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User:eviltenet (685041) Paid User eviltenet
Name:The Evil One
Website:The Evil Page
Location:Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 95574919 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status eviltenet (Add User, Send Message), huh?

Well, I am some weird guy from Cinti. OH

Vaguely-gothy, computery-nerdy, sort of person.

If I was in an 80's horror movie, I wouldn't
be killed off first, but I most likely would
not survive the end of the film.

Not a fashion creature, I wear the same outfit
every day like a cartoon character.

It makes me easier to animate.

By the by, right now I'm a PC tech.

When I grow up, I want to be a sys admin.

Interests:134: 80's music, architecture, atlanta, beethoven, bjork, blizzard, bloom county, books, british television, bruce campbell, bryce, cafe's, calvin and hobbes, cats, cincinnati, civilization, clive barker, coffee, comic books, comics, computer games, computer gaming, computers, conventions, cooking, costuming, david bowie, dayton, dead can dance, devils, diablo, dinner parties, dragoncon, drawing, dream theater, ella fitzgerald, ellen datlow, erotic fiction, erotic hypnosis, eurhythmics, extropians, faith no more, fantasm, fantasy, farscape, feminism, futurama, german, goth, gothic architecture, graphic novels, graphical moos, h.p. lovecraft, h.r. giger, handel, hellraiser, horror, html, human rights, humanism, hypnotism, independent films, invader zim, java, john doe, kmfdm, l. frank baum, latin, lexx, libertarianism, libertarians, linix, linkin park, lords of acid, lotr, love, lovecraft, metacreations, michael penn, millennium, moby, movies, music, mythology, neil gaiman, networking, nin, occult, ohio, oingo boingo, online chat, online games, parties, pbem, philosophy, photography, photoshop, poe, poser, quantum computing, quantum mechanics, ragdolls, reading, red dwarf, rhps, robots, roleplaying, rpgs, run lola run, sarah brightman, sensuality, short fiction, silver, siouxsie and the banshees, sluggy freelance, something positive, stephen king, supernatural, suzanne vega, talking heads, tall women, telecommunications, terri windling, they might be giants, thunderstorms, tool, tortured souls, transformers, troy denning, u2, undying, video games, vivaldi, writing. [Modify yours]
Friends:209: 1010110011, a_slim_pixie, abortionlover, akatsukami, alacia, alizarincrimson, alt_cincy, alt_gothic, amanda42, amanda_eight, angamacar, angelofdisease, angelofmalice, angelsdemise, angstybastard, audreehep, aunticrist, aynotrats, batty_, beautifulhorror, bendovaho, bexsol, bibliophily, bigcommienat, blakrose_eris, bluefeathers, blurvie, brigid_rising, casalinga, casiel, chasinbutterfly, cincinnati_goth, cincinnatians, cinciofthedamnd, cincyljmeetup, cincyrocks, cintasm, con_central, confuzed, crasch, cyanotica, dadadavida, daredevgrl, darkfae666, darkpinupgirls, darkwolf2001a, dekoy_david, demise_kitty, dirtydie, dis_engage, disturbedangei, dnd_planescape, doomflower, drcynister, dweezil, eciklb, ef_111, elabeth, endsinister, erictragedy, etherealclarity, evilabby, evilkellychan, evilp0op, exaptation, exquisitesouls, fairybear, fairyofdarkness, fantasm, fracksfreakshow, freestate, futurecity, fuzzytoe42, giraffemoo, girlsonfilm, girlwithgloves, go_bucks, gore_geous, goth, gothic_parts, gothicbookclub, greysonwolf, hell_on_heels, highexecutive, hopeisall, hopendures, hugs, i_like_sharks, iammachine, incognita747, jacurutu3, jaded77, jbjstar, jeancroix, jenday, jenmodel, jolefay, josiepop, jude, julylorelei, karmaaddict, kerinda, killakali69, krizsa, kyttenn, lady_wintermoon, ladyisytal, ladypegacorn, laura1977, libertarianism, lieumorrison, littletits, losergirl, luckeyisis, luna555dante, madylyn, maiden_melfina, malevolent_rayn, manicjane, mary_wroth, micheleritchie, milkmaidmolly, millenniumgroup, missmorte, mistressbeauty, monster_girl, morellabat, my__style, mykeamend, nanner, nauraki, ne, negative_trend, niteshade, noct, normanrafferty, not_art, ohiogoths, oldmankelly, onesoul, ozgolith, paleharlot, pandorahunter, paulsoth, penfi, photography, photogrphygrl, pickledbrothers, pink_pinup, playgirl, poisongirl, polkadot_zebra, purplehaze74, quarta_feira, rachelmills, ravien, red_dwarf, revsphynx, ronyon, roxynator, rubberella, sadgirlseven, sdavido, setmeaflame, shadow_geiko, shar_katye, show_your_boobs, slightly_doomed, smegman, smithrunt, spindozer, spotcoll, squeak_mouse, stacys_lust, staticguy, supurrkitten, suraimu, syzygy55555, t_rex, takhisis, talicat, tatugrl, the_giants_wife, the_spoil, titty_comity, toxickaty, toxicpinkdotcom, treefitty, ubleedme, undiestakr, valkyrieking, vasyrak, velutlunas, vinyldolly, violetsrblack, vivaboheme, wavemaker, weekendwench, welovegeeks, wenneskittie, weswilson, whatdidido, whatdidido2, worldmaking, xanthecat, xdarkfaeryx, yakdog, yourtourniquet, zeeque76
Friend of:128: 1010110011, a_slim_pixie, abortionlover, akatsukami, alacia, alizarincrimson, amanda_eight, angamacar, angelofdisease, angelofmalice, angelsdemise, angstybastard, audreehep, aunticrist, batty_, blakrose_eris, bluefeathers, blurvie, brigid_rising, casalinga, casiel, crasch, cyanotica, daredevgrl, darkfae666, darkwolf2001a, dekoy_david, demise_kitty, dis_engage, disturbedangei, doomflower, drcynister, eciklb, ef_111, elabeth, endsinister, erictragedy, evilabby, evilkellychan, exaptation, fairybear, fairyofdarkness, fracksfreakshow, fuzzytoe42, giraffemoo, girlwithgloves, greysonwolf, hell_on_heels, highexecutive, hopeisall, hopendures, i_like_sharks, iammachine, incognita747, jacurutu3, jaded77, jenday, jolefay, josiepop, julylorelei, kerinda, killakali69, kyttenn, lady_wintermoon, ladyisytal, ladypegacorn, laura1977, lieumorrison, losergirl, luckeyisis, luna555dante, maiden_melfina, malevolent_rayn, micheleritchie, mistressbeauty, monster_girl, mykeamend, nanner, ne, negative_trend, niteshade, noct, normanrafferty, not_art, oldmankelly, ozgolith, pandorahunter, paulsoth, penfi, pink_pinup, playgirl, polkadot_zebra, rachelmills, ravien, revsphynx, ronyon, rubberella, sadgirlseven, sdavido, setmeaflame, shadow_geiko, slightly_doomed, smegman, smithrunt, spindozer, spotcoll, staticguy, supurrkitten, suraimu, t_rex, takhisis, talicat, toxickaty, treefitty, ubleedme, undiestakr, valkyrieking, vasyrak, violetsrblack, vivaboheme, wavemaker, weekendwench, wenneskittie, whatdidido, xanthecat, yakdog, yourtourniquet, zeeque76
Member of:36: alt_cincy, alt_gothic, beautifulhorror, bendovaho, bibliophily, cincinnati_goth, cinciofthedamnd, cincyljmeetup, cincyrocks, cintasm, con_central, darkpinupgirls, dnd_planescape, exquisitesouls, fantasm, freestate, futurecity, gore_geous, goth, gothic_parts, gothicbookclub, libertarianism, littletits, manicjane, millenniumgroup, ohiogoths, paidmembers, photography, pickledbrothers, red_dwarf, show_your_boobs, the_giants_wife, titty_comity, welovegeeks, whatdidido2, worldmaking
Account type:Paid Account

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