't have the energy to do much anymore. Teaching every day is just so draining...and then I still have to take my classes and tutor kids. Blargh......sigh.

Also, I have tons of pictures of my house and my new puppy, but no webpage to put them on...yet. Unfortunately, the one computer skill I lack is in creating webpages, so...blah. Perhaps I'll just upload them to an image website, but I've not had much luck with the one I was using...?

Well, I'll try and update more often (ehh...maybe?) In the meantime, I'm always around...

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Date:2004-03-17 14:41

Three words...





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Date:2004-03-12 20:47
Mood: excited

Well, it's taken some looking, but I've got two things of good news!

1) I have a house! Well...kinda. It's mine, but I won't move in till probably May 1st. It's a great place and I'm really happy with it.

2) I have a puppy! Since I was getting a big house with a big, fenced-in backyard, I wanted to finally get a puppy. I've had no luck finding a puppy, because people in this area are crazy over purebred dogs, so everything I've found so far has been $200-1500 for a freaking puppy. I had found some cute free ones, but I called 15 minutes too late. But today I just randomly did a Google for puppies in Mississippi, and I found someone nearby with half Lab/half Eskimo puppies that were just $25. Yay!

NAME!!!!!!! Got your attention? I need a NAME!!!! The puppy is white (a little more cream-colored) and he is fluffyish. He's not as fluffy as a Eskimo, but fluffier than a Lab. It is a he. I've got a couple names I'm thinking about...Marshmallow (because he's fluffy and creamy) and Byron (as in Curtis, haha). But any other ideas??? I get him on Wednesday.

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Date:2004-03-10 14:18

As requested...a couple pictures of the "new" me. Luckily, this red dye is working MUCH better than my Manic Panic incident of long ago....oy. This hair has been lightened due to 28 washes last night. But it's still....there. Sorry the pictures aren't too great, but...they're all I've got at the moment, unless I just have to make new ones for ya'll.

Go here... was being poopy, so I had to create a new account there.

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Date:2004-03-09 22:35
Subject:Hair Dye
Security:Public shampoo was turning my light blond hair green. So...I had a coupon for hair dye and ended up dying my hair a permanent red (with hints of orange, pink and purple mixed throughout). Unfortunately, this is not what I was going for! So...any ideas on salvaging my hair?

I figure my main (only?) three options are:
1) Let it grow out
2) Cut it off
3) Redye it my original color

1 is okay, but I'd rather not. 2 is pretty much out of the question. 3 is undesirable as I would prefer to get it professionally done and I'd rather not destroy my hair. Any other suggestions? I've been shampooing it a lot, trying to lighten it as much as possible. I have Sheer Blond shampoo to use for when my hair is blond to maintain the blond, by the way. I know someone told me that the Sheer Blond could bring out the blond in my hair...though others say it might turn my hair orange (which I'd rather it not).

Typically, I would not care so much, but as a teacher...I need to have a semi-professional appearance, ya know?

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Date:2004-01-29 07:32

Whoops, car's broken down.

Guess it's time to pull the old bike out to ride to/from teaching!

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Date:2004-01-23 21:59

Well, I was checking my e-mail today (AOL) and just randomly decided to check the spam folder. Some (not all) of the LJ replies to my posts have been sent to the spam folder. Dadgumit!

On a side note, it's really odd to have my students IM'ing me...very amusing.

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Date:2004-01-19 10:59
Subject:Oh yeah....!

If you know of any math games I can use, let me know! I want to be able to play games or do activities or give them riddles or something once in a while but I'm blank!

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Date:2004-01-19 10:47
Subject:It's dot com!!!

(Not LJ-cut because I haven't updated in so long, it can't be that bad!)

Eh, I'm here. Time to talk about my new job (that I've had for more than two weeks)! Well, I began teaching a couple weeks ago, I have an Algebra I with 18, then Alg I with 4, then Algebra II with 15, and finally Algebra I with 3. It's been quite interesting. I'd forgotten how annoying eighth grade girls were (or boys for that matter). My first class is full of 8th graders, especially girls who like to talk and ignore me. My second class has 3 girls and one shy guy, they're pretty fun, but sometimes won't calm down enough to actually learn. My third class is much better and my fourth class has 3 people who failed out of Algebra the previous year,

I started off teaching Alg I monomials, polynomials, adding/subtracting polynomials and eventually multiplying polynomials. There was a little confusion, but they got it. Until I taught dividing polynomials (of any sort, whether by long division or synthetic division). They were going to have a test last Friday but I had to push it to Wed since they still don't understand. Oy.

Algebra II has been fine, we use Saxon for this class and thus it has been yucky. But we've dealt with it and we're doing okay. They're older and a bit more mature, so the class is much better, much more enjoyable. A few of them like to pass notes, but at least they're not loud like my 8th graders. They'll have a test on Wednesday as well...

The school overall is kinda odd. I grew up in public schools, so I wasn't prepared for a private school. The students stand by their desks at the beginning of class until I tell them to sit. Tardies are strict, you cannot enter the classroom after the bell (only 4 minutes) unless you go to the office to get a tardy slip, and after 2, they send a letter home. One of the school's listed punishments for bad behavior is having the student's parent come along for a whole day of school. Yikes!

The thing I hated most was that the principal sat in on my class. Normal, right? But it was my first period, when I was still waking up. Oy. Oh, but wait! It was my first day, my first period! That was cruel.

But things have gone well. They pay pretty well for a private school, especially. And there is talk of me teaching Calculus, two Algebra II's, and two Trig's next year (no more 8th graders!)

So right now.....I have two tests to make up as well as a study sheet for tomorrow. I'm also trying to figure out how to teach dividing polynomials in a way they'll understand. Not to mention figuring out what to do about too-talkative 8th graders. Hrrmm......

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Date:2004-01-12 15:22

You are Spearmint.
You are quick-witted and sharp. You pay close
attention to details and you can tell what your
friends are feeling. You are always the first
to understand a joke and you are valued for
your insight and advice. However, you
sometimes isolate yourself from other people,
afraid to share your own feelings.
Most Compatible With: Cinnamon

Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

....And eventually, I will update about my first week of being a teacher! Bwahaha!

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Date:2003-12-30 16:15
Subject:Almost 2004...

Well, the new year is almost here.

I spent today working on a puzzle and reading an Algebra I textbook so I would have some clue what my students had been taught. I still need to work on lesson plans, though. Oy...and I need to go shopping for clothes to wear, too!

My...bites seem to be slowly disappearing. Bites, you say? Yep. One day this last week, I noticed I had some red bumps scattered around. At the time, it was like 5 or 6. They itched a little, they hurt a little, but ehh...however! More started to appear and I got worried that I had chicken pox or measles or fifth disease. So I did research and talked to a doctor friend and concluded that it wasn't any virus. was either an allergic reaction or insects. After much though, I've determined that I currently have 119 bug bites (and some have faded, so there were more than that before). Ow :(

The reason I'm posting is that I wanted to share new pictures and I wanted to show off my new icon thanks to an odd (you know I'm teasing) friend.

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Date:2003-12-23 14:48

Well, I'm a teacher. I teach Algebra I and II. (Although, I'm hoping next year for some Calculus.) But I called them today and was hired. It's a lot of money (for me). It is absoltuely wonderful. Now...I need to make lesson plans and buy teacher supplies. Oy!

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