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User:aardammit (59573) Paid User aardammit
Jabbering Crackhead
What the hell is he jabbering about now?
Name:Doomed to succeed
Send aardammit a text message
on his/her cellphone/pager.
Website:It's My House
Location:Portland, Oregon, United States
AOL IM:AIM status SelirisC (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 101467411 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status aardblah (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:I'm just me.

I'm a happy parent of a happy little girl.

I've lucked out and met the girl of my dreams, who feels the same about me.

I truly believe that you cannot grow without constantly re-evaluating and rebuilding yourself.

My favorite clothes have holes in them.

My life is far too simple to get upset over.

I'm a returned college student.

I may or may not know what the hell I am talking about, but I am open to suggestions.

I give blood by playing rugby.

I'm thirsty.
Interests:143: a perfect circle, akbar & jeff, astrology, bag of hell, beer, being naughty, ben harper, biking, biscuit & fred, bluegrass, cake, cartoons, cats, celtic music, cheese, clerks, cocktails, coffee, computers, conversation, cornbread, dancing, deep thoughts, delta cafe, dried mango, dropkick murphy's, drum and bass, erotica, fight club, freak girls, freaks, fuming, funk, gaelic, geek girls, geeking, geeks, genital piercings, glasses, gravy, grits, growling, grrls, guinness, hiking, hooting, hugging, imbibing, ireland, japanese seizure robots, jello biafra, kids in the hall, kilts, kissing, knotwork, krispy kremes, laughing, leos, licking, live music, loudness, love, loving, madness, magic 8-ball, masochism, mauls, mead, movies, mud, mulletsgalore, music, music-listening, mythology, nature, office space, oral sex, oregon, p-funk, pacific northwest, parenthood, people watching, petting, pez, piercings, poetry, pool, portland, powell's, purring, quiet, rage, rage against the machine, reading, red hair, red stripe, reggae, relaxing, ren & stimpy, road trips, roaming, rocky horror, rough sex, rucks, rugby, sarcasm, schoolhouse rock, scotch, scotland, screaming, scrums, seafood, sex, shouting, silliness, simpsons, singing, sleeping, sneaking, soul coughing, spelunking, spirituality, strong bad, suicidegirls, supporting my local hookers, sushi, swimming, tall women, tattoos, tea, techno, technofetishism, thai food, the food network, the history channel, the onion, tobasco, tool, toys, travel, typing, utopia cafe, whiskey. [Modify yours]
Friends:137: 5percentnation, 9lives, acadiabaird, agathagrimm, alfabettezoupe, amazonqueen, amye, annaanna, aprilmofo, armyjoey, armyofone, baby_architect, beautedamazon, becster, bowman1, bunnys, calamitypdx, cherryheavy, clemen, comicalintrest, crimsonmuse, cryophelia, daligirl, damnportlanders, danpruiz, delitescence, delusionalangel, delyth, diminishing, divinemissb, drsuave, dstroy, eliish, estepp, fearthainn, freakgirl667, fuckbeans, gaeilge, girl_on_a_stick, gmummery, grubeatingwench, heavenstrash, hitoff, ibrt, indigo_lace, is_a_chic, iseecatpeople, jaek, jennnny, jesslea, joey_c, karma_slave, karzon, kbuxton, kellibunny, kewidoll, kingofallporn, kismets, kittypoocaca, kiwigal, krisseroo, kyriann, ladymoonshine, lenaris, leprojet, lonnerz, lorellei, luckylucy, lxix, me_fein, merlinito, misai, moderatepdx, mowses, msangel, muffster, n2kaja, neogeekdotcom, ninaf, notinphenomena, ntnrmlgirl, nulli_secundus, obsqurity, officespace, oranjello, orobouros, pdx42, pdx_parents, peligro, plaidpanties, polarbear, pomegranite, psymonetta, publius_ovidius, pudders, pyrostangchic, rawbert, razorotika, rhinoblues, rrredhead, rude_punk_girl, ruggers, satanpooh, shel, signe, singlemalt, slade_lust, sleekcat, somechick, soulfulspirit, splenda, stargrrl920, stratedwn2you, subliminalbliss, supamisty, superbch, sweeney, synthcat, terradon, thatkat, thundolfe, trinitypdx, txdevil, tygrrtoo, uhlissuh, unrulymel, vanz, venusianflame, vietnamwar, violajade, weetanya, wildmina, workroom, yvening, zabasity, zdraco, zombiedip
Account type:Paid Account

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