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User:dukeofurl (735439)  
Bio:This is an account to view private webpages. § I'm a Uni student. ∆ Figure out the rest yourself. Ω So many interests can't make it to my list, so I just tossed a few on. ≠

Damn, the amount of work I had to go thru to try and get this back: -==- : Ô£ø : © : ‚ô• :

Random associations:
Red: [info]red_flavor [info]bjtheredhead [info]fakeredhead [info]crazyredhead888 [info]500shadesofred [info]fieryredhead [info]lilredfireball [info]redheadedbitch [info]redmaenad [info]tizzy_lish [info]redgypsy [info]fyre [info]redemotions [info]cherriness [info]_drownedtosleep [info]choker_cherry [info]redslurpy [info]coolredelusive [info]nyssimi [info]red_hot [info]scarletp [info]redredred [info]redxhairxpunk [info]yourredcherry

Fairy: [info]starfaery [info]butterpixie [info]darkestfaerie [info]pixiekristen [info]faeryflesh [info]wiccanfaery [info]ferociousfairy [info]fairysinging26 [info]pixiesparkle666 [info]michirufairy [info]pixychic [info]pregnantfairy [info]sugarplum_fairy [info]t1nkerbell [info]tinker_bell [info]faeriefart [info]blufacedpixie [info]faerie_myth [info]rainpixie [info]cupcakefairy [info]foxfirefey [info]dizzypixi [info]elfpowergirl [info]scorpgrrl [info]dryadgrl [info]undinesprite [info]fayriekisses [info]nightfae [info]morriganfae [info]junefairy [info]bratlingpixie [info]faeryguinevere [info]pixie210 [info]twistednymph [info]pixiemeadow [info]rnbowpixy [info]faerietalesdie [info]blackpixiedust [info]pixytrick [info]bondagefaery [info]pinknightfaerie [info]lunafaerie [info]sxefairy [info]shadowfaegirl [info]fairresparkle [info]fairybutterfly [info]mystyfairy [info]fairykairy [info]xxevilpixiexx [info]aer_faery [info]death_faerie0 [info]earthpixie [info]faegodestheresa [info]faeriegirl380 [info]faerieprints [info]faerieshine [info]fairyart [info]goblinqueen [info]gothicfaerie [info]gothikfaerie [info]kittyfaerie [info]lunarpixie [info]pixijoolz [info]rantfaery [info]stormysprite [info]toxicgoblyn [info]webdancingfaery [info]woodysprite

Lipstick: [info]lipglossfaerie!!! [info]glittergl0ss [info]lipglosstar [info]guccicoochie [info]lipstickgirl [info]lipstickglove [info]lipsticklesbian [info]lipstickstained [info]rocksandlipstik [info]lipstickparty [info]lipstickjunkie [info]lipglossgirl [info]thelipstickgame

Goes on: [info]cherrylipsx [info]her_kiss_kills [info]hotlips50219 [info]brokenkiss [info]lips_like_sin [info]pinkkisshez [info]pretty_fuck [info]sweetkisses69 [info]sweet_smoochez [info]bootifuii [info]icedcherrylips [info]turpentinekiss [info]slutkissgirl27 [info]kinkygeek [info]devil_kisses [info]cherri_lips [info]ourfirstkiss [info]neon_boobz [info]xcherryxkissx [info]cupid [info]brazen_hussy [info]lipslikeagash [info]stolenkiss [info]diminished [info]thepseudokiss [info]sekzichic [info]vinyl_lips [info]sexual_kissez [info]kissmebaby [info]waterxkisses

Live Journal is dumb, and keeps adding things like spaces to my interests, and things to the end of my statements, like this: †
Interests:150: 1984, 1st amendment, activism, ambient, anti-gmo, antonomasia, archival data, bachus-naur form, big beat, biking, black rock city, books, bookstores, boots, cacophony, cds, chaos, colon classification, communications, conspiracy, conspiracy by pragmatism, curmudgeon, dance, deep house, democratic principles, diesm, drum n bass, education, egalitarian, electro, electronica, elitism, emotion, engineering, entrepreneurship, environmentalism, eris, erotica, feelin' so good, field-usiskin system, finagle's law, fire, firearms, food, friends, fully informed jury association, gas turbine, gettin' kinky, getting sloppy, glitter, golden rule, google, green, green eyes, guerrilla warfare, guns, habeas corpus ad subjiciendum, hardcore, hiking, history, hoersch-kessel drive, hull house, iafis, industrial, infitada, information architecture, information warfare, instability, instant run-off voting, intelligentsia, iron corollary, journalist, kiwi, komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti, kwakiutl, l5, labor, labour, lafayette, learning about drugs, libertine, librarian, logic, macintosh, madison, marduk, md5, media, memes, metal, mp3s, murphy's law, music, noise, noize, occam's razor, oggs, oranges, organic farming, parties, photography, pi, plead the 5th, police powers, pop, port huron statement, poverty, proportional representation, provocateur, psychology, radical, reading, rerum novarum, right to arm bears, right to bear arms, rock n roll, rule golden, rule of law, sandwiches, sex, shiloh, silver, simpsons, sleeping, smart girls, speed metal, star fruit, straight edge, strawberries, sunset laws, sunsets, sunshine, tab delimited text files, taking pictures, tall women, text files, thaba bosigo, trance, unix, uzume, vegetable, wankel engine, watauga association, web design, weird, whipped cream, women, xyzzy, yorktown, zlivejournal sucks: ®. [Modify yours]
People108:_flaming_june_, addicted_allure, akoostik, amandagorey, amarillys, angellips, applesofhiseyes, baybabayba, benshui, bl00dyvalentine, blondieb143, blue36silver, bluemoonbaby, borist, britrockchick, bucknasty, butterface, capitalj, captain18, captianmurphy, catkicker, cherrrybomb, cherry_pie, clarinettist, cosmodromo, crazyperson, cruelly_kind, digital_decay, djshorty788, dona_aranha, eholea, elongatedbadger, elviravixen, erinys91, evilcandygirl, exquisitemayhem, fanlain, filthyrikky, freeky_deaky, gcsk8rgurl, go_the_freak, gracefruit, guttergod, hawkida, heybabybytch, heyplaygirl, hiskat, itzwastintime, jaqlyn, jessycamarie, kinkylittlegoth, lsdchick, luighseach, lunaticwhore, mcbastard, melai, mickandchrist, missa_pissa, missyp618, mlvc69, mudu, mynewhero, nicholastanga, nympha, nymphette, ohandrea, opeth_2002, osmiumforever, phyzalis, priscilla_trash, psychedelichand, qwexerzs, raggedy_ann, rosablanca, rosylavie, ruvhausen, sanmansan, saystar, seviet, sexi_rexi, shiggarfraggar, shunaria, shyfayrie, simplypip, sloffthegreat, soccergurl9187, sockmonkey13, sodasopp, spinsugar, suicidegirl420, supasexysara, t0yb0x, taintedbitch, tapeyou, the_blue_angel, the_zoi, theuselessone, thewhitehotness, threeshortwords, tigre_faery, truegrl17, twistedvixen, valkyriechick, weeblehunter, wizzby, wyrd_maiden, xsickness, xsinisterx
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