Little Obsessions....

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June 7th, 2004

10:17 am
High Ho High Ho It's off to fest I go... to set up a tent and start to vent.. High Ho High Ho!!

See ya in a week!!

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June 6th, 2004

02:39 pm - Oh so tired and yet so excited... what a weird combo!
Ok so I am done work for the weekend but I am so damn exhausted! Not to mention over the past two days I got punched in the jaw by a little old women and had my right forearm totally bruised up by a little old man. Work is so grand :) Old people are so cute... but let me tell ya they got some mad power going on when they wanna!

Ok... so I am trying to pack for fest and although I know I am organized I totally don't feel like it. Thanks goodness Buzz is gonna help me pack up. I am so excited. Mostly about giving the "special bags" away. tee hee hee I love to give people surpises and gifts.

Also I have found that I am not so much of a gardener the way my mother was. My veggie garden is totally dying and if Buzz doesn't water them while I am gone, they will completely die for sure. *note: make a to do list for Buzz* My flowers are doing pretty good though. My Monkey flower came back... that make me happy.

I'm tired and need a nap....
Current Mood: [mood icon] exhausted
Current Music: george clinton

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June 4th, 2004

12:13 am - Life...
I am so not happy with my life right now. I have become what I have always feared. Lazy, fat, and non-motivational. I have become dependant on those around me and through which I have lost my own dependence... my own self. I feel like I should be doing SO much more with my life. I should have more saved and more accomplished. I am happy with Buzz and I have told him this. It is just the rest of my life that I am not happy with. Why can't I be the person I use to be in highschool!?! Outgoing, beautiful, active, outspoken, popular, thin.... *sigh* It is like my life has become the complete opposite. I still really don't know what I want to do with my life. I feel I have been forced into nursing in the process of growing up. I don't even really know who I am or what it is I should be doing. Urgggg.... this is so frustrating. I know I am meant to be here to do something wonderful and spectacular... but what!?!

I tried to talk to Buzz about this tonight but he just didn't seem to understand what I was saying. He kept thinking that it had to do with school and that "I am a student therefore where I am at is ok"... well to me it is not ok. I hate feeling this way. It is SO much more than "being a student and school"... it is EVERYTHING!!!

Maybe I am the only one who understands it. Of course I am cause I am the only one who knows what is going on in my head.
Current Mood: [mood icon] confused

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June 3rd, 2004

04:12 pm - Let go home so we can be alone...
I have been feeling like crap for the past day or so. I can't really eat.. guess that might be a good thing ha ha. Seriously though... my tummy is upset. Better than last night but still feeling wierd.

Had a huge sad moment last night.... blah blah blah.

Getting ready for WC and am ecited and nervous at the same time. So many things are wondering through my head. My goal for the week is to meet someone and befriend them, girl or boy. I have a hard time making friends on my terms so being in a pagan environment might allow me to meet this goal. I am looking forward to hanging with Kerry and all her friends. I also feel honoured that she invited me to go to her sacred/special event. I am also looking forward to camping. I am such an outdoors type of girl.

Feeling sort of like there is something more out there in life that I need to find/accomplish. But, what is it!?! I love nursing, even though sometimes I say I don't *it's just the fear*), but is there something more I can or should do with it? I have no idea.

Current Mood: [mood icon] confused
Current Music: david bowie - ziggy stardust

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June 1st, 2004

11:50 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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12:43 am - Let the strumming begin....
I bought a Guitar book for beginners while up in Peterbourough with Kerry and Pete. I borrowed Dave's acoustic gutiar to practice on. I am so excited. I already know 4 cords. But my fingers are hurting already.

I was surprised to see Pete today, but so happy at the same time. I haven't seen him in forever. I am glad we got to hang out. Pete rocks!!!

Also hit up Value Village and bought otns of stuff for camping. Fest is only a week away!!!!!
Current Mood: musical

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May 31st, 2004

01:05 pm - Dreams...
Last night I had a weird dream that felt extremely real...

I was at an outdoor gathering or some sort and there was drumming and dancing going on around a fire by a very very very large group of people. For some reason I was drawn in to one particular person drumming, out of hundreds... almost like hypnotized. I walked over and locked eyes with this person. I could feel their rhythem as they played. I can still remember their face but I don't know who they were. He was male though. I sat beside him, like a queen sits beside her king. I felt powerful, loved, and sensual all at the same time. We talked, laughed and listened all while continuing to stare at one another's eyes. His last words were, "you are the one, you are worthy!" We both got lost and then the sun came up.

WTF does this mean?
Current Mood: [mood icon] sick

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May 27th, 2004

10:46 pm - I like mine.... Naughty baby, yeah!!

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

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02:28 pm - Gardening.... who?!?!
I bought a bunch of new flowers. I am going to go and palnt them right now. I also bought some veggies to plant in the veggie garden. Best of all I bought sunflower seeds so I can try and grow them. I have always wanted to since I was little but never did. I also got some Hosta plants to put down at my dad's grave sight the next time I go. They have a 10 year life spand. Time to go and dig the fingers into the earth whoo hooo.
Current Mood: [mood icon] artistic

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May 26th, 2004

12:50 am - Sitting on the porch drinking ice cold Cherry Coke... or woody's...
Funny how life goes up and down so fast. Feelings mess with your head and you don't know if you are coming or going. Isn't life great!?!

Well when you look at the big picture, yes it is. People, including myself, often take for granted the little things that make life so wonderful... some within mine include...

a hug
a kiss from Buzz's soft sweet lips
being around people who make me comfortable
laughing uncontrollably
Sneaky and cats in general, especially when they purr
smell of freash cut grass
a hot shower
lying down to sleep when you are super tired
sleeping in with comfy blankets
getting up early on a beautiful day
a good drink after a hard days work
good food
creating things *eg. sewing*
silence on a morning walk
the suns warmth
the moon's brightness
bubble bath
freshly shaved legs with a new razor
a country drive
seeing old friends
meeting new and beautiful ones
painting toe nails
smiling or making someone else smile
the smell of flowers
grass between the toes
i could go on and on....

Life is beautful and needs to be embraced with open arms.

Current Mood: [mood icon] creative

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May 21st, 2004

07:01 pm
Wow. I really haven't updated in awhile. I have been busy studying for my mid-term summer exam tommorrow for the class I am taking called Women, Work, and Family. I am so loving it and learning. Who would of thought you could learn something by reading and being interestes in a subject.

So I have a night shift tonight, then I get off at 7am, drive over to Kerry's to change vehicles, comehome and catch a few housr of zzzzz's, then wake up review, and drive to my exam for 2pm. I just hope I can remember all the def'n and concepts. It's a lot of info for three weeks.

Other than that once again I am doing nothing for may 24. I swear this is going to freakin change next year when I have my jeep done. Buzzy is gone to Owen Sound for the weekend so I am all by my lonesome. Its cool though cause he needs to get away and have some fun. He has been so busy working and working of the truck, trying to get it ready for our California trip. I could tell he was bummed though cause he didn't have his truck even close to being ready for this
Current Mood: [mood icon] accomplished

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May 15th, 2004

12:07 am
Fuck Port Hope and Cobourg... i miss home and my friends from back home. fuck life for changing things when they were perfect. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck it.

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May 13th, 2004

08:43 pm
Had a good day today.. went to Peterbourough with Kerry and wee Dan. Checked out Value Village for some good outfits for this weekends hippy dress up outing, went to Red Lobster for my first time and ate, you guessed it... lobster, then went down to tribal voices and bought a few more things. All and all it was a great day. Just had a little nap and now I am good to go. Not sure if I should go out or stay home though.
Current Mood: [mood icon] contemplative

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May 12th, 2004

01:55 pm - Ok I am really starting to dislike....
*This beginning statement is to people who read this and have been raised by people who are not biologically a parent.. I mean nothing towards you or others in the same situation so please don't take what I say here personally.. I am just really pissed at this one person and need to vent*

So I get an e-mail from a *guy* that was raised by MY father before my dad met my mom stating...


First off...

*He* has no idea how sick my mom was when she was here. I spent hours with her at the hosiptal for her leg pain that had symptoms of being a blood clot. Not to mention there were days that she couldn't move or couldn't walk. He was not the one who had to sit here and see her cry cause she was in so much pain.


What fuckin' business is it of *his* whether or not she went to see the grave. We all have been told on numerous occasions and at the funeral, "Ken's body may be left behind but his spirit lives on with us forever and will be where ever we are" blah blah blah. So, in that, what is it to *him* if she couldn't get down to see him!?! Why the fuck should it bother *him*!?!

And third...

HE IS NOT, AND I REPEAT NOT, YOUR FATHER!!!! He "raised" *him* cause he was living at *his* house for 6 years. He did not donate sperm to *his* creation and even told *him* to *his* face that *he* was not his child. *He* had the decency to shut him out of *his* life for so many years because of a stupid favour MY dad couldn't help *him* with. *He* was greedy. And now, now that he is gone... *he* acts like *he* knows MY dad better than me and thinks *he* had a better rlationship with him that his own children did. FUCK NO!!! I even said that I would get testing done with *him* to prove whether or not *he* was biologically his son, but *he* wouldn't. He looks NOTHING like MY dad. NOTHING!!!!!

*He* needs to stop coming down on me b/c I/we go or don't go to visit MY dad's grave. It really is none of *his* concern. *He* can think what he will... be *he* needs to just keep it inside that thick sculled head of his.

I still know MY dad better than most, for I spent my whole life being HIS creation and learning and living under him. *He* better not ever again think that *he* knew MY father better than I did. Or that will be the end.
Current Mood: Pissed off

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12:13 am - *Pat on the back*

Tonight I ran my 3km without stopping once! I nearly died BUT I did it. I feel so great and the guilt for eating those Oreo cookies is now gone lol. I am going to do this. Now the next part is cutting back on the shitty stuff. I think by keeping track of what I eat will help me keep track of how I am doing. So disreguard food traking info that you see in my posts. I can't believe how beautiful the last past two nights have been too. I have new tires for my jeep and life is good.

1 water
chicken BLT salad (lunch)
plate of pasta & sauce (supper)
1 cup of juice
piece of areo bar
5 oreo cookie (oops)
1 glass of milk
Current Mood: [mood icon] bouncy

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May 11th, 2004

12:26 am - No more fuckin around
I went jogging with Buzz tonight(3km)... it felt so good but now I can feel me legs beginning to seize up. On the other hand though I did better than I thought. I only had to walk 3 times to catch my breath. I am going to try and run every day or at least every second day. I HAVE TO shead some of this weight that I have put on over the past year and a half. Not only has is brought down my energy levels but also my self-esteem. I have a goal and damit I am going to meet it!!! My motivation train has finally arrive and I am so catching it.
Current Mood: motivated
Current Music: t.v

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May 8th, 2004

12:50 am - Love, Hugs, and Green Frogs Jumping
Wow.. I go from no work to lots. This is great. I have a week off coming up though.. I was thinking about flying out to NFLD to see my mom but then I was thinking I could use the time to do my summer course readings. Hmmmm... ah I could always do my reading in NFLD!?! This is something I need to think about a bit more and talk over with my beautiful Buzzy.

I bought the movie "Beyond Borders" last night. I love it so much... or wait, is it just b/c Angelina Jolie is in it *giggle* No, really I love the movie. It is so compassionate and puts a drive in me to go and work overseas.

I am so tired but I have to stay up for a bit more cause I am working a night shift tomorrow night. I am gonna go and watch my new movie *smiling with joy*

Current Mood: comfortable

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May 6th, 2004

03:18 pm - Me to the rescue!!!!
I jsut finished cleaning the leaves out of out stairway to our door. Underneathe I found a family of worms. Two big huge fat ones and about 10 little ones of all different shapes and sizes. Now, cement is no place to raise a family of worms! So one by one I moved them to the flower bed right by the door. I spent a few minutes watching as they explored their new home. I think they will like it there.

It is the small things in life that make life so worthwhile sometimes. I feel alot better and not so mad now :)
Current Mood: [mood icon] content

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02:49 pm
Grrr... thank god for this journal SO I CAN FUCKIN' VENT!!!

So I applied to the old age home that I am working at now for midnights. I was extremely specific when I stated both IN PERSON and on my COVER LETTER that I could only work nights. They called me, and said the CMI hours are going up so we will be able to give you approx. 30 every two weeks. *this is not including call-in shifts* So I was like perfect. Of course today new lines were chosen and with me being at the very bottom of the list... there were no nights left. The boss there fuckin' knew that was the only shift I could work. BITCH!!!!!!!! So I ended up taking a day shift which does give me more hours BUT I have to work Fri, sat, sun and tues. As in the words of Kerry... "they can sux my big white ass!!!" I had to take it though cause I need the money for school. I just had to sux it up!! But on a good note I think I will be able to get the time off that I asked for in June. I just have to write up a request for it. Guess there is always some good in the bad. I am just so pissed but really somethings I just have to suck it up and look at the bright side of things... I am only there for 3 months and then californis baby. So when I am on the road I will just sit back and laugh!!!
Current Mood: [mood icon] bitchy

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May 5th, 2004

01:40 am - Cough Cough...
Well this sucks... I'm sick and have a dry hacking cough that won't go away, FUCK!

Just ordered my books today for my summer course that I am taking... Woman, Work, and the Family. Should be interesting. Except the freakin mid-term is on may 24 weekend but I think it might get changed. I have a urge for knowledge lately... like WTF!?!

May's Goblin(s) = Skuell and Sneek

Two of the most evil hearted villians you are likely to come across in the Labyrinth. They have lived as bandits for many years on the edge of the Great Howling Golf. Why they choose this spot to live in uncertain. But they were both notorious for what they would have done if there had been anyone to do it to. Example: It is rumoured that Sneek would have disguised himself as an easygoing polo player, who would challenge inncocent passers-by to a game of polo that he would always win. Skuell on the other hand would wait for travellers who were picnicing and as soon as they would have eaten too much or were drunk, he would leap out and steal their toothpicks!
Current Mood: [mood icon] sick

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