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Below is user information for Chimichunga. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:dogdoolb (781619) dogdoolb
The House of Count Spatula
Location:Rome, The Holy Roman Empire, Vatican City State (Holy See)
Bio:I am Jack's jaded mind.

I am Jack's raging anger.

I am Jack's shotgun of love.

I am Jack's self loathing.
Interests:127: advil, alcohol, anarchy, anger, art, beefamato, beer, big breasts, big hats, big houses, blades, blockbuster, brain splatter, burritos, cardboard boxes, catholic school girls, cheese, cheetas, cheetos, chimichungas, clouds, cold, colorado, condoms, contact lenses, crack, crack houses, cyberpunk, demons, destruction, dice, doc martins, dr. pepper, dragons, dvd racks, dwarves, eye juice, fajitas, fast cars, feline sacrifices, fried cheese, friends, george r.r. martin, gnostica, gonads, government brand nacho cheese, grass, hand splints, hate, heat, heavy metal, hookers, ice cream, ink, insanity!, intestinal goo, invader zim, killer whales, kittens, kompressor, leather, lightning, lizards, lord of the rings, mace, mayhem, medium women, melting g.i.joe, metal doors, metal studs, money, movies, my birthday, necronomicon, necrophelia, new zealand, nice asses, nothingness, oblivion, oregon, pain killers, paper towels, pencils, pita bread, pizza, planes, plastic cups, poo, presents, rain, role playing games, rottweilers, sculpture, sealab 2021, shaving gel, short women, silk sheets, skulls, sluggy, small cows, small hats, snow, sobe, soft pillows, spam, squirrels, stamps, steins, stereo equipment, strife, strip clubs, switchblade wielding bunnies, tall women, the void, tigers, travel sick, vampires, video games, violence, wally world, washington, water, whores, wire, witchcraft, wolves, wood. [Modify yours]
People20:annawick, bosyn, bs_catch_22, cultofisis, d33z_nutz, dsanz, fendawg, futurehero, fuzake, h4ppyj4ck, hutson, isyllt, jaelie, pktekguy, plasticgrape, razorangel, ruby7829, sahve, sandra_e, shanna349
Account type:Free Account

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