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User:sparkofcreation (200230) Paid User sparkofcreation
I will dance so freely, holding on to no one
You can hold me only if you too will fall away from all these useless fears ...
Name:Keeper of the Flame
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:Highland Park, New Jersey, United States
AOL IM:AIM status vuelodemariposas (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status bluebutterfliesgirl (Add User, Send Message)
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Bio:I am a 26-year-old court interpreter, living in an idyllic small town in liberal New Jersey with my husband, our housemate, and our cat, who unfortunately came in 18th in the last Presidential election, but diligently continues to protect us from the invisible things under the couch, anyway. I have blondish-reddish-brown hair, green eyes, a Saturn Ion and a serious caffeine addiction. I also have a BA, an MA, two jobs, two parents, a 20-year-old sister and the landlord from Hell. I register Independent, lean Democratic but am a moderate, go to a Unitarian Universalist church, and wear glasses only under duress. I believe in one noncorporeal omnipotent and omniscient God, gay marriage, nationalized health insurance and public education. I do not believe in the Trinity, Affirmative Action, factory farming or low-carb diets. I can speak Spanish and remember extraordinarily minute trivia. I cannot sing. My favorite color is blue, favorite book is The Fountainhead, favorite TV show is "Crossing Jordan," favorite food is baked ziti, favorite musicals are Children of Eden and Chess, favorite Spanish author is Isabel Allende and favorite Spanish word is logorrea. My obsessions of the moment are checking on my husband's immigration status (he's from Scotland), Wikipedia, playing Zuma, watching Jeopardy!, stressing about various eye-related problems, sushi and trying desperately to understand the results of the last election.

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The WeatherPixie
Newark, NJ, USA
Memories:255 entries
Pictures:4 public
Interests:146: american sign language, art museums, ask carolyn, asl, ayn rand, ballroom dance, barenaked ladies, barnes and noble, billy joel, books, bruce springsteen, butterflies, calico cats, camping, carolyn hax, catalan, català, cats, charcoal, chess, children of eden, chocolate, coffee, comparative religion, counting crows, court interpretation, court interpreting, crossing jordan, dancing, dictionaries, disney, dogs, drawing, driving, e. e. cummings, ecuador, epcot, espana, espanol, españa, español, eve, figment, florida, foreign languages, garden of eden, harry potter, hermione granger, highland park, hiking, ice cream, immigration, impressionism, indian food, indigo girls, international politics, interpretación, interpretación judicial, interpretation, interpreting, ions, isabel allende, jostein gaarder, journey into imagination, julio cortazar, karma, la ley del amor, languages, law, law and order, lilith, lima beans, literary translation, lost in translation, madeleine l'engle, medical interpretation, melissa etheridge, michelle branch, mickey mouse, monet, muppets, museums, musicals, new jersey, new york city, newsies, orlando, pablo neruda, pantheism, paul simon, peace, pescatarianism, pickles, psychology, reading, reincarnation, religion, renoir, ricardo arjona, rollerblading, russian, rutgers, rutgers university, saturn ions, saturns, scotland, sigur rós, simon and garfunkel, sleep, sophie's world, spain, spanish, spirituality, spring, springsteen, summer, sushi, tea, tell me about it, the fall, the fountainhead, theater, theatre, theology, to kill a mockingbird, tori amos, traducción, translating, translation, trivia, unitarian universalism, unitarian universalist, unitarianism, universalism, valencia, vegetarianism, virginia, walt disney world, watercolors, what dreams may come, william & mary, william and mary, williamsburg, world peace, writing, ziti. [Modify yours]
People39:albinomare, annis39, babagannoush, batteur, bronaghbainin, carkeysimp, clannadlvr, cleodhna, cyph0r, delirium9, euphistic19, falloweklesia, flying_jonhijke, gaudium_et_spes, itchyfidget, kassidynet, ladymakaria, milamber234, misplacedmind, mmaestro, nadialena, nandan, neorxnawang, nephthys224, nonelf, palliddreamer, pne, sereneth, sovereigna, sparkofcreation, spikyporcupines, sweflo, thebirdwoman, therbee, trillian52, walneto, wingsrising, wmelephant, wrekehavoc
Communities21:badtranslations, brits_americans, catalan, central_jersey, crossingjordan, immigration, interlingual, linguaphiles, lj_espanol, lj_translate, m15m, news, nj_dining, paidmembers, pottercat, religious, rutgers, sacred_muse, setlang, unitarians, uuyoungadults
Feeds12:abirdseyeview, bbcfrontpage, gorak_jt, itchyphlog, languagelog, nonsquitor_feed, officialgaiman, preachermanfeed, savagelove, sinfestfeed, skington_mt, snopesrecentadd
Mutual Friends:38: albinomare, annis39, babagannoush, batteur, bronaghbainin, carkeysimp, clannadlvr, cyph0r, delirium9, euphistic19, falloweklesia, flying_jonhijke, gaudium_et_spes, itchyfidget, kassidynet, ladymakaria, milamber234, misplacedmind, mmaestro, nadialena, nandan, neorxnawang, nephthys224, nonelf, palliddreamer, pne, sereneth, sovereigna, sparkofcreation, spikyporcupines, sweflo, thebirdwoman, therbee, trillian52, walneto, wingsrising, wmelephant, wrekehavoc
Also Friend of:20: aliki, amuzulo, ariana, avidin, barbell, diconscious, gorak, ipsedixitism, klextar, ladyteal, midnightrain, narcichrissy, nobuaki, roma_ann, signal11, squodge, sterlingsylver, theshiversbaby, treybo, wounded_galaxy
Member of:35: alphabet_soup, ballroom_dance, birthcontrol, brits_americans, catalan, central_jersey, challenging_god, christianity, crossingjordan, disneyworld, fenix_en_llamas, hogwarts_grads, immigration, interfaith, interlingual, jersey_turnpike, linguaphiles, lj_espanol, lj_translate, ljtranslators, nj_dining, nonduality, paidmembers, pottercat, religious, rutgers, sacred_muse, sane_potter, seasonale, setlang, unitarians, uuyoungadults, vaginapagina, vegetarian, william_mary
Account type:Paid Account

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