:: E N T R I E S :: :: F I E N D S :: :: A R C H I V E S :: :: U S E R . D A T A :: :: M A U S O L E A :: :: R E V E R S E  :: :: R E V E R S E ::
:: P R O F I L E ::
::S C A R E C R O W::
Name: ::S C A R E C R O W::
:: N A V I G A T I O N ::
:: A R C H I V E S ::
Back February 2004
:: S T A T E M E N T ::

:: I . AM . SCARECROW ::

:: B O R N ::
Atlanta, Georgia unfortunately (too many damned southern, ignorant, stupid, back woods, mother fuckers!!!)

:: S T A T S ::
6' 2" TALL
215 LBS

:: H E R I T A G E ::
Cherokee, Black Foot, Irish, Black Irish(the true Irish before the fucking Vikings raped & plundered Ireland), possibly some Scott,in other words A FUCKEN MUTT!

:: L O V E ::
Other than my wife, CreepiGurl, I love my TRUE friends, my 72 Cadi.hearse, my caskets, my dark, twisted, chaotic, loving and strangely humorous nature, my animals and, sadly, my material possessions: C.D's, electronics, toys, ETC.

:: H A T E ::
ignorance, stupidity, narrow minded, pigheaded, bullshit, redneck, homie g, white trash, slack ass, bum, back stabbing, racist, sorry piece of shit motherfuckers,(including some family members. THEIR IS NO LOVE FOR YOU HERE! (See also: CreepiGurl Loathes)

:: S T A T E M E N T ::
I hate society in general, but I love my CREEPIGURL!
I can get along with some people in this fucked up, two-faced, hypocritical, back stabbing, testosterone driven world.
I give flat line -0- respect, it's up to the individual to earn or lose it from me. So don't come typing shit here and start shit with me! I am very opinionated, strong willed and callus, so don't get pissed if I offend anybody. I have plenty of mental ammo and I don't want to have to use it. I get along with smart, upfront, people who like to live their dreams and chase their goals. I can give pretty good advice on life's trials and bullshit. I have experienced a good bit in this life so far, both good and bad, and I have caused a lot of shit as well. So if your looking for a friend cool, but don't fuck with me!

~C'est La Vie!~

Now on with the show...

:: L O V E ::

:: C O M M U N I C A T I O N ::
send a text message
to my cell phone


(max 135 characters
type until it stops you)

script by creepi
:: H I T . C O U N T E R ::
:: W E A T H E R ::
:: L O G . I N ::
:: U S E R N A M E ::
:: P A S S W O R D ::

::e x p i r a t i o n ::

:: b i n d . t o . I P . a d d y ::

:: © 2004 SCARECROW ::
::S C A R E C R O W::
Mr. Jo Clark to you!
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I was very young when I first heard of him and I had no idea of what or who my grandmother was talking about. She talked often about him and his music. The memory of him must have stuck because when I saw one of his videos in '91, I recognized him for who he was. Grandma had a bit of influence on me, I guess. I knew then that he was a damn good musician and a cool motherfucker! Bridging the gap between folk, blues, country and alternative with his Dark edge was genius. I never got to meet him, He was one that I did want to meet. I guess grandma is hanging with him now.

JOHNNY CASH 1932 - 2003

:: M O O D ::: gloomy

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I have been waiting for at least 10 or maybe more for this one. Never saw the other ones until they hit TV . But I had to see this one the first chance I could get ! It is FUCKING KICK ASS ! FUCK al the action, fight movies that have been played for the past ten years cause there is nothing like ASS KICKING, HEAD POUNDING, THROW WHAT THE FUCK EVER YOU CAN GET YOUR HANDS OWN AND SLICE EACH OTHER TO FUCKING PIECES BETWEEN TWO BADASS DEAD MOTHERFUCKERS ! Fuck waiting for the video. Go see it now ! Ha ha , Anybody like pinball ? Go see the flick and get the joke.~ Now time to get some grub, Blood fest made me a bit hungry ! Oh yea ! There is lot's of blood in this one. More than ever.

:: M O O D ::: amused
:: S O U N D S ::: crickets and assorted night time bugs

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Just posting to say Hi to all you crackheads out there. I am alive, Just not posting. I guess I had to take a chill from the computer, Unhook from the alternate world. O and lots of cleaning and Shit has been going on. CREEPI has been posting about it i'm sure. House is in good shape for now. Now I am going to rip my room apart and clean the shit out of it, have my rug cleaned pro like and ad another stereo to the mix so that the sound is more full and pounding the Shit out of the house. Actually one receiver is down so I will have to have it looked at or get another to replace it. I am running two usually and I am adding a third. I need to build some new speakers and maybe retire my Altecs or just plan to run them in the building I want to build it the back yard. Kinda wished I kept the B & W 's for my room, But they are doing well on CREEPI's stereo in the living room. Need to get a better receivers for in there though! Any Fucking Way! Later People.

:: M O O D ::: tired
:: S O U N D S ::: the fan

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Anyone interested in catching the 9:10 showing of Pirates at Hollywood 24?
Possibly sushi before the show?

deleted this post in error ~ posted it in the wrong place. sorry Moz
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The ZOO was great ! I love what they have done to it in the past 10 years. And it was fun to be with the Freaks that went. need more outings like that, But less heat and more energy.

:: M O O D ::: chipper
:: S O U N D S ::: Fans blowing

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I am a ghetto kitty.
What's your cat personality?
brought to you by Quizilla

:: M O O D ::: tired