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Me likey Final Fantasy...Duh, huh... [19 Jun 2002|05:04am]

What 8-Bit Theatre
character are you?
at LeetAssQuotes.

*Scratches head*
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Neat! [31 May 2002|10:48am]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | n/a ]

href="" target="_blank">
:: how jedi are you? ::

I forsaw this.

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Three Brothers [14 May 2002|02:20pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Computer buzz ]

Just wanted to show off my new used pic.
I made it myself.
Ain't it cool?

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Testy [10 May 2002|11:01pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | And One - Take Some More ]

Which Star Wars character are you?

"Concentrate on the momment..."
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......... [07 May 2002|09:15pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Take the Which Cartoon Character on Drugs are you? quiz, by ProtocolDroid.

"Bring it around town!"
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Star Wars survey [07 May 2002|12:48pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | VNV Nation - Joy ]

? Favourite Jedi: Luke Skywalker
? Favourite Sith Lord: Darth Vader
? Favourite Jedi Master: Yoda
? Favourite lightsabre duel: Darth vs. Luke - Duel on the Deathstar II (ROTJ)
? Favourite droid: IG-88
? Favourite planet: Kessel
? Favourite lightsabre colour: Red
? Favourite visual effect: the Deathstar destroying Rebel capital ships (ROTJ)
? Least favourite visual effect: CGI overkill in the new films (I miss the puppets)
? Favourite bounty hunter: Dengar
? How many times did you see The Phantom Menace in the theatre? Twice
? Favourite use of The Force: Influence mind
? Favourite sequence of A New Hope: Darth vs. Obi-Wan
? Favourite sequence of The Empire Strikes Back: Escape in the asteroids scene
? Favourite sequence of Return of the Jedi: Battle of Endor (Above Endor)
? Favourite sequence of The Phantom Menace: End Credits (Hehe)
? Least favourite casting decision: Ahmed Best
? Which Star Wars film did you see first? A New Hope
? How old were you? 5
? Do you own any Star Wars action figures? Yes
? If so, which ones? To many to name (But my favorite is Darth Vader w/removeable helmet)
? Have you ever dressed up like a Star Wars character when lining up for a Star Wars film? No
? Do you hate Jar Jar? Hate's a pretty strong word. Yes!
? Have you ever angrily corrected someone for getting Star Wars trivia wrong? I do corrected people but not angrily.
? Do you have a log-in for Yes
? Are you a Star Wars geek? Star Wars geek am I

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Yup [18 Apr 2002|04:56pm]
This is my first post.
Not much to say.
Not much going on.
Wait a minute!
I don't belive in the concept of nothing.
There's always something going on.
You never have nothing going on.
You could be sitting there in a chair staring at the wall for hours & a friend calls you.
Your friend asks "Whats going on?"
You reply "Nothing."
You lie!!!!'
Your sitting there in a chair staring at the wall.
Now your talking on the phone with your friend.
In every instance of life there is always something.
Phisicaly, emotionaly, theres always something there.
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