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Bastard child of Iggy Pop and Klaus Kinski

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[Dec. 11th, 2003|09:57 am]
So far the three people that have asked me to do their astrology all have Sun square Uranus. The odds against that happening are at least 144 to 1. That makes sense, when you have Sun square Uranus in your natal chart, you know you're different and you are intrigued by unusual ways of looking at the self. Not trying to prove Astrology to anyone, just interesting.
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It ain't bragging [Dec. 9th, 2003|07:32 pm]
...if you've actually done it. Or is it? [info]elitistasshat
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Disney deal [Dec. 8th, 2003|08:26 pm]
Eisner and his hideous 'New Coke' vision of Disney blows. See this page to sign a letter to support Roy E. Disney and the animators against corporate Borg-ism.
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Favorite Lyrics [Dec. 8th, 2003|10:03 am]
One of my favorite features of the internet is the ability to get song lyrics instantly.

So everybody (anybody?) post some favorite lyrics or links thereof.

Here's some of mine:

Elvis Costello - Beyond Belief

Pink Floyd - most everything from the Roger Waters era.

...and I have to hand it to Metallica, though I'm not a huge fan, for "Fuck it all and fucking no regrets." (Damage Inc./Master of Puppets).
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[Dec. 7th, 2003|03:52 pm]
They were all in love with dyin'
They were drinkin' from a fountain
That was pourin' like an avalanche comin' down the mountain
- Butthole Surfers 'Pepper'

"It's going to be a long time until dinner" - husband overheard in a movie theater around 1:30pm

"He's gettin' ready to go again" - parade spectator observing a show horse take a dump in the street
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Long Rant [Dec. 5th, 2003|09:17 am]
Help lj-cut not working. Crap...Okay maybe it is working sort of? Tips are welcome...

I'm in the mood to debate. Someone sent me this email ) and I felt the need to critique it here ). It's long but if you are in the mood to call Right Wingers on their Bullshit or want to debate my position you can give it a look.
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[Dec. 3rd, 2003|06:58 pm]
Moon in Aries today, and so it figures my head is exploding from LJ Overload. There are just too many interesting people around here and it feels like I could spend a lifetime hanging out with any one of you. If anyone wants me to take a look at their astrology or numerology I'd like to do that. Astrology requires birth date, time, and city. Numerology requires full name at birth and birth date. Go ahead and email me for private correspondence Do it soon! Offer may expire.
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Brain drippings [Dec. 2nd, 2003|11:31 pm]
Here's me pontificating in [info]real_philosophy:

The vanity of the mind is exposed in dreams, where in a split second you can forget your life and the world entirely and embrace an utterly impossible reality without being able to even question it or remember any other simply find yourself in a different Universe with different rules. Some Universes make more sense than others, but they are all a little fuzzy around the edges, even when fuzziness looks like clarity.
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More Holidays Please [Dec. 2nd, 2003|05:58 pm]
The holiday season tends to remind me of how pathetic our supply of holidays is here in the US. It seems obvious to me that adding some new holidays (real ones, not the holiday-in-name-only bowlsheet) would not only benefit the average overworked American but would stimulate the economy as people have time to shop and travel and otherwise spend money. So I propose a new holiday, which, in order to bring American wage slaves up to a European level would have to be twelve weeks long. I dunno, we could call it "Global Domination Through Overwhelming Financial and Military Power Days" or "Celebration of Ignorance, Lies, and Blind Greed".

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with Americans? Can someone please explain the "Kmart Republicans"? I mean I can totally see if I inherited a vast fortune and everyone I knew was privileged, I could see getting behind a party that exclusively represents my interests no matter how obviously corrupt...but what does the average middle class employee see in the Republican party? Is it that they identify with the rich and powerful, or that they think the money will 'rub off' on them because they think the same way? It's too easy to assume they are just very, very stupid but what other conclusion makes sense?
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Eye of the beholder. [Nov. 25th, 2003|10:23 am]
[mood | blank]
[music |...we live in a beautiful worrrld]

Well not quite. Do you like my new face? You don't really have much of a choice, it's a completely synthetic face derived from this interesting site.

Feel manipulated? Check these links...
bikini model
celebrities no makeup

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Enough humans yet? [Nov. 21st, 2003|05:42 pm]
I'm trying to develop a more immediate awareness and understanding of the large numbers which describe our reality. This is a map of the current world population (366k jpg). Here are some more links in the population vein.

Nina Paley's awesome cartoon 'The Stork'.

World population Stats.

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement!
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[Nov. 20th, 2003|04:08 pm]
[mood | anxious]
[music |Gnostic Brainwash]

Here's some watercolors and whatnot I did years ago...Gallery

...and a brief musical experiment Gnostic Brainwash

Well, I had a good time making it anyways.

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God, Windows is such a pile of shit [Nov. 19th, 2003|05:38 am]
Too boring to rant about the particulars but Microsoft really has ruined all of our lives. Which leads me to something I can rant about if I can formulate it in my confused state. Microsoft is a good example of something I think is at the core of what is the undoing of our civilization.

In school it seemed to me that the effect of the sameness of the textbooks, teachers, and testing had the reverse effect of the supposed intent of public school. By this I mean it serves as kind of an inoculation against education by fostering instead of an appreciation for different intellectual skills (forget emotional, spiritual, and moral development altogether...), you get people conditioned to react to a particular type of standardized testing regimen in the spirit of competition and status-seeking. As a byproduct, the content of the supposedly relevant material becomes de-emphasized as all academic subjects become the despised rat mazes which stand between you and your cheese (=grades = career = money = success). This of course carries over into the workplace as the actual productive effort you generate becomes means to an end (paycheck, promotion) and we all get very good at making ourselves appear busy and important for each other. To me it's like a kind of interpersonal cirrhosis of the culture, where vital organs of human depth and beauty perfected over millions of years are transformed into useless tissue for the privilege of earning your place as a 21st century commodity drone. The money acts as a mathmatical formula, a primitive one at that (more=better, less=unacceptable), which is rapidly extinguishing all forms of culture world wide.

Microsoft is what this looks like on the macro scale. A company whose chief excellence lies in it's ability to put it's competitors out of business by selling crappy imitations of those other companies' products and by leveraging monopoly power over the marketplace. But Microsoft is only one obvious example. The fallout from this over-achieving marketing ethos and massive population growth is that human beings are reduced to a collection of commoditized identity packets. We are becoming digitized. No longer is a person defined by the unique character they develop but rather by their not-so-unique selection of multiple choice lifestyle/attitude selections. We have become miniature markets, which although we buy instead of sell, we are still obligated to stock ourselves with a variety of mass produced, off-the-shelf opinions and allegiances. We are expected to adopt the vocabulary of our chosen group identification vis a vis the media. To be cool, you must incorporate juveno-ebonic slang into your speech, dress and attitude. To be taken seriously, you must adopt the style and cadence of a corporate lawyer.

It is interesting to me that this type of mass depersonalization or mass distribution of manufactured personality fragments - absolutely typified in my mind by the kind of on-line quizzes that LJ is infested with - can be correlated with the outer planetary astrological transits of Uranus and Neptune through Aquarius. Aquarius opposes Leo, the individual personality and charisma which means that it deals in the same types of themes - popularity, attention, self-expression, however it is turned inside out so that the charismatic content (Leo) is exploded into a technological distributive network (Uranus, Aquarius: internet, television, cell phones) such that every suburban kid in middle America can imagine he is in some way like a rapper or a professional athlete or whatever.

But all this is not new to me, what IS new, and I don't know if this is just aging on my part or if I am 'surfing the tao-geist' on this, but what is new is that for the first time I am questioning if, when you boil it all down, we are really any more that the sum total of the detritus we happen to accumulate over the course of our lives. Are we becoming only where we live? And if so, is the internet freeing us from that or merely extrapolating on it?
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Open challenge [Nov. 17th, 2003|09:07 pm]
I have this rather grandiose idea that I would like to put out there. It seems so basic that I can't believe it isn't brought up in childhood and whenever I bring it up nobody seems to have a very convincing argument against it. So here it is. 'Life' is the 'fifth dimension'.

I know it sounds stupid, but to me, if the fourth dimension is 'time' by virtue of time superseding and 'encapsulating' or at least modifying space (a 3D object composed of matter and potential energy can exist but cannot move unless a fourth dimension of time is invoked). In a similar way time cannot be 'experienced' as an objective reality except by a living organism. Although time remains the largest set of physical vectors in absolute terms, each living organism has it's own idiosyncratic set of experiences, it's own unique set of time, space, matter, and energy coordinates. All of those miniature universes - bubbles of 'time within time' constitute a greater set of infinity than strictly inorganic unconscious time.

Once you have the fifth dimension as life, well it's a short leap to see how higher dimensions of beauty, truth, value, and compassion can arise as a sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth dimension (which can be seen to correlate with principles of Numerology). So someone please tell me why this isn't or can't be true. I'm talking about dimensions of reality we can all experience directly, not quantum physics and superstrings.
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links [Nov. 17th, 2003|03:46 pm]
Surreal torture in modern art cells
This is Your Story - The Progressive Story of America. Pass It On. By Bill Moyers
Harper’s Weekly Review
Critique of Adam Bellow’s book In Praise of Nepotism
Check out Lindisfarne Gospels and The Sherborne Missal
Way too much semiotics
The Elite Consensus: When Corporations Wield the Constitution
Kurt Vonnegut
The collection currently contains 828 books and 1155 short stories by 215 authors
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Microphone check, one two, one two [Nov. 17th, 2003|03:26 pm]
[mood |slightly overwhelmed]
[music |my own scrambled mind]

A Very Brief (but still not brief enough) History of Time

If there was a time machine that could rewind one century of history per
second and you started this rewind at 12:00:00 noon on Jan 1, 2003:

You could expect to see the Wright brothers fly at 12:00:01.
During the next second your grandparents grandparents maybe lived in the Civil War era, and their great grandparents lived when Thomas Jefferson took office as third US President.

In three more seconds Mozart, Bach, Isaac Newton, Shakespeare, Descartes,
Galileo, Martin Luther, Henry VIII, Copernicus, DaVinci, Michelangelo live and
Columbus explores the new world...

The Dark Ages last about 9 or 10 seconds during which there are lots of religious wars and death. Highlights include the Black Death, which wipes out a third of Europe(1347-1349) and the Crusades. There are Byzantines, Normans, Franks, Turks, Mongols, Huns, Goths,Vandals, etc invading and migrating.

Between 16 and 28 seconds you would witness the fall and rise of "Classical" civilization (Iron Age) including the lives of both JC's (Julius and Jesus), Alexander the Great, Confucius, Plato, Socrates, Buddha, Pythagoras, Isaiah, Zoroaster, and Homer.

After 12 more seconds of rewinding through the Bronze Age, Stonehenge is built
about 2000 BCE or 12:00:40 ITM (Igferatu's Time Machine). Rewinding five or six more
seconds the first pyramids are built in Egypt.You could say that all of civilization dating back to the dawn of agriculture (Neolithic period) would pass in under two minutes (11,000 years).

Between 12:05:00 and 12:06:00 modern Homo Sapiens replace the Neandertals
in Europe. At 12:20:00 Homo Sapiens leave Africa and begin to spread throughout the
world. Homo Sapiens and Neandertals appear at 12:33:19 ITM towards the end of the
last ice age (Upper Paleolithic)*
*According to the mitochondrial DNA geeks "Eve" is born around this time
in Africa.

There is a lot of controversy over what happens during the next seven ITM hours (2.5 million years), what did Homo do and when and where did they do it...that sort of thing. It is thought that at 1:23:17 ITM Hominids began using fire, and at 2:46:12 the first stone tools appear, and by 5:30 or 6pm the first wave of hominids (not H. Sapiens mind you) leave Africa but fail to survive a half dozen or so ice ages of various duration.

By 11:00 pm ITM, our earliest hominid ancestor (four million year old Austalopithicus Anamensis, recently discovered) first walks on two legs, probably adapting to the climactic changes which transformed the African forest to open-plain savannah. Sometime between 2:00 am and 12:00:00 Noon January 2, 2003 ITM our distant relatives diverged from a common primate ancestor which we share with the Chimpanzee.

You would need to rewind for about eight days to get back to the demise of the dinosaurs (65 million yrs ago) who would dominate the Earth for two more ITM weeks. Within the ITM month of January you would see the first flowers, birds, reptiles, fish, and forests develop.

By 8:00 AM February 20th (435 mya), you would pass the point beyond which no creature yet walked on land.On March 8 the Cambrian 'explosion' (first proliferation of fossils - think trilobites) is the last interesting thing for an entire Pre-Cambrian ITM year until January 17,2004 - the dawn of life on Earth (about 4 billion years ago). That's 3.4 billion out of 4 billion years of life where living things might have only consisted of algae and such in the ocean.*
*If there were any other complex living organisms they were pretty squishy
and didn't leave much behind.

The Earth itself formed only another 600 million years earlier, some time in say June 2004 ITM The Sun is estimated to be 4.76 billion years old, putting it at one ITM
week after the Earth.*
*however most of the atoms Earth is made of must have been forged
beforehand in other larger stars and supernovas.

To get to the big bang you'd have to wait in the time machine until atleast 2007...14 billion years ago.

Enjoy the rest of your fraction of a second!

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