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The Dread Pirate Robert's LiveJournal:
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Monday, May 10th, 2004 | 2:30 am |
So the first movie I've watched on my bedroom television since setting it up again is "Center Of The World."
As I'd expected, it did sorta ring with bits of the Atlanta escort, but luckily not the worst of them. There were also a few bits that reminded me of others... oddly, none reminded me of what one person called "[my] stripper sluts." I did chuckle at the $30/song rate Florence charges. And the lipstick/tomato juice thing... it's been a while since a woman used her period against me, and it's been even longer since I would've cared.
And on a completely unrelated topic, I found my heart pendants tonight while excavating and changing my sheets. (Downside to high count sheets is they seem to wrinkle very easily.) The coral and quartz hearts were in the pouch with the silver heart I'd bought for someone for Valentine's day and then thought better of. I think I know where the earlier one is (the one with 1/4 ct of diamonds), but it's in a box I don't open anymore.
| Sunday, May 9th, 2004 | 10:58 pm |
Please return the stewardess to her original upright position A friend just flew on Spirit Airlines today, it seems, and he wrote down some in-flight crew instructions. I share them here for your nasal soda transport enjoyment.
There is no smoking on this flight but we have a smoking section located on the wing, if you can light it at 500mph then you can smoke it
Be careful when opening the overhead bin as items may have shifted and as we all know, "shift" happens
For those of you who have never been in a car, let me introduce you to the seat belt (followed by how to use it)
In all the years we have been flying no passenger has beaten us to the gate so please keep your seat belts on until we come to a stop
Please return your seats to their full uncomfortable position
To improve the looks of your cabin staff we will now dim the lights
This is a non-smoking flight, anyone lighting up will be asked to leave
Should this flight become "Spirit Cruises" instead, we have provided suitable attire below your seats, inflate the life jacket, paddle to the shore and we will be waiting with the Pina Coladas
Some of these things I would really like to hear on "major" airlines.
And I really wish technical sessions at conferences would ALL begin with a basic introduction to HOW TO TURN A FUCKING CELL PHONE OFF.
Hi. | Wednesday, May 5th, 2004 | 10:42 pm |
I spent $250 on hotel and dinner when I went to Santa Rosa. I can go spend 36 hours in Key West this weekend for $270.40. And not miss work. ON HOLD - Purchase By:
05/07/2004 11:00 PM PDT
1734 SFO San Francisco 05/08/2004 06:50 AM
Heh. Can buy up to 8 hours before. I think I'll call my brother in the morning. | Tuesday, May 4th, 2004 | 9:44 pm |
Strange how people age I got the last issue of my college's alumni begging magazine today. Glanced through the reunion pics (the reunion I skipped to be with someone I liked more than my classmates), recognized a few people, but wandered across my ex-fiancee's name... didn't recognize her from the picture. I don't know if she's on her third kid or just kept residuals of the first two, but she's pretty clearly bigger than me ten years later.
I suppose it's good that I didn't go, as I probably would've been embarrassed to not recognize her in person. Although I would've made it 20 people from our class of 200+ who went back for 10 years.
Mom is listed in the Alumni Deaths section, finally.
I may fill out the card and get into the next one. I wonder if my news will have changed by then. | Monday, May 3rd, 2004 | 12:01 am |
For those of you who have hearts and wear shoes http://www.reebok.com/x/us/vector/walking/aha/index.htmWhile supplies last, Reebok is giving a free pair of Versasport DMX Max walking shoes, in a selection of men's and women's sizes including "Wide" (usually D width), in return for your credit card donation of $25 to the American Heart Association. The website is swamped, but I was able to make my donation/order late Sunday night. They will give away a million dollars worth of shoes. Seeing as the American Heart Association and Reebok both seem to back this story, it is most likely valid and legitimate. I'll post when my shoes arrive, but then it'll be too late for you :) . | Sunday, May 2nd, 2004 | 2:56 am |
hooda thunkit It could feel like someone in your life is pushing your buttons on purpose, as if they are trying to get an emotional reaction out of you. And they might just do that. You'll need to pay extra careful attention to your own feelings. If you do, you'll surely be able to avoid the unpleasant side of interaction. There is a positive side to this that has to do with the potential psychological awakening coming from being aware of your feelings. | Wednesday, April 28th, 2004 | 8:57 pm |
Nortel sinks some more Nortel Networks Announces William Owens as New President and CEO; President and CEO, as Well as Former CFO and Controller, Terminated
I saw the stock was down $1.59 today and wondered. It's definitely not the Nortel I worked for anymore.
I also want to express my unqualified support for the approximately 35,300 outstanding employees who are the lifeblood of this Company. -- William Owens, new president and ceo
When I was there, we had just short of 100,000 employees, I think.
Oh well, I bought that stock at $0.96, so even $4.05 is nice. | Monday, April 26th, 2004 | 8:14 pm |
I need a bed. new computer, new camera, new blisters on my feet... now it's probably time for a new bed.
Anybody got a recommendation on brand or retailer? I'm three or four blocks from Duxiana, and Sleepworks is in Berkeley, but I'm not sure a $2000 bed is in my cards right now.
Any suggestions? | Sunday, April 25th, 2004 | 8:13 pm |
Today's photographic adventure I decided that if I'm going to have a nice digital camera, I'm going to take some photos with it. Outside. So I hopped on the 38 and went to Union Square. From there I walked down to Market, to the Ferry Building, and down to Pier 39. Looks like 139 photos, all shot raw+jpeg 3008x2000... almost half a card filled. Building a slide show of them, and I'll post some later. For now: ( Read more... ) | 2:46 pm |
Big Fish is out on dvd. Saw it on a date a couple of months ago... good film. Check it out. | Saturday, April 24th, 2004 | 11:31 pm |
Someone points out the intelligence of Craigslist ( 90kb image ) | Friday, April 23rd, 2004 | 6:57 pm |
| Wednesday, April 21st, 2004 | 10:16 pm |
So I find myself pondering people in my life who are daft as a brush, self-centered beyond belief, and their only redeeming characteristic is that they'd look really good naked on my bed. Probably appropriate to press the flush button when that last bit is known to be an improbability of a high degree. | 6:27 pm |
My old profile used to include the following:
The easiest way to lose my friendship, other than flaking out after I go 1000+ miles to see you, is to forward anything to me that has more than 10 To:/Cc: addresses.
Bill Gates doesn't want to give you $245; your sharing my email address with thousands of strangers doesn't help cure breast cancer or AIDS.
There is NOTHING to be gained from forwarding a chain letter other than alienating your friends and acquaintences and setting the ones who aren't alienated up to alienate their friends and acquaintences.
And if that's what you want, just do what one ex-friend did and tell me "Hey, I don't respect you at all, so I don't care what you think or feel." Saves a lot of time and effort, and it's honest. Disappointing, but honest. | Friday, April 16th, 2004 | 7:48 am |
Gotta start somewhere. I'm confirming the reservation today, heading for Monterey tomorrow after lunch. Going to warm up my camera a bit more, maybe meet up with some people I know down there.
Someone once told me "guys talk about tits, girls talk about dicks."
I shot a roll of TMY last night, will develop it this weekend or early next week, then scan and post the best bits. Time to put PE2 on the Powerbook so I can mess with it this weekend. | Wednesday, April 14th, 2004 | 1:51 am |
Done buying computers for a while... I sold the Dell C600, pretty much gutted (2x64MB, floppy, dead battery, no optical), and now I'll be posting the optical drives, batteries, and RAM on Craigslist.
I replaced the Mac (Pismo G3 400Mhz 2000 edition) with a Powerbook G4 1GHz 12" with SuperDrive, so the Pismo goes on the block soon. Gonna offer it barebones (1 battery, no optical, 256MB RAM, 10GB) and beefy (3 batteries + ext charger, cdrw/dvd, zip250, 1024MB RAM, 60GB) and see which sells sooner. Sadly, I bet it will be the former.
I found my B&W; film, so now I can start shooting with the camera I got in January. Boss inspired me to get some chemicals for developing it, so I'll try that out as a way of postponing the camera upgrade. | Friday, April 9th, 2004 | 10:15 pm |
Heh heh So eMachines came out with the newer version of my laptop. 200 effective mhz more, and dvd burner built in. So I posted my "old" (6 days old right now) version on Craigslist. Pointed it out to my boss, who's joked about my going through laptops like I go through tea bags. Me: If you want a sad chuckle, see http://www.craigslist.org/sfc/sys/28461815.htmlBoss: OMG Boss: You've got to be fucking kidding me... I doubt I'll sell it, and I will actually be happy with it, but if someone gives me $1400 for it, I'll sell it and order the newer one from J&R.; I'll be out $27 net after rebates, and still get the miles (1677 AA miles, 3355 Continental miles).
I also got this nice lens which may either be a gift for my brother or the first lens for my next camera. Now I have one Canon AF lens and one Nikon AF lens so I can pick my digital semi-agnostically. And I bought a bathroom scale. Just in case I think everything's going well... | Tuesday, April 6th, 2004 | 5:46 pm |
| 5:05 pm |
| Wednesday, March 31st, 2004 | 11:12 pm |
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